HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 2000-10-23 ", . ' . ~''-...,.I.. ~ DUPLICATE RECEIPT DUPLltm RECEIPT . , ----------------------------------~------ ---------------------------------------- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFIH SIREET SPRINGFIELD. DR 97477 (541)726-3753 ========================~==========~~=== WELCOHE TO DEUELOPHENl SERVICES AND PUBLIC WORKS ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- REG-RECEIPT:Ol-0003562 C:OCT 23 2000 CASHIER 10:001 11 :35 am A:DCI 23 2000 - ------------- ..------ - ------------------ -------~--------- ---- -~._---- - - - - -------- 1065,BANNER/BLIMPS JDB#:OO-OOOOO-OO 1049 DEPOSIT (BLDG) JDB#:OO-OOOOO-OO $40.00 $100.00 TOTAl. DUE RECEIVED FROM: JEFF CICHOSZ CASH: $140.00 $140.00 TOT AL TENDERED $140.00 CHANGE DUE $0.00 -------------------~-------------------- ---------------------------------------- 'Pay Name :JEFF CICHDSZ ',Mail Addr :5755 MAIN STREET *cty/St/Z :SPRINGFIELD DREGOI~ 97478 . *S1te Addr : ALBERTSOil' S -~-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- \ ==:=---=============,,==================== ,: TtjANK, VOI~! ! ! ! ! ! , ------~--------------_._---------------- ---------------------------------------- DUPl.ICATE RECEIPT DUPLJCATERECEIPT O,f-yiJ-oo lO:45A _ ~N', :r6~{- . P.Ol SPRINGFIELD TRANS#:01-0003562 DATE:OCT 23 2000 .00 E: ??5 PIFWlS/IlIlIfR fOOl SPRINCI-IELO. OR 9/4// (541) 726.375~1 /-AX (51/) 12G.3li89 UANNER PERMIT COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION 225 Fifth Strw Springfield, Oreg\ln Q7477 omc", 726.3753 INSPECTION I.INF.: 72f,..17{,9 Uanner' Location: C:;/C;C; VY\Al,..l /'7 -0'1..- -; Y Lf4- p.y{3~Sol'ij bOL '20 ~~ Ass~s:mr~ MM.p H: Tax Lot ~()I Owner of Property: ~,O , BOlc:,t; ! C7J'( ., Address: Phone #: f4t2/~~~. "6'?/'2.-h City: rJ)A'11\) Sel.f State:~ Zip: COltl raclor/lnstaller: Arlrtt'es~: Phonr #: City: State: Zip: Construction Con'raclors Registration NumLlcr: F.\:pires: Dcsr ripllon: Dote of In!lltnllatinn: 10-;).'-\-00 Dale or Rcmov"l: I \-~ -:00 L1anner Permit ree S40.00 Dcposit Required $100.00 By .!Iignature, 1 state ami agree thl:l.t J hl:l.vl: cmcrully completeu this application alh.1 hereby celtify thm all infonnation herein j", tme and correct. 1 further agree anu understand that the above described banner (s) is not larger th3n (,0 !'lquare feet, and will he removed within 14 day~ from the date listed iJhtlve. Jflht.: bl;\nner(s) if, not removed within the timeline ~peeified, I will forfeit the $100.00 deposit. f also undersliJnd th~11 lhi~ ~pt.:t.;ii.l1 pelmit can he i~~\Jed on ly t\vice per c~lendar year per development 3rea. I also agree to call1hl' inspct.:tion lille al 7'2(;-:';7(iQ hy the end of the 14th day to reque~l an inspection 10 verify the removal ot"thc b~\Ont.:r(s). Thi~ illSplJ(liurt will hegm the rrnc:e;;c, tn relum the $1 oo.on dcpo~it if the nanncr(s) has h<<.:cn rcmovcu. """." ~1 J-e.-Ff C\&oS;;' 5:\w<- W\o,~~~e.v- J()"-lA~ U,'I(C --.--- O~.__ ______ ._... .... ..~.__.______ .___ __... ................. u u .... u ........... n... no... _... ...... __ _ .___._ ___.__. __ _.____.. ___ ______ OFFICE I]SF. Dull: of Appliculion: Jllh #: RXCl:ipt If: _. I'SlIed I\y: AmulInt Collected: