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Permit Signage 2000-10-24
"- A....~~,~{- ~ / (,~"oj · 0' P.Ol " , '<0-00 lO:45A ,/ UANNER I'ERMIT COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION TRANS#:Ol-0003562 DATE:OCT 23 2000 .00 E: ;>;>5 FJF&lgllllJ:~r\ fOOl SPRINCflELD. OR 9/4// (!J.J 1) 726.3i5,1 /-AX (511) 126.:J1iii9 22.5 Fifth Strcl."! Springfield. ()rcg'ln 117:177 Ol1ic,": 726"3753 fNSPF.CTION J,fNF.: 72/;.,171;9 AS!ol~!oI,mr~ Mlip H Tal LOI ~() I Uonn" LOWi"n: '" C;',C;C; VY\A ,,.J II -o?-- '1,'2,...-*+ Owner of Pro perly: P-k l1&j2...f ':>J1'i.J C,O. bOL ~ [)O!5&:_tbA11L____ self ~,:::;r J Y7Y , H"'"__H_ -----6vI-).-- Phone #: 1, Y (7-/ l><;'3" "6?7~b UAt1v Zip: Address: City: St;1tC: I COllt nh'lorllll~t.lllcr: Arlr1l'(,s~: I'I10no #: Cir~l: St:Jtc: Zip: . Conslructioll ConlrRr.fors R.cgislrfltion NlIll1l.1cr: Expires Dcsrripllon: nDte nf In:'ltoll:ttion: )\'o~J.'4.~"crA~~' ," "- Dale of Rcmo\'.1: ( 11-;;>- ~qo I URlIner l'ermil ree ~40.00 nepo'it Required $100.011 By ~ignatun. I sl;ttt.~ and ;tgr~~ thai I huvc c.urcfully (;Orllpll,;ICU thb application (lnd hereby celtify th;'ll all ;nfonnatinn herein j" mJe imd cnnect. 1 further l:l.grce anti untlcrst:,md that lhe ahuve tlesl:rihcd b~nl\t:r (5) is nOl l:trgcr than fiO "qUi1rc fccc, and will he removed within 14 dilY~ from the date listed ahnvc, Irtht.: bunncr(::i) i~ not removed wilhin the timeline specified, 1 will forfeit the $100.00 tJCpOSlt. r also unol.:r:slamJ t1J;.1llhi~ ::ipCl",iill pem'lt can he i-;'\lJec nllly twice per c31endar year per development area, I al."Cl agree W l:alllhl' in:ipl:l:lion lirl~~ ill 7:!(;-:nfiQ hy the ellli nf the 1.1111 day tn request an Impectinn In verify the removal of the b:mncr(s.), Thi::. inSpl.:\'liufI wlll h{'g11llhe rl'l1cr,o;, In :ellJllllhe .~1(1I") nn dtpn.;it ift!ll.: hanner's) h:J~ hl.:cr. n.:mo\"n.:, "~"""(:iWl Jeff C\dlOS~ 5W<-- Vhc>",~~eY L>cHc J 0 -l.-S4fb . ~- --. .---- ----. - ---.. --. 0 "_.__0_____. _. n ___. o. ...._... _.....~ n.. __ u _" ... _.. u..... _.... _.... ~_.... __.. __.. _ _ _. __ ____ _____. __ ______._. OFFICE (JSF. DUle ur Appli":(lliun: .Ioh It: Receipt ff: _. , '''$\1ed Ily: Al11Ulmt Collected: . -< ');'/ . ):20-00 10: 45A ,,'.~' . ~JO\\J~\./O\ ~\C\1o P.02 .' :..- ".I'IIINt.. 11' I' TRANS#:Ol-0003564 ')~ ') 0 o IMNNER J'EIlMIT COMMUNITY SEllYICF.S J)IYISION 1 (.r..1 II ::.'ti ://.'.:: I A\: I~I.II,' /;.'I.i :./liH'I 225 Fif\h Streel Springfield, Oregon 97477 uni"": 721,.)753 INSPECTIUN LINE: 726.)7(,9 BAllner Lncntioll: _ ~~~ o~"\..J-_ 5\)r'~"" 1,(..'0. CJ~ A"ses5ors Mon #:_.. \j~. Uwner of !'roperty: ,---,"\l.- \N G <"v~ ~)" \'^U:-C~ \c4 <=1.1'1/7 z.6 ' ..... Tnx LOI -11 O~ t~~/I)l.l AddreS!: Cily: _. -~",\.~~\~'. DR ContraclurllnSlnUer: h~ S'"te: ,QK... S"'('.-Q~(;\__ Phon"~-'SY 1.7.s 7':- J.. 7Cj~ ,_Zip: Address: !'hune 1/:..3LJ L.::.~LU . CUy: __ SlnlC: Con'Stnlctlon clln".f1("fo;~~nl'~i"ll'ntioll NlIl;;I:~;::f.;j~,.~ 2lf 3:' 7.ip:_u. \l.. ,,- ,---"", J.. \,,,, <.-L.- ""'v- ",-,,-'* F\:pirc'.\ --_. <:'0"'+. . ' ,n.i i,ll'I' ,~, , I." Uc,srripllnn: Onle or In."lullnlioll: ... ID-:- L4 c01.J c. ' j--- ".--" --.-. I Dote 01 Ilelllo.al:'" \ L- L. ~ U,nner !'erlllit Fee $40.00 Oepos;t Ilc4uin'd $1110.00 lly sicnnturC'. I st:Jte DUel Agree Ihal r have (';iIferully COmpleled thi,o; apl)licatiun and hereby t.:ntiry thill :\11 informafion hcn~in ;c; t1'le nnd correct. I fllrthn agree and ulltlcrstilnd Ihtll tlH: anovc d~scr illCt..I nanncr (s) is 1I0l largeI' thn/l 60 square feel, ..!nU will be removed wirhitl 1-1 duys from the u~llc li."ifed "bovt.:. Jfthc hallller(s) is not removed wilhin lht.: limeline spct.:iliell, I \ViII forleit the:G I 00,00 lIl'pClsil. I also Uflt.kr:;I:lllO rhill Ihis spL:ci;II permit c:Jn be issuell only twiet:: per calcnd"r yeiH per I.kvelo[)lllt:1ll ~lrC;I. I also IlpCC 10 l:.lIl rht"_ iIlSpl'(:lion line ill 726.37(,9 hy Ihe cull oCtile 111h uay (0 reqIJe51 all inspecrit)llllJ verify (he 1't':lIluv;1I (\f the h,lrl'\t:f(~), This jn~pc({iOll will begin rhe rL1t:css 10 rerurn the $1 ()f),(Il) dl.'.po.';il if {he bilrlllcr(s,l l1a'; heerl rL'l:loVL'(! /O-2J_Od .--.-.... J l;\le -..- .-.. -. -..... -.... u uu", ..-. ....__ .on____. ..... __.. o. h_. _. 0.., .~__._ ..u... 0 0 0.... _. __.. 0 0.' __._" .. _. _." _ ....... __ ._. __ n._.. OFf-irE I)S~ n,ltc uf Applic.1tion: J(d~ II: 1\1.'t't-ifH 11: '''ued By: _. Amount r o\'l~c'\;d: .