HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-6-20 r .. . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment .. Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541~ 726-3769.lnspe~tion!hine,:u" ,,<, ;L_ ~,I, ,.. IIj.)('"_ 'Irlnntprl h" I'hr~ Or:>(J(HI ! Iii: '" PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00152 6/20/2003 6/19/2003 12/20/2003 ,ill II,,; III SITE 'ADDRESS':") f1S'75S"'MAiN:ST Springfield ! it I:',:: !,,", pf' 1-\1U1f! I:-O:l',!' ,1"\, on,:-'" NOTICE: TYPE OF WORK: New ASSESSOR'S PAR8EL.NO.: -i 1702334400800, , . W". ,." '''' """; - ". .:' -' - '...Hd . THIS PERMIT SHALL~f\l~ WSlfIE wl9.QRlmerclal , ,"!I'v i'l '''r'nlrr" If' ,'la: 1,,[" \eICOr,m;r. ^"Tl.IO<>'7cn ,,,,,,en. THIS PERMIT IS NO rf.~~lr~T PE~~RIPTIPRi:rJtii~~?'."r~~~&~~IT. Power P~I~~ ~?~:!~~~~~~t~~O.Sl..... ..ro.~.,...... ......;- T ,,-~,"" . ....1/.' ..........".....,....,....., VII IV r\UIU1UV"L.LI I \..ill OWNER/APPLICANT: - ,. ANY ~.E~1J~IJ?~~.CONTRACTOR: JOSEPH AARON BUNCH 2525 WILLONA DR EUGENE OR 97408 CCB # 145024 Expiration Date: 11/12/2004 ALBERTSONS INC #574 A TIN: PERSONAL PROP TAX DE BOISE ID 83726 541-345-9808 Descriotion Amount Paid Dale Paid Receiot Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% Stale Surcharge Temp Power 200 amps or less 10.00 7.00 100.00 06/20/2003 06/20/2003 0612012003 2200200000000001100 2200200000000001100 2200200000000001100 To Requesl an inspection call1he 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Reouired Insoections: 1 Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. By Signature. I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is Irue and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and Ihe laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further ce i that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I furtber agree t len ure that 111 quired inspections a e requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, and that I e pproved set f PIa~s' pplicable ill remain on the site at all times during conslruction. tU..t~' _ ("/ - ~ ner or ontractors Stgna re Dale Page" 1 of I ~_....' '" las submitted has the following I require specific land use 225 FIFTH STREET' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . F~p~I726-3689 C c..-- ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION lo In r..?.. z~nl'u~ r City Job Number f.(!( ~r:lLDate 0 \~ O()0 Date '" ~ ,~ r:..:\IW'i~t"'~'_,~~'r;f;-:,~:..'t;;t:<~7(>..;.'trt:'il~:.' '!'!"'i~;::"~'~':':';'-"J1i~~_[" ~~"'~-'-""",~;:~!';"',"r:r.r~:~~J~.?r~~~2",-~~~J;!.~"t.!;I!~i.~'~ ''>' '1;Wi'~:;,-~\"m-"r~~~{i'f.7"'~ 1. ttL,9""q.fH9!";Pk{l)';~l~~r!.gJX;!li~~~~ 3. tE2!'JF:U:TE.:f!Hr~,clJf,D(rr,IL#l~7.,;.9,.j~~~~;\)t.;;C:~\)i~~1&l ~f)7J~ ffill1D S\-ffrL LEGAL DESCRIPTION A. r~~~~~~;'~;fJ~~~;~~!f\~~ni~!~J1~IlJ~~~~1iii~ \...., l) ry..:;?:f\4 rJ..JW() Service Included JOB DESCPJPTlON 1000 sq. ft. or less $106.00 'l. ~N\() \)o\e~ ~t" 11 ll~~7:nd~~~~~~1500Sq. ft.or $19.00 Permit, are non~ransferable and expire if work is ~Each Manufact'd Home or ' not starled wilhin 180 days of issuance,or'if-work is ' Modular Dwelling Service or $50.00 Suspedded for.:180~da~s.pt~d bY the Or dgOIl uti, ., Feeder IUIlUV\I I\.I.......::.......~... v.~'\i~:)l.r;J~r,~~:o'rUi-!t-eP':1:i1~~r~~;Mi\~:5'e-;~~1 g;::~7 ;rt, ,'V,; _~ . ,r~.::''::7-::~:::(::.:':-"::',i~ ',_'.'--":p" _ .'." ~'(.':, ,1~'" 2. ~~~&Jf~~;t~Ml'!:f~~if11'{lL~. B. !L~_ff:~j~.~~~'o~~lte:~t~t:~:~;l1;~}!~~~9~;~~~!~t~J!Op.~![. R~~.~~~.~~2. \:J EI ','.f1lj"C: v"" m,1II c.-()5-~'~;"p~t~('~MI'-(lJ&~T. 20<t!'@iji'I>~te i3 O~ ectnca ontractor ~ ".. ~V(..,_ ",P-.,h_ _ 6 i)\9f 5S r- . c,~lIinf1 th'J C",nu.. I"V.;:.....- .--- '". ,~ . . EXPlk" -Fh: Oh" , ~~ ',iJr"l~ Ornr.r'ln' !"Jil~",,,t.H:C2tl ; 201~mpS:I5.~OOILllpsi\LL t Irln_ ,5,QQ Addres,rulI~;2 ~ --lvl " ~.~,~" .ur:: 401 ~;;'~'l'.~~q~t\rhpSDER 1HIS t'tn~v~', ~~':bb , '601 OOi.p#HiloolA,G8s IS i\Bi\NUUNtU r 163.00 City ell1A Phone 3lfL1. ';j'7L/-~ Ove~lQ\lrwnPM%1?sERIOD.,' ' $375.00 I Reconnecl Only $ 50.00 , Supervisor License Number '-f 73 Lt-s Expiration Date I () - 6 t./ c. ~~tiili'po;arV.siH.ices;or;F e~~'deis,,'.::~-' i~,.~, :f;~~~'~,..r-~~ ~,,..,~......~~....~~---~~ " " ',', ~"..,.~', '-- ,'~ ~n; -I;t~'c'.a u".'~ ^ '. Expiration D.te 10 -04 Install,'ion, A11eration or Relocatio'lil " 200 Amps or less ' " 'L.-. 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps \Oo.aJ Constr. Contr. Numbe; J.O - 4 (; 3 t. $ 50.00 $ 69.00 $100.00 S2Z:/iS~:/ i ~ , Owners Name AtN> it~ '- Addre\,- ~S~ ~ ' (l---z~eet CIty 2'l~~~eUPh;ne , OWNER INSTALLATION Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above. D . r'wB" ". ?~h'J.'C' .: --:-::,----:-t'" ';J,-:-~i>>':.:E-~""~,,~~;?;. "Of! <\-':'." ~";:~r;: " 'l~~..--p,,::; ~.:I . t ,!~'!E, 1 ~!:5~I.~\<;;;:\>.~c<{t;-v;~",,>.-t'Y,.}-1,\..,.j....H J-'<~.-,Jt.. ,il ~'i ~ - ~ - ','" " '", , " , -, "-' New A1teralion or Extension Per Panel " One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Peffilit $ 43.00 $ 3.00 l~~'_r""':"".. '."','..: ,''-<1 _-;",.:...- .~:i.." ~.jI"-<t;.-:\.< ";.~<"?-',~1:';:r:--'1 E. itMiscellaneous.(Service/feeder'nol illcluded).~Each:Iristallatio,i ; \" ,'-','C'" J."',."-' _; ~'-_>",.".,- " '-'.,~. ""'_';"',:~ '-'. ' ,'"'' , The installation is being made on property 1 own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergylResidential Limited Energy/Commercial $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 Inspeclion Request: 726-3769 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 4. ~i:r1ii6fALOFAhOVE,,7 "3-'" 2 _)~'l.;-; , N\ 00 ti '''''~>:- ':\J~"':"'~' .::-,,.~ "t;." ~ .~'._.""'i ~;.....\J.A). ..b... ~~ State Surcharge '70 OQ I\"n...~ ~:\) ~O%Administrative Fee \ D.V(( ~bt>~ ~ TOTAL l \ f\.{XJ '{ ~~l.'~ Shared Dnve(T.)IBUllding FonnslElectrical Pennit Application I-OJ.doc Owners Signature: 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 152 ELE2003-00 152 ELE2003-00 152 Payments: Type of Payment Cash . . . , \ ~ Wi~,U~~.,"""''','' -,:'" . <', ! i.."...''''.... .." Receipt #: 2200200000000001100 Description Temp Power 200 amps or less + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% Stale Surcharge Paid By JOSEPH BUNCH ELECTRIC Rec:eived By NJM (:heck Number Batch Number Authorization Number City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 06/20/2003 1:39:31PM Amount Paid Item Total: 100.00 10.00 7.00 $117.00 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $117.00 $117.00