HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2006-6-15 SP"'E~D ZON C~ .~~ " . " INITIALS 00 (\A ,,' ~l.~, DATE ~S ~1!:v)~ . '''Jh >')41' SOURCE(YVo 9'5.f7.-lflj Date &~ ()~ 0(0 ., 225 FlrrH STREET. SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 . PH,(S41)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number C,(J)~;;:;lC'ht" - 0 07Lj.[) ", . ".',' -" ~'. """'"-' - .' "~".",,=,..- '.:...;'.,~ ..~..,....,~._; 1. ',LOCATION OF.INSTALIATIdN,;'.":',;:",.~\;, ;~ ".' '.. :.:' :.:'..~'.;"; ~~"....:..;,,: ~.,,,:,,- ",.,:j.~'., ..:r.... .."-.f,, ..;;......N ~..:;l..... -: :'~.,.: ~. ",', 5'Tl c;C; k12 ,V! S1","~d- LEGAL DESCRIPTION \ 10)" 3~ 44 d)K't)D , JOB DESCRIPTION "~.J ~ - _. f'- A _ C::.~~L_~' ~ .-.u... ( \' .....~". '\.- - ~~. IL , Permils are non-lr.nsferable .nd expire if work is not st.rted within 180 d.ys of issu.nce or if work is Suspended for 180 d.ys. Address (';. ~ .~_'- ad"' .... ,,';'."~ .~"11': '.:.'... ....,~ ;".~-.~,,,._.~~-.,.:~ ", -.V.....~..'... 'l . .c'- ~;.,: ~... ='-'... ~:!;....,.,.' /,>-' 3. "COMPLETE FEESCHEDULEBELOW +.,:t;;.~;;'~~'i}:'" ,;;.;. .-.._:,;....-.'.u~........>" _::,:.:.:...:.:-:,:........~.-<.._ .t.-....J6o:,. ...~=.\',",,'.- ... :,.,.::.-'i\.-o:.;:..~:,;..-~":t....~:~.!_. . - ~ ~;". ,i",,"" ~...,j'\.-:,',,:~.:.-,':_;.~~;iC!,t' ': "i:.<{.,;; '~",; ","',.'~"'':i"\l. .'"~:. "r,.! 'r.;,-:"'; .','" ,<,,;;. -,',-'--. ";'~':- A.;;Ne~rRc;ident;J'} ~Siiiglc ;;r~uiti)amil?pe(~~eUino .uiiil.. ~') __"'.... '__' ..' '~"':~""'-';">'_'_ ../ot..... .,,~, .,,_ ~,-l\~. ~-,:,".,...,~~,...,~,. _'_"'.C'_ ill~.'.:_"....!.....~.....,."_'~ Service Included 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof E~'ch M'm4faCt'd Home or " Modular DweUing Service or Feeder $106.00 $ 19.00 " ~.' $50.00 /'" 691 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.~0 City 7" UC .p",{7 Phone t;'tll-~/'\- 1t?J O~er 1000 A~psfVolts $375.00 / Reconnect Only $ 50.00 "';' :....... ,,~. ..~, . :::'~-.' "'<':.,~ " ""':-:~;'~'!'-.i--"'.",.,;.o.,;!O"l,.' ~' 'SUHJ:OTA:F?f,~OV1J'~." _I\~ "^ 1P ~~~~::~S;;:t:::~v: Fee ~ ra: ~- TOTAL Supervisor License Number '. sf) &;0 <) Expiration Date fcJ~()f Constf. Contf. Number ISV8Bll9 :;-o?f :7 yc " Owners !':l.me ~ l1-1I?1'YIf( /.;{('... Address (.O~ ~O;( dO')({ City ~\evY'l elL. Phone Cr-p>-qL/q -770/ . . OWNER INSTALLATION , The instaU.tion is being made on property I own which is not intended fer sale, lease or rent. Ow~ers Signature: Inspection Request: 726-3769 c. f'I';~;~1';;i;:r~;t@J<<r~~'~~7f~#~'~'~i~~~~i.~~~~ ~<.._I.f,~""~,~";~"'_;.,;,;"j.~,,,,_~.~,~2f,,,n:~~~!fW>""'_~~~;S;;<:~~]lJ:..... -- Installation, Alteration or Relocation / ~ 4U 200 Amps or less $ 50.00 ,--~J 20 I ~fR9~1'egon law r'"'' .ir,," y~I9~&O "401 ftmBW'l~Wpted by Ihp ()rpoon $1I0Q\00 , OvH<6ID'OCAllkp:s &EllotllT.v"blwsee f\ae."b~o"~eset forIl. D :'JJi\t.ltW(;i~rllm!,~Q1o.;tht,QiJ~hiQ~~f)5~'~oi1'!ll);:rM<'~~.iit1; . i5" 0(j"90:Y6u1ff!iy'861~W~6p~~'6t:t~1furiS~d\~<1t::\;Cc?:iif!;fJ;'Ili' New AI.t....!inn or.:1i~tensionl:eer.P.neble )r~~'- 'calllny ln~ C61 HIJI. \' ~....~.... ~.......... ," One <fienIiSer for the Oregon Utililv N~'.,: ($.43,00 Each Additio'ehMi(.~u.i! qr.ll'j\!).-332-2344) " Service or Feeder Pennit $ J.OO , . -:t'" <~~Jo!"~ :':"1; 7r":"".~':' ,';:,::_-~.._.t......, ''''!':':.', ~,",,'''__ 'w.... ....~._:; .;-,!- ''-\w t~"~ ,\.~",' '~A__~'h E. 'Miscellari"iii,s '(Ser"ice/feede"i- liotincl~ded) -Each Illsl:iihition' ;'~.:." ,.;;'-~'S_ ,:,__:~.:",,,,,~...(::.~:....;".-, <,f"'" __,,;''''' .... '''':'J . _~~ ._cl(:._ <1;'.'.;;'~ .... ,:',;,". - ':.,~~,/.,"',.;. _;...:.J~!;...:.~_;..~" Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Residenti.l Limited Energy/Conunercial $ 50.00 $ 50,00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspeclion Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges ,z:;v Q:) 4-. ex) ,c::. 07) rSq 0/) Shared Drivd;T:)lBuilding FonnslElectrical Pennit Application 1-Q6.doc . . .CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00740 ISSUED: 06/15/2006 APPLIED: 06/15/2006 EXPIRES: 12/15/2006 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspeclion Line SITE ADDRESS: 5755 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702334400800 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Electrical Work Only TYPE OF USE: Alleralion PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Temporary Power Pole for Fireworks Sland. Commercial Owner: CAPTEC FINANCIAL GROUP INC Address: % PROP TAX DIV PO BOX 544 ANN ARBOR MI 48106 Contractor Type Applicant Electrical Contractor DYNAMIC LIFE SUNSET ELECTRIC INC I CONTRACTOR~plikUlQNJILL EXPIRE IF THE WORK ' AUTHOR~~~DERilIS PE.RMIT IS NOT ~.fOO'~ Phone COMME IS I 503-949-9901 ANY 18Q5lRl~fERIOD. 02/27/2008 541-915-4883 I BUILDING INFORMATION' # of Units: Primary Occnpancy Gronp: Secondary Occnpancy Gronp: Primary Construction Type Secondary Conslruction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Slories: Height of Slrncture Type of Heal: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Palh: Sprinkled Building: Lol Size: Sq Ft Is1 Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basemenl: Sq Fl Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: n/a Fronlyard Selback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Selback: Solar Setbacks: I DEVELOPMENT INFORMAiI;J0NJ~jires yOll t~ 1'1\\::1'I I IV'" - - d by the uregOIl Utili y h REQUIRED PARKING . \In'" 'l,lpS adopte les are set \ort @v~'!~r p~scellter. Ihose rll Ii 952-00' - Total: NIJStreetITrees\Rgd:, 0 throllgh 01', llles by Handicapped: """^;i\!\t::"')-\'" l-:.IV . 1ther i,Paved Drive Rqd:btaill caples 0 hOlle Compact: " "'o~f Clit'cHVe~age~r (Note: the telep 1011 calling the ce"l. Utility Not\\ica I '_M ,,,' Ihe Ore gall _ _n ,",,'All\ ~ ~\".-v,-,- I PUBLIC IMPR0V-EMENTS I Slreel Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: DownspoutslDrains: Notes: Pa~e 1 of2 . .CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00740 ISSUED: 06/15/2006 APPLIED: 06/15/2006 EXPIRES: 12/15/2006 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Slree!, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Valuation DescriDtion I Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Fl or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project L-Fp.p.s Pa~ Fee Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 8% State Surcharge Temp Power 200 amps or less Amount Paid Date Paid $5.00 $4:00 $50.00 6/15/06 6/15/06 6/15/06 Receipt Number 2200600000000000839 2200600000000000839 2200600000000000839 Total Amount Paid $59.00 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Ulility Company energizing pole. By signature, I state and agree, lbal I have carefnlly examined lbe compleled applicalion and do hereby certify lhal all information hereon is lrue and correct, and I further certify lhal any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinauces of lhe City of Springfield and the Laws of the Slate of Oregon perlaining 10 the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree 10 ensure that all required inspections are requesled at lhe proper lime, that each address is readable from the street, lhal lhe permit card is located at lhe front of the property, and the approved sel of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date Pa2e 2 of2 , 225 F.ifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone . -,LJ:-' .~~~~ "" ,...'. Wi:' ' . I . ; -~'. .., : _. - - ,". ' -- Cwf Springfield Official Receipt ~opment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200600000000000839 Date: 06/15/2006 8:16:53AM Job/Journal Number COM2006-00740 COM2006-00740 COM2006-00740 Description Temp Power200 amps or less + 8% Slale Surcharge + 10% Administralive Fee Paymenls: Type of Paymcnt CredilCard Paid By SUNSET ELECTRIC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 032990 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 50.00 4.00 5.00 $59.00 Amount Paid $59,00 $59.00 r cReceintl Page 1 of 1 6/1512006