HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-4-30 - CO M M ERCIAL/lN DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION l . -. t' ~ . JOB NUMBER 19/J )"i'k, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 '! ASSESSORS MAP' LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: 5;371r ~ 176~ ')3'-// HAc; AJ S"ILI,^,&Pln~ 57'f1.( fr1~1 tV TAX LOT' O/'10! OWN ER: 13,. .. /'1 JI/ JP....T ADDRESS.~'&rH i tilt-;,V PHON'" S 7'1 If Me:lIN CITY' SP~/NbPIl--&/) STAT'" Oil . 'ZIP:--2..'7"'77 DESCRIPTION OF WORI<' R()tJp ~EC<;;V€K NEW REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER ., L' "" VALUE:~. <'00 - NAME ADDRESS PHONE ARCHITECT' CONTRAcrOR'S NAME ADDRESS GENERA" R,' >I ElL ;?~IlJ;I";b ToIJl l'ifN 5. j) S1. CONST. CONTRAcrOR # "790/t, EXPIRES ~ ~ , .. PHONE 7;16 "S"tJdtJ PLUMBING' MECHANICA' . ELEcrRICAI . PLUMBING MECHANICAL NO. FEE CHARGE IOn ,,~~ r...'O'~(::;J: Sanitary Sewer It. Furnace/burner & vent < 100.000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs ,~~~NTIC N:Oreg In /,,'" ~, F!?~r_furnace and vent - !'~" 'u/,,~ adopte j by the ~!rItWd 'Nail or floor ~otlflcation ( enter 1 I ~..~I1!~RI(~t0eater ,~,,~~~,952-0 )1-001( ;~~~,~ :h~ ram1 ~t..u III~Y obtail . t t ~ callino thA "nter ~ cople~ 0 ~ _llll[ule~ tw number for t e Or~~ ,ute:. r~ e l'eml~l'mf!ilng1e ;:;"'Il<llr is 1.811J~O'332 t1BYi\tllltllapart I T ..34t4/rJ AC or htg. I I Mechanical exhaust hood and duct I I I I Permit Issuance I I TOTAL PERMIT $10.00 Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new fix. addtl) Water ServIce It. Storm Sewer It. Backflow Device TOTAL PERMIT - OFFICE USE - HANDICAP ACCESS: aUAD AREA' LAN D USE: FLOOO PLAIN' ZONING' . LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER: # OF BLDGF' # OF UNITF' # OF STORIES: CONSTR. TYP~' HEAT SOURCE: OCCY GROUP: sa. FT. $/50. FT. VALUE sa. FTG MAIN sa. FTG ACCES8 X sa. FTG OTHER X X TOTAL VALUE OF .PROJEcr .sO/DUO PLAN CHECK F~~ RCPT# OATF I BUilDING PERMIT . PLUMBING \ 5% State 5% State Surcharoe Surcharge I MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE $ 15% State SIOEWALK Surcharae FT. I PAVING CURBCUT I FT. I BY DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL PERMITS SYSTEMS I OEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES I EXCLUDING ELEcrRICAI ~o5. (;;'-{ . REOUIRED INSPECTIONS. e \" ~ It II t~o 'Ol~e""lblll'~ o. tho 1lI0,,,,11 holder to aoo Hun arll"GpootICS"D Aro mAdo At U-'D .,ra~D' tIme. Te 'o~ueat ar'! l"apeDtle", aalt 728.3789 (recorder), state your City designated Job number, Job address, type of Inspection requested and when you will be ready for Inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to setup of forms. UNOERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work Is covered. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: No work is to be covered until these Inspections have been made and approved. PAVING: After gravel IS In place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special Inspector shall be employed by the Owner I Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. FOOTINGS & FOUNOATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel In place, but prior to placing concrete. FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing Inspection. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are In place and all pi pes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 P.S.1. (306 a.1) CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all Inslab building service equipment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed. STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the job. (2722 f) UNOERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are In place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering Is applied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: Ourlng all bolt Installation and tightening operations. (306 a.6) UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U.B.c. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRAOING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork. (306 a.11 & Chapter 29) POST & BEAM: To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation, decking or floor sheathing. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, Interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board Joints and fasteners are taped and finished. GLU-LAM BEAMS: Inspection Certificate by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed. (2501 U.B.c. STDS. 25-10,11). FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to Installation of decking or floor sheathing. STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a.7) MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals In accordance with UBC 2415_ SIDEWALK & ORIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material In place. -In addition to the inspec- tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to Installing any roof covering. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. FINAL PLUMBING SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days In advance of the date you wish Inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc. must be completed before aestlng this Inspection. / FIN L BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, m hanical and Fire Department Inspections are made and proved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been Issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENT'" PLANS REVIEWED BY DAT" By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that aI/information herein Is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address Is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all ::::t::~lng ~:t'fA J;;~ Date '1- Jo- 7 g I OATE PAID 4h6Jf1 RECEIVED BY' Ai {,J~ AMOUNT RECEIVEO' :3 () >. (, 'f Os~7sr RECEIPT N: VALlOATION: . . 40 MIL DURO-LAST PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Thickness ASTM D-751 .040 inches (I mm) nominal Installed Weight (wlo any ballast) ASTM D.751 .25 lbs. per sq. ft. (1.2 kg per m') T eating Strength ASTM D-751 130xII0Ibf. Tongue Method (578 x 489N) Breaking Strength ASTMD-751 435 x 350 Ibf (1935 x 1557N) I Tensile Strength ASTM D-751 7200 psi ASTM D-882 EMMAQUA ASTM E.838 6.9 million Langle,)'s Exposure Desert Sun (255,260 M1J/m Elongation at Break ASTM D-751 35% Dimensional Stability ASTM D-1204 <0.1% Low Temperature Flexibility ASTM D..2136 .400 F (.400 C) 1/8" (3.2mm) mandrel No cracks ASTM D.3045 Retains Heating Aging 7days@ 1940F 90% of breaking strength, >95% of elongation ASTM E-96, Pro BW .25 U.S. Perms Penneability ASTM E-96, WVT, (.086 glhr/rnxm) Proc. B, M, A I Shore A Hardness ASTM D.2240 77 Fungi Resistance ASTM G-21 No sustained growth or discoloration Dynamic Impact Fed. Std. 10lB 350 Ibs. (Puncturing) Method B (I557N) Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E.96 WVT <0.25 U.S. Penns Procedure B, Method A (O.086glhr/m'l Accelerated Weathering Carbon Arc No cracks, crazing or 6000 hrs. Blistering Accelerated Weathering ASTM G.5388 No cracks, crazing or UVB.313 Lamp@800C(I76OF) 2000 hrs. blistering Factory Mutual Research ASTM E-108 Class 1..60, 1.90, 1.150 I I Underwriters Laboratories UL.790 Class A, B, C I UL-1897 UL.150 r;"1 ~//'( /'V1(j'/\ S-t"' Rev. 10101/98 D:\SpecBooklJ -lntroI40Mi/PhysProp.doc ~ ~= . ,River H.C!~!!gg Since 1971 RIVER ROOFING,INC Steve Davey P-'dent 141>4 5. B Street Springfield. OR 97477 (541) 746-5000 FN< (541) 747.7159 .~No. 79016 ( "~No.1:xJ517 \ ,kJ "-../ P.O. BOX 0060 BEND. OR 97701> (541) :31>:3-:3569 1-000-1>44-2145 FN< :31>:3-2000 - . ' DUJ_-LAST PHYSICAL PRO.TIES TEST DESCRIPTION TEST METHOD METRIC RESULTS ENGLISH RESULTS I I Thickness. Nominal ASTM [)"751 lmm 40 mils I ( I Weight ASTM [)"751 0.27 Ibs. per sq. ft. 1.22 kg per m' I I Tear Strength, Min. ASTM [)"751 578 x 489 N 130 x 110 Ibf. I I Breaking Strength, Min. ASTM 0-751 1935 x 1557 N 435 x 350 Ibf. I I EMMAQUA Exposure ASTM E-838, Desert Sun 255,260 MlJ/m' >6.g Million Langleys I I Elongation ASTM [)"751 35% 35% I I Dimensional Stability ASTM [)"1204, 80' C, 6 hrs. <0.1% <0.1% I I Low Temperature Flexibility ASTM [)"2136, 3mm Mandrel No Cracks -400 C. No Cracks -400 F I I Oynamic Impact (Puncturing) Federal Std. 1018. Method 8 1557 N 350 Ibs. I I Moisture Vapor Transmission ASTM E-96, Proc. 8, Method A < 0.086glhr/m' < 0.25 U.S. Penns I I Accelerated Weathering Carbon Arc (6000 hrs.) No Cracks, Crazing, Blistering No Cracks, Crazing, 81istering I I Factory Mutual Research ASTM E.l08: FM 4450 & FM 4470 Class 1-60, 1-90, & 1.150 Class 1-60,1-90, & 1-150 I I Underwriters laboratories UL.790 Class A, 8 & C Class A, 8 & C I Factory Welded Tab Factory Weld Fastener With Stress Distribution Plate 8. MAINTENANCE Keep the finished roof free of debris. Do not use roof area for storage. No other maintenance is required. contractors for specifying and detailed installation of the Duro-Last roofing system for various field applications. Technical brochures, manuals and specifications are available upon request. Technical field service is available through Duro-Last Field Quality Assurance Specialists. 10. FILING SYSTEM . Sweet General Building File 07500/DUR - Buyline 2998 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Duro.Last Roofing, Inc. provides a consulting and design service to architects, engineers and licensed ( 07500 '" o ~ ~ 1;; ... ,., o ~ 2 Jj o ~ ~ ;2 ii: ~ ~ ~ ;jj ..... db;::=: .Eo>~ -~Ol Ol~~ ~.8'lil 8E:J ......Q)O': ~>:J -0<1: "'z", j CI> , "C e ~ :J ~ o CI> Q :J en ~ f . . o I- ~ a: In cii :J ~~ QU .~ . 1. PRODUCT NAME Duro-Last" Specially Formulated . Roofing Membrane 2. MANUFACTURER Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. 525 Morley Drive Saginaw. MI 48601 Phone: (517)753-6486 (800) 248-{)280 Fax: (800) 432.9331 Branch Offices Grants Pass, OR Phone: (800) 35lHl646 Fax: (800) 566-2698 Jackson, MS Phone: (800) 434-3876 Fax: (800) 5664478 Sigoumey, IA Phone: (888) 500-3574 Fax: (888) 501.3574 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Basic Use: The Duro-Last single- ply roofing system is a pre- fabricated waterproofing system used in the following applications: . Re-cover over existing systems . New construction . Both combustible and noncom- bustible decks Umltatlons: Duro-Last Membrane must. not be installed over assemblies with saturated under- lying insulation or directly over existing roof without proper separation. Composition and Materia{s: Duro-Last Membrane is a proprietary thermoplastic formula- tion consisting of resins. plasticizers, s.tabilizers. fungicides. flame retardants, and U.v. absorbers which is laminated to a weft inserted polyester fabric. It is available in white, tan and gray. Sizes: For ease of handling and reduced field seams and installation time, Duro-Last. Inc. dielectrically welds material in large sheets, up to 230 square meters (2500 square feet) as specified by architects, contractors, or installers. The system weighs .27Ibs. per sq.ft. Accessoty Components: Duro- Last, I nc. produces a complete line of standard and custom fabricated accessories. These accessories are made from the exact same sheets and are made in the Duro- Last factory, not on the roof. Standard Accessories: Round pipe flashings from 2.5 em (1") to 38 em (15") in diameter. inside and outside comers, mo-way roof vents, roof drain liners. gravel1water stop with factory welded Duro-Last skirts, termination bar, and fascia with cover and joint clips. Custom Made Accessories: Round pipe flashings greater than 38 em (15"), parapet wall flashings, scuppers and curbs for all types of roof penetrations, i.e., HVAC units, skylights, chimneys, etc. If there is a need for a custom flashing which has not been mentioned, send in a drawing and, if it can be made, Duro-Last will make it. Appllcab{e Standards: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Class A and B (R.l01128); Factory Mutual Research Class l-llO, 1-90, 1-150; Dade County. FL; City of Los Angeles. CA; City of Denver, CO; HUD Material Release 1223; City of New York, NY 421-90-M and 422- 9O-M; ICBO-SBCCI.BOCA (NER- 227). 4. TECHNICAL DATA Please refer to page 2 for physical properties and test results. 5. INSTALLATION Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. provides detailed application instructions and training for roofing contractors and consulting services to architects, engineers and specifiers. The fol- lowing are general instructions for installing the Duro-Last system. Deck Surface Preparation: The substrate on which Duro-Last membrane is to be applied must be clean. smooth, free of sharp edges, loose debris and standing water. Gravel should be leveled. All surface preparations must be done in strict accordance with the Duro- Last application specifications. (nsuiation: Insulation must be laid on the deck and cut neaUy around all penetrations. It must then be mechanically attached with ap- proved fasteners according to the Duro-Last specifications. Do not lay more insulation than can be covered in the same day. Stagger the insulation boards 50% from row to row. P{acement: Using. the roof layout diagram, select the proper marked and rolled pre-manufactured sheet of Duro-Last membrane. Orient the membrane so the fastening tabs are perpendicular to the ribs or corrugations of steel deck or to the width of pre-stressed concrete ", slabs. Secure the membrane to the roof deck through the fastening tab with approved fasteners and plates, in accordance with Duro-Last spe- ~PEC4 c "'" Spoo<l... ...... _""" 10 )> ~iD\lil atyMi ~ by The -t ConstrudlonSpedr\catlonllnstitlJte. ~-=.b_f," )> cifications. Unfold the sheet thus covering the fastening tab. Continue unfolding until the next fastening tab appears. Fasten this tab to the deck and repeat the above process until the complete sheet is installed. Penetrations: During the afore- mentioned procedure. make cutouts in the membrane for protrusions. Fasten around cutouts with Duro.. Last approved fasteners. The skirt of the factory-fabricated acces- sories when welded to the deck membrane, will cover these cutouts. Breather Vents: One Duro-last mo-way breather vent must be installed for each 90 square meters (1000 square feet). Duro-Last vents must be installed according to the Duro-Last specifications. Parapet Walls: Duro-last custom fabricated parapet wall flashings are designed for each individual ap. plication. Secure through the fastening tab at the bottom of the wall using approved fasteners and plates. The factory dielectrically welded skirt will cover the fasteners when it is heat welded to the deck sheet. / 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST The . Duro-Last roofing system is available throughout the United States and Canada through the Duro-Last Dealer/Contractor network and our area repre. sentatives. For pricing information contact Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. for the nearest Duro-Last Sales Representative. 7, WARRANTY Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. will fumish to the building owner either a 20- year or 15-year warranty for watertightness. The 20-year warranty covers both material and labor for repair or replacement for the first 10-years. The second 10-years is prorated and covers material only. The 15-year warranty covers material and labor for repair or replacement for the full 15 years. 07500 /' . . . Slip Sheet: Atlas EnetgY Products ''FR. 10", mechanically fastened or loose laid. Memhrane: "Duro-Last@"(pVC), mechanically fastened. 11. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 2 Existing Roof System: Class A gravel surfaced asphalt felt roofing system. The gravel must be maintained at 400 IbsJsq. Insulation: Polyfoam Packers "ThermoSafe-RB" insulation, mechanically fastened. Membrane: "Duro-Last@" (pVC), mechanically fastened. Incline: 2 Class A. B or C BUR, smooth gravel surface; gravel may be 12. Deck: NC Existing Roof System: surface, cap sheet or removed. Barrier Board (If gravel is removed): Y1 in. gypsum board. Insulation: Plymouth Foam Products "Ultra.fold TPM" or "Ultra.Guard TPM", mechanically fastened. Membrane: "Duro-Last@"(pVC), mecltanically fastened. 13. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: 2 Existing Roof System: Class A. B or C smooth or gravel surface (gravel maintained at 400 lb. per sq.) Insulation: Amocor Foam Products "Amocor P14, PB4, PB6, PB6W or Duro-Fold TM" Slipsheet: Atlas "FRIO" or "FRII" Membrane: "Duro-Last@" (PVC), mechanically fastened. 14. Deck: C-15/32 See Note I Incline: 3 Existing Roof System: Class A gravel surfaced. Barrier Board: Georgia-Pacific ~ in. (min) "Dens Deck@ Overlayment" with all joints staggered a min 6 in. from plywood joints. Membrane: "Duro-Last@"(pVC). 15. Deck: C.15/32 See Note I Incline: 1/4 Existing Roof System: Class A. B or C covered with: Barrier Board: Georgia-Pacific Y. in. (min) "Dens Deck@ Overlayment" with all joints staggered a min 6 in. from plywood joints. Insulation (Optional): A. Atlas Energy Products "AC Foam r' any thickness mechanically fastened or adhered. B. Celotex "Star AP" or "Hy- Tee". any thickness. C. Wood Fiber. D. Perlite, 1.1/2 to 3 in. incl. Membrane: "Duro.Last@" (pVC). 16. Deck: C.15/32 See Note I Incline: 3 Existing Roof System: Insulated or wtinsulated ballasted single ply membrane, ballast may be removed, covered with: Barrier Board: Georgia.Pacific \14 in. (min) "Dens Deck@ Overlayment" with all joints staggered a min 6 in. from plywood joints. Insulation (Optional): E. Slip Sheet: Atlas Energy Products "FR 10", mechanically fastened or loose laid. Membrane: "Duro.Last@" (pVC). REV. JOIOJI98 . Maintenance & Repair Mechanically Fastened - Class B ('\ 1. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: I Existing Roof System: Class B BUR system smooth surfaced covered with: Slip Sheet: A Type 30 or G2 (45 lb.) base sheet. B. One.layer Lydall ''Manniglas 1200". C. One layer Atlas enetgY Products ''FR..IO'', mechanically fastened. D. Amoco Foam Products "Amocor P14, PM, PB6, PB6W or Duro-Fold TM" E. Carpenter Insulation "Foamfold'.. F. Min \-I in. wood fiber roof insulation. G. 3 mil polyethylene sheet. Membraoe: "Duro-Last@" (pVC), mechanically fastened. 2. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: No Limitations Base Sheet: One layer Type G2 Owens.Coming base sheet, mechanically fastened to deck. Cap Sheet: One layer Type G3 GAF Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet, hot mopped. Membrane: "Duro-Last@"(pVC), mechanically fastened. Coating: Kool Seal "Uniflex Elastomeric White, Gray or Blackroof coating at Yo to I gaVsq. Surfacing: No II roofing granules embedded in the wet coating at 50 Ibs.lsq. 3. Det::k: C.15132 Incline: No Limitations Existing Roof System: A Class A. B or C mineral or smooth surfaced asphalt felt roofing system, covered with: B. Single-ply (modified bitumen) roof system, covered with: C. Class A. B or C asphalt organic felt or glass fiber mat shingles, covered with: Slip Sheet: A. One layer Lydall "Manniglas 1151" foil side dOWll, mechanically fastened. B. Two lay... Atlas EnetgY Products ''FR. 10", mechanically fastened. Membrane: "Duro-Last@" (pVC), mechanically fastened. c Class A, B or C Mecbanically Fastened --- - 1. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: 2 Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C, Classification to be retained, covered with: Membrane: "Duro-Last@" (PVC), mechanically fastened. Existing roof classification remains the same. 2. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: 2 Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C BUR, smooth surface, cap sheet or gravel surfaced; gravel must be maintained at 400 Ibs. per sq. and existing Classification will remain. Insulation: Plymouth Foanl Products "Ultra.Fold TPM" or Ultra.Guard TPM", mechanically fastened. Membraoe: "Duro-Last@"(PVC), mechanically fastened. UL-6 UL-wi/h /998 updates & Dens Dek.doc