HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-10-24 AOIIOWing project as submitted has the tollowlng . .~g\ and dOGS not require specific land use 225 FIFTH STREET approvel. (' ~ . ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLlCA TION SPRINGFfELD. OREGON 9747~oning tot' / INSPECTION REQUEbhie726-3769 ,f),Lffol '_":;. :..'. I;umhcl' O/-() / J 4 9 -0 I OFFICE: 726.)7;9 nvplll,v Authorized Signature ~j"i.t)~~c ~~i:. SCHEDULE BELOW '. LOCApON OF INSTALL~TlOI\" ~t,(~ ,;'idl~/fiJ/~ /{/i.efa;r.. 2. CONl'RACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Service.' 01' Feeders 1JA .;--1__ -..-f;... t ~ h In~tilJliltjf)n, Alterutions or ElecrriC<ll'ConrfilClDlLjI'ifT t==/CL-/ /'f C/~c...Rclocalioll' . Addl'ess/970 AJ. ~ ~ 200"",p,or]05' .'. ~ 71 i r . .l-7 2ar "",psto 400 amp' City_ r. ,.."./l;;J.;rl<..:J ~111 lI",pS to 6UO amps ~ 6,: . GU 1 amps to 1000 amps Sllp~rvisor License Number !:llL7 ~ :.. . Over 1000 amps/vol~s I ' / Reconnect Only Expiration Dale /0. - .. 0 "-f Constr Contr. Number ../ d7:j;;;2.. . ")-,;;2.;A ....CX3 Oct-IS-Ol OI:43P LEGAL DESCRIPTION __17/?.B3:fl 01 "to 2-- ~O~ I?1~S.RIP]}9~ /-Le.-tA)Z(L~~_ Permit:. ilrc'lIoiHHliisfcrabie !lIld expire if work is not started within ISU days ofisslIancc or if work is suspended '(I, r SO days. Expiration D:l(~ -:.Signatw"C uf SUJlcr\"i.~i"g Electrician /lit; ~~~?::::!: : OWltmName /l;, ll7'11A-W/l. Addrm . 7.-7U Si=Nc:uJl Cih' c:vl(,--- Phone OWNER INSTALLATION . " The installation is being ma:fe on property I.ownwhich is not inrended fue ~..-llc, (e<lse or rent' . Owncn SiJ.:nature: l:90:(j3IHS\!::J : 39N\!H::J gG.~9 $ G:0::J3(j 1W\! WOG GG 1::J0:31\!0 9~OLOOO-l:O:#SN\!(j1 P.OI A. New Rcsidcnti;I}-Sin~lc nr Multi-Famit)' p~r d\\'cltin~ unit, Service Included: Items Cust Sum WOO 'q.fl. or less Earh additional 500 sq. ft or portion iherc;>i E a.;h Mmlllfd Home or Modulor Dwelling Service or Feeder 5106.00 $ 19.110 $ oil.llU $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 5375.00 $ 50.00 C. Temporary Services-or F~tleni . - InstaUatioD: AlteratIon or Relocation . . . ::. .200 amps or less : " 20 Lamp, to 400 amps :, OVer 401 to 600 amps: . . Oyer 600 emps or 1000 volts sec "B" above $50.00 $69.00 $100.00 . D. Branch Circuits New AlteI~tion or ~tension J'~r Panel Oll~" Ci rciJit ' -.L S43.00 LId ~ Each'Additional Circuit or with SC')'iJ" ;'.:1 0 0 or Feeder Pe,mit +=-- $ 3.00 ~ E. j\-lisccllnncous" (Scnicc/feedcr not inclu ded) . -E.sch installation. Pl.lrilp or irrigation Sign/O'.ltlillc LightiI\g Li~niteu EllergyfRes Limil,'.d Encrgy/Comm $~O.OO $~O.OO 525.00 $45.00 :'o1inimulII EI~cCric Permit Impcct!on Fcc i~ S:l~,OO + Slll'chargc.~ ~. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/" State Surcharge SOlo Adminbtl"3ti\'c F~c 55',00 d,C>S: G) TOTAL