HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-12-2 r/ Received Event (Event succee. Date: ' 10/28/02 Time: Pages: 2 Duration: Sender: 5417263689 Company: Fax Number: Subiect: itled has the tollowin9 10/28/02 liON 13: 18 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIE~efollow,"gprolectassUbr,e speCIfic 13i!J:llij'l" .. nd does not requ --8 ~~~ ~_~@. ~ .. c.Jl---' _ \ g. <-c \. ,").._;;"-0 . 225 . U' ',n STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH;(54I)726-37S3 . FAX; <B'1.\~726-36~Q. .' ~. :::. 6NA J. :~BRMlT~;O~/?:if.~:i~~l:a.1T;:: l'm':':.'~'~IIJ;'""?' -~:::~~_;"'~"~,)'J!~'~~ I ...~~ ~~~. '.~~~~~..;r';;;::'" 3 .,,;r.T ".. ._",..,':~_." . ",L.~.....".' '~;'F="'l!l1!,,;, . ~-~-- __-"...,....~--.,.-~~,~a2"--'-~_ . "~.~- - .,. ,~___'__-....,.-~r2'fv'!'.?'l"..;:..- '- ~.,..~, 5733' _.~~~ SupetVisorLicons.Number mt:?3LE4;. ~.. ~:~r'" . _-"W<{,' ~~~orRelocation ExpirntionDate -C! -Zb I/) -p /-'Z~ <(~~".::...~'\) ~ '\j ~'\j . ~ ~ s300"MP~~ S 50.00 COllStt. Conrr. Number 0 4 ~ Z- 3 8' '\~ ~'\~~(l.~ 400 Amps S 69.00 1I _ 20 _ 0 --::> ~ ,,\)'40~~p, to 600 Amps ,-"00.00 Expiration Date ., ~ ~ ";'~er 600 Amp. or 1000 VOllS .ee "S" ab~,'-:i;.~"'~~ D.~.~~W~~ Now Alteration or ExttmioD'Per:t"""10'" 'IJ' ~ Qj ,~0 0 0'" -,~' .$. O~ ".' O~ ~ On. Circuit ,0<:$ O'Q"1 (>.~ '^ "S'43.00, ...,,0 .J ~e ....0. ~'!> O' - :,.0'< ',c":r Each Additional ci;;",;t'6r.witli ~O ',0'" 0,-0 \O~ X, <- SorvicoorF..,d;.l'~i~0'~,<;) _uO~_",~$,3?OO~' R1&~r~~~1t~~::lI.g E. ~~~ ,0'" . CO-- S" ~'l ~,-- 0~'!yJ Pump or ~tiOn qs ,;:, <$' (:,0 O~. fb\S $ 50.00 ...,.... ~"""..J.O ~e ~0 . SignlOutln,~:I!i~tin~ ~ ~ 0<''<: :,C; $50.00' Limited Eri~~~..~ti8l'li ~~'-"" $ 25.00 -~,.."v' ~- ("~ LiuWod En IC~ial' S 45.00 erg)' - .. -- . T: LEGAL.nf;~roT'D"'T"ff"'\"lo.T -~170z.::nl.('1 .608'01 . ~9S DES~TlON' , VOl@{ ~ mm (lA/\l3UAJ~ 2. Electrical Contr.!c1Dr Address q'll{O Sw N;I1IIBII1 S cityP;GQI/AZ7lii::l Phone (g<.((p-OS.s s Si~,yuPervi~~ , ~~~<<~-- OwnersNam. AUJtrl...:tSo;vS 0,.... "'- C ift.... . Address Z S"O City ~. ..., r- L.j Phon. OWNER INSTALLATION The installation Is being made on Y" ...r......J I own which i. not intended for sale, 1.... or rent. Ow= Signatun:: Inspection Request: 726-3769 .17 PM 1 min 28 sac "'''''''~ijl1!1:''''''''''''''.'''''''"-''''''''''''~gr A. ~"1!~L o.,,"'~_." "" Iil 1.!'!ff.~l\!=<':J!~i!:tjj!1l'i . ... I'"~ ..f;!l1,l Service Tnr.lnrlt-A 1000 sq. fl. or less :Each additional 500 "'1. ft. or portion thereof Each Manufact'd HODl. OT Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder' . $1 06.00 $19.00 $50.00 B. . $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 S163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 -. '-. '<.= "'~.~'=~=~":I'- ~_.."'" '" ....,.__.~ .~~. . . '"~.. , _._ '.,-+_- ,.c~. . ..... ~5, ()() Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fec Is 545.00 + SJl!'<lum!:es ~"~~~~..'.. =.-<'J1I! 4. ~~~;,~~)~~." - ..:.~~~~~~tIH 7% State Surcbarg. ~ 8"10 Administrntiv. F.. .~ '~~ll TOTAL 51. ~5" _Drivc(n)/BuildiDgF__ Pemit AppJ;o;dion IO-ll2.doe 2 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line . . CITY OF SPRlr~t.t<IELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 5733 Main St ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702334400801 Spr TYPE OF Gas Station TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Original review under 00-01248-01 - plan review not completed - expired. Commercial Owner: A1bertsons Inc. Address: 250 Park Center Blvd. Boise ID 83726 Contractor Type Architect General Electrical Landscape Mechanical Owner Plumbing # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occnpancy Yrimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Front yard Sethack: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstruclion: Notes: Phone Number: (208) 395-5782 !CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Abeloe & Associates SD Deacon Enterprises NETVERSANT CASCADES INC Woolleys Refrigeration Contractors Comfort Flow Heating Co Albertsons Inc. Baron Plnmbing Inc License Expiration Date Phone (541) 734-3853 (503) 297-8791 04/30/2003 503-646-0533 (541) 689-3154 (541) 726-0100 (208) 395-5782 (541) 935-1081 47238 BUILDING INFORMATION I H B2 VN # of Stories: Lot Size: O:~., Height of Sq FtI~t~\ Type of Heat: ~\Ft r,yror: . Water Type: \. 'i:.",'i'~ ,~~ s ~t: Range TY"p''i\'\\C~' .,,\\ ~\'\t>-~t." \\'\~~,<<h~~lge/carport Energy Pl\tfI-! 'i''C.W'' 1j\ll.'V t>-'O~ Other: . \~\~\\'V,,:~'C.~'V 'V~~~(\'V. Impervious Surface Area: 'DEVELOPMENT INm~1U6N'( t>-~H . 1.)\0 REQUIRED PARKING c']O . '\'l Overlay Dist: ..,1.)\te- '0\\\\ "Total: .., te'-\ "Ot' \0\" # Street Trees n ,~,. ote" ~e\ ,Handicapped: "o":I\e ~e~ C'" Paved Drive RqdDle" -''O'l'' ,,\es-a: 0.90'2: Compact: :'\ ,0\" :<..e'J -e tv Of>.'<' \eS ,,, % of f!'rGov~!:afe,;,"\l I :~~0"(0\}~~ ~ \~e t~ Ot'0 p.. ~I\}' Cet\\0 :\\)~eSO \0~~ 'Ot' .,,\\0 .I'''t' .^,.\)rJ ._r.09~ ..",,\0 .,.,c~\~ IPUBLlC IM~RoviME"~TS h;~' \~0'-0\\'i\\'l~;~). \\' - "....- v....\ et\O"'0t)..~ \)\)9\)' 'n~\~e ",eot Si~ewalk Type: C~\\\\' \Ot\\' .<:\.'0 t'\}~'00t ce~\ef \. Downspouts/Drains 1 of 8 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Valuation Descrintion I Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft Square Footage Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project Fees Paid I Fee Description Amount Paid Date Receipt N urn ber Received By Commercial Plan Check $1,069.02 4/3/02 8497 djb State Surcharge - Mechanical $3.36 9/4/02 10512 djb 8% Administrative Fee - Mechan $3.84 9/4/02 10512 djb Large copy - Photocopy Fee $6.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Address Assignment $8.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Mechanical Issuance $10.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Vent Fan to One Duct $12.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Backflow Prevention Device $14.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Photocopy Fees $20.25 9/4/02 10512 djb 3hp -- 100,000 BTU $24.00 9/4/02 10512 djb State Surcharge - Plumbing $34.93 9/4/02 10512 djb 8% Administrative Fee - Plumbi $39.92 9/4/02 10512 djb State Surcharge - Electrical $44.10 9/4/02 10512 djb 8% Admin Fee - Electrical $50.40 9/4/02 10512 djb Hourly Plan Review $67.50 9/4/02 10512 djb Water Service Footage $73.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Permanent: 201 to 400 Amps $75.00 9/4/02 10512 djb State Surcharge For Building P $91.01 9/4/02 10512 djb 8% Bnilding Administrative Fee $104.01 9/4/02 10512 djb Branch Circuits With Feeder or $240.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Number of Fixtures $266.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Commercial Plan Check $276.74 9/4/02 10512 djb Permanent: 200 Amps or Less $315.00 9/4/02 10512 djb Service Station WlMarket - MWM $767.46 9/4/02 10512 djb Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement $795.76 9/4/02 10512 djb Fire & Life Safety Plan Review $828.16 9/4/02 10512 djb Paving $1,010.90 9/4/02 10512 djb Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme $1,047.13 9/4/02 10512 djb Building Permit $1,300.15 9/4/02 10512 djb SDC Administrative Fee $2,996.27 9/4/02 10512 djb Service Station wlMarket Reimb $10,587.21 9/4/02 10512 djb Service Station wlMarket Imprv $46,717.86 9/4/02 10512 djb State Surcharge - Electrical $3.50 9/13/02 10597 djb 8% Admin Fee - Electrical $4.00 9/13/02 10597 djb Temporary: 200 Amps or Less $50.00 91I3/02 10597 djb Refund - Low Voltage - Commerc $-45.00 1212102 1200200000000000314 djb Refnnd - + 8% Administrative F $-3.60 12/2/02 1200200000000000314 djb Refund - + 7% State Surcharge $-3.15 1212/02 1200200000000000314 djb 2 of 8 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Total Amount . $3.15 $3.60 $45.00 $68,956.48 12/2/02 1212102 12/2/02 I Plan Reviews I 3 of 8 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 1200200000000000315 1200200000000000315 1200200000000000315 djb djb djb Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Engineering-CIlIP . 05/0212002 4 of 8 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/0312002 EXPIRES: 05/1312003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Wait PO DATE: May 2, 2002 (faxed) TO: Abeloe & Associates FROM: Pam Ownbey SUBJECT: Albertson's A Express #574, Springfield, Oregon Condition 4 "The applicant must submit a storm drainage plan, which includes sheet flow from or to adjacent properties, for Pnblic Works Department approval prior to final plat approval." Condition 5 "Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the City's storm water quality requirements. The plans mnst be approved by the City Engineer prior to final site plan approval. All catch basins with paved areas on the site shall be a multi-chambered design and include an oil filtering medium within the inlet chamber." The flow off the site must be controlled. You do not show any catch basins to do so. Roof drainage cannot be allowed to surface flnw. In all other plan sets, the roof drainage was hard piped to the storm water system. This is a major modification that is not acceptable. Storm water runoff from the site is not allowed. All parking lot storm water must flow to a double chambered catch basin with oil filtering media prior to entering the City's storm water system. The site plans do not meet Condition 4. The detail for the oiVwater separator does not have an oil filtering media which is required by Condition 5. Please revise yonr site plans to reflect the above and resubmit. If you have any qnestions, please call me at 541-736-1028. Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Engineering-CIlIP . 06/1112002 5 of 8 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Pam Ownbey Wait PO FAXED Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Eneineerine-C/l1P . 07/1712002 6 of 8 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/04/2002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Wait PO MEMORANDUM City of Springfield DATE: July 17, 2002 TO: Abeloe & Associates W&H Pacific FROM: Pam Ownbey SUBJECT: Albertson's A Express #574, Springfield, Oregon Mr. Hart's P.E. Stamp has expired. Condition 4 "The applicant must snbmit a storm drainage plan, which includes sheet flow from or to adjacent properties, for Public Works Department approval prior to final plat approval." Condition 5 "Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the City's storm water quality requirements. The plans must be approved by the City Engineer prior to final site plan approval. All catch basins with paved areas on the site shall be a multi-chambered design and include an oil filtering medinm within the inlet chamber." Storm water runoff from the site is not allowed. All parking lot storm water mnst flow to a double chambered catch basin with oil filtering media prior to entering the City's storm water system. The grading and catch basin needs to be changed. The site plans do not meet Condition 4. The neither the model number nor the detail for the oil/water separator does not have an oil filtering media which is reqnired by Condition 5. Please revise yonr site plans to reflect the above and resubmit. If you have any questions, please call me at 541-736-1028. iii . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD if. ' --.."... .,. Building/Combination Permit ... ............... I.,. Status: Issued PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 09/04/2002 541-726-3753 Phone APPLIED: 04/03/2002 541-726-3676 Fax EXPIRES: 05/13/2003 541-726-3769 Inspection Line VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Pam Ownbey (FAXED 7-17-02) Eneineerine-C/lIP 07/23/2002 Appr PO Fire Marshal-C/lIP 07/0312002 Appr AG Plan review of fuel center plans submittal showing tank installation details and responses to previons plan review dated 8/31/2000 1. Obtain a tank installation permit from the Springfield Fire Marshal's Office a tank installation submittal will be required which includes cut sheets with UL listings for all tanks, piping, pumps,dispensers, valves, and fittings, a piping layout plan 2. Install fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of2A-20B:C, within 75' of all dispensers 3. Provide signage at Emergency fnel shut off switches Hems will be taken care of at construction phase.- per conversation with architect - Gerard Initial Review-CII/P 04/03/2002 Appr LH Plannine-CII/P Wait LM Have not received signed development agreement Plannine-CII/P 07/2412002 Appr LM OK per Jim Donovan - Dev. Agreem't received. Structural-C/lIP 07/10/2002 Appr TR Received requested information and could complete plan review Strnctnral-CII/P 05/01/2002 Info LH Faxed Fuel Center. Please provide a copy of the specifications as referenced in teh door schedule. Fuellsland Canopy - Sheet 10 of the calculations by Lane Supply Company shows a moment of 105 ft k for the column design. The standard baseplate design sheet lists a maximum moment of 90 ft-k. Proivde additional baseplate design calculations for review. Please provide two copies of all snpplemental information. Strnctnral-CII/P 07/0312002 Info DM Received Speciifcation Sec. 08710 from the architect, and forwarded the material to Tom Rogers. 7/3/02 dim SUB - CommlInd 04/17/2002 Appr DH Passed Plan Review 7 of 8 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00371-01 ISSUED: 09/0412002 APPLIED: 04/03/2002 EXPIRES: 05/1312003 VALUE: $ 563,000.00 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. AIl inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. IR~l1l1i~ 1 Low Voltage: Prior to cover. By signature, 1 state and agree, that 1 have carefuUy examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Bnilding Safety. 1 further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiD be used on this project. 1 further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date 8 of 8