HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-6-1 Electrical Permit Application 225 Fifth Street+SpringfieJd, OR 97477+ PH(541)726-3753+FAX(541)726-3689 I ;~:'~':CU~0Y:'S"jr;}1C!?'ru!im'N':c.1.~:0;,,;'i)"'~~"'~$>~-~.,~:'II f~~~~l?0~!:t~I~Jr!YI~~~~L~:~,:g~~~~,~~~ I Permit io.: (! C/ --, "2:S r;.1 I Date: . (; ~ / ~ 09 I This permil is issued under OAR 918-309-0000, Permits are nontransferahle. Permils expire if work is not slarted within 180 days of issuanc,e or if work is suspended for 180 days. 1"iEi'i!i8t''''!:ii'!IlOCA.'!'r.''GOV' E R'NM E N"'"'A"'''ROV''A':Ai''1::22l!'''l.c'',':i R:"\.~,.~..j1\'n".,,,._ .... 1,.;. . _... '10.. .. r;r: _'" L;; dt"5""",'''',,.=i0Zlf'i ~'~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~l~~:::~~Ru,T~o~~~~:;~~~~~ll, Residential, per uni~ service inclhded: 1:~]::!~'ii'~OB1SITE~INI7C>RMATIC>N::AN01L!C>CMI()N.!0'J1~llllliliil 1,000 sq,ft or less (4) , I " JI'O:') n.. . I I Each additional 500 sq, ft, or portio,n Job sIte address: " ,..:er~(.. rAt 1<.JNtJ.M. thereof ' I City: SDr:Il!f.itlJ I State: 01.. ~I ZIP: 97'(77 I Limited energy (2) I Referen~e: _ I Taxlot.: I Each manufactured home or modular dwelling service or feeder-(2)' I $ 63.00 $ I, - I' /L , _ J.. r "/I' A,. ,.. I Services or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation ...",.,J VII TlUe- UlIlTf'ilL, ror n 1'1"- TDr I ':7 J, ~ I 200 amps or 1ess (2) $ 81.00 $ pi'" _t1-IJAA,,:M 1;!l!lj{f~t7'~2~,I,;!';~wmlieRQREIH1Y410WNER~~a'li~'f'.:!!lllliif"~~4it I 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95,00 $ I Name: OrCIIIIII /I1;/;l-aty j)""t. I I 401 to 600 amps (2) $158,00 $ I Address: mf. /I1;!''f;tL tA!...,' I I 601 to 1,000 amps (2) $205,00 $ I City: 5c.tt.N"l I Sta;;;: OR. I ZIP: 9730'1 I, I Over 1,000 amps or volts (2) $469,00 $ I Phone:$//J-Si't .J/9S I Fax:S'~ -set 3$8'1 I I Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ I E-mail: I I Temporary services or feeders: ihstallation, alteration, relocation This installation is being made on residential or farm property I 200 amps or less (2) $ 63,00 $ owned by me or a member of my immediate family, This 1201 to 400 amps (2) $'87.00 $ property is not intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 479,540(1) and 479,560(1). I 401 to 600 amps (2) $126,00 $ Signature: Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see ~ervices or feeders section above Ilt;:i:~:::~:N:~~r~~;,~S~1~::~;:7:~::~~J'~i1ll :r;::~o:i:::~:~ :::~i::t:~~::r:~:::~:~P'::i::e~r feeder fee I Address: 1/"85 :r~4fUtJU\U. IW~. ' I I Each branch circuit I $ 6,00 I $ I City: J'.ul(.,D,..Jt.fl(.t. I' State: OJ. I ZIP: 'i 7 Jb I I I b, Fee for branch circuits without purchase of a service or feeder fee: , Phone:S'03-iJa..1ll, 1 I Fax:5'//3-t3lt 3Q4t' I I First branch circuit (2) I I $ 5500 $ E-mail: o.4A..." t!R rts,",ne:f I I Each additional branch circuit $ 6.00 $ I CCB ] icense no.: G21( 1(, I BCD license no.: _ I I Miscelhineous fees: serviceorfee1er not included Signing supervisor's license no,: '3> <15J lb~ \ I I Each pump or irrigation circle (2) , $ 63.00 Print name of signing supervisor: ft~~ J<=::"'- I Each sign or outline lighting (2) J. $ 63,00 I Signature of signing supervisor: (, lAr 'A,I I Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, 1 S 63.00 . ~ J alteration, or extension (2) '. _ (j . Each additional inspection: (1) ~ ~~ "~~~ ~~ \~~~~ ~~ 440-2584-1 (9/08/COM) $134,00 I I I I I $ $ 25,00 $ $ 32,00 $ $58.00 I I I I I I I I I I '$'3.~ $ $ $ (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (Minimum Permit Fee $58.00) Ii I (B) Enter 12% surcharge (,12 x [AD I (C) Technology Fee (5%0f[AD :i I TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through C): $'3. ~() I $ 7.5(, I $3.lSI $73.7/1 'UfX ,,~( ^ N~\ Co r \ sOV ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: C.OM2009-00336 ISSUED: OS/26/2009 APPLIED: 03/12/2009 EXPIRES: 12/0112009 VALUE: $113,000.00 Status Issued ZZS'Fifth Streel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 3110 PIERCE PKWY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO:: 1702300001000 SPRINGFIETYPE OF WORK: Mechanical Only TYPE OF USE: Addilion Com~ercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: HV AC for ~LM Warehouse Addition . I~ Owuer: Address: STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT PO BOX 14350 SALEM OR 97309' , ';, .1 CONTRACTOR INFORM;\TION I Contractor Type Low Vollage Eleclriral Mechanical Contractor ROBERT LLOYD SHEET METAL INC COMFORT FLOW License 62476 460 Expiration Date 1110812009 06/2712009 Phone 503.838-3863 541-726-0100 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Units: Primary Occupaney Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Conslruclion Type Secondary Construclion Type: # of Bedrooms: S-I B VB # of Slories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lol Size: Sq Fll~1 Floor: " Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Fl Basemenl:.. " Sq Fl GaragelCarporl Sq Fl Other: " I, Occup~nt Load: Yes JI....__. Front yard Selback: Side I Selback: Side 2 Selback: Rearyard Selback: Solar Setbacks: . ''-'''IIU/\l' Ure 1 DEVELOPMENT INFORMATlONJII'W rules a'd gon law requires vou~ J" , optr.'" ,- " (; ! uUr!cation Cent ,REQUrREDfPs~R~I I " In OAR 95 er" Ihose rules ar '" 'Y Overlay DiSl: 0090. Vi 2-001-001(f9!~bgh OARe set forth # Slreel Trees Rqd: call' ou may obtaHandicapped: 952-001_ Ing the --,..,-~ '" me rul b Paved Drive Rqd: n center,'<!:omnacl: es y umber for th 0 ' r-, ."e telopho % of Lol Coverage: C e I egon Utility Nott' ne enter '8 1-8003322 ' IcallOn - - 344), 1 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Slorm Sewer Available: NOTICE: HE WORK Speciallnslruclion: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF T S NOT . AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT I , NOles: ' COMMENCED. OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY i 80 DAY PERIOD, Sidewalk Type: Downspouls/Drains: Paee I of 3 . ~l . Status Issued CITY OF ~rKINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00336 ISSUED: OS/26/2009 APPLIED: 03/1212009 EXPIRES: 12/0112009 VALUE: $ J 13,000.00 225 Fifth Slreet, Springlield, OR 541-726"3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspeclion Line I Valuation De~c,riDtion I " Mechanical CII Use Bid Amount $ Per SqFI or multiplier $1.00 Square Foolage or Bid Amounl 113,000.00 Value Dale Calculated Descriplion Tvpe of Construction Total Value of Project 1 $113,000.00 $113,000.00 03/1212009 ~ $91.40 $38.08 $761.66 $495.08 $7.56 $3.15 $63.00 5/26/09 5/26/09 5/26/09 5126/09 6/1109 6/1109 ' 6/1109 . Receipt Number .c 1200900000000000537 1200900000000000537 1200900000000000537, 1200900000000000537 2200900000000000585 2200900000000000585 2200900000000000585 Fee Description + 12% Slale Surcharge , + 5% Technology Fee Mechanical-Value Plan Review Comm/lnd/Public + 12% Slate Surcharge, + 5% Technology Fee Low Vollage - Commercial Indus Amount Paid Dale Paid Total Amounl Paid $1,459,93 I Plan Reviews I SUB Review 03116/2009 03/16/2009 APP JF HV AC System only. Initial Review 03/17/2009 03117/2009 APP LLH HV AC Syslem Structural Review 05/1312009 05/13/2009 APP KLK Verified S.U.B. approval. ~: To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. wilLbe made the following work day. ~rr'1"ir<;,11~n~ections I Rough Mechanical: Prior 10 Cover Final MechaniCal: When all mechanical work is complele. Low V ollage: Prior 10 cover. Paee 2 01'3 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: c'OM2009-00336 ISSUED: OS/26/2009 APPLIED': 03/12/2009 EXPIRES: 12/0112009 . VALUE: $113,000.00 225 Fifth Sireet, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769IRspeclion LiRe By signalure, I slale and agree, lhal I have carefully examined lhe compleled applicalion and do h~reby cerlify thaI all information hereon is lrue and correcl, and I furlher certify lhal any and all work performed shall.be done in accordance wilh, lhe Ordinances of lhe City of Springlield and lhe Laws of lhe Stale of Oregon perlaining 10 the work described herein, and lhal NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any slruClure withoul permission oflhe Commnnily Services Division, Building Safely. I further certify lhal only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiIlbe used on lhis projecl, I further agree 10 ensure lhalall required inspections are requesled allhe proper time, lhat each address is readable from lhe streel, lhallhe permil card is localed at lhe front of lhe properly, and lhe approved set of plans will remain on lhe sile alall times during construction. . ~ 6/;/9 Date Owner or Contractors Signature " Page 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2009-00336 . COM2009-00336 COM2009-00336 Payments: Type of Paymenl Check ' cReceintl RECEIPT #: City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department ( . PublIc Works Department 2200900000000000585 Date: 06/01/2009 9:S5:49AM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received njm 22414 In Person Amount Due, 63,00 3,15 7,56 $73.71 Description Low Voltage - Commercial Indus + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge Paid By ROBERT LLOYD SHEET METAL Amount Paid $73,71 Payment Total: $73.71 ,I Page I of I 611/2009