HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2009-6-1 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00416 ISSUED: 06/01/2009 APPLIED: 03/27/2009 EXPIRES: 12/01/2009 VALUE: $ 798,209.00 225 F.ifth Slreel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax , 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 3100 PIERCE PKWY A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1702300001000 SPRINGFIETYPE OF WORK: Storage Building TYPE OF USE: Addition Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTIO'N: Architectural Plans for BLM Warehouse Expansion- Per Archilecl,-Review Existing , and New Conslruction As One Building. Foundation Only #COM2009-00215, Melal Building Only #COM2009-00233. Fees fo~ Eleclrical and Plumbing under permit COM2009-00215. Fees for Mechanical under permil COM2009-00336. Owner: Address: STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT PO BOX 14350 SALEM OR 97309 __ _.. ........_~......n \o:l;W rprluires you to AI I Cl'll ~......,-.~ ':;-~':"':"H h\l thp. Oreqon UlIlllY IceONTRACTORINF.ORMAifiION 'Ilt forth !w,""v-"'." -OOi 0 througn UI-\n ",,2-00i- Contractor in OAR 95;~~~ obtain copifuic'erl'se rule'E'1\l!iration Date' ELECTRICAL coR~~2'foRS'&rDESIGNte~'hlielefho;.e n 05/30/2011 ' COMFORT FLOW %t.JJtlG~~O~eoregon U~46q;:';~~llca 10 06/2712009 WOLCOTT PLUMBING ,Center is i-800.3'li-2220 . 04/18/2011 Phone ernie.ecd@veriz 541-726-0100 cbowman@wolc Contractor Type Electrical Mechanical Plull1bing 'BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Unils: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Conslruction Type Secondary Conslructioll Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Slories: 2 SI Heighl of Slructure ' 35.00 'B Type of Heat: Forced Air Gas VB Waler Type: ' Range Type: ' NOTICE: Energy.!)~t~, p. IF,THE WORK :~I~_;~:~~~~~t~1~~~E.~~ITr~~Y~UT COI rl)E:V.Ifu(iW~JN1~lIli1R\VI1m(,)~ ~ ANY 180 OAY PERIOD. Overlay Disl: # Slreet TreesRqd: Paved Drive Rqd: ' 0/0 of Lot Coverage: Lol Size: Sq Ft I st Floor: Sq Fl 2nd Floor: Sq Fl Basemenl: Sq Fl Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: 976,615 6,318 6,318 82 Frontyard Setback: Side I Selback: Side 2 Selback: Rearyard Selback: Solar Selbacks: ,REQUIRED PARKING Tolal: , Handicapped: Compacl: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Streellmprovemenls: Slorm Sewer Available: SpeciallnstruClion: Sidewalk Type: ' Downspoutsffirains: Noles: Pa2e I of 5 Status Issued 225 Fifth Streel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspeclion Line Description Tvpe of Construction Fee Description Plan Review Comm/lnllfPublic ***+ 100/0 Administrative Fee*** FLS Safely Syslems Review + 12% Slale Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Building Permit Fire SF Fee - Non-Residential Plan Review/Com,Ind,Pub Hourly Sanitary Sewer - Improvemenl Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC Adminislralion SDC MWMC Improvemenl SDC MWMC Reimbursemenl SDC SanilarylSlorm Admin SDC Transpo Improvemenl SDC Transpo Reimbursemenl SDC Transportation Admin Total Amount Paid Fire Department Review 04/24/2009 SUB Review 03/3112009 Initial Review 03/3012009 I Val~ation De~crioH,~,n .1 $ Per Sq Fl or mulliplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Total Value of Projecl Rpp~ P~I~ ~ Amount Paid Date Paid $2,309.89 $14.55 $145.53 $426.44 $177.68 $3,553.68 $628.00 $650.00 $294.51 $387.31 $10.00 $3,607.06 $349.92 $43,82 $10,377.05 $2,847.15 $849,83 3127/09 5/6/09 516/09 ' 611109 6/1I09 , 6/1/09 6/1I09 6/1I09 6/l109 6/1I09 6/1I09 6/1I09 6/1I09 6/1I09 6/1/09 6/1109 6/1109 $26,672.42 I Plan Reviews I 03/31/2009 I, i APP LLH Page 2 of 5 CITY OF SPRINl>l'lJ!.LD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00416 ISSUED: 06/01/2009 APPLIED: 03/27/2009 EXPIRES: 12/01/2009 VALUE: $ 798,209.00 Valne Date Calculaled Receipl Number 1200900000000000221 3200900000000000312 3200900000000000312 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579, , 1200900000000000579 1200900000000000579 Fire Alarm plans for BLM Warehouse. Energy forms senl with plans. , _~~~U~tq~l~9; _,.. t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 'Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: COM2009-00416 225 Fifth Streel, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 06/01/2009 541-726-3753 Phone APPLIED: 03/27/2009 541-726-3676 Fax EXPIRES: 12/01/2009 541-726-3769 Inspeclion'Line VALUE: $ 798,209.00 Fire Deparlment Review 04/01/2009 0410 I 12009 APP GRG (Nole: This sprinkler plans review was compleled on 3/23/09 and entered in Tidemark that dale in COM2007-01740. Plans review comments relocaled to lhis job number on 411/09). Plans Review: Extension of existing sprinkler system to warehouse expansion. Job #COM2009-00416, Designer: Dan Furno. Con,tractor: Viking Aulomalic Sprinkler Company. This review used lhe 2007 Springlield Fire Code and 2007 edilion of NFP A 13. This is an extension from lhe original inslallalion. The warehouse expansion has two floors, both prolecled by the sp~inkler system. The sprinkler syslem is designed for an Ordinary Hazard Class II al :20 gpm/sq. ft. over. minimum of 900 sq. ft. (re,duced from 1500 sq. ft. due 10 low ceilings per NFP A 13,2007 edilion, Seclion for lhe 1st Iloor slorage area. The second floor is hydraulically calculated for a Lighl Hazard densily of .10 gpm/sq. ft. over a minimum of 900 sq.Jt. (same reduclion). Sprinklers consist of Viking M-QR quick response, glass bulh, 5.6K, 155 degree Fahrenheit uprighl and pendanl sprinkler heads wilh one sidewall head for the elevator pit. Provide laleral brace wilhin 6 feel of lhe end reed main per NFPA 13, 2007 edilion, Seclions and Provide branch line restrainls per NFPA 13,2007 edition, Section 9,3,6.1. Public Works Review 0313112009 04/02/2009 APP TSS . Stormwater connection to existing eaves and do'wnspouts. Paee 3 of 5 Status Issued 225 Fifth Streel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspeclion Line, Planninf! Review Structural Review Structural Review. Structural Review Slructural Review Initial Review Fire Department Review Fire Department Review 03/3112009 03/3112009 04/17/2009 04/20/2009 04/22/2009 ' 04/24/2009 04/28/2009 05/05/2009 04107/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/20/2009 04/22/2009 04124/2009 04/28/2009 05/05/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00416 ISSUED: 06/01/2009. APPLIED: 03/27/2009 EXPIRES: 12/01/2009 VALUE: $ 798,209.00 APP EMM WE KLK WE KLK 10, KLK 10 KLK APP' LLH APP GRG APP GRG Paee 4 of5 Call Andy Limbird al726-3784 for Final Sile Plan Inspeclion before occupancy and Final Building InspeClion. Compleled first review (iricomplele submittal) and faxed correction letter to archilecl. See attached letter in Documents. Jim Thomas made an incomplele submittal of unsigned architectural drawings, Plans examiner called Jim ,Thomas and requesled a complele submittal from the architecl addressing all of lhe correclion ilems. Jim requesled a copy of lhe correclion letter, and he lold the plans examiner 10 discard the unsignedcdrawings. Faxed lhe archilecllhe adjuSled correction letter renecling the responses accepted for the building egress. Fire alarm drawings for BLM Warehouse forwarded to Fire Marshals Office. See attached document for Fire Departmenl Plans Review comments. Plans Review: addition of lhree heat detectors.and four smoke detectors in elevator and elevator machine room from walcr now and lamper monitoring alarm panel. Job #COM2009-00416. Designer: David Keen. Conlraclor: SecnreCom. Plans appear 10 meel code requirem~nts. Fire dampers shall be connected 10 lhe fire alarm syslem (SFC 907.1.12). Status Issued 225 Fifth Slreel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769,Inspeclion Line Structural Review 05/12/2009 Slructural Review OS/29/2009 05/12/2009 OS/29/2009 WE WI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-004I6 ISSUED: 06/01/2009 APPLIED: 03/27/2009 EXPIRES: 12/01/2009 VALUE: $ 798,209.00 KLK FAXed correciion letters 10 lhe architect, Mark Danielson, and the general contractor, Jim Thomas. Followed up with phone calls 10 bolh' Mark and Jim, and discussed all correclion items, Billing hourly for plan review: 5 hours on 5/8109 and 5 hours on 5/11109. KLK Received response to correction letter (dated 5/11/09) loday. Compleled plan review, bul n'eed 10 confirm with Depuly Fire Marshal whether or not he needs 10 amend his conditions. To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will'be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I ,Re\l~Jir~~ In~pe,ction.s I By signature, I slale and agree, lhall have carefully examined lhe compleled applicalion and do hereby cerlify lhal all information hereon is true and correcl, and I further cerlify lhat any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wilh the Ordinances of lhe City of Springfield and lhe Laws of lhe Stale of Oregon perlaining to the work described herein; and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Servic,es Division,- Building Safety. [ further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance wilh ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I furlher agree 10 ensure lhal all required inspeclions are reqnested at lhe proper time, lhal each addressis readable from lhe slreet, that lhe permil card is localed al'lhe front of lhe property, and the approved sel of plans will remain on lhe sile al all times during construction. Owner orplraclors Signalnre Page 5 of5 6./()'J Dale City of Springfield Official Rec~ipt Development Services Department , Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street 'Spr~ngfield, Oregon 97477, 541-726-3759 Phone Date: 06/01/2009 Il:50:IOAM RECEIPT #: 1200900000000000579 Description I Fire SF Fee - Non-Residential Sanitary Sewer - Reil~bursement , Sanitary Sewer - Improvement I SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimb,~rsement SDC MWMC Impro~ement SDC MWMC Administration SDC Sanitary/Storm 'Admin , I SDC Transp0l1ation Admin Building Permit j Plan Review/Com,lna,Pub Hourly + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge , , Amount Due 628,00 387.31 294,5] 2,847,15 10,377.05 349,92 3,607,06 10,00 43,82 849,83 3,553,68 650,00 177,68 426.44 $24,202.45 Job/Journal Number COM2009~00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009~00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009~00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 Item Total: Authorization Number How Received Check Number Batch'Number Payments: Type of Payment Check Check' Received By CJC CJC Amount Paid Paid By WILDISH BLD CO WILDISH BLD CO $7,666.46 $16,535,99 $24,202.45 413777 80138 In Person In Person Payment Tolal: Amount Due 628,00 387.31 294,51 2,847,15 10,377,05 349,92 3,607,06 10,00 43,82 849,83 . 3,553,68 650,00 177.68 , 426.44 $24,202.45 Job/Journal Number COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 COM2009-00416 , COM2009-00416 Description Fire SF Fee - Non-R~sidenlial Sanilary Sewer - Rei!nbursemenl Sanitary Sewer - Imp'rovement , SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimb1ursement I SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Administration SDC Sanitary/Storm 'Admin SDC Transportation Admin Building Permit ; Plan Review/Com,lnd,pub Hourly + 5% Technology Fee I + 12% Stale Surcharge I I , I I' Item Total: Authorization Number How Received Check Number Batch Number Paymenls: Type of Payment Check Check Paid By H.eceived By Amount Paid $7,666.46 $16,535,99 $24,2U2.45 WILDISH BLD CO WILDISH BLD CO CJC CJC 413777 80138 In Person In Person Payment Tolal: Page I of I 611 /2009 cR~ceint1