HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 9/6/2007 ;. PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed:. 1- &, -07 / Dave Puent - Building ~ ,Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire v Gary McKenney - Traffic, . ~Matt Stouder- Pu~lic Works/E~gine~ring . ~ Les Benoy - Publlc Works/Engmeermg Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying, Planner, ,~~. " _ " City (If Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax SPAINGI'ISLOJ ...""",~-,_.""'~.-""~~,",."".~._.,,, ~- 5 Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00061 Date Submitted: 9/5/2007 Proiect Name: Project Description: Pre-Submittal meeting for Site Plan Review for 21 unit apartment development at 1980 5th Street Application Type: Job Address: Site Plan Review 1980 5TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703262403201 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date 'and time. Pf/:f?))n'1-noo 7.A r r r ".. 'lanJobPrint.rpt 9/5/2007 2:25:56PM "Pre-Su.)mitta~ ~eeting, Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, S~ptember 14,2007,' 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00061 (SITE PLAN ,TENT) SCOTT $336 Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-24 TL 3201, 3300 Existing Use: MDR & Residential Address: 1980 & 1990 5th Street Applicant submitted plans to construct a 21-unit MDR apartment complex~ "5th Street Apartments" Meeting Daterrime: Friday, September 14, 2007DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m.. Planner: Steve Hopkins 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00060 (PART TENT) JACKSON $336 Assessor's Map: 18-02-05-21 TL 9100 Existing Use: Residential Address: 875 S 43rd Street Applicant submitted plans to partition I-lot into two parceis, Meeting Daterrime: Friday, September 14,2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon. Planner: Andy Limbinl/MoUy Markarian ' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 kn:iij Site Plan Application, Type II .~ Site Plan Review: ~ Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 ~, . . . , I. 5U~ S"" "'--'---r App Icant Name: ''--'-_. <:;:... '--:'C--' I Company: I ' Fax: I i Address: ~ 5t::.A., 91, '?'fRJ.\UF'I'lE...L-D q74-77 " ,,,. ", ", ",.".",,/i"F, ":" "',,,,,,',;u,,,"""'8,",""""';"';,''''''';;,''''',.;:.,,, <"",g,',"'s:''i''''Y~'';;w,;""'i,:"":,'',,,':J,.;w::';,,""';"!"""""""""''''''''''''':'::''''''!:::'' "~'I Applicant's Rep.: i <:::ir-e-V'IL ~..A..I1M&.' !Phone: I U Z-rY.,./ ? Company: )( 'EA.-n.t1h_ ~ J,~ IFax: I Z4z -~ 1.4- j Address: l?q, 'E.' l0-n!, AV/Z. 60",-.9'tZ Q7dO [ ',F":U"""""""""",;;)!"""""",,,,,,,, ",;"',,,:, ",",'"",';:,"',,; "",,',H':, ,"'""""",,"', 'cf""L,;,:."s',,,';,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,,yc.y,,':.'W'" ">""""""",,,"".,...,,,,,,, ,'I"':" Property Owner: I~E- cf 1<..62. L~ JPhone: I Company: I IFax; I '<\~~,~':~~,: "'" .., ".......1 . ..,....",.... ....'.........,. ',' .....""....,. "".", ..... ...""., ..,.... .,..,...,.,.... '..,.""....",..".,...." .,. ,...,... .,. ..,"'" . '. ,. , .,.... ..... ,"',""'.' '...," ....J' ......;~;i5:;f.i;~,~:f:;,~~~:;.?;:T*~~;;;:;=~~:);;;;;;t:;~~ . Size of Property:' I. (),~ ,Acres fj Square Feet 0 I .Proposed Name of Project:7t;;.~ <?....~kR-n-'(:t?1::l-rS Description of Proposal: , .'-~. ?E-tL A-r-rAde-? # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: New Impervious Surface Coverage: ~ sf '".'.;;l''''':';''"'':'i'''.'-'-'''':C~-"~~';_:~'';;::~:':cij:',:,;,,',,\::,: ~~""-'''.':'::i:,''i~i; .,.'"' "i':"'-i;'i.;;_:,''''~(::Ci-~'!:.-~<l'\\;:'-'''''':T';;iJ.'::fc;:i':'''~-- ':::"~:'i" ..,.__:..:;;t:i:';",,:, __,.a,,;;;;r;;'ii':';:-'~':':'" . ~ . -.... . - sf Density:, du/acre Bldg. Gross Floor Area: ~sf I <;",\;>;;!:,:ri:+:::i"'~'~!i'::+;:;,~i-,:i'_:,J":,<::<,:,~",,::~'::j;(,;:'~~i.';;:':'~:"/;;_;'_~:;::::":~":-;~::,,,,,,--x'ni'~'>''';;::_~;~:::;:'-:'':::c~._,\",-;~i",. Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Pre~Submittal Case No.: (\)ve 1i1"b1-0Stk, t Date:' Case No.: , Date: Application Fee: _$ , T""lmical Fee: $ .TOTAL FEE'S $ , . :. , Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 0;/0<'::/"1- Reviewed by: ,Reviewed by: Postaqe Fee: +~ $ !( (\Qs2Y\.- Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones () PR,-32oo1-o0D73 Ci!lyhT {c/0.~ " , -.;, I represent this appiication to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-SubmittaJ'Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal,: and the City may begin processing the application' with the information as submitted, This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete' application , , \ Owner: - _ 7UR Si~ure c;; ~ ';#- Date: q, P~'o7 ~~ 54f;~ Print Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones l. DETAiLED WRITTEN EXl'LANATlON Project Name,: Fifth Street Apartments 1980/1990 Fifth Street - Springfield, OR 97477 21 living units with open space; on acres of residential land Zoning: 'Site is zoned MDR, and is adjoined by LDR on the north, ancl MDR on the south and west. These zones are consistent with the Metro Plan Proposed use and scope The scale of this development suggests that it should work to form its own sense of neighbqrhood, while supporting the residential functions of Fifth street and participate in t he nearby commercial llses (Fred Meyer and ,Pioneer Plaza Shopping nodes) and intermodal transit, With LTD routs enfronting the property, It allows for both active and 'passive outdoor pursuits with open spaces and a pedestrian scale, design variety, and a hierarchy of Qoth semi-public and private spaces. It will also benefit from having a small street-like orientation, with a a variety of facade treatments and building styles, and landscape features to aid in way finding, " '. " ", v: '''''.-. ."c...",.....,. .....,...,..,.. ~.. -:;:!..,~:. " . 0"; ",., .-; ..~-'>:-,.'.i" ",:;,' : "..'~. ,~.,_C' ',The basic pattern of the developed area is constrainedby'the nanowpropertyand minimal stormwater facilities. Entrance to the development is taken between the properties. The entry street will have planting areas and pedestrian-level raised crosswalks to reduce the scale of the street, and calm traffic as soon as it enters the site. It curves.to separate itself somewhat from the busy traffic on Fifth Street. The mail steip is centralized, 'The centerpiece of the community is a park-like area with swal~s, arbo~s, and hardscapes, The largest building on the site is to the rear. All exterior lighting has been designed for a'minimum of I Fe of ambient lighting, for security, Most of it is placed on the buildings, so that building walls are lit up, giving a greater sense of light and ambience and less light intrusion'into unit windows. ' ' Pathways are adjacent to the driveways, and lead to the central open space. Opportunities for, private, dispersed passive recreation areas are provided behind the 4-plexes and the remaining single-family home, but active recreation areas (playground areas) are as they are difficult to control visually, and they present security problems. Play equipment and similar amenities will not be'provided. Section 1 - Detailed Written Explanation Page I-I The'proposai shows a mixture of two and three bedroom apartments with both attached and tuck- under covered and enclosed parking. with four units of generally mixed types in most buildings, Rental rates are targeted to the mdeian levels of the local market, and the mix of twoand three- bedroom units is intended to attract families with children who would likely remain in the community for longer-than-average periods, Building fOrnls are mo~ulated and colors will be used to avoid the usual sense of monotony associated with apiutment communities, The project is to be constructed in one build-out Water service utilities are to be designed by SUB Water, with master meters for each site. Most of the landscaping will be native drought-tolerant species to reduce water demand, Stomlwater systems are designed to be shared by the entire site. Pipe sizes are larger than required by the plumbing code to reduce maintenance and increase system storage capacity for the design water quality stonn events. Easerrients are to be written to allow joint use and maintenance of stonnwater facilities and access, and copies of these are tobe included in the final application. Rather than execute and record the many easements necessary for this project, it would be in the, owner's interest to allow the City stafIto comment on them; and record the easements as a condition of approvaL Stonnwater capacity is based on the West Springfield Stonnwater Master Plan, ..."....Landscapingis provided in quantities' to conform to th'SDC:"Th~'urbanized nature ofthe site.... "",' ,". would suggest that wildlife habitat connectivity need not be addressed. No,employees are anticipated, and off-site managers will be used with contracted groundskeeping Proposed Off-site Improvements: The apron and curb cut will be installed to meet Springfield ~tandard specifications. Stormwater Quality Measures: Weare proposing a combination of an infiltration basins with soaking trenches. The city allows several methods of basin design, as outlined below in this excerpt from code. The areas we wish to address are in boldface, to identify our focus points. 4.12 DETENTION POND DESIGN Detention ponds and other open impoundment facilities such as landscape areas, open playing fields and parklands, shall comply with the requirements ofORS 537, in general and more specifically.ORS 537.4 Ponds and Reservoirs. They shall also comply with the following criteria: ) A. Facility Geometries. . [nterior side slopes up to the maximum water surface shall be no steeper than 3H: I V. If the interior slope Section 1 -Detailed Written Explanation .1. ' Page [-2 E, " B, 1l:::ed5 to be mowed. theslopo: slw.il be 4H: I V l. Exterior side ~Iopes shall ;lGt be steeper thi1Il 2H:1V unless analyzed for stability by a geotechnical engineer. 2. Pond walls and/or-dikes may'be retaining walls, provided that, the design is prepared and stamped by a registered professional engineer and that a tence is provided along the top oflhe wall and that at least 25 percent ofrhe pond perimeter will be a vegetated soil slope ofl1ot greater than 3H: I V. 3. Pond bottom_s shall be level, lind shall be located a minimum ofO.S feet below the inlet and outlet to provide sediment storage. Overflow - Emergency Spillway A pond overflow system shall provide controlled discharge of the desigq storm event for developed contributing area \vithout overtopping any part of the pon9 embankment or exceeding the capacity of the emergency spillway. Th~de5ign shall provide controlled discharge directly into the downstream conveyance system. An emergency overIlow spillway (secondary overflow) shall be provided to safely pass the 100~year, 24-hour design storm event over the pond embankment in the event of control structure failure and tor stonnhunoff events exceeding design. The spillway shall be located to direct overflows safely towards the downstream' conveyance system. The emergency spillway shall be stabilized with riprap or other approved IT!eans and shall extend.to the toe of each face oft~e berm embankment. These are,indicated on the drawings and detailed . Access - Maintenance l. 'Pond access easements and roads shall be provided when ponds do not abutpublic right-of-way. Access roads shall provide access to the control structure and along one or both sides of the pond as necessary for vehicular maintenance access. Access roads ~hall meet the following criteria: , 1. Access roads shall have a ma.ximum grade.of 15 percent; and a maximum cross slope of3 percent. 2. A 40 foot minimum outside turning radius shall be provided on the access road. 3. Access roads shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide on curved sections and J 2 feeI' on straight sections. 4. Access roads in excess of 50 feet in length shall have a'turn around unless approved by the City Engineer. 5. Access roads shall have t.he capability of supporting a 20-ton vehicle under all weather conditions. Berm Embankment - Slope Stabilization . ..~ l=,.' >..,. ". . Pond berm embankments highei-':tnarCsix.;feef.'sh'a.tI'b'e"d~lsl'gn'eQlby'a'gebtechnical - civil engineer. 'nie\';~;e~::~;~':_:~;~'i':~'~:~O:~:;,\ benn embankment shaH have a minimum 15~foot top width where necessary for maintenance access: othef\vise, top \vidth may vary as recommended by the design, engineer, but in no case shall top \vidth be less than four feet. 2. The toe of the exterior slope of pond berm embankment shall be no closer than five feet from the tract or easement property line. 3. The pond benn embankment shall be constructed on native consolidated soil(or adeq~ately compacted and stable fill soils analyzed by a geotechnical-engineer) free ofloose surface soil materials, roots and other organic debris. . 4. The pond berm embankments shall be constructed by excavating a 'key' equal to 50 percent of the berm embankment cross-sectional height and width or as designed by a geotechnical engineer. '. 5. The berm embankment shall.be constructed on compacted soil (95 percent. minimum dry density, per' AASHTO T99, placed in six-inch lifts, with the following:':11+- s()il characteristics: a minimum of30 percent clay, a maximUm of 60 percent sapd, a maximum of 60 percent silt, with nominal grayel contem or as:designed by a geotechnical engineer. ' 6. Anti-seepage collars shall be placed on pipes in berm embankments which impound w;ter greater than four. feet i,n depth' at the design \vater surface. 7. Exposed earth on the pond bottom and side slopes shall be seeded with seed mixture approved by the City Engineer. PDX mixture is specified c. D. The sites are treated together for purposes of storm water e,-:aluatlon, and areto be maintained so that each they may remain in separate ownership, Storm water easements are written where storm flows cross site boundaries, Section 1 - Detailed Written Explanation Page [-3 ' The basin is designed to contain a WQ storm at a depth not exceeding 12", and provide detention with 12" minimum freeboard for a 25 year event, and pass a 100 year event without damage, The piping systems were analyzed for 100 year events due to the possibility of ponding over parking area catch basins, which the design avoids. Discharges are made to the basin without forebays, Since we are treating 100% of the pavement areas, (except for landscape sidewalks), and the catchbasins are fitted with filtration systems, this will provide adequate pretreatment prior to infiltration or emergency overland flows. Current use of the Site: The site contains two small houses, Special site features . Several trees are extant, but most are not good specimens, and few can be integrated into the design, The site plan indicates the ones to be removed. Soil types are indicated in the soils report, but generally, the site is overlain with type CL silty clay loam.. Total fill (import): CY Total excavation (re-used on site) , CY ,", ,.."",C-:Total f;:.xc,!va!i(}n,(haul-off) "",.Cy,.>i,C'i .,,' This infomiation developed by the expected sitework contractor (Delta) base on most recent grading plans. Estimated cut-fill quantities ';~'.'."-;. ,. Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed: '.'~~'.".. " Except for tall shrubs, there is clump of ash trees, a 14': magnolia, and several fir trees which are to be removed for this work. No street tress currently,exist. Dedications: , None are expected. Solar Access: The solar access issues are addressed by the wide internal circulation and the requried setback on the north property boundary, ' Section I - Detailed Written Explanation Page ]-4 of'... ~lG.J~ t41iCrf-0flf1) Appulfl1l ~ C<rli CI!:"TL.1 c)'["C\FE..'T1- A" DADT1IIit'-:'I\iT<::; I , !!, \.~ I 1'___. f-- I",. IVI _ 't I '-_ ~ -. c,. r-o r'. ,'~ 'AL' '" r"l'v'" " , " " .."'\- K' ,', ,,' I r" ,.,,/'. ,<\'1' . , L.viUt:,\j , J . vVli\iil.li~' j r ' 1980 AND 1990 FIFTH STf~EET , SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SITE PL.AN REVIEW APPLlCATION TABLE OF CONTENTS , SECTION i-DETAILED WRITTEN DESCRIPTiON APPLICATiON AND FEES SECTIO~I 2 - TiTLE REPORTS INDIC.ATiNG OWNERSHIP SECTION 3 - ADDITIONAL COPY OF SITE PLAN REDUCED SECTION 4 -NOT USED SECTION 5 ' STORMWATER MANAGEMENTS SYSTEMS SOilS REPORT SECTION 6 -lOCAL LTO BUS ROUTES fRAFFIC IMPACT'ANALYSISNOT PROVIDED , ...".", "."."':."'". . .."" ...' SECTION 7 - DRI'WINGS I :;1~l~.llftf~l.y ; -rO'f'; I,A } ,,,-x LOl .l.W" 'IAX,OT j403" .!l!Itt~rb~L"" ( za,~o LOR ) TA)( LOT 3402 "~:F"'MlIX otMC~ (1. 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