HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 10/12/2006 , I" -, ,~ , . PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: / tJ ~ / ~-D" /. Dave Puent -Building , v" Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel...,... Fire' 1/ ,GaryMcKenney:..Traffic ' /Matt Stoudet.~'Public Works/Engineering r/'..Les Benoy:_.:P~blic,;Works/Engineering Dennis ErnStlJdnd)0,.iSCOll, Surveying Pl{lnner,Of uAd4 ~4~ PIZE---5DVb PKT PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O : I. O~~('")..-i()~ .;.City of Springfield " . ';bevelopme~t Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477, 541-725-3753 Phone 54] -726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2006-00089 Date Submitted: 10112/2006 ProieCt Name: LARKIN/NASALROAD S42rrOWNHSES' , . ,Project Description: Pre-Submittal meeting for Site Plan Review for an 18 unit townhouse development located on the east side of S 42nd Street, Application Type: ' Site Plan Review " Job Address: ~.. 327 S 42ND ST "~ Assessor's & Tax Lot#: 1702323301701 . -,.> -'....... .. . <- DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time ofthe'Pre-Subminal Meeting and Subminal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our o'ffice at 541,726-3753 with any questions or concerns, ", APlanner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. p oz s ~ (,-- OQ, ::rL , D~~_C:I_I~~nlrr:AI D~C' ) HtJ ~:-~, lanJobPrint.rpl 10/12/2006 1O:03:52Alv ,', Pre-Submittal Meeting' 'Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, October 24,2006 , ' 1. PRE-SUBMIITAL MTG #PRE2006-00088 (SITE TENT) THOMAS FOX $325 Assessor's Map: 17-03-27-10 TL 3300 ' 'Existing Use: Vacant Address: 104 W "Q" Street Applicant submitted plans ~o construct a 24,838 sq ft cominercial center (Parkway Center) '.. , Meeting Dat~/Time:' Tuesday, October 24, 2006 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Dave Reesor 2. PRE~SUBMITT AL MTG #PRE2006-00089 (SITE TENT) LARKIN/NASAROAD . Assessor's ~ap: 17-02-32-33 TL 1701~' '~$325 ~.'.-,;":, cExisting Use: Vacant : . , '.~ ,." ~. ",' .~.~ ::<' ~,Address: 3~i7 SCl42nd Street , _~;f;i~"'~~ .. ~~ Applicant submitted-plans to' construct an I8-unit townhouse development. ~t:",:'f~':,~:;: Meeting-Datelfime:--Tuesday,-October 24, 2006 DSD 616 11:00- noon ";- ... -""":-"-:.-- '-: -,..: ,__-...'. .,.... '" __'"__,.,..........._...,'...,_....,+.",,-_"'-.,......._.......~_._____..........._....,~_.,#,..0;, _. ". . """_"'. . ~ ..r._ "'-.' .' ....-.. ;'::;.:t ;~:;:.., Planner:' .Linda Pauly~.- d - .", '. ..... ,4" "_'_ :....~. -;..;~.:: :":'''''7.'-~ + - . ';ft<.;:.;'~:;:~:->I . .'~::-:._~L' ,:~'.' .: .","1 - . ?<~'::I :;.;:". ! :. '4;";' ':'"~ . .;.....-:_, .', :._--,~ . ; ,..l,~... . ,., '" :.' ",<.":.d; ':-;'.- ' . ';,",. ..:'1 . _.~.~'.~'_r~ , , ~. 1,,' . ~ PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O IO:J!}.-,{hA,M, ' :.' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 9747"7 SPRINGFIELD Site Plan Application or Major Modification, Type II , . ., r-; . ' , , , ' Type II Site Plan Review: ~ , : ~ . . , " .. '" . ..~_..__,,_~,~_. ,_to . ....~ Applicant Name: I G(B;!./!f3 //j<;; 771/1 Company: I "'7'-/&9Z M ;f'jt/6X .Plf. ]Fax: Address: I0a)EE/ /1'Cf/J1E', oft '1r3U- 9'720 A;;li~:~~:s~ep.:1 /l/Ob/J1JO 012' J/( !Phone:1 I A/YJC A-N''';p/bcF 1Fax: ' I Address: I ,r''''96b C?~ PM/' .:5?/f'J~.I~ 77~78 ~;~~~~~'o~ner: Gft~t~.{}$ ~~;V,1-S..f~~lJDlphone:I" -. -, Company: '~. ~.4If,q.u/ ...u&4,-w.40 (?a!67. !Fax:' I Address: ' - lsv6t7ffi711~ 00 1'73~6 - 9::r2D Company: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO:. ./7-:0.2-;-,3.2-:",33. " TAX LOT NO(s): " Prop~rty Addr~ss::- ,'<, ~ :3Q7-:.5c::ort7.. ,<12 ~'iJJ/o;;:Ee;7 size'of'l;;operty:~: ',:, ,',,:Cj;: ~,~ . Acres 0 S~fuare Feet 0 propo~ed:N'~;nef>f'prOject;!:~'.~:;:;"': ~ :,:''f'.''.~I'_:;-''";?,,~,,,";<~~,Ji.'~~..:~; "'~.'., 'i"" ,., .' ~: . . .. .~.~,... Des~c~irjWci~-:~f:::~~';." .i'8:~;P1[ TcTlijXf~5'G~ ?~.PJcz::T}1,) /11~~ ,,: "',' P~o~~~sE~=:/:.~t;;,:': "21!~E'-~~:::::,:'~'1-;',::-~:i;':.:...:;~+,.;:~,. ,',' # of}~t:~fh~'~~els: "~ . }~~g. ,L()tIParc~el Size: sf Density: '20 du/acre , Nel(V'Impervio,us Surface Co.v.e,r!lge: /<1: 794- sf .Bldg. Gross Floor Area: sf ~~~~ ~~l~tjm!m~~ \ Zoning: ,'" '. ' Overlay District:, ' ,~ ,Appli'c~ble~RefinementPlan: Plan Designation: ' I Location: ,'~. City Limits 0 " Urban Growth Boundary 0 Ass()c.la'~ed' A,pplications:, ,3?1v1 2<5b 6 - 7'l,-""~'O~; - 'D i ~l h:'" ':r(l~ ' Pre-Submittal ' Reviewed by: ' Case No.: ~ 1<,)U""C51'b~ Date: JO!Jz./Q(O (initials) +'VZ- Reviewed by: " ~ Case No.: Date: (initials~ pnl'" t'lInu,,.u, EC'D~ 'A r . F A1 "7 ') ".""postag'e Fee'. T t I F hL.-\lUI./IVI"IM~ ' , pp Icatlon , ee: '-l> .., l.- J ~V 0 a ee: , l- ~/, ' --'),"'- "(l'M IV '''''- -: '-', . /'701 I 1 , I' I ;.::.. ":,, :.):;~_f.~~v:_~,~!~~:":.." ;. . :~_..." ..~. . :..' . '., . ... . .'.~.' ';, ('. /) ~l.:> ~ (J6ClL 'I J 1/"-, '. . , '\~~i-l')b: .or U-?;, , ' , QG-f2 '-I I ;: GD A-t'11 ..,~ .' Steps in the Process: 1. The Applican.t SUbrJits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application, - , ' I ' ' The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory, Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal ~pplication fee, The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review, Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon, We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of ' receiving the application. ' . 2. Applicant and the City .conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design tea'm to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, The meeting will be held with representatives from Public 'Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with 'a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make .the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acc~ptance by the City. 3.' Applicant S~ubmjts a,Complete Application. . . -'~ "~",, ,.,.. . When you:hav~,adcjress'ed all 'of the it'ems on the Pre-,sub~~ittal'Ct:;ecklist, please subm'it 18 copies ,of. t,b!':J~o.mplete application lathe City. ~ A fee:willb~ collected at that time and , the 120 day dllen'lfa.r,review period 1^{i1lbegin. Whe'n the Planner has prepared a draft land use decisio~" the, draftwill,be mailed/faxed to the:applicant/o>>,ner/design team for their revie~-:-Anhe'appiicai1t's'r'equ~s.( ttie ~piann'er~will'schedule'~' meeting to review the~ draft with :irpproptiate'staff=if ce'r.t:ain:lssuei:need'r'esolutiorYbefor:e'thefinal land use' " d:ci';O~ !:3~{if~~;~~B~{;ij?,:,;~;~,~j;~b'1-;~:"" .. .,'.. . .. . . This applicationt~iU~b~~~~secHor'~oth' the;-6iqWedPre".Sgbmittal::['1e~~ing' and subsequent , complete applicabonisubmittal,..:Ownei-:s.signatures aj-e.j-equired~at,bothstages in the" ,- ---- 'aJ:>plication process.:::'A~~apP'lication wittll)ut"the"OVllner!s' signpture will not be . -. ........,....... ., , .-.- ..... -', . ," . accepted a >JC1.~,i~J1.~p~~~~~~_ic:'" -':;l;~.:~;:'~'~ o.>;~:,T>:':'.-~ '.: _.__ ~?:.~'~:~_~_'<;'. . , . Dai~'~;:;bm,ii:ted: )f:::;' /?/r,i-, ,~,_;.l..:1:1,':'~;-__:~f"':'::"_:+:_"~"'" '":'... _ ~ _p_...._ __ . '"-' '. ".: -; The undersigned"ati<'Aowledges that the information in this applitation is coirect and accurate " for scheduling..of:th~,P,re;'Submittal Meeting., " " ;,~".. - ' ' . ..~.. ,< -' .,:j.'2 '" '. "' Owner: ' ~. ~.J--P ' Date: , , _" Si~r~ .tui.e/J, ~ / _ -=- ' / r ClJ~~ 0"~~r'Vj /o-t,-Ot4 ---r.;, A/Au/&;td Print PRE.SUBMIllAl REC'O { O:(l.~0'A,M: r. ;, o a:, N o ~ (;:> o Cil 9 ;= (;:> N l'- MDR II. I. ,J~I: (;> I g:] 1 1 LOR ~(" I~ 19 to I.N I I I , 1.1-0,1 ~-'. APAZ ARCHITECT, AlA 86950 CEDAR FLA T ROAD ' SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 ,(541) 744,2046 ,FAX (541) 744-1017 - ~<"l > '.' - - j ~ . ~.. '8 t ~ O'-V'~~:B$l~~fG l ')' '!' . ~ ~~IN4"H1GH ~ rESTO.R vOl'A.3' I~ .~ '. - - .-t:! 60',0" ~ fl .;3'-0" , , III' . ~ .. ';: L' -- ~J .....w P ARKlfG --;: ~ ./ ARE ZONE SIGN 0 '" N D .~ 1"'////-1 ::.-,~:= .,... .-,-.., 'lQ ','~' ~ !. ;IJ-:' ~. ,;,~":,~G^TOi 0 ., ~.:,' (,' : ~ ,-~ . . , "; ,~.tL." BASIN", _.,....... .", ;' I ..' ,;:~~'~..-... .." " ~ ~. . 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C.-.:> ,;!~~,;:"':;'-/ :;~:.. _:~.~ ~ . ... . <, ~,wr:::~~ ;~.:::::~::~P~7~~2~ , ~ ' ',{G(~h I}.~,:, -' TAX LOT 170f ~ ~....~ 5tr , ' . C? ~..4'-a' '(J. ~ ~ PROJEGi ~SIGN -0-' ~ 5' , ". 20':;-' \~'-6" - , Larkin/Nasalro~d Townhouses , ..:.:, 327 South 42nd Street ~ 1 Springfield, Oregon 97478 Q- - " I I 10'1' . ,I- ^ ..l'~1 . .9 (:: I" I. - . ~ :9 i ~ I ~ N .1, _ _I: , .. I- " 15'-'~ I ,1 I I' ~:r-o' ' , ,~i I\JI ~" I I I. ~_~ I (.1fld ( u' ~2-:-~':l \. ./ 'I I I I I ,- 'I I I so $ol 5" (;:> !'l "" N :0: '? i0 '" SITE PLAN 1"=30' 10/10/2006 ,,1 IUl'hJL I . I .J. I'.~I'I' .. "'., '.IYI'.-;:.... LE 1" , 100' I DI.,:r~' RE\IlSlON 12/04/05 \-~. .:'i/'~\;fi:D. TL 600 CANe. [NTU ROAD 13/25/05 L.L.A:"h...'3802 L 37QO 1J/2:J/05 TL 3700' INTO t".~, eou::i-f'ltstl::J 13/25/05 -cANe. TL 3703 [NTO ROAD 14/15/OS CANe. TL 3400 lNfD P.P. c:uOS-Pltl6~ I I I 'I~- EMPLOYEE ~ LCAHC!<4 LCATH~ LCATl~ LCATllS LeATH5 1 1 f I 1 .'.' COUNTY .p 17 02 32 32 12 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 17-02-32-33 TL 1701 50' ;'00' E. :> 'I -113 1 \C. Co~ o. o-Il! '~r:: o b ~ !J ~4 1j.r.... "4J~"'~ j"6!~ '.Is- C:-S- 00. s~ L- @c ..--.. , ~ Ll {''p~ 47.08 /, ..... N SCJ"26'OO' \'/'1 -;:1 ~ (0 N89-44'[ 168' 200 2~.:.12D: ",,"c;,'::":.;,:~'~ .. ;::,"0.26_ AC., '; '.'~' 5'12D'l" ~ ,'- ~~~ ~,'.~ ~ I " . . 'JEST -.3221', ".;1"'-""" "-*,' , -.' N8'9"44'E ":."t68'" I -,...-' ---:-------------------'"::...-'-~:_7:__:__7'"-.~-=:.-~7.~--~;...~.,._~,i.-~:;, ~,. ..... .' 153''''' ,',. w: 1 ['1'900 . ' .. ,;..'::::)'1.~':',~..]~-.3..0~.O':';' 'I.','" C1'.a..:: <. ,.~<7::'"'i' '.~\.~ :;:' "I ~".';' ..:C,.,,'. ,,~ ~. 0.27 AC. b !E:- m< i"-I~-'--'--"-"" .!:.~ ::{:::~:r..~:~~~:.. ~,:;:-:;';'; ~._:c..: ".'J ." I, ",. ~ __",';,"_"..',,__.~. ~,.._'-_..._.... .' '. .,...:..., '. . L l-"~' . ."- l' . ~. '-L, ."f,-~~;~,~;'F:C~:~~~fg~;lj;;;l~;!:'";' ;; 1 ,~.' ~"', ,..,' , ,w,,""".'..,,,,"'.. .O.21..~C~, 0.15,AC. 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