HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/12/2006 City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application or Major Modification, Type II Type II Site Plan Review: IZJ Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 Applicant Name: I G<6b L/1f3 '/{)i; 7M1 Company: I "'9-/&9Z M ;f'~t/cx. .Plf. IFax: I Addre~s:.. I-SWEeT #~;?1E, ~~ rT-3~-7'7ZCJ I" ~;;i;'~:~~;~~~p::1 '/ll\/b/ii/O /71-2- J/(' Phone:I'" "1 Company: I /1/).12. /f~/bCr Fax: I. I Address: I %~96be~plA-/ .::5"Pfi'/~.I~ 77-178 I ~;~~:~~~'~:n~r;~;f@L~.uf -;;;; ;fJ/J-S#)>bI;.D Phone: 1Pcc'.... ''''''1 Company: 1.t.4A'..<7.u / ....uJa4~AO (?at67. Fax: I Address: lsvcr7 I/1J71tE/OA 97Sg6- 9:rzc> .~.:,;;.-"',~IEJ:1.4~:.;j~i.'.~,,:ti,-:,;:'_.'~ '; ':' '.: . ;, .~.'. ......'>~..~:: . . .~.. . ':',~;. i.:~_:,''', '. -y"", ,. '",_' /i';';", "', .. ... 1.' , ,""",,,-, '::"-':.,,, ..'.",' '. ',. ,'....>..". i' ",_ ::""~~~;':'''_' :-:-. ".~ '::-: ";:~",-.;. ."_ -.< .I... ," ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ,/7~02-32"3.3 TAX LOT NO(s): /70/' Property Address: 3Q 7 ..:5c.oTti 42 .57R~7 Size of Property: . t:j Acres 0 I iPropo~ed Name of Project: ,..-r;:":\~l.>t,~~,~.,1;;':,~:~:.:[~:,~..:.:.--" ~i. '. ',;./'. .' I /g:p.,vlr Tt711_MJ/ltfVSG ?fi:C!:'JCC--/ /V /11/)~ ~,(k" I Square Feet 0 / I , Description of Proposal: . # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: '2'0 du/acre ~~,':'" Im!,:~,vious Surface Cov:e~~ge:" Ie;; 79~ sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area:, sf -~~~ Zoning: Overlay District: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: Location: City Limits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 ,~!i,~~c.:~~~~,~PP,li,~,ati~ns:.~. ~6- ~)00-,1)Il-A fi-c ~ Pre-Submittal Reviewed by: . . Case No.: ~ 1,,))1)(,. ~ C51'bm Date: J O/rUo (0 (initials) ~"V2- . " Reviewed by: Date: (initials) 4. -:s z.),6\)Postag~ Fee: Total Fee: Case No.: Application Fee: ""'.' ,'.. PRE.SUBMITTAL :!~EC'DJ . I :.1 D-I~ -A&'{::; ~I(j ~lo-(j60TL , ~(lO : t:~ cx..k 2 Lf / /: 6DA.~ -'-~ Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Applicatipn is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday betw!,!en 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of . receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marsnall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make' the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and accEOptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. Whe'n the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use' . decision is issued. ' Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Date Submitted: )f:::; i-z./r,(o The undersigned ack'nowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. ' -, Owner: ~~~ , ~~OP~ - -r.;, A./Au/A.;td Print Date: /0 - t - 0(, 0"~ 1:::.,'..-, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O 'v, Il~{i4.M. ~ , I IUI'fJL COUN1Y LE 1D - 100' P 17 02 32 32 SO' .'00' [ :> ,13 1 ~C. "'. o~ .~~ "'~ Q -" ~ ~" ;'~:~~a.s~/.s. . '0 '''"' .~",l?_ V 'LI v' ... ~''p~ 4700S{ I N 9'3'26'00' V, ~I ~ '" dJ I . I ,..J. I ,.~..". 'I"'" . IY'". 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Of'ENSPA.CE 7405F - .~ <.D <b ~ CRTH Z<;> ['.. <.D ASSESSOR MAP #17-02-32-33 TAX LOT 1701 SITE PLAN 1"=30' 10/10/2006 I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, , and the City'may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D , .lp~rL-a A.M ' Site Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply~ please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee . calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. 3. One additional copy of the Site Plan reduced to 8 '12 "x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of a study with the completed , Storm water Scoping Sheet attached. The plan,supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ,,) 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also- address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives_ ' . 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of ttie following plan sets for Co~plete Application Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'); north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8'/z"by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. ' a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Vicinity Map . 0, The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed o Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on, site o The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Wate. rcourse Map on file in the Development Services L0.~~ar.t.iiT;)ent7^L nEe , . - ' .~ uuu/VII/ 1/'1 t( 'D / o.-f.2 -Db A.M. -..' 0, The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision o The' Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department o Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings o Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan o Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect, Landscape Architect or Engineer o Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size. (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings o Location and height of existing or proposed fences, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs o Location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping o Lot coverage calculations of all parking and vehicular areas o'On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation o Access to ,streets, alleys and properties to be served, including the location and dimensionso,f existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed o Location' of on-site exterior lighting ,0 Location, type and number of bicycle parking spaces o Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Phased Development Where applicable, the Site Plan application shall include a , phasing plan that indicates any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as may be permitted in Section 31.040 of the Development Code. Phasing shall progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodates other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan o Prepared by an Oreg~n Licensed Civil Engineer o Location of all existing and proposed easements o Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development. ' o Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting o Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power. poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities o Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and trails PRE.SUBMITTAI. REC'O IPi L -c/P A.M. .... ,. o Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading and Paving pian. o Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer o Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect whe're plants ar'e proposed as part of the stormwater management system o Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations o Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns o The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality'measures; and natural drainageways to be retained o Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) , o Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan o Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage o Vegetative screening in accordance with SDC Section 31.160 o Written description, including specifications of the permanent irrigation system o Location and type of street trees ' o List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, 'ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing and m'ethod of planting . f. Architectural Plans: o Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the dev'elopment site o Conceptual floor plans o Type, height and area of exterior lighting G. On-Site Lighting Plan: . o Location, orientation and maximum height of exterior light fixtures o Type and extE;!nt of shielding, including cut-off angles and type ofRillumination, I wattage and luminous area P E-SUBMITTAL REC 0 o Photometric test report for each light source '. . rI_ /0:12. -vv. A.M. 8. ,Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLYTO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SOC 31.030: o Where a rhulti-family development is proposed, any additional materials required to demonstrate compliance with SDC Section 16.110. , o Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the t'?P of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present o Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38 o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be. submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review . o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the building permit application ' o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 ' . , PRE-SUBMITTAL-REC'D I.p~'z..-tie. A.M. L ~,.a'_'b,r:n'A.'~"LC/e.t_'I!>1~l::!'~'~ . ~F..I~7t!v;a-~~I.i1~/I~~~I~~~t:7.'.!-w:;:~ . "'c'it;~ Phone: (54 J) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division MARCH 5,2004 REQUIRED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET USE POLICY: In October 2003, Springfield Public Works released a trial "stonnwater scoping sheet," provided to help engineers and developers meet storm water requirements in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). After a five month trial period, it became apparent that users of the scoping sheet submitted much more complete applications than nOli-users. An added bonus was a decrease in the overall review time spent on the applications. resulting in quicker notice of decisions. . As a result of the benefits of the scoping sheets, the City has decided to make their use a mandatory process. As of April 12, 2004, the use of storm water scoping sheets will be required for all applications which require development review. All applications submitted to the City shall provide four (4) copies of a completed stonnwater scoping sheet with the application packet. Attached with this letter is the latest version of the scoping sheet, which reflects changes requested by the development community. PLEASE NOTE: SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS WILL NOW BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A COMPLETED STORM WATER SCOPING SHEET, STORMWATER STUDY AND PLANS IN ' CONFORMANCE WITH THE SCOPE R!OQUIREMENTS DIRECTIONS FOR USING STORMWATER SCOPING SHEETS ARE AS FOLLOWS: L Obtain scoping shcct from application packet, cit)' wcbsite, or other location 2. Fill out project information (top half of front sheet) prior to commencement of work on stormwatcr study (note: do not sign scoping sheet until it is received from the City with requiremcnts checkcd). 3. Mail, fax, or email all pages to: City of Springfield, Public Works Dept., Attn: Matt Stouder 4. Receivc completcd scoping sheet (filled out by the City) indicating mini'mum requircments for a complete slormwalcr study 5, Includc four (4) copics of complete scoping sheet (signed by engineer at the bottom of page 2), stormwater study and plans that comply with the minimum rcquired scope with submittal of application packet. The scopingsheet shall be included as an attachment, insidc thc front covcr ofthe storm water study. Storm water scoping sheets c;m be found with all application packets (City website and the Public Works front counter) as well as on the Public Works webpage at either: www,ci.sDrinl.!field.or.us/Pubworks/whatsnew.htm or under the link for ".fiIlable fonns" at www,ci,soringfield,or.us/Pubworks/Desil.!n/start.htm. Thank yo~ in advance for working with the City of Springfield with this new process. Sincerely, Matt Stouder, EIT City of Springfield, Public Works/Engineering Email: mstouder@ci.springfield.oLus Phone: (541) 736-1035 Fax: (541) 736-1021 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O :lo~IZi)b A.M. .,.. - ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division ~.'*.- i4,~~, ' . Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK _____ (Area below chis line filled oul by Applicalll) ----- (Please reCurn Co Mall Slouder@Cily oj Springfield Public Works Engineering; FIlX # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035.) Project Name: Assessors Parcel #: Land Use(s): Project Size (Acres): A[lprox. Impen:ious Area: .' '., ,~. . . .-. " . ". . Applicant: . Date: Phone #: Fax#: Email: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) jfnecessary: Prop?sed Stormwater Best Management Practices: _ (Area below t!1i!<o'/iue fillcd Ollt hl' the Citv (lnd Returned 10 the Ann/ieant) - -(.41 a minimum. all boxes checkecf by.the City on the/ranI and back oJthis sheet shaJl be submil1ed for an appNcafion 10 be completeIor submil1ol. aI/hough other requirements may be necessary.) Drainage Study Tvne fEnSPM Section 4.03.2\: (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method\ o Small Site'Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for cakulations) Environmental Considerations: o Hillside Development: o Floodway/Floodplain: o Other Jurisdictions: D. Wellhead Zone: D Wetland/Riparian: D Soil Type: Downstream Analvsis: o N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: D Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Matt Stouder tal City ofS'lrin,zfield. email: mstoudertalci.snringfield.or.us. FAX: (541) 736-1021 rl<t'~UBMi1TAL REC'O fo-lz:dP AM .." ... '. \ 1 I I I I COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS 'j For Official Use Only: * Based upon the i,?rOn~1Qlion prol'ided on the front of/his sheet, theIallowing represents a minimum o.fll'hal is needed/or an application 10 be camp7e/cIor subminal with respect to drainage: hOl1'ever. this /ist should not be lIsed in lieu o/rhe Springfield Developme17l Code (SDC) or the ellY'S Engineering Design Manual. Compliance wi,h these requirements does 1101 cons/ilUfe .'life approval: Additional site spec~fic in.(ormation may be required. Note: Upon SNIping sheet submiual, ensure completed/arm has been signed in fhe space provided below: Interim Design Staridards/Water Qualit)' (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd NI.4 o 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catch basin w/oil filtration media) for storm water quality. Additionally'. a minimum of 500/0 of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. o 0 Where required, vegetative storm water desig.n shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). o D For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 squar.e feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. o D If a storm water treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velo~ity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. o 0 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM D 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. . Ceneral Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) o D Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. o 0 A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03,1. including a hydrological study map. o 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year'stonn event. o D The time of concentration (Tc) shall be detennined using a '10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o D A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On,site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). o 0 Elevations of the HGL 'and flow lines for both ~ity and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) D 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations. pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. o 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load-.without failure of the pipe structure. o 0 Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be cnnsistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. Other/Mise o 0 Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. ] nelude spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains o 0 Private storm water easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private storm water flows fro~ one propertY to . another '0 0 Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions appiy to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.deo.state.or.us/wa/l.!roundwaluichome.hcm for more information. o D Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events *Tlrisform shall be included as an attachment, insitje 'he/ront cover, of the stormwaler study . IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! As the. engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stormwater study and plan set. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O Signature: Date: Ie -/ z; fi; ,. . I '. f\.lVI. .... - ~ 09/01/2006 14:20 FAX 541 736 1021 ., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW 141002 ,.,-1. '. .'....,........ PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR1MENT / Engineering Div.ision Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK __ (Area below Ihis li"e filled Ollt by App/ica1ll) ---- (Please ,eturn'o Mart Stouder@Cityo/SpringfieldPublic Works Englneerillg; Fay: # 736-1021, Pilo"e # 736-1035.) Project Name: ,.s"~ th~ 10...~l.""'L<" Applicant: Sc.oor: .. (I.IUIUt<l> Assessors Parcel#: n -0'1., - ,1. _ ,t. no' l;)ate: 9. ho lor,; Land Use(s): MOll.. Phone #: 3.0 { . 1~1 ~o PmjectSize(Acres): o. "1\ Fax#:' 4\'>'; - )"l.). Appro:.:. Imperviolls. Area: Email: ~ (011"-" DH,,~ ~~JMu"",', f.. o~ Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Profo....J flj. u,,; ~ ~_~L..'J'" .Jtu...lo,,..e.....,- ",:.J1,. ,,>$"':'.t...J fl_I":"J. Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge Jocation(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: So, '7. of P~....t.,,) fH....~ .t.., /3:0- 5~.l.t, O)~-~ ",I' 1"-"'71 f..aof{ 't-..hc.t: O ./.... - I' . J -Jtv", L. (lI)<,-I...~,~.1 p,,/J../ 1"-1...~L..k... f0'--' c",'"~4J.,~ "'''~.l''''' ~ ."""" .p..; . j , , .It ' J I . I I. 1-" /In.... 4'1,.-- s.J.......<.." bQ',,,,,) ""'h;,J.4-"'" oCf"'lI'l"'~ .....((.,,~~~t.l1o~,;, ;)&01' Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: _ B,'v- S",,""...',.c. ",,~"L..~:~.' f.. //..... ,.......l.uk. .....----- (Area bf!Jnw this lint! fillp.d out hv tire Cift! and RetuTlZedtn tile Arm/icaJlt)-~ (Ar a minimum. all b'oxes checked by Ihe City on rllefi'olll mtd back of this sheet shall be submiited for'm application to be camplerefor submittal. although other requirements may be necessary.) Draina~e Studv Tvne tEDSPM Section 4.03.2': (Note. UR maV be substituted for Rational Method' III Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculation.) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrogruph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: .". Wellhead Zone: :2-0 '(~ 't~ lW Hillside Development: P3 WetJandlRiparian: tY'!- . , tit Floodway!Floodplain: Ii Soil Type: ~ - t-/Q/t.D""'1o . ti Other Jurisdictions: Downstream Anal~Rd- 0"'-11.7 urt....." t..N1) . !il N/A . ~. o Flow line for starting water surtace elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: , . ' RDE C"!lftnl""~1 ~r.- Return to Matt Stouder (ill, City of Sprinl!;field, email: mstonder@ci.mrin~eld.or.us. FA:X:I(541)\7:36"10~D ..>J.... \.JA tD .1l;-cfp A,M. ... 09/01/2006 14:20 FAX 541 736 1021 . ';'" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW @003 /, CO~LETESTUDYITEMS I For Official Use Only: d1>>.! * Based upon the iJ1forma(io~ provided Oll rhe front 0/ this sheet! the following represents a minimum of what is needed for an application to be completefor submittal with respect to d,'oinage; nowever. this list should not be used in lieu oftbe Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the CUy's Engineering Design Manual. Complialtce with these requirements does nCJl constitute site approval; Additional site spec(fic informafl'tJ/1 may be required. Note: Upon seopil1g sheer Stlb17J.jt(al, ensurecontpletedform has been signed in [he space provided below: [nterim Design Standnrds(Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) ~~~ ' . , . . S 0 All noncbuilding rooftop (NBRl impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for storrowater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of dIe NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated method,. " ti 0 Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with intelim design standardS (EDSPM Section 3.02), seL forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BIOS) or Clean Wator Services (CWS). ' ~ 0 For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES tor vegetative treatment. .. 0 If a storm water treannent 5wale is proposed) submit calculations/specifications for sizing. velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slopel and seed mix consistent with eith.er BES or CWS requirements. IiiJ. 0 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3,03.1 of the EDSPM fiiil 0 All building rooftop mounted equipmtnt, 01' other fluid containing equipment located outside of dIe building, shall be provided with se:condary containment or weamer resistant enclosure_ General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) S 0 Drainage study propared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the srate of Oregon. 11l 0 A complotc drainage srudy, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. fj! 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2cyear stOl'lll event and overflow effects ofa 25-yeal' storm event. o ~ The time of concentration (Tc) shall be detennined using a \0 minute ,tart time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o ~ A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C, On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Spocialty Code (OI'SC), o Wd Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. De,ign of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) a 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevation." pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. o /Ii Minimum pipe COve,' shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe .nd 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe matori.ls, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided whtnless_ The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe structure. D ~ Manning's ;'n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4--J of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a'minimum velocity of three (3) feet pel' second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as welL OtherlMise II 0 Existing and proposed COlltOurS, located at one foot interval. Include spot elt:vations and site grades sh~wing how. site drains 111 0 Private storm water easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private: stormwateT" flows from one property to another o ttl Drywells shaH not receive I"unoff froin any surface w/o being treated 'by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residcntial building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply ~ this as required by the DEQ. Refer ro the website: www_deo.state.or_LL<;/w"/!:!Tol1ndwa/uichoIlle.hcm for more infonnation. . o ra Detention pond., shall be desig"ed to limit ,unoffto pre-development rateS for the 2 through 25-year storm events *TJdsform shall be iTic/uded as all artadll1te,l!, inside thefront cover} oltff{} slornlwater study As the engiIieer of record. 1 hereby certify tbe above required. items are complete and included with the'submitted stormwater study ~~an= " . , /~M~P ~~ /' * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ Bl!LOW AND SIGN! Signature; ,Date: . '7 f1f.(. ;.0(; ..-.. ,,-- - .. I 1\l;"uUDIV'" Ifo\ll<tL.U IQ-(2-00 A.M. .... - ~ -..~-=-=--=- ~:-- ': ~ ~) fa Fidelity N~tion8I Title Company of Oregon' : .' , , ,;~ :,,", .' " . - . : ~, ' , . , PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title insurance' referenced her(#in, Fidelity 'National Title Company of Oregon reports that it iSp'repa;~r! t~ issue, or cause to be issued, as of the specified date, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance'descriq,ing,!he land and the estate or interest described, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reeson of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursl.fant.to ,the printedSchedules, Cpnditions and Stipulations of the Policy forms. ," ':',,"", ,,,'...'V,", ': ...; " ' The printed Exceptiorisa'nd Exclusions.frorTJthe, cove.rage o(,said.Pojicy orPolicies are set forth in Exhibit.A attached. Copi~s of tli,e Policy forms should bri read. They are available" from the office which issued this report. " ..". - .. '... , . _. ., - . , .. . This report (and ,any, supplements or amendments) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the i;suance 'ora polfCY' of title insurance': ariiJiid liability/s' assumed. , '. ,- ," The Policy(sl of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s/. of Fidelity National Title ,Insu,ance Company, a Califomia corporation. . , . ". ,- "; ~ '. , ....--, '.. ...-:' ,-,.;' :;.;. '., .d , . , ....-. . ., Please read the exceptions,shown.oueferred to btilow and theexcep'tiof:,~,ans! exclusions set forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The exceptions end exclusions are meant"to provide you with notice of matters which are nor: covered unde, the terms of the title insurance policy and should'be carefully considered. ....: ,'" ' . ~ ' .. .' , ~ I ...: ,. -;,. :" .'" .' . - ~ " .- >: ,:.": ' ,. .- - . -- . . .,.-. ,,-.. -- , . It is important to note that.,this preliminarY report,is not iJ written.represimtation as to the condition of title and may not list,allliens, defects and encumbrances' affecting ,title to the land. ' '.:" . ,'. ""',, " " . . '.:'.. '. ..;, ~ " '~7: .~__: '" :.: ~ . . >, ' , '--.,~..: '':'-;.. c... ~ ...~~:.~"~t.~:--...i;:: J>~, ::_.~ }.', ' This ,eport is for the exclusive use of the parties to the contemplated'transaction, and the ., _ ,', _ ,. , ., ",' ,,"", '-' company does not have any liability to any third parties nor any liabilityuniil the full premium . is paid and a policy' is 'issued 'Until all.necessarydocuments. are placefI.qf record, thg " I company res~ry~.s:the ,ight.to 'amend or supplement,this preliminary.report. " , ! , ./~ m4L/lUd , Countersigned/ PRE.SUBM!llAl REC'O {oJ2-~ A,M.' :". 1 " .. '.'~- .', ".. " ..-.. r ",l,-"'}. r'~~' ~--.: "!h -' PRE.SUBMITTAl t~.\i:.\)\Q.~.M. ' " 7753414 RIGIlT-OF-WAY,EASEMENT -'1." KNOW All MEN BY THES[ ~RESENTS'. that 'the undersigned., Nt. VernqJ!'Chul'<h of, Christ ,".for", good anG VAIUilDfe,.conS1aer.atlon, the rece1pt whereof. Is hereby acknOttledged. does he.re.b1 9nl'lt unto tt',1t tit)' of"!-L. Spr1ngfie~d, a TIlUnk1pa' tCTporat1on, otting"by and through 1;5 SPRINGfIELD UTILITT-:: DOARO. an~ untofts succesSor~ and assigns. t~er1ght to enter upon the lands of cf",the Imdp"s1gnea sftuated'1n the' City of ,Springfield. State of "Oregon; Ilnd 1lI()r"e . particularl)' described u follows :-~p 17-0Z~32-3..:.3. lot 1701 Beginning at a point on the West l1ne of the Thos. D. Edtl-";,1.iS Ole. 'S5,17s,R~2..}If4. 420.9 ft. "artIt of'the most W'ly SW. corner of said DLC.. ,..., ling thence East 322.1 ft. thence North 133.0 ft. thence West' 322.1-ff. toithe West line lJ~ said Ole., thence South 133:0 ft. along said west line to the POB.. in lCD. Except the'fol1ow;ng: Deg. at a,po1~t o~ the west line of .the lhos. O. Edwards' DlC.155. Set.32,17S.R.2W.WM. 523.9 ft. North,of the most W'ly SW. COrner of said OU:.. rUfming thence ElIst 132.6 ft. theree on,a curve "of a cul-de-sac to the 1Mt having II radu1s of N.5601S'E. 45.0 ,ft'. ,It the beg. of the Cllr.ve,' & a central angle of 146015'. for a dfst. of 114:9 ft.. thence North 5.0 ft. "'tl\ence West 2'15.0 ft. to,the West l1ne of said OLe., thence SOuth 30.0 ft. along said west line to the PCB., all in LCD, EKcept:' The North 2.0 ft. of the East 185.0 ft. Of the,ebove ,desc. pl"'Opel"ty may not be used -for road pur-poses unless & untn 'the abutting p~perty owner to the North deeds 1and to create a full 50 ft. road,; II full turn around in lIecord- inanee with plans approved by the planning cOflll1isS:1on. . Total acres mil 0.68. Acreage 'correction for 1969, o.n. 'Less.O.05 acre in County RMd tlo_ 287. Containing IIlOre or' l~~s 0.68.' . ''/-:.'. .",. :-?~ , .'" ...' _.d " I Docs hereby gr<lnl ',j..10 fL:wide e'asement from S.W. corner"thence nortn to the N.W. ~:"nr:'''' fror distancp Of;S~j~':lilX lot to i.Q~tudc wa~er tra"J\sinission and Pacific llorth~ l west Oe11. ... ~,-,..'-.._~-.......,. .... -Ii "~ 'ili 1/ III! nn ,,- :o~):,~':~-:'"-::.'~ . .... " L..... . Ant]" ,0' pl,}c'c~ (ofistruct. opera'te. repilir, mil1nufn. relocc.te and replace therein .'.:In 'electric tr,)i;~uas!>iIHLI~i'.,_diStr.itJ;ltion llric...lncludi'"J po1es;"9L1y"~dres and oth~~~~n,,~~];~~.:i_~'~L~!:~~ ~,U,U\.'.~. ".ilf2(JO" \:~,,~."~~,d ;.t';im,J!';:~~ _,l~d ~nfllhl~I~;'Y to_ .tJIC Ii_v. t,~" I, " -'Ii(>Ci~SSM.V~-":fj' ",(>,,-p';1 hl'lII-'(le.JI' .uF"sd';iFcl eClr ic "1 inc~~"tlld tocul duwn: from tllllt.-i\w _ j- Ltlue.i1:ll o~ild.,..\io'l'<lk;,.')'otil~in\6(J;',~'tJ'Jn~e:'otJ~'trel!~ lhill are'ta'll c'lolJljh Lo ..lr;ikE!,.,lhe:::~-~' -. .~_~~,~,~S .in .r~,~l~~~~?~tL;~~,;~~;~~~J;f:;;~~~:".' ;1:Ll.""'~'-~'4"',~;>~~, ;". '~.'" --~",;;,~'t;.:~~~~:~-. _: .. The.'U.1al;("slrjn(~d:SOllyc:rhH-I~_S,,:th~r',h'e-<-i!l' thc:owner of~ the'ilbove descrlhcd pl(jr)l~rtr . di-iCJ i 1 h';t. ~'~(.rI'PI';JP7:'r:ti':'~ s~.I~1::..: ~'n1;( l,ea'r 'of encumbrtl.nces an.d"1 i cOs Jl f '~h<l.tsue""JI:_' ~'..; :;h:!1T;, ~~:~~~.I~;~~~J:~i:~t:~.:.~;:~.+~,:~: ::~: .', 0 '7,~;;~+i,{)"~ , . .~" ,IJj' \':!Tm:SS:/~l\I(HEt)f.:;:;lJIC~!JitdQ;'~s:i{r~ed.,llil~'- 'set, II h:.hand,',ilnd.,sci.\ 1 thi s ,.'. "\ -' t J.Lll.....,-~ ,d,yuI'11'l1.',"!,,,,"',;,,-;,,,,,,,,_,, . ,.19..,.'.'.,-:-_ . <" ,.- , ":::'Y7{;':~i;i~t~~:~i~~;~~1~:~4~~:~ '. ;:~,--:-G1!r-ru:s~ ktY,' ~~,~ 'Il~_:::_.).'~d,;c"~~_~(.,,t.;?~ ~':~.:~_',.>.~_I_~__". STriHf'o((;II['GU,n .",". "i~r~- -, ., -4rfokk-:;: _ +'''VOL_ ..:..;~~.~!!y'.,uF:'~.~iii_.-t~~~:i:i:i'i:\~L ",' , ',v r 'j.i,. I,-""'-'-,.[)-!:':.IT fl~ME-r~B(kED~tll<?rlu~: tt;'!! ;2S-gY day' 'of ~Jj~F:0 ._ __' HI?Z __, . ','u,ef6re me. the undersign"I.. .:l,Notary f'ubllC in and for the State o~90n, p~~'sonany . ~PQ~.\$~,,~,l~~,\;1thin'nantec._:L:"':;'~/ F &",._/AO...,..-=- _,J-" _....:..---_. ~. . _"?I~~...-L'1'...rL.I~J..-.J-.r~/:,,-:-rr~'t: ~ "ho -:"'_'''-__:"::'"j'-'4 :_____ l., &"lMI..-~~<! UlerHt ItlC.' 'pcrS(lf'I If) p.., dcscnbcd 11('reln. elflO WIlli ..... J?CO. ~ti~j' e"~.1''3.'" 1n.~ .Jlllenl and 'ac~nowledged to me that----""'7LL-.:~___C!XcCllll'd tho:- ~~",~R)<''f,~'.n''r''y" -..' , '... t '* ~r;!~tt,,~tkIiE~r. 0 )):Vl: 1,:r:;:"f~.O ,set Illy hand ilnu I.Ol,lf'j,11 $CJl Ule ll.JY .,"J Y':<I.. \~~~bQ~(:.w,;",gl."'1. 1 -'>.' REC~~}~foF'O'~;:"""":' ' .-?~;f:.~f!.' /.--:. -.~.~:;i:Z;;/ , . ..., '.."".."..... , ';ot~ f'~bn-{'~(.orf.9nn. .- '4_____. :~::--:;, ~~ ",;''' r My COIBuission,Exriircs, .??L':C:.... /_i.(L/~2?J" ._-......~ _..~ - ~ - '. It' . .. -, \ f '.' - '.' I -_ '. 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".' ~ i ,- 78,16'119 1/ OROI1lA11CE 110. 3841 /y~ -'/ All C~OINANCE VACAm'G ONE-HALF OF A CUL-DE-SAC EAST OF SOUTH 42NO STREET'W .THE CITY OF SP~IIlGFIELO, L',NE COUNTY, OREGOIl, AIID DECLARING All EMERGWCY. [ WHEREAS,. the Springfield City Council previously declared its intention to vacate a pUblic rig.ht-of-way'in the City of Springfield ~s de~cribed below; and WHEREAS. such vacdtion is tn the best interest of th~ Clty in c~rrying out its plans and progra~s for the general development of the City, and WHEREAS. lawful notice of the proposed vaci!tion was publiShed and post~d~ and ~IHmEAS, the Sprin4Jfleld City Council rr'let in the Municipal Heeting Room of. the Springfield Utility Ooard Bldg., 250 North "A" Street. Sp:-ingfield. Or.. on f.londdy, the 5th .~ay of June, 1978, at the hour of 1:30 p.m.. to hear any Objections t~ the proposed vacation and no persons "ppeared to object; flO" TltEREFOnE,.TlIE SpnlNGFIELO CITY COU!ICIl nOESOROAIN: Section 1 ~ Th~ Council finds tMt 'lelvd notice .nf th('.h~drin9 WdS hwful1y ~ubl i..liecrd.n;rp"...ted, Ihat no obJ~ction.. w"ere mad~ to the .!"19M-of-way VllC~t10r. at th(O hl'utrUJ held; lhat th~' publ ic interest will not be Impalrad by the property vacation; ~mJ lhtlt the propertj' V~Cdtion ~dll be trJ the best, interest of the pub- 1 Ie dnd 'ir.(rc<'J'iC tnr> bf.."rldit of the Ilrop~r"ty Involvcd. . .';,~ , Section 2: Th~ f::lllowTnl] df'~crihed puhlic ri'Jht~of-"W ~ lie .jlf'r<lfl~prH"9,.B, fit'ld-rs""2"cc.l~red to b(' vilcdted: - . On~-fialf.o( a ClIJ-dp-SoiIc (.~.st of_',~otJ(h 42nd Street {I~t. Vernon Church of. (hC!2.t1. , , ' ;"r-"~ 1!"'~'''''''''r'_""_.'',,,,~ .'_ (te9~1 De-;Cr1PtiM At_ucti~ her~to" t'\llrked ~::.h;bit A") _ Section 3: It is a furtner COMUlon of thi'io: y~catlon thH nothing contained in thE O,rdifi'ince ~hall cau'Se or require the r"er:v)val or the abllndcnment of any sewer, .~~ ~ wdter main,.glls l'Iclin, COtldu1l, or tlevice u'ied or intended for ani pub\\c sel"'iite. e:;'~ H . c.r:pt by f'lUttJaf ll'grl'('r.l~nl between the ",qenc)' holding such ri9ht and th.e proper,ty owner.-s:r~;';". , ~. ._ ":_'.., ..l!l_~~h.~~.t~('_}~,tl,~'..lP,U'~_ ~~!c.."'t_t'<1 rl_ron_f~':t:,~ "~Jll vc,>l. .._:t:.~.;<,,-c . - . . . ;~ ,..~":..:.-.::,,.:_,,~c',_',;:',_:..f.._'-,.~,-,,~,.,:.::-';~"='~"~""~"_"'""'/"~~'::c~:."'.:-:',".~..:-'=C'",.'.', ~ A. ":.'n'.' ,',sc_,.~_,C, ,.~_l,,_n,t".'n".:,",,~:~, 1 he [itl. ".(OCOr, der' i o:,c.di f'ece ted to flle cert i fied CDPci es Ofsth; 5, or-;- ";'J'~,..;:- ~ ~. -" j~~ ~~'i;:=' "~ -". ." '- (~f1(o ~o~~~z,<.S ,.~~t;:~~~:e i., ounty ASS~HOr., and ldn~ .;ount)' urv~y~r;;~:t';-$,~:~~: . "".~" ,,"'... ~ ,~."..,o,." ~ _,.Section S:'. tt""s tl(~"~by ~round.,ancJ ~dctcnnlnl.'d by thl! CClm'IOn Council that i'".a~,'te'h'~::}:? ~~~.~fS;~f~~l~:;' ,~.~.. .::~~i; ~~ig~t!~t:~~ C;~i::;~,;~~ *,~f;~~~~;~~;~:~:;!~~;: :~~ ~~~~ :,i~~~~~~!~:~W;e:: ~:\~i}!~t;~~~:;: .c - ~:;~:~~:~~;:~~:;~."C6~~o'~od~ij,'-t;;~~:;i"f Spdngfteld "h 5th day 0' JU~~!f':~~~ :,;:.~,',',:_t.',~,.~,.~,:.~,r_,f.;_'.Z_~,'.:,.~~..~.t,~.:',..,-.~,:,~_:',~,t~".' ,': ~,:;#tt~[:D.{j-bY.ih' ,i~;o~. ~.r~'h~ yfo' Springfield thIs 5th day of June, l~78::" .' c- ..c "~~: c1LCfnr ;Lr. ..:-..........;..~'_. ~ .;;.- ....."..-......-. <M._", ~...,:.i~'-'!~-.,..~"t.-..,,;.~ ~, ", . -,v," ~'. .- .. -~~.., . ...,,".... ":..~/~..j~:.., , .~ -:~: ,0;" -, ...." ......-,,,; .'-.'.~' . ".;; :1 " .. . . ~..<1'r.-:;}'---':_ ~. ,. .:. '?'~.)~.~;:~;~j-~~~;~. ':~~.~., ~ .,'"-. ...... .. ~_:;~'.;<::::::":~~.r;,:-.~ ..- - "'- i-"'"~.' "..., .",.' ..... PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O ...L.,,' ' - . .-.-- AM I ',.,,," .., '.' ,.IJ6 -\t-fu, L. -1 . . L L ~,' . , ~ ,."....:' ";."".'~...-I1O'. ":'1- .""':..~:"~ :-,~~--'-"'- ,"- , I.. ~ L LJ".JI.. >C. -""!-~ I ~- -'.-::.. .t . . ,..........~ ,. nH6'ji 19 MOUNT VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST VACATION "EXHIBIT A" Beqinning at a point on the "est line of the Thomas D. Edwards Donation land Claim No. 55. Section 32. TownsMp 17 South R.!ln9t 2 West"of ~he lr!;~1amelh Meridian 523.9 feet North of the most Westerly Southwest corner of said uonation land Claim, rl)flnin9 thent:e East 1J~.ii teet, thence on a.curve of a cul-de-sac to the left Ilaving a radiu'i North 56 AS' (tl5t 45.0 feel. 'at the be. 9;n~1n9 of the cu"rve, and a central angle of 14615' for a dlstlnce of 114.9 feet, thence l{orth 5.0 '(eet~ t:lenc'! West 215.0 feet to the ~!st Hne of u\d Oonatlon land Claim; thence South along said West i1ne 30.0 feet to the ,oint of beginning. containing 0.15_ aCres. all in Lan~ CO!Jnty, Oregon. ' Except till!' Wesl 30.0 feel. ....-... ,"-1'...<.< ....',---'-:">-'tt~ .:....,:,>T' ~~ "I.' 'f' .. ~-_.. .,..-~ ....-..., _;.__,_.b_, .' ., ,"- . " .... " . " ".;~::~~~~;:l~~~~~J~~f7::t:;:.~~;c~~;f:~:;"':" ;~,~:~ . ,~__. .. --. t'~ ...~. ~."..::!:,..,. .-, Ie - , ~;~~~~~it}t;'~,:~c~:;:.?'~,~~ ~1i:ii14? ~1IiI1Ilt._k...,,"_~ . _~: ,II, ~;!-_)L 1~,..iIiil.....J....J" ,1Il..1.1 . ~_! ,-.,' .'--. , ,~ . '" ..~' .:..' ,.,., --",'" .,- ., "' <=-,---,~"".' .~ M',- . ,,' .17-. :,~~j~: "r ,'-. . :".;;:~;;..,;~~~:, :;~;.\;,.:~ ;.., ': ,,'.~'. j'.:,~.. -'~:":'-'-;~ , .~ ':~ ~. ~~~':~~~~,~-" ~}::;':~~f;-;'. .,;..- --;:~:"p';- :':~f<'i:':~:~ '~~..;L '. .. ,; ~"".':' ft, ", . ' -.-,,_ 'E.',.',' I*_:~-::;;''.<'<.___. ..........-'--,.:.~..~-_lIIll__I,---I _,' I" "', L L ,1:.1111 .....'1'..,' "" 'EXHIBITA" .. ., '--' '-:. '.;"'; .,.;...",'.- ",.,." -. ~. -O::...,.-..;....;;,~~::;:;i---""~.:" ._,'~ ":~:;;~1'.;<;,_.",,,-., ,-- .,; -~ *: ~. .' t~-f:?;, : 1.>7.. -.~ . . ..~... '''',fi. *' "" . <.: ::;:;';':~":;'t.;1'. ... :: ':}r%tl~ti~!;:. . ".., " ~ :!.:i"J. _\:~~;~ ,~: " ';'" , I..-:..;;u ..- ~,.....'u... , _,~"".\'_H- ........ .. <:'[. --,r~. . )~~ ". "i,,,< .,~ PRE.SUBMITTAl R,EC'D ID~'J2.cP0':"' AM. " '-. '., ~ -' ,.-... .J I L ",... ()/ I I stAfF. OF OREGOii COUllTY OF LAUE CiTY .OF S~RWGFI ELD S>. 78.\1?n:1 CEP~[FIt:^Tf. ,'. I I. GEORGE P. Vt~SOH. City Recorder for the City of Springfield, Oregon. do hereby certHy that the attached document represents a true ~nd corret<<.~DPY of On:ltnance t.\"O .. ''''1, :10. J.~41 Oil file in my office. ,\ ........... " ., ,,' ~ ......, &~~ c:;:;e:~~" : , ~ - <b~j~:':~N{~"". . C1<i]er,;rw City. Q1!.Sprlnljfl@ld, Oregon ,- , ":_:!.-.: . "7~~3-~-0~':'~'- '.~ '. ~. .~...... ...,.;.... " .-,' .~~~...).:'-.:i;:h'_ ...,< -:-:;-"'1';..-' ','... r..' ':~.:--z,:... ':;F'~'~.i"-:~')':":- __'4. >'l .....,..."'.;..;.,.<:... 'T'" . ,; ~".,~.-:,-)..'.~. .....'". ,,",,;!, . .~~;~,r~ J' ,:.,.j ~ .....;. PRE-SUBMITTALREC'D I.O:-.\i~bk A';M., '-,,,,, ~. -, .... ".<",,:"'-',, . '-' '...~' ,r _ ....."...~.- ..- .' ,C.'" L .,.... .", ~ - 1 ~, " ;, ',;1, ;'';,. L . '/, -,::_~;,Oo-_' -b:~ ri:'::':',~,~ _... , _H"OCL~"'_'_ . ~;..i'.'r.",'f,-' , .--- - --'3-;::;".:" ;.~.'~'7'''l~~~ :1:0.:~t~'3!:~;~f'?:-- '::,;,;.~.:;'-. ;?-,.~;:?~::" ,-- .~-~ - :.:;,~~~:.." ~c!~1~1~t::""~:~l:;;; II~ -"-:'''''.~''~'',:"-,;-- ~R!;:{;::.r,~r:> ~lli~ _i~~t:[1~~~;': ,;;~ "~I~'~'.~-5r'; "'i':~;{r:~,j~.., ~"~J5~W;'~~!fil' ':t,."',~ .' . . ~_"~ -1 j = ....; r I I [-:- I I i ! - '.,i-' "~' ;. ." , ""1:J ._'~ .<0 2;, ;.!... c::: ~,'oo \ " .s: ,~.~'. Ci".~ . ~ 1:> i-L:: s:::::o . rn., (") :~ o L '," .'-' ,.,. " :!::, \~j~ ~." 1 ."; ',;';~}I ~-;;:J"\'~;,,';:I.::;;j:~ 'L~I~'I"":: . r' 1"-'1 ,,"~J ~I~t, ."1 "ill! ~;""},'":"~';'dl . ~..":!, -J L l~:J _~ :;i: ,',\ '(i';;-. r~ I;i~,:',,~, 3.i~r'1 J';,:' ;.',f: 1/;; ...f "-tl.~.. ,I . I I , 1111 ~~~~~<T!*iJ" l ~ :r .f.-iff: ;~~:/~-~~:Ut "1 ). ,-. ..r \~~:, J, , "t: .J' ," I L :J _"~ , J'( ~:' ., ,'. .. . . .~ ,o.- ;t, t"\ :~~:< ,; ~~ ;, ~;r. :, ;'.1lf '. ': , i( ,".-. ';'-,"J' :;):~ ~.",t,f;';!'; ,.,1. i I: ': t -t; ,', '.~: " .~t ' " ,. - ,~' :i -' ,'. ~ C.;~ ,-j. ','. .~ "'.~;~r ., .', , l " " '. , :~' , , ",1' ~ "il' ~"'l ;~"';li: ':~'- .~ " ':.. ),' ,i:.i' , , }, ,-,." .,,' '.' ",1 ,>1\;; I. ~\ '~~j. ".. .~. '. .,' '. -I," ',', " ) '~ , ,r '/ ! ;~t!;L:;H'J~k~~'~1l " r >1!~ . l' ;it-.",: ., ..... ,', .,.... '-"'. .' -: . . . '.,'- ~~ I !; " .' .';,' " [ . 'j 1'_ t- ,. r ,. . '," "'0 -~~ ;-::i- . 'l;fiI~~~!;B~~~,~~ }I:', 't~;~:(f;~h~ !l,:: .~:i-,~i~.t~ld~~J~~~~fJl~m1~~tf~:,f~~[~j~~~~~~~ttm;!~ f, ';,0 . ~" ',,' ". ,( , .' " . ..: l'- ..; ~~ . "" :r 1.:" "1" .' J'i>' ,~, ;- ,~i~lll!~t!,~~li,if:t~J,:jvl'f: ;.1 !I' ~ ,,', ~, ,. ,- " ,; ,':..' 'I I' jl '", , , 'i,~ . . :1' 1;,- "\' ",,": ,) .' ~~ir ) "1': " . ; , 1 ,~ .\':.'.i . ' '!r ',; -, fl"-" " \'. ,,"i' 78.167.W ~. "' ~'/ -~- I ~UU'nH~ l....."'....'I......-... .' II \I I...~'nl<l 1......."..."1 ltu- Jlo1>a"' ."....,1 nlf;...,....1 s............ In .~f,,, lh. ...,d \.....,;,.. d.. h...~I.. ....uh, Ih.l .... .ithin ..'....I.,.~I..~'..;....'....,jf....."'l"....d.l b J.l ;8 15. I) ,-,.922 R I.......l'........ t1~TIl-I"J.H...."'<t, ,;;. Ih .. L,Ac /" ',,; -:i ';~,l t t.", I, ~~. .." - ,,' ,," - , . '4- .'1:.,/"" Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER DOCUMENT South 42nd Street IM.P. 0.00 to M.P. 0.80) Section ' Springfield. Creswel Highway (State Highway No. 222) City of Springfield <,,-,' Pursuant toORS 373,010, the Oregon Transportation Commission is authorized and directed, whenever the route of any state highway passes through the corporate lifnrts'ofany city,to;'" select or designate the streets of the crty over which the state highway shall be routed, or . ,~, change such routing when in its opinion the interests of the motoring public will be better'serVed. . .. _ . , - .,' ,,-,..~..: '" _ .ti},.. Pursuant to ORS Chapters 366.395 and 373.015, the State may transfer its intereSttoany.bfits ' property not needed by it for highway purPOses to any other govemmental body orpolitical;~;.c.,.,~ "'.' subdivision within the State of Oregon, subject to such restrictions, if any,;iiTlpose,doy.deed6r " ,'",:.,:j" other legal instrument or otherwise imposed by State.' .,"..:. ~';: ", :~':''3;t,-,e'''.:''~;:S'-,t:tJ.-~''',' .. _... . . . _ . _ _ . .. -~ :"". "~"'c.'5~;::t"'::~'-~_=:-f:~'" .._~ ~;:~:;.,r~;f::~ , , pursuant to ORS190.110 and ORS 366.775, the State may enter into,any'agreement,wit~<l~y,~""';;;,;~i ." ,.crtyfOrtherelocationOfanYhighway., , ..,'~:..~. '.: :;:';:;~,.':if'::~'.::~"~:.: !~~,:~~~~: " The.South 42"" Street (M.P. O.Op to M.P. 0:80)'Section ,of the SprinQfield~CreswelliH!ghlol(a.y''''-' !;;;$;f"- '. . "State.Hlghway No. 222, IS no longer needed for state highway purposes'and'haspeeni-":'w~~i,!""",,,,,,,;:jB'?'>' .." ., ' ...' '. eliminated by departmental resolution as a' portion of the Springfield'_,GresWelhtligl'iwaY;'1he::ii!i:i!~h ",," ," , '."." ','segment eliminated from thehjQhway'is,designated as Unit,1, as more.fi.llly,desq1ilied'~lowF::-".f!~'~ij. ',' : " f..:..,;~~!t~s:sh~n .on the map attac;hE!d ~reto marked!=J:<hibit A a!ld by.t~i~-.t~fef'~n~'rniKl.~':a'j)lrtlf~!i1ff~.rjf~::,~: ,,'? :' " :;,',' nereof"Umt 1 IS needed for the service of persons Iivmg thereon or for.'a:commumlYiserved,'i< ' .."" ..~; . _...... -the-"'re"b y ',- . ' t '7-.' . .- -<~~.~':;r.,~.'; ~~,_...j~~;"T~~*;> ":. .r'''',.h . '. .. . .. ,;::".,,:,,.,.,-,~., ,.., ~-<c~--='''-''''~''"n'"-T.:'';,w:~~ ""i; _. :.~.'. ~"." _.'-., ._ , ~._' ,.". .. _~.,-f~fii:~~;;ki~~i~J!JjJ:ii~;;}-:::'_'P;~~:~1!r~i; : "; The' tiiyof Springfield and the Oregon TransPortation Comniission;&~llir~d:iht~{ioih'~a~{r;.:e~rit~riic 'on, September 24, 2003, relating to the eliri'iimitiiin,. disposition. maintenarice'aiidf~pair"of'Vn,it.".." " " 1~Said agreement provides that the Oregon Transportation Commissioi,.shaU,byireslilutio,.\j;c: " ..,,' o'~",~~f&~W=;A:' - .~feRE1tll 355 CAPITOL STREET NE, ROOM 420 ' DM.lan of 'Chi~f.D.,;uiVci~;:k";::~i:'~'lii^~il'2220"" J SALEM OR 97301-3871 Lan. County o.-oClS:piriil"~..c.E_)1~;:;;fi{""W~ ' , 11111111111~llfll~nlml)nlm~~:'~itt41,oO .J6J3.:201:iJI.301~a. t04l1J042 ",,,'. ""'<--",' . .' .' ,12/2312003 OB:57:03 All RPR-IlEI. Cntd St....l., ClISMIER O!! " , . $20;00 $10.00 $11.00 '_ih,. ,.,!,., .i'. '" ;'i' :PRE~SUBMlrrAL REC'O , ,; 0 ;\t, ..f)\AA,M. "'. " ,~., . , Jurtsdiclional Transfer , 012,2103 'i' " 1, ,--', . " '.....". ..",.... ~ .~.~~~ '".'1 .. ,:,-~"".'~.~ 4;~~._ .;.. "',':0.:::' . '7:.~ !: :<_...~;.;ti~.i/ ~:'.:' : .... _""~~",,_,, ~,_~. I , ' ._.:,:-.:....... ;..~..:- ~ '. ~. -.,.... '-..- ''', ~. ~p. t.. Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 formally eliminate Unit 1 as a portion of the Springfield - Creswell Highway and the state highway system; that all right, title, and interest of the Slate of Oregon in Unit 1 shall be conveyed to the City; and that the Unit shall be maintained by the City as a portion of its city , street system as long as needed'for the service of persons living thereon or for a community served thereby. ' THEREFORE, IT HAS BEEN RESOLVED BY THE OREGON TRANSPORTATION' COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS; , '" 1. ,', The South 42'" Street (M.P. 0.00 to M.P. 0.80) section of the Springfield - Creswell Highway, State Highway No. 222, in Lane County, Oregon, is no longer needed by the State of , Oregon as aportlo!l of the state hi\lhway systerry. Said portion,herei.nafter refe~ed'to'as,LJnit,1 ,".;';" has been duly eliminated as a portion of the Spnngfield - Creswell Highway and the state". .:, -'- :" ': highway system. All right, title, and interest of the State of Oregon in Unil1 hereby passes to c '~-.. and vests il1,the City of Springfield as,a portion of its city street system as longjl,s, need~d for the--'.'" service of persons living thereon or a community served thereby. , .. "..',:.' ~"''''',:~"c"" "......", , '. . ,- . ~'_'. ',' .-.-;..~:~::-'-::.:~~-*-:.~~.,~.::.'i...;.L~':.':f/~...;~.T:: - .~~ Any right-of-way being conveyed in which state has any title shall be vested,in City:only"so'long(,',';,"C;'" ." as, used for public road purposes. If said right-of-way is nolonger usedfor.public'r6ad:purposes;'.i',';-;--, ,:;. " ,it shall automatically revert to State. Unil1 is describedas"follows: ,:,::'c:::,' :-"?;:"~'.. .:;;::" ~:X:::::: ,',:~:'~~:~:U~it'1 , . .",,, __'" ': ;-:'=~~~-~~' ~,o~.;:::~~~~~t{:;,,~i~~~;~';;~;f:-"1~~+ ~ _ + . .' ',. _," _..- ~::.'='.;' "~~,..'- -r-,.'~-.--' n... .... ........ , - .' ,AU land Within .the nght ,'of way. .boundanes ~of -the~,,,,,=,,;,?,'~;'~7-i,~~~+~"c~"="''''''''' ; :" . ':;';';'1: to;: Springfield-Creswell: State_Highway,' .alsol known "as ,'State,~~iIi;i)i,j';';~r!;ii~;;.?~'*:i)":;;r-", ~,':\~?''2!:--;.:' .. , --___.... .....- 'HUN No 222 and South 42"' Street' from' the southern '" ''"'" . v -" , ...'" .. ",....... _ ~'1;'--:;,7y.~-::":. ._-.~.' . ' , _M .:" .-; .~. 1''::;f~~~~M;;;~~.r.;g'~t-!f~;-~:.~......:.~.!-~~..~;''''t!c!'~ .... . ,~, 'c, :,",,,,,,,,,,.;,,,,,,boundary,' of ,the McKenzie. HighwaY,.righlo,oLway .aLtt)~.;.o ;:'ts~:;e~:;;~:~~"i:f:{'i~,:".:":5"J?::"_' .. ' "::;''''-';,-0 ,intersection with South 42'" Street.to,the ,eastern edge.:of<~Js~";:';f';<~'c~;;;:"'i~~~,11;,};;~"'~j'".~']:-,-:;,,' ", .. ':,~'~:--"2..;p:~:.~the South 42"" Street/Jasper Road intersection (MP'.O.OO.to.:~':J';'sr;~",;.tQ;o;;1i;rr!N~"~i,?'''''' .<~-- '... .. '.,_ :,..,:-,;"';',1':;', MP 0.80 including the entire Jasper Road 'intersection)'i'i':;pi'# ';"j,i.',,?',,,.'. '""",,,!i;;,.... --'-'X~~;~;'_~,;~~..~i?; and .Iying in Sectic:m 32. Township 1751 Range 2w.~.'.~nd;;i~$~~~~\t~k~~~~~~~;;f$:.tr~:'. ,~~~ ;::~. _,' 'i' ' , . ,.. Seclion5 Townshlp,18S Range.2W Willametle'Mendlan'~:c.',.'''~<'''''''''''' e~"'''~~='r'''''' ",' '. ';1;-, , .. , " 'Y~;~;::~L.ane CoJnty, Oregon. ' ., _,.' :::,:;~c::::~~~,i ~~~',.';~;~~~i~~~~ri~I~7~~'~;{$t~;:,' ,,' " .2.: , The,property above describBd is tranSferTedsubjectto the rights of'any'UtlIl'ifiliXotiilld':'i;fi' '. .. , within said property and further subject to the'rights of the owriers ofsaiifexiStiilg-'f~~::i.::;:;:~,," ,y~$. .. , ,. facilities if any there be; to operate, reconstruct, and maintain their 'utillty:taci!iti~?;~" - ,$:\1, ~n .;:fu~-;, ' , presently located within said property, ",,',~ .::, ,;'f",'-:i,::'.::."';'J.J.:: .;;1',~d.::.. .. . .~.' .'Y"i~'::... '.. - ... ~.- .:;.', -;.....~.J _ _" .#': .1'~:'~ f'.;,~"'_,"~iS/~ ~~;.:_~~~.~~I~:~;t;~~:1,...';- Under the authority delegated by the Oregon Transportation Commission to the Director in:. '.i",. ~.;;.": ;;;.", ~'r'-- , Delegation Order No.2 dated February .13, 2002, the ResolutionEliminatil1glf~ection,o[':,,",:," .::'f. :n.~t:,,-''0, ;..,; , Highway from the State Highway System and Minor Amendmentto'the;ofegoriHi9tiway;PlliiF'.':;::'iF,,:;,;r;~:~~J;.: , , for Jurisdictional Transfer No 744 was approved on October 17 2003, ' .' ...' "_c::;;',,,',;,::c;,.,,n ,;",_;7 .;;.,;;,~""~;",, . . .' '., , . . ' : ',- . h "':~~:~;~'.~;?'~~;~~~~~~~?f}1~t~~;}:~~;<:~<~f:~~ .~~ - ~ . -- -~ ,,;~..,;/.,;, :-,,~,;'~, .,-:'~ '.,,' . .:~:. :j<-.. . ~.;; --/: Jurisdictional Transfer 10/22/03 2 PRE~SUBN1liTA['R~CID .' . . . ~ 1'0 ~1,~()0 A.M. lo.- '.___ I 'j i .! ..r . ,.. ',! , '1' ,,~1;:' T" . ~':l~:: ;" ,.'=.. --", ".1- .' . .. I, . ..... ';l.','" I , - ........... ",.1l., ~ Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 The Oregon Transportation Commission, by a duly adopted Delegation Order #3, dated March 18,1999, and Sub-delegation Order #4, dated March 18, 1999, and Letter of Authority , paragraph #13, dated January 18, 1999, authorize the Right of Way Manager to sign this Jurisdictional Transfer Document for and on behalf of the Commission. .r(.'Io.I~. ones,.r<.ight~lIay Manager / Gl /4/,-a I,.. ' STATE.~REGON, CoumYofMarion. " . ,', . -." 'Dated \.LA?CR..n1 be4J d-, 20Q:3 Personally appearetl Deolinda G..Jones;who being sworn, stated that she is the Righi of Way Manager Jor the Stale of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that this document accurately reftectSaction:tal<en by the Oregon, ' TransportalionCommission. Before me: ,==~.5:::.:-'~,~~~jj~R:'- "',~...., ~ . _', .. .'.'..'." ..,''''. ,..._ ' '.' ,.., / bA . __ . ,..;' '~'V.' ", .......:_ ~, .f:' , , ~ . .:. 'f'-;':;.::" af!.! .. OFFlClALSEAL '., ,~"'. otary Public'forQfegon J J.!. . & ~~1:i~EGON294 . ._.,.:..~. .,...,.-::c~;~S?,~~~.sipn. e~~~res..!..L tJf d1?7 ~ COMMISSION NO. S74 J" -.. ~ .> . MYCOMMISSIONEJ(PIRES NOV. 1,2007 ..... . '. ~:' _". ....; '.:.._ :~-:-;". ,'~ :y,,:,:,{":2.;..:.:::>~:;~~t~:~~~.:;~~;j~fE~l~~:i;i~~~' 'Accept '. '. half of the City 'Of Sprlngfield-.-."i.?." '~-""~';"J'!..:,:":."...._;,,;iJ,j.,~i . ...~r~:;;:\?~~~~~1!~If!t . ",_ ";" . .". .. ", ~.,,' is'~Y;''''''~'-",,,,'''''.'''i''''''' , ('" ./ A~? :-~,~"'.\.,..t:,-4..":!o-' ';~~.:;.;:::.,:.;.i.-~.::L~,-~~t'g<:'~'-I' . Date - -- d'- /6 C/'':,;):' J~..'_'_, _~~.M_"~.~_""'_''L"",''''''''''~"::''~'_'':~.n.:;l.~' o::.~_ . ..~_.~~~;:~~~,~~:~~:~~:~;;~~;~:~~::~ .~.:~.~. }."" ~~:~ :-: " '''";!.'"'oc':''':~~;~~~~;~?~:~~~~'TC' '., ..:.......!,..' . "~"~ -' . -';',..;...'7- . ,- "~ ,-' _i~~~ , -~; ... -..' ~ .; PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O I D' l':i"Dli.. AM. ",-., Jurisdictional Transfer 1 0/22103 3 . _:._~~.- " I," ~ .~.~. -j.t,' ;~ .1:, .; ..jtl..l1 fA ..;; .:'~ r ~~r': '" .. : )~; J : J" t I ') t'," EXHIBl'T . " ci TI7S;,R2W,'S32 crt.:. \~~I..'i,,"'f~;':_. .! ~ ~ __~l, TIBS.. R~~\.. S5 . I!aJ~I~ ~~ _ ...;::0,.,..... 'ikIu.';;,-:o.:"1J -;:""!:-, . . , '-!,I J~,"...' '" ::.;:/ I' ! I J t. '. ; " ~,,'~-, [~:"'_::Z/' -~~.~~~~ I r' ,'..' #".....,';.s...~,d'-. ~'. 'I. ....1. , , II ~ -........_..._j-r-.....__~Y.!OFrL; .-..}. . '1;....'.'-iJ-~.?ll~.l,'!.1 I..... ,..'l ,'SPRINGFt[LO ,'\ _ . Sh Jli...'C"~:;.r~;"':t:~"'r~?b~'tl ,,5-~~" l~' ~;~~~~'~'~:t(~:trfl1:~;-:'j:11f.!~'~:.j~ip?'p:;o.-:'''.:'75 ~.!~:ll..,i' _ l =~-~.'-- " ','.'- ~-_....~ "~_~;il,"'~'--~~':i':~r"''''I'.F;i:;-:'itl~'t,.,:, It,.,'.....".'.. ~".: '~, "lI..--~--:ll'~~'~,i.~~\~j: ~~~ ".T ~ l~i'L~,;:;J;:~Ad'Kf~,!~~~M~;!~fr,l.~il~i;H.!')~ltfJ'(i -=' . .y,:=.~~~.._~=:t~~I-;~.t~~:::~~::=:~-z.. \1:.~"~~~.~:,:;,:;x~~'?ip~-:~.,i . 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'j -, ..~ ........~"C'-. 1 - . : of f"'."" i 'l"~ '..."" p"'''''' ," .,:\ ',::,(' , ; L.",~~:,~~ ~0"}~l':: 1-..--..' ' :"" .. :",.,.,'..' ..;' Oreoon Oepa""'men'" o-f T..onlllXW".....,"IAin Jurisdictional'Transfer No. 744 Springfiel d Creswell Highwpy!' ; CiTY: of Springfiel d ~ -,. i.l .j ~ " t,.I!_, , .' , , '1". \' 't ' ;!"~~;~'i!il iii' ._-~_._.. :1 -l . ,. , , " (~:i , ' 'oJ',. 7 l. ". " .1 ~' ;; ,~ if' l{ ,~ ti~; .1.' .,., ,. " (I: p U LI..I ~ C::: --' <i ~ I. ~ 2 G. ICQ '=:l l' ~ ,r;l' . - LU , C::: .0 \, , c.... - J '. I " .- . 17-02-32-33 01701; 1022654 American Title Group EIaow No. 00021928 . WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) MT. VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST. bctein called _or. C<lDVel'l.) to JOHN K!lASTEDAI 'Dd GLORIA I. SMI1lI, each as to an undivided one-half in~ere9t, ~ tenants in COUIDOn, all that real property silUD!ed In the Colmty of LANE, Sta~ ofOreg:on, described as: Set Emlbit A attaebed hereto and made. part henot and c.ovenant(!) thzt grmrtor is rhe owner of the above dese:rfbed prOperty free o{aU ~ except EASEMENTS, COVENANTS; CONDITIONS AIID RESTRIcnONS OF RECORD. IF ANY. and will wurant and defend the same against all pc:nom who ~y 1awfuDy claim the S8IM, except as,bown above. The true nnd actual considenltion for this'tramf~ is 5175,000.00.- . Dated November Hi, 2004. ~. . --.- .... ,...~ -'-,. - - -""~r- . ,~~~~,v.;~~CHOFCIIR~ ..'- ... -'''-, .~, '---:? ~.' , ; , "_'.. . :~-.BY~':.~L-WHITE~, -- -.. .. ":; i;;-~~ : .~~: . ."" '. ~h" ._.,., .,_,-'.,"~~ .~~.. ~~,~ ~ "~ .....:,u..~.", .f.~AN~J~~F' ;~::~~t~~~.ir:i~.~~:.. JANKOWSKI AND DONALD 1. HANSON..ON BEHALF.OF MT. VER.."'I.9N.:.9&WCH OF CHRIST. ib lbelr authoiiud capacltia. arid aC.biOWte.t~ the foriiOini iIistrumeni to bt'hiilber~unIar)' ad and deed. '~'l\._"":'IJ'~I~~.~~~:~.:~-,.~.~~%+!:~~t~~~~~~;~~~>-. . .~~- C.SMrIli ...' -::-:~:"f'~:'~~.*"'!~~-~ " .. "-~. ~A.rPUBUc..QREGONJ... .. -.;.-:'- "'.""-.:- . . r _ . I{ICtlM/,Ij~=~r.1,m -~ '~', ,:,.,',tl;NOtait.~U'fOi9.regim I / ' . 2007\ 'f.-:.,..r.;:~.;MycommISlJOO-PjlUU:--~ 3 If) J .' . " . . : "\'" , ".:_;,.:~..;~"".:> "',:';-d:<;"rt:'!;:~~7~,+:;::"';' ': '-, The dol18r amount should-include easb:'pJui'alh ~"",'.:.',::iseUstirig;~ tho propertY to whjcb the property mnains .ubject Or which fhi pWdlucr'~ to PaYor Usume;,~ :,:,': . ~ ',..:--,'~ ,.~-:',:!':~~.,,~;',:_-~ . TO. ". ,~!.AIE,OfOREClON. ~ ~"""") ~__~~: t~;~ri~~~r~,;~~;:.,~~.;.";;,~;:.;~:' :.~ .'~ u: " J <atify,lbat lh< within'inIbianem _ ....,ivcd for"""; on the '~":"'../"..~yof. - --' at_ o'clock'--"'::'M'-;~'aOO..rKordcd in book _ on page , -, R...,,;s;'ciflle<di of.Bid Coumy. GLORIA 1. Witnea my h'and IlDd JcafofCounty .mxccL WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) MT. VERNON crfURCH OF CIiRiST Send Tax Statements to: JOHN KHASTItDAt And SMITH P.O. BOX 7493 E"''3......., oA 97'10f TttlD Aftf:rReeoroing~~to: ' . . AMERICANTlTlJ'.G.'!Ot)"Dft1/TTAL R' ",!ll: Dlv1.1... ., ChI.' Doputy C1rk' llMUWK 56DCOUNTRY,GUJB,p~rs~,~ 1If1 {II' IT L.,. COWIly Deed. and Rocora ~ .SUlTEll0~".'~ I.." EUGiNF.OR9740I l6;\H~- A.M. ~!~I~J~!!mgll~I~lm $31.00 _ _,_'""""" ......""" ,11/1912004 03:51:35 PI! RPR-DEaI Crlbl 5\_ CllSIlIER D2 . !IO.oo '11.00 tl0.oo _' ..---:--~ - ~ .' ....,-. "'~,",,_ ~'. r. ..: ~', . - '. .... "'-1'" c .' ~ . . ElhlbitA . Beginniae,8t a poiut on the West liae ortbt Thos. D. Edwards DoD1!ldoJl Land Claim #55. Township 17 Soatb. Raale Z Wttt of the WiIlamctte Meridian, 420.9 feet North ortbe most Wcst2rt, SoumwtSt coner of saki DoD21.lioD Land Cllimj mODiJle then<< East 322.1 feet; tbence Nortfll33 reet; tbena: West 311.1 falto the West lincohakl DoaaUoo LudClaimi IlIenee South alone 'Rid West liDe 133 reel to the point orbeginQinC. iD Lane COUAty, Omon. ALSO, AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED FAR-CEL: Beginning at a: point OD the Wat line or the Tbos. D. Edwardi DonadoD Land Clainl 155, Township 17 Soalb, llahee 2 West of tbe Willamette Meridian, 563.9 feet North of tile maSt Westerly Southwest comer of saki DoDlltiOll1.aRd Cbllln; rulllomg lben.::e East 274.1 feci to 21. point; tbeDtt Collowmc aloAg the an: of. 28 foot ndius curve to the left <&3.96 red, more or kss. to :t ro1nt J02.1'reet: Ea~t aDd 20 fed North orlbe pointorbeglnaiac; theoce East:10 feet; tbence South 30 feet1lbeocl West322.1 feet to tile West line of said Doaatlon Land Claim; thence North alone uid West line JO (ul to tbe point or begiDtllo&. in Lane County, Oregon. It bcina: the intent to trsll;fer tbe.N~~b.h8Irora_typl~1 (;0' Dead-Ea.d Hammerbead Fire ApparatllS A<<tSS Road (lying in I West to Ea&:t dirtclioDf8;~lril'l!d bJ~thc City orspriDgfkld.' See attarbed diaeram. ' .-:'"':~.:'-"-~' ,. ~-.. ~'- .,.'>". .-- -'.. . .' .' .u. "--::,:"":-::,:,".~;:.~?.::- ~~:~:;i1li~~",-- .'!~ -'~.~~~:~::~':~~::.';~~~~~.:~~~~1;:,: ~ '.~: . ~ ,...,. :~. '.. "'''--io:''i'' '.,. , . . ..~~.. - ....-.. .;::;~,...:~", \"--~- ::-':"':" ... _-::~_.--:--"';.e~"", ~~;.~.;.;~.... : ~ .L~~U:;;:E.~,.._Q ~-!i\l :;""l-;~~;;.'.:i-!::i.':;l:':i.'!.~~' :."'. ---". .,'., ~.. '. .;~;"::.t~~'f~~~c~ . ~~~~~;~D~~~~~ff;.kS;,~~~:~":~;""' " "L-.' .- ~-.~" ". _0 _,,_,_"'0"_ " _L , ~ .. . . - ".~- -. . ,,:,o__';"'~ ", '~:~. .~..:r:~~:~~~~~,~' ._.,.,--;:::*~ , .. , 1 r " '.1' . ~, ~ 'l '1" -,... ,--~ . .-. ~ . ,; , - --.. .; F- C ._'-'..... < ';. PRE.SU ~MITTALREC'D A.M, !Q:i C-D0 u"h_.'_':..'=-;C:".-- .~_C- -. ~:~.;;r~~.,;-:b"-'~",-,~,,",- ~_...:,.,- --~ "...;--;:.t.~~~~'~_':..:'" . ~-.:.;;'~"":U!f. ~i.(: ...;.:,,-_~~... ,..., ..."....'-...- ~. .... . ~..;.:":.,~;~::~~~ ~.. ,::.. - .,-"~;,~'!~~~;~;~[~;ii~~~~.-;.::_ . . ."" ... ";'-" .... - ,'. ~, """-"', ~i;~~~~~;..;>i!':~i}t-- ::: ':;?'f~~~~~,~~~~1if'...{~ ' ~~~t~1~}]~~:..' ." :..:-=-,,,. !;;:-.~.-::";;l.:--...:t.~~~=--""'=~ ,,-"_ . ._'t<-. -..- ~ -..."...... '. ;:~:.:.!~,.:., 1:.:'':'_ ......---.-;.,- .~.~.;~iif;.;f.~h;;::~~?;"~:~,i,7>:-: . :,. z ~.. --:. 'J.~; ~:~'~:~~f~~0;:~'",--~~-"U -.'~ . -~.~.-.- . ;:O.:;::i....,-:,...Iik"'''',';.: .~: ~:~:~~~~1::~~;~~ .- .. -'.' ..- ....,.-. ,- , ~ ....-, ".- ,.:....;..V~. ..... ;" ....'-- " " .~ L '~;:;-,~ j " . '. ......~. ':V;';:.J:':~~.('~f''; . - '':c...... . ..~~.: :~:. ~ , :. . -\, .~. .. '. ~~~;. .' -~"'~ ..~. :~. ":.:~~1~~!.,::/~~~:~~ .I..;;"~,:,~. "i... ~ .---,.1.-:' l-'_' -~: 4"'''...--..;,., ~......~-..: ", - ;:.; .: f:;';;: '_"'~'-~ .3-::' ~"-.' ~ . ..,- 'r:~~~~,:~~\:~~:; . .,.,'''''-.'', ."" . ~ j. -..' ..-..~. - ,',:~:::Ci~ilJ:\~i~ '-"''-.,",-,i'.-t'C'3;C~:: ......f_""'....:.:....._..:::-.;.~. .,::.~.<"-"....,.~~,,.,.," ,'".' 1'.-::. ".....;;..::..... ....: ..... / .' 8 -~ ,;. ".-1- ~ "" . Fidelity Natio~1 Title Company of Oregon . . 4710 Village Plaza Loop Suite 160. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-9960. FAX (541) 684-0196 PRELIMINARY REPORT ESCROWOFFICER:,Brenda Betz TITLE OFFICER: Rainie A. Sanden TO: 'RE/MAX Integrity , i :ATTN: Andrea Ritzman L'arkin "471 o Village Plaza loop, Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 ! ,ORDER NO.: 02-109278-46 OWNER/SEllER: John Khastedai and Gloria I. Smith BUYER/BORROWER: Timothy L. Nasalroad PROPERTY ADDRESS: 327 and 34:1 South 42nd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 EFF!;CTIVEDATE: . February 3, 2006, 05:00 P'.M. , , , 1 . The p,olicy and, endorsements to be issued and the related charges are: Owner's Standard . Go~eT~~~r:a~_~ervice Charge AMOUNT 345,000.00 PREMIUM 917.00 Short Term 20.00 2. THE. ESTATE OR INTERESTilN THE lAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED ,T(}COVEREDB'r,' THISREP0RTIS:. I A Fee 3. )Tf.LETOSAID ESTATE OR !INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: , ' John Khastedai and Glo,ia I. Smith, each as to an undivided one-half interest, as tenants in . .. . '. -. - , - . common i 4. THE lAND REFERRED TO: IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF lANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: I SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF \ RAS\ras 02/15/2006 ,i PRE-SUBMllTAL RECIO lD-12-'do- A.M, a yte.fHlC> &C::Cr4cq/~~ ~ce. aJ /I 7' II P -JF c:' I 1 .. ---_.- " \ Order No. 02-109278-46 I EXHIBIT "ONE" . ' Beginning at a point on the West iine of the Tho!!. Edwards Donation Land Claim No, 55, Township:17,South, Range 2 West!of the Willamette Meridian;420.9 feet North of the most VIIesterlY',Southvvest corner of saiq' Donation Land Claim; running thence East 322.1 feet; thence North:133 feet; thence West 322.1 feet to the West line of said Donation Land Claim; thence Southalong said West line 1133 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . ." . -.. ' ., \ ~ ~ PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O I D~ i"Z.--D(r; _ A.M. -.....-. - .. 2 -..,......;:. EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17-921 and ,AMERICAN, LAND TITLE1ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY (10-17-92) , SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ThII fullowing mUtll~ a1'8 expreuly exeluded from th& coVlmlga of this poIic;y .nd the Company will not p.y lost: or d.mlge.,c:oIU, .t!OrMY" fl!'" or elCp'.-lJwhich .rile by...-on Of:. t 1. I.JArlylaw.ordinlne.orgo.....mmltl'ltlll'8llubltlon llneluding butnotlimltad to building .iv:!zoning__. ordinlltIClI$, or,lagubnicHlIJl rilnricting, prohibiting orAl..ting to Iii thI OCGupIIl1Cy, tAI,oronjoymltl'lt of til. land; liil the. chlIr.ctlIr. dimensiorls or Ioc:Itioll of any improvament now or hIlrHftar'.ect8d on 1M .nd; llii}. IJllpotlltlon ill owtMIn:hiporachlnge in tM dimencionc or.1'M of the Ial'ld orany parcel of which tM land is orWIIIJ. part; or livl.nvirunm.ntal prutaction. or the effK1:of .IlY violltion.ofthMe bWIJ. otdlnin~ or QOVammentill regulations. exetipt to the axumt th.t. nom;. of thiI .llfDrcetMnt the....,f or II n.oti;. of. d.fect."1ien cr,encumbl1l1lco' nmllting tRIm. vioJ.ticn or ahgad vtoIation .tfacting thlll.nd M$ been AICCIrded in the public racotds It Da.te of Policv.j IbJ Any gDvamme.nUlI pofice powarnot excludad by II) .bova. exCllptto thIo extIIntthat. notice of the uer~ tnef8afar.ll notice of. dllhlet,.li'lIl.oreneumb/'llfK>el'AI$ulting tRIm. ,,~. or.lJeotd vialatianlff"ctingthe"ndhlll~nAlCClrdedlnth8public,~rd..tOateofPoliDy.;' , 2. Rights of IIminant dornlb unle::s notice of thelXlICis'II thenlCIf,,," btNtI1 racorded in ~ pubic AICORlI II! Olte of Poliey, but not IlllCcluding fromeovel'1lglllny biking which hili ocouned prior to Oatil of Policy whichwou:d b. binding on the right:: of. purehaar for value without knawledg.. I -3. OtIfaet::o, lien:;;. Il'IeurnbrlncM".dv.n:ac"ims. orothermltlll'$; ) (eJ c.....ted, CIJffentd,.=umM! or IIIgrttlld to bythtt incuntdcllllim.nt; , lbl not known to tha Celmp.ny, not recorded m'th. plJblic "'CC1rd~.t 01. of POlicy: but knoWll to tileil"l$UI'llci claim.nt .Illl not disckKed in writing to:thIll Ci:lmp.oy bythll inls:1.nlI elIwJrt prior to tha da~ thl irIs-L'I1Id elsimant bee.mll In il"'i'ured,under this policy: . !' leJr8111J!t:ing mn;)locsord.mlgetothainslJfedclliim.nt; i ldJ IIlttle~ or ernted lubsMluent to O.teof Policy. or (ei"rfi~1ting in Ioss.~r dll'm.g~ which,wcNId.oot have ~n IlJCtIIinad ifttw Ioauiad eWmiim hlld paid wlue for tho_tII or IntarHt insunId by this poliay; 4. UlW\fon:-..biIity of thIll tian of thD r..ur.d mortgage bec:aUl. of tho inabilify or re~UI'll (If m. insIJI'lld el Date of Poley. or the iNbllity or f8Bure of IllY wbnquent o_r of the; irde.btedl'lfi$, tD comply with Ippllcablll ~ busll'len !aWl of thli 1tI. in wtUeh the land ill cituIlltlld. 6. In....lidity or _ lBity ofthalittnof1i1llinNl'edmortg.flgl, Or claim thIllreof......mich.risnoutof ttw nllllleU:ln .videncecI by thII insured moftg.ge, .rw:l i$ blI$l1d upon u:l.:rV or Iny DC:l1Iumer eAlda protectionortnJthin"ndinglaw. e1. Arty stat\JtOI'V Iiin for~. ..bar or m.teriIIlls lor the claim c;f priority cf aflY statutory liM klr lIervicn. labor 01' mamn.1a ovar the Ibm of the inaUAId mortgeg.l erillillg frum en i:npru....rnllnt or work rllllt.d to the IInd which is contl'lct8d for .nd comrnencMllJubseqUllflt to D4tl1 of Policy and is oot fiNnced In wholIll 01' in JIlIn by prtlCeedl oftha . '. ,. .' . .. secuml by the innJrlld moftglge which .tDatllofPorlCV theinsunld hllIIldvlncedoril: oblIgatlld to.dvlroc:Io. 7. Arty claim vmlch .rinI out of the mll1Hction ctMting me. interest of the mertQlIg" in$ured by thi:; pollcy. by RIUOI'l of the operenon of feder1ll blInkNpl:t:y, stam in:olvanc:y, (or ~imilllr erlldittll~' rights _we, thIIt is band on: (il tha tnImaetion enulI1ing thIlI inuol'tlSt of tha iMurad mongo:;!.. beil'lQ' domed. !r.uduhmt ccl'lveYlnee orfnudulllnttnIrm.r;01' (~J ttw IUbordinl6on of ttw' inmre.at of tI'lll inwrIId monglQH a~ a rocult 01 the epilation of the doctrlnaofequhllblllC\Jbordlrlllticll'l:or Hiil thIlI tnInsaction c:ruting thIll intIlrest of thIll ms-ured mortglgee being deamed I pnlfllrentill tRMfer tlXCllpt wtw.". pnlter.miIIl tRndw ruuIts from 1hII bilure: ' {.ll:Otim.1y recon:lthloinstrumll'ltottnlndw:or lbl of lueh l1ICOl'dation l:O impart notice to. purche_.fot v.1Ye or I judgement or lien CfIlICIitor. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (10-17-921 AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIA nON LEASEHOLD OWNER'S POLICY (10-17.921 , ' " ' SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matterG a.... elCprul"1y axc.ludtld from tha cova~. of Ulia policy .nd thIll Co'mpany will not PlY Iou or damage, CO$t::o, llnomeY'1J teas or IIXpelWllll which llrin by AlIson of: 1 1. (II) Any "w, ordinance orgovammerrtal rlllgullltion linellJding but oot Iimit8d tl:l building .l1dzolling "WI, crdinal'1C8$, or l'8IIulatiDflGJ,rastrietlnQ, prohibiting orra&.tlllg bJ iii tM occupaooy, uu, elr enioymll"lt of h land: liil tt-. cl1al'1leter, dimeno;ianir or loci.tiDn Of .ny improv.mlJ'lt now or ....fte; Il"IICbId on me "1'IcI; (iii! a ..apal'1ltion in'owr'ltlr$hipor .lIchangll in" rM'dim_ions 01', Inti of tha IInd or 'r\Y pa~1 of which the land is or WIIJ. pirt; gr,livlenvircmmiantlllpf1lt!iction. ortha IIffectof.ny\liOlttiorl oftheltl 1IIw:, ordil'llll1Cl1S or govarnmllntal ",gula,nor.; excaptto, ttW.xtllnt tNt e notietl of th. .. _ thel'8of or _ !'lOtio. of. defllet,"firm or,enc\Jmbf8riel rawt!ing,from I viallnion ar.1Ieoed violltilln IIffectiilQ the.rid hills bMII1l'11cordadin'the p.,b1ic.AICOrdl at Dim of Po !icy. j (bl Arty govammantlll poliee palMlrno! Illxcludlld.by llll_boVII, UCllptto tha IIlCtl1ntthat. IlOtice of the 1I1C1ln:i&e the",of or I natiea,o.f..dllt.ct"lien or lIIlC\Jmbnlnc:ll raEUttillg tRIm e violltk.n elr .lIeg_ viollllicll> Iffactir.g tM IIllnd hill... been recorded in,th$.public,rlCGrd$ It Date of Policy. ! 2. Rights ofeminllnt dom.1n III'lleQ notlce of.theex.n::iftl th.reofhesbnnrICGrded in th8 public r1II:Clrds at Oat!) ofPelliey, but notelleluding from CQVe.rllg.'any tllki1i; whieh hIllS occurred prioftO Date otPolicy which would b.. binding, an the. rights of. !iurchaaer for.....IIJ.. without knowIe.dgtl, I' 3. D..fect!;, littns-, IIrlCumbral'lCIIS, .dwl$IIl claimG. or other mlttars: . .. . {lIleruted,suffeAld,u"umedOl'.agf8edtoby.thIllinsWlldelllimlnt; , .-' - ..., . ". , . . Ibl Nn known tD thII Cornpany. not AICOrded in thII public I'llCOrds.t O.te otPolicy, b~t lc.nc'Nn to the inswtKl cllimllnt end natdisclolllld In writing to the Comp..ny by the inslK!ld claimant Ilriartothe dltIll thII insured daimant becelne.n Insurad urder dlb'po!icy: (e) rMuIling' in no ba$ or dam.ge to tha insuRd cIIIimll'lt Idl.ttachiro OfCI'N~ lIubatq.,.ntto Olltll of Policy. or (_I rnuIting in IoIJlI or dalnllg. which would not MVII bMn $u:oblil1$d If the ins"urad claim.ntnu paid value forU. IIiJtllte or ir'ISured byl:his policy. 4. Any cl.im which Irian; out of the trll'lIlIclion wating in the Insured thI ctlItIl Or imerest ins"un:od by this policy, by ntlconof thIoperation of fad.,.1bIInktuptcy. mtllin$ol\llllney, orlimilarCTedi!ol'$' righulaWl.thltiabalJlldon: lil dla tn;1llI'ction crNting VIe IIiJtllbt or IntIIRlIt iMlJI'lld by this polic:y balg dlMlmlld I fra~uIor\t COI'IVllYll'lCll or fnudlJlent tnIndar: or . liil thIlItnlnACtioncrutlng ttw..t11t11 or iotIIf1llIt lnaurlld by this policy being deell'llld a preferentiel tn;rm.r elfQlPt vvhIllno the pnlfemmal tRnsfar I'IIIlIUlu from the teUure: {.l to timely I1ICOrd theinstrurnentOl'tRnsfar: or Ibl of lIlIi::h recordltion to imP.rt netic.. to. purehHllr.klr vllue or.. judgement or rlen craditor. The .ibaVII AlTA policy klrrn$ mlY b. isaUlKl to IIfford eithIIr StlInd.rd Covarag. orExt8ndlld Covenlge. In addition to tM abov.. Ellct""ions horn Cover_g., the eXcapnor>c; from CClVfiIg. in.. Stendlrd COVll"llIl' policy wiIIllso include thI following GafllJraIElC".lltioflG:' i ! SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Thi:; policy docs nell inSUI'II ..g.inst \os=; or dam.g. I.rw:l thIll Cornpllny will oo~ P<lY ~, ~t!OmoitVlI' '- or IIXpeOnoJ which erin by _n of: 1. T.us or IlIS.sssmel'ltG which are not ahowl'l as fllCisting IieI'lS by thIIl'lIConIs of eny tlllCJ "uthomy thet levill.3 taxas or nSIlIiiEm.ntll on rul prope'rty or by the public rlCGtds, procuding$ by I public .gllllll:Y which m..y r",uk 11'1 tllllCes or essISCments. Ot notices of lJUCh procndingl whIlltn.r or nOt IhoYVn by thIo record" oflJlJCn agfllV;:y or by thepubJIc ...cord". 1 2. Ary fae~. richtt:, imerut:l or ellims whieh .lre. not ",hown by tha public rMXIrdll but Whloh coukl .,. uesrtlliNlo by an inspoc:tioll of Aid .nd or by mlking inquiry of PlI'!<O/'II in pOlISIlIClon. I PART 1 3. ElsemlllnlS. or claiml of ..omenta or encumbrerlCss, oot .noWIl by the pubIie' 'ICOrds, .......JlItions orexcaptiolllinpatentlorlnaetslluthorizingttwiasuanc:llthe/'llof,....,.terrightli:,elaimsOI'titlsto _tIlr. 4. Oicc",pIInci11l1, conftil:b; in bound..ry Iinss, d'lotbg8 in al'M, enc:roeehmel'lts,-or Iny other hets wtUc:h II correctllUfVlywould disclo.... 5. Any lItawtory .1'11" for labor or mabtrial, ineludino ..,. for contributions dUll to the StlItII of Oregon for ~mploymllf1t compen::8tion .nd for WOrbr"lI eOmpllllHDcm, which M\/Ill OOW gained or m..~ gain priority o....r thllliIIn of the ~ dud of tnJd. vvhlch tial1ll do not now appear of rKerd. PRE.SUBMllTAL REeD J 0 -l],.-D~ _ A,M, L , ;"... /' , FidelITY National Financial GrouD of Comosnies' Privacv Statement July 1.2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requireme-nts of applicable federal and state privacy .laws.- We believe that making you aware of how we use your non.public personal information C"'Personallnformation"'), and towhom it-is disclosed; will form the basis for 8 relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provi~e!; that" explanation. . We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with app!icable i:?rivacy laws. . ! In,~~ ~our~ of Ou!'~~~neS8. we may collect P~rson81lnformation about you from the following sources: From app_lications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; From your transactions with. or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; From' our .internet web sites; f' . ~ '. Fran:- the,public,rec_C?rds maintained by 'governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or ,others; and' ,. . 1 From. con~~~er.or,other reporting age~cies. . " Our I:'olicies ~~~r,d~,:,g the,Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized aCCBSS or intrusion. We limit access to.the Personallnfdrmation only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or.services'to you or for oth~r legitimate business purposes. .' - , O':l~,'~0.lIcie~.~_nd'Pr~ctice8 .R!g!n~lng the-Sharing 'of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with1 our affiliates, such 8S insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlemerit.service.providers.. We also may disclose your Personal Information: '" '~'. -to, agents, brokers or representatiVes to, provide you with services you have requested; . " to third-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our :. ,behalf; and .:.. " .j to others .with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products,or services that we believe you may . . :find.of. interest: . . 1 In addition, yv~ will: disclose your Personallnforif1ation when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by law to do,so.,_ or: when.we suspect fraudulent or. criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by."applicable'privacy,-Iaws such as, for exampla. when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement,:transaction or. relationship with you! . , '-.' .,.,-:..;_.... ._, ...... J One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such docum~~ts m~y' ,?onts.in-Y,our, Person~l.I'1forn:'at(on. " i / .Right to ~cces,s.Vour P8rs~f'!a~~I~.f~rm8tion and Ab, lIity to Correct Errors or Request Changes or Deletion . ... . . . . - Certain states afford you the.right to ac_cess!youf Personallnformstion and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your ~ersona' \nforma~.ion hl!s been disclosed. ;Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion ofyour.p'~rsonal.lnformation. 'We reserve the rigtit, where permitted'by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs in.curr:ed in res!,on~~ng to ~!l~h r.e_quests. t . All requests. m.,!st be _ma.~e i':l writing to ,~e foll~wing address: j Privacy Com pliance Officer Fidelity National Financial, Inc. i 4050 Celie Reel, Suite 220 l Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If'we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may oause~ you. . PRE.SUBM!ITAl REC'O I D'":I.Z:-D cq A,M. r-< '". 402 I . " ".. .,"', .0.21 AC.', rJJ. " WEST - 215' ,'tL ' ~ ,..,', ~ .~_ ~ _'-. - .~,--:---:-~~ /--~____J_____ ,I ,.,' "~" ' /, 0,1701: .' '"~^,, . 13 !:i~' "~.'> ''', - 35 ,I / NOTE, " ,", ' , ' " " '20 ' "PDINT IS 420,9' - NORTH DF " I THE THDM.D.EDIoIARDS DLe No, 55 , ~ ,-:1-- 4ir 16'00' 1&2.1' EAST::3~2.1i 80' '-'''"'~";." ,,- """-,, ----~--- ~ ~ f --I ~ :-;rj ~ 900800 20' U6 a2~0~ 2~4~fi 5' / / I 77.5' /Lf'B' ...... I. .J I in ru I in I ru I - r I 2402 w ~ o " 73.8' 109' " 3301 o ~ 3300 ?ci ~oo o '" ;> ~ 1> '" 1'44' 589'29'32'E S8g.29'3C'.e: - 217.8' " 137.8' 80' 3401 3400 D ,;, ~ ;>'. . "! "'''' :;~ '" '" '" Sl 80' 117.8' I _ 7~~ ~ J, __-'-_~ il r- N89'38'40'1oIc:1: - - - - - - - 83.S'. ....,. .. 104' ,-<~ 3500 9 :::: 3502 ( ~-~ ~~.~ ~~ $,3 . IS' rn C1 o ;" " a; ------ ------ ------- ~ lh -- --1- ,l.., ....., ~ - LOO 1900 0, '" 10 '" '" '" in E -=- -162,1;- - -:- --1 ~ w 1500 " ' Q::. 1-0 (f).... '" lri !:i 153' 300 0.27 AC. o .... M '!:i 70' ,70' c, .... 't:J 162.1' ,20' ~ 1400 ,,"" 0 ' , :c.... 30' I- ~, ~ 13002'1' 80' . iO '" ,401, '.: 0.15 AC.' I .'..0 I . : .-0' I -- --,- - -,-, 'I I . '. "'70' , : S89'24'1oI ",.!' I "--1- , , ,::.;I . I iO I .... I '-"~--'IO:O<::;':'I'''1 1000 iG 701 700 "M-_ '!:l 1&8' " .... '" '" iO '" iO '" " or ,... '" c . " In .... -' 500 S.17246 0.24 AC. ' 502 0.28 AC. o CD . ' trl !:i N89'24'E - 143' 601 ',,1.02 AC. 80' ( 600 >--- 0.07 AC. iO N 10'- o ;;; I W ;, ? .. o M I, ? FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY This sketch above is made solely for the purpose of assisting in locating said premises and the company assumes no liability for variations, if any, in dimensions and location ascertained by actual survey. Ma'p # 17 02 32 33 01701 801 [iN[ TABU Ll 12.:' le R. 42. 10' . S S . .''''), C, a> Ul o C "-I :c '~ I') Z o I"U ~ IT1 '\ .r Order No. 02-109278-46 ASOFTHEDATE OF THIS REPO~T,ITEMSTOBECONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO:THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOIlI..D'BE AS FOLLOWS: i " " ",.,' ..' ,,' ",'., '.... I , GENER~l: EXCEPTIONS: 1. ' ,'Taxes or,assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing , " .:authority thatJevies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, 'prciceedings'by,a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public :. records'." ,'.. I 2. Any .facts" rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could: be ,ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in 'possession:"," i ' 3.,,' Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, : reservations or,exceptions in patents or in acts autho'iiing the issuance thereof, water , rlghts,c1aims or title to w"ate,. ' ..... -.' .......-.. -.. -'. ,.' :1 4; ': .'oiscrepancies, ,conflictS in boundary lines, shortage,in area, encroachments or any other " , fac~1IVhicha.c,orrect sUn(ey ,would disclose.' , ", " 5., Any , statutory liens .fo, labbr or material, including liens fo, contributions due to the State . '" .. -, , . - . . . -' ~ ofOregon:for:unemployment compensation and for, worker's compensation, which have -,', -..... ,'" I ' , now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed Qf trust, which liens do . ' , , . n(jt now.appear of record; . . . . ", ".. ; ,SPECIFIC ITEMS:AND ,EXCEPTIONS: . " J ': .'::: ;".:" . 6., Property:taJ<:es, and any assessments coUected with:taxes, for the fiscal year 2005-2006. ". -.,' . ... ,,",~:- ,.... '" .' .'. '- f - .' -.' . . .; . ,Amount: .. .. ' $1,980.54 v ... Unpaid l3alance: , $1 ;980.54 plus interest, if any 'Acco,unt:No,:' ' '1022654 ': Map No.:'17 02 32 33 01701 levy Code: 19-00 Affects: Split Code Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Amount: Unpaid Balance: Account No.: Map No.: levy Code: Affects: $173.52 $173.52 plus interest, if any 1022662 , 17 02 32 3301701 19-00 Split Code 7. City liens in favor of the 8ity of Springfield, if any. PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD IO~12'-D0A.M, There are no liens as of F~bruary 3, 2006. J 3 Order No. 02-109278-46 8. , Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land lying , within .the ,boundaries of streets, roads and highways. ,..:',',',", ':." :,' '; I ','.'.,;,..;"':',.,, 9, ,Easement(s) fo, the purpoSe Is} shown below and rights incidental thereto, over and across .premises,formerly,inclu~ed within the, boundaries of Cul-de-sac East of S. 42nd St. now vacated:" , " i ,Purpose: Utilities 10. ;. Easementls),for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a dOl:lilT1~nt:', T ' I ' "" , Granted to:, ' , , ' ,~urpose:,' , ,Recorded: ' , Aff,ects: '. ' Springfield Utility Board 'Electric transmission or distribution line and water transmission and Pacific Northwest Bell August 23,1977, Recorder's No. 7753414 Westerly 10 feet '. Matters contained in that ~certain document entitled "Ordinance No. 3841", dated June ",' ,'5:':',978"by and ,between Springfield City Council, recorded July 6,1978, Recorder's No. , : 7846719; 'whichldocume:nt, among other things, contains or provides for: "Vacating , ' one-half of a cui-de sac East of South 42nd Street". 11.. , "Reference is, madetos,aid!documentfor full particulars. .. .; . 12. , Matters contained in, that 'certain document entitled" Jurisdictional Transfer Document", , , . dated' De(:ember-2; '2003~ by and between Oregon Transportation Commission and the , " ,': City, of ,Springfield, recorded December 23, 2003, Recorder's No. 2003-122204, which , ,document;: :among "other things. contains or provides for: "Jurisdiction, control and '. . maintenance; etc.' of. portions of South 42rid Street sections of the Springfield-Creswell 'Highway"S~ate Highway No. 222 in lane County, Oregon". . . . .' . . j , " Reference, is Il)ade to said! document for full particulars. 13. ,Easementls} fo~thepurpoke(s) sh,own below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a ,document:..':"',.! Granted to: Purpose: . .- Recorded: ' ' Affects: John Khastedai and Gloria I. Smith Ingress and egress ' November 19, 2004, Recorder's No. 2004-089585 Nort!lerly 10 feet 14: ' Line of credit Deed of Trust, to secure an indebtedness as shown below arid any other obligation secured thereby: Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary : Recorded: $131,250.00 November 17, 2004 , John Khastedai and Gloria I. Smith American Title Group Washington Mutual Bank . November 19. 2004, Recorder's No. 2004-089586 15. ATTENTION: Our examination of the title to the subject property discloses no other open trust deeds or mortgages other than the one listed above. Due to the value of the subject property. the accuracy of ithis conclusiol1 should be confirmed in writ7ng:pH6~3t"o1~si'nQlEC'D of the proposed transaction.' , I h.. VV ""1/''',' J D"~( 2."-00 A.M. 4 -, ~.. . Order No. 02-109278-46 16. Leases and/or tenancies, if any. 17. , .Personal Property taxes, if any. 18. "No search has been made for financing statements filed in the office of the Secretary of :State~ or in iiriy"county other than the county in which the herein described land is located. , ',NoOliability,is ass.ume~'fo~ anyfinan~ing statement filed.in the. office. of the .County Cle~k ',,{Recorder} :covenngtlmber, crops, fixtures or contracts affectang said land If said land IS 'not:deScribed:by.metes and bounds; recorded,lot and block or under the rectangular : sUrvey.systein; 'i' END, OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS , NOTES: ' ' Note A. ' .YOU,WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING: LEGAL ,CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE '''DOCUMENTS.THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. YOU ...MAYCONSULT,ANATTORNEYABOUTTHESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT '::ANATTORNEYIF YOU:HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEWTRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT.YOU,HAYE"fiiOTYET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. .. ..-........... :". '. ..... ... . Note'B. 'The, following are the deeds of public record on the subject property that have been , recordedin',the'last'24.months: Warranty Deed recorded November 19, 2004, Reception " '. No: 2004'089585. " ' . 'j' ". , . ' '" ! ,Note.C. ': :ThElreare no judgments, of record against John Khastedai, Gloria I. Smith or Timothy L. :::,Nasalroad;,'::, ',..,., 1,0,.' , " .... .'..'. .... f . .... Note D.' ~~:~~r6~~:no}ax.'iensoflr~cord against JO.hn Khastedai, Gloria I. Smith or Timothy L. , . . 1 , PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD J O.J2-0.~ A.M. 5 lts,Jt~'~'D:-~1;li:,\';~;f~~~; ,.~;,:~';i:~, ImDV.AU:.{MEH BY",nfESE : ~""th"1st/r..I." ..::..,......rc~'~.. ...... :::.~.91i~e nce~;~.~~~!;~:.:-....!;i::ac - g f'. -," ~'- ,c;r{SPrtllllfl.ld... ,aunttlpa\~co, rpol'etl" 'etttJ!'il'il>iiliiJd1, . . :, ".~. BOARD,' an.1.unto., 1ts~succeSlors~ftd41S'1t!!1l~~'Mgn" , pRdfl ;'1.q;; of th.':Ulld....lintclt.ttiJ.t..UIi"thO.CIfj:iif.<iSPr,1 - 'ti1~ tatti. ,..na;.... '. ~ , ..S:;par,tti:ulirljr,d.si,~!bOd',!i::'.l1"', "'~''''.' ./i2- ". 'M'1 '~f, ,""'" :,.: ',,' , .;.'r'~~~~' ,'!';""'::':';;.l.f:"l :,::, ";i-;"'l,j",,'-~":'.:;:'J~:":':l "I! .. I.' "t'.t':t......,.f:}'!:;)':I.;~) ....., . "," .Begtnntng:..ta'po1nt'ari't~-'~i.'~.t~~.. . )"0 ,D.-:..p 'ijti,. ..::'55.'7S~k~JW,~.~~.,'" 420.9'''. IIorth o,'th.""t W011,SW:'COi'ti'N\r' # 4~C.."'!1"!\\tllll:._'(qt'3ZZ.1::'t.,"", . : thence HDrth 133.0 ft. : thence West: S22.l,!: ~f;'O.JtMUlestJ;l1ne'O"";n1d'I"C~.tlienc':"Sbuth 133.0 ft. .'ong-Ilid ~t'~l1ne' to".~"'P09:';. n'lCO':.~t~xCept~tht following:, "Beg.. at. .. P'!tn~ '"S: it 1 ': on the vest.11ne ~f:the ~~. D.', E_1:dspD~e.I~S~_~.32,l_~S.R.ew,,,"...~., ,ft~~Rorth.of. :I::.,./:~:~~ the mst V'11 SW. corner of said (l.C~'; nmn1ng.ttMiifC'~Ellt'.132.& ft. theriC:e on.a.c;urve of ~:.::,:.;t a cul-de-sac to the left 'hllving a: radulsClif,.".sa.15~E.l45.0.ft: It the btg~ .of, the CIIT':ft, :,,:':: I... central angle of 14'-15' for'.'dtst.~of-!n4.9'ft., thence ItOrth S.O--ft:.~t:hnce Wilt. .... 215.0 ft. to the West line at said'OLe. ~ thenCe SOUth 30.0 ft. .long said west Une to : .. . the POB.. all In lCO. 'Except: The,ltorth-Z.O.ft:.'of the'East 185.0 ft:of the above " desc. property may not be used'for road purposes unless" until the'abutting property owner to the North deeds land toicreate' a full' 50 ft.. road , .. full tum around 1n ac:card- lnance vith ,plans approved by the planning eo-tsilon. Total.acres Ill/l 0.68. . Acreage correction for 1969, 0.73. lesslO.OS aere'.1n County Road No. Z87. Containing IlIOre or less 0.68. -!. .{;';,~.. -':, . ,.~ Does hereby grant a 10 ft. ~ide easement from S.U. corner thence north to the N.W. comer for a distance of said tax lot to includ. -.ter tranSlll1sslon and Pacific Horth- .vest Bell. I ! ......-.l-.....;.."..P...o-...,.............. .'iJ~, .~.':''''~ D , . Ill" flH 5.U . ~'.' And to place. construct. operate. repair, 1lllI1nta1n.. relocate and replace therein an electric transmtsslon er dhtrlbution l1ne. including pol". guy v'res and 'other necessary factlttles.. and to cut and trim trees and shrubbery to the ell.t~nt necessary to keep thell clearlof'Slid electrtc 11n., and to cut dOlilft fl'Olll ttme t.o ttme all dead. weak. leaning or danQerou, trees that are tall enough to strilte the' -wires. tn taHtng.: '., , ' ' The undel'Stgned convenants thit he is the cnmer of the above des.crtbtd propertY and that such property Is free and clear of encUlllbrances and liens of wbatsoev~r ~h~racte~.cxcept: ','~ :.'" ....;..:.,..:~.; ..~,_l., ......J.1. Jut.. j lfi ~ITNm ..ItREOf. ;:).t'i day of IQ-n , . ' the undcrstgned ha~~~hts hand and seal thfs 1 , '9 . G -f1),,-c,/U..k,.~ ~ " il\.q't,U "'. ruste <....f. STATE OF O~[GON) ) 55. , '. CQUlIT' OF LANE ) ~."."/. --. ; /".I.~~~~,"lT REMEMBERED th4~ ~n the -?f~H da)' of. 3/U~ Y .l9.Z? . //:....b.ef~,r~ me.' th~ understgn"l..'a Notary Puonc In and .Tor the state or uregon. pe1"scinillY ",':~il:a~~,wtth1n nameli~-9'1"" ,. O~./g~ ~ . , .. "~' ~"'>I "'-1<-,.' , r,r~,r~,'''.... ' . .. i !' the .'<l..'ttcal pe"o~.l-"'! #; . 'Jescr1bed ner,1n. ana wnll . ..':.... ,t"e n tna~.Jlllent and acknowlecl9eO~.~ IDe that '77.".l!"V execu'.cd the .ki _ .R-,n v l~ntar~ly! ...... \ "".~ ~ ~M\!'~>>~Eor. ~Ye h~reun; set "1 hand And notortal seal ~1_IC day alld year . ve-~~_,. ',~~;..~~~, .' ~L p' ,.qrkYfi-E.SIIRMITTAI REC'D - '; 'lotar)' 1'U6T1'eOf Oregon .:1 My C_is,'on Exptr.'.R..;"'. /~,27$ . I 0 ~,l..~ ~D,{t;A.M.' ' ~ ',L .'" , ." ~ ' = , r f ! " ~ t i ~. o -- '" "'1 77:.;a.11<1 .'- ._" --." ::. . ::. ~'.-. . . ,~. . --.-.' .- = -- ~U1Gf'(lr~....- C",,1lI1_~ ~-P. I.D,...,....IaI4.~oIdii~; _lofOe...m....... Ill'" lor u..uW CtM/I"...__~tl',Ila&I\lW1W1lb1a . 1II.'''''.....t ... ,...Md f'" ,-.I.~ _.N~'~___--=:.~, ._~~,_..~_".~~_,.~~_""~.;v,:,,:, " . 1977AOO23P11138 L tf~ L. . A,~. '~"'" '~-.' 8 61\, Il ~CoooMJ'orrlC1AL ..... J \ OJl.r-toIol~eftlll. o.-.l~ . t , . ' .,i:o/~h.' -:tn" . ~ ,.....,.. .' .~.u . , . ~ . . . . ,0 j ~.. I "'7" " I, t !i- t ! I . ,...J.:...... ;; :l~(};::..::::..:~:. . \ r.1.1." I .\ " ~ ; ;r: '~l::}<<./;>:; C) s: -..... ~j;1 )> r- ~ "-,,-...,,. ;,,~ .. ~~,-:' ..~.:~~~~;I'. ~".,..,.......,..~"... ' ....".~k\i.'lijl!:o,'.".., ,'1 ", ~"'''':),';f"!'~~';'::.:r-,-::;</.:;':,::;.~~:'~~~' ::' ","' . f 1- .~ ..-.. OJ .I '10'. , . .' :..... " ""1, L /, 0'- /, r'~", "\t~'~ ~,' . , ". ~ ", I..) L_. __ .......w__ ; , 'I O'R[lIUANCE tlo. 3841 , , f //'.'1// ' AN CRDINANCE VACATI:lGONE-HALF OF A CUL-DE-SAC EAST OF'sounl 42110 STREET ,Ill THE, CITY, OF,SPRlIlGFIELO, L,.~NE COUNTY, qREGOtI. AIIO, DECLARING AtI EtlERGEIICV;--.......... . . ' . . ..' '. '.~ . .'. - . . , ':WHEREAS:;thi;';sprlngfield City Icoancll previ'~SIY declare~ its Intention to' " vacate, a, public r,lght-of-way In the Cl~; of Springfield .s described below; an:! , " , I '.HHEREAS. such vacation Is In the best Interest of the City tn'c.rrylng out ,Its plans 'and:programs ,for the, general development of the City; and . ,.__ '.. ,'. .".".' ,"'- "-.- 1 WHEREAs,.i'~>lfu'i,notlce 'of. thelprop~sed vacation was published and posted; .nd , ' ,'\IHEREAS, the SPringfield CityjCouncll met In the Municipal Meeting Room of the ,Sprjn9f,lel~,Utlltty;8oitrd 8ldg., 250 North "A"Street, Springfield, Or.. on Honday, the5th:day"of'.'June;,'1978,'at'~hehour'of 7:30 p.m" to hear, ny objections to the proposed: 'vacation .al'!d no persons appeared to ,object; .', ...... . . '1IO~. THEREfORE, THE SPRINGFIELD CITV CDUUCII. ODES ORDAIN: Section '1: . The Counci 1 findst that legal notice of 'the hearing was lawfully ,publ isl'led .and posted;' that no obje:ctions were made to the right-of-way vacation . at,.the 'hear,tog he.l,d; that ,the publ~ic interest will not be impaired by the property ,vacation;: and, ,that the property vacation will be to the best interest of the pub' .1 ic an.d.'.i~c~.ea.s~..~h~ ,b~flefit.of t~e property involved. ," ".,. I ,'.' Sectio~ 2: The following de~cribedpub1ic right-of-';}Y ~ tile ~i'it'l'lfIPprii,"9.1O held 1$ dec)ared.tc?, be vacated: 1 One-Half of a Cul-de-Sac Eas~ of S~ll"t.h 42nd Stree;t (lU. Vernen Church,of,__.........,~.~~""'.. ": Christl.. ~ : ':'.':(l.ega1 De"ription Att~ched hereto, "';rked "Exhibit A") 'Section- 3: ::It',1s a, further .J.ondition of this vacation .that nothing 'contained in thlS ardlnance shall. cau~e. or. 'require the removal or the abandonment of any sewer. , water..~ilii\.::9as:main, conduit. orlde~ice used or intended for any public service, ex- . cept .by, mutual" agreement between the agency holding such right and the property owners .in.wharri..t~e'.title.:to ',the vacated property shilll vest. . .. ',:::,:;- -.:' ';:.;-...-.':"""'" ; . -. __. Section 4: ....The City Recorde~ is directed to fOe certified copies of this or- dinanc.e.'wHh the lane .cou'nty. Clerk, lane County Assessor, and lane County Surveyor. ,.".." ! Section 5: -:' it is 'hereby found and dctennined by the Carmlon Council that matter.s " pertai~l))g:.to: the vacation of publ ic easements 'are matters a ffcctin-g"thc""publ icY neaft~" sa fety. ':and _ we 1 f3re-~ .and "tha t a'n 'emergency' therefore eJfi s ts, and that thi s ordi nance '. 'shan'therefor,e; take effect inmed'iJtely.upon tts"passage by the Council and approval by.th.~'~1ayt?r:':..': "::',':,':' .' j' : . ADOPTED by the COI:111on councill of the Cl ty of Springfield this 5th day of June, 1~78, by a vote of,~ for and ~ against. , ; APPROVED by the flayor of the, City of Springfield this 5th day of June, 1978. ATTEST:dh'J~ (flA-~J \ c/)L ~~, , "C7ff'? (;G~ ,. " f ,_#_._____. _ _._ _4_""......__.-.__~_~_ /.1'7/ -- Mayo,' I I , ! L,~ ";~ ..'..,-~ ,..I'C1D r~E~SiJb1V11I IACgJ..: I 0.-.1 'J.-.Df} A,M. ~" I,' ,-;, . ~. "" " :' : ...: ; i: ': '.: ~. I I.......... ':':'':::&/?-~'::,::.,:,:{:.:::,;.. ._l't'-'-~l"_ .'...-.....,. ":';j}:'.:;". .::! "'. , i i , i k," . 'l~ r: ! . ".:::r.;'~:'?;';'; -'; ....'...:...'.......,-... "-";;'-"". ..,. ."...:'..... ,-~""JIIl<<'" ~:I...'.. _.~..t ,;""- ". 7fH6719 "EXHIBIT. A" '. " . . . , , ' ' MOUNT VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST VACATION Beginning at a point on the ~est line of the Thomas D. Edwards Donation land Claim ~o. 55. Section 3? Township 17 South Ra,;ge'2'We'st'of'th-"\:l~laincHe' Meridian 523.9 feet North of Lhe most Westerly Southwest corner of said Donation Land c;1aim.!.runnfng thence East 13~.Q teet, thence on II curve of a cul-de-sac to the left having a radius North 56 ~5' East 45.0 feet at the be- ginning of the curve. and a central angle of 146 15' for a distance of 114.9 feet; thence North 5.0 feet. thence West 215.0 feet to the West line of said . Donation" Land Claim~ thence South along, said West line 30.0 feet to the' point of. beginning.".contatning 0.15 acres, all in lane County, Oregon. i .! . 'Except the West 3D.~ feet. _.-..~~.,........-.....~.' .'->-;i.ij;- .......~.....-.' :-! ~,,~" l '.-.'- '"-, "EX1II81T A" --:j..r '4;:;~ " -.. .~. ._- ..1 .::;...-....~l:lL._....L: -~.. .- 'n-":"~ ~~.,~~... ~ ......'. ---... .'.'''~::;<''-' . J~~~~ ,,'&".::' >... , PRE.SUBMI11~L RECIO I D-l ~..-(:lt?- A.M, -.I L L -~ - "'-'~~--- II," " , " .~~ ........ ..... . ...... .-..,.-,-.:...-:'-.....::.: ,. ...,..'.-.... ..' c'.:;:..."...-" ',,' ,.." ,~'......I" ,,< -,~. h';."'''.'' : ":-';', :' ;'~'-': .... , ,..:.: ...>.__C.... ,.- "F::-.:.... I /- __ ".cV-' , r-:-- :~..1;:..,--::J: ., ',/ " _.c_"'_~__ ..*~,.. ~ . -',,:.1$- I o ,/." "/'" , .. 78<\671:;1 ~_.. i , I' CERTIFICATE F 55, I , , i 1"'GEORGE P"VI~SON,' City Recorder/or the City of Springfield,' Oregon, do I ;'r'.i'~ '. : hereby, c~r.t~fy that the atta~hed document '~re-p~esents a true and corre~,~opy of Ordinance , ' " " \,.0"'1"" ~ ':110, 3841 on file in,my officJ. ' ,~\~.........~~ ....' ',\ ~~":'f .;~I."',~,,~ ' Q; J '. . " . .' '1'''' --: i ( - ~ .ia,.t:"{1!.~lrIS'~~/ , , Cl-ll r~~/ ._..ct, _~Ilr..f'iljf.le1d" Oregon ,STATE or OREGOIi ,COUNTY OF. LA/IE CHY"OF SP,RINGFIELO _~___..r._ ~;"~' .......-............-..........., ".,' .}.;i: -~.... j' ..--.",..-.. ,.~,; L L PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D 10-/2--:Dfo- A,M. .-J L I /" / ,l~~r \, \" ~.. "'t I I ~ I f!.~ ~' ~~t::. ,v' ,.,~~__~.",._,"_.,,,"..,, H'~""';'" L . ~. I '-:.:~'~:' , ',' ./. \: ~~ ;;:...~ Ir:;.;",:~. :i?~ ':,.'::;:~ ":I;~~,~:::.;i~~lr ":1',:1,;.-; ";. [..:,1'.;.,' 'J i: .;'1.~j,\~,'.:i .,if' ::,;y~.,:~1,..:~..., .-.r..;..'1 ....IL~~~ .t.......- ~~~ ..: ":' ~.~ ," oj ~~ ,(....::,'.!.::,:!.,...Jl'~." r1 ~\ ~ I"""'i," ''''''~_:~';';$,.-:~j...z;,... -:}~ t'i' '.:'"1 ~",",t~~~<.:' ';:: fli--rl~B I ~.-,,~;" ':\~~i. :~j;Y,\;~c :;~":f:,;b;1~(1~:~''';~i;i;~<j\[i!~~~~.~f,{i:.f,1\~4;l~:'i~::\i;!;~"~~l;tjls@ ~;i'{~ji 78.1G7.!.9 ", F ~. ~'/ r- !'itJIt'oIOrrlCon, CA\unLyofl..nr-n, I. IU.t. ".nfold. DirKlor of 1M Ocp.r" moml nl (il'lWf.1 $l'rvicelI. in and lor 1M ..id Counly. do h",lrb)' cctil)' IMI ttJ within inaU\llI'Wnl ... r<<eiv.i 104' record'l o J..L78 15' I} kHI 922 R l.anr Cnun,;' OFfiCIAl. Recorda. .Il H,. .r>>~1 ~"' -, ,1 ( i ( r J r ( , 'ff~("' p U L..L.I c.:: ---' ~ :2: a:::l ==>> c:r> . L..L.I c.:: Q.. n', . f ); :::i <i ~ a ~: I a ""l ~~;".", . ~~~f:.; ~ t ! , .. , . ,:~"i~~ :":.;"! ~, ~. , -() 'fJ\..CT +'" 7746083 RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEHfNT 'the C~~\.:L~h::~:Y ':":~:ei:E:::::T:::d :h::::r~i?:~:~f~~~: {~{~r~ton. ~~!.:,.r.~.',~,r,;;,f~l,;~.~,;,',.,:,:,':: .Spr1ngffeld. a II1IJntctpal corporatibn. acting by"and through its SPRINGFIElD UTILI!, . : SOARO, and unto fts su~cesfors and assigns. t~ right to enter upon the lands of of tile undersigned stlua'.edj in the Ct~ of Springfield. State of Oregon. and more :. :.:' P.II",ttcularly described al f?11OWS: Ha? 11-02-32-3-3: Lot 1900......A~~1~..~......G~.... Begtnntns at a pOtnt on the West R136 lfne of 1h05. D. Edwards Ole '55, 7211,8 Twp. 17 S. R2H, WH: 67\.9 ft. Ilorth of the .005t ,W'ly SW corner of said . ['IlC. _runnina thent'p t,,~!.pt!. ~ ft.. ;ku"Lh is.u it.; West 322.1 ft to the west , 11ne of said Ole '55. thence South 15.0 ft. along said west line to the point of beginning, in lane County.. Oregon. Cont. more or less 1.53. Except: That portlon,which lIes In Tot. 1170l) & t1800} per 1108. Contain. 111/1 1.42. Acreage Correction Cont. ~l O,~. less: 0.06 ~c. in Co.Rd.'2~1 Cont. mil 0.92. Does hereby'grant ailO ft. wide easement from S.W. corner thence North to. the H.W. corne~ for a distance of said tax lot to include water transm1ss'on and Pactfic .HC?r~hwes t a.e 11 , ' '~""."""""'~-'-'~'''''''''''~ H , . n,; 11 t 1I~ 1,10 ,And to place, (onsll'uc'., op~rdte, ~ep.~ir. ma;lntatn. rE"l!'1c~tt! and rcpl.lce there;1! . . .an electrk- tr.l~IS"li:.'~ill'l ':r'J1llr,tdbution Hne. Inelud1ng pole.... gllY wires alld . ..0thC!r f:eCl':.:.oJ:'"Y raelll..h...t dflll VI co'. and.tdm trees and shruLllcry to the ed~lIt nllcesso1ry. ~n keep tt'j&.n clll.!r of !,.,,'id '.leelrlc line, an41 lo cut dl,)WlI frOlll lin.~ :0 '_' t ITloc' is \I th'.111. we"~, 1 e,u;in9 or ddn!l,","OlJS- treeo;. lha tare l411 cr.oIJ!lh to Sll"'-Ua~ th.!' . wtres1r,' ,Itllllng. j , " I Tho uudersil)n.:otl con'/ej,4nts l!.at hI! is the owner of the' above descrtbed prl'Jpl!rly.-'"' "ncl thdl SlIch prC;JL'r.tj' is '(fve arnJ ci"ill" :.If em:umurinces line: liens of whdlSOeVe" el1~.ra,Cler: .l.:.cCl.:pl:.- . f I l' " \-:lItREGr. tile -..n.:ero;.1'lIiC.:l hilS set his hand 4nd seal this or.."'r:l_._,__:.__. "V--;' , ".. . ,'.. ' , " ~W;.(:1 (,):I'J!i.'-'_':(I:J,~,,-J:. ,.11.'1'"... "; '" _./..1..l.~.._':.-:...~-'-~!1 ..:/l....!"~._ ____ ,. .'- . .Iil ~I.TII[SS ~oU.<--:'J_-2~'-d'Y II I I I 5ThT!: or Oi/EGO:I) ) 55, . .C9U,:lIY OF l}dl[ ) {IE II ll["'(~U(R[O U1.':, an the -2S"~._daY.of ~tjy',----'::"': --'0.19 7?_~~;w..<.w.. before 1:1C. lh{l.llnder"l~ln,.,j,. il UOUfY hiD!)c in and ~the'Jl4te 0' Ur~90n. lIl-,:sondny ilPIJ~ared the within ndl!{:cJ2-,hlo:.L_~IA"''j-.JWrI).I;,''1 .Arr..~~\ _~__'_;~u___ ~':lloi.n-lo.-Il,,'-i.o-l"e--theid~r/t Ie.. C'III!ri"o'r' ~ . " ---crCSCr"i~:~ 'icrc1::;:-';~r~h~ -- - . -- -, ......~cu}.cd the within iI.o;.lnHnent dllll 4cl'lowle12gea to me that fb.... e~E'elltL'l1 the! !.JtlC f\'ccl/ .ilnd vol.ulllJI'lly. ,- /".---- III ~1-...~(.,,':'~::.trJ(!lI'. :1 !hl\e III:r~ul".o set ny hano an~ noli'lridi :.oed I the d"lJ ..n,j ;/c.ar Id'iol tlllfl~'-'"j;"1;t:tl..;.1'';'''' l _I.~(~~o!~n;"'r.\. . \~tI'\PUOL.\C/~ I', . Hy COllill.l!-"'o.f".Q1l EXlll"'~ fj~(,;f.2y- : >.,~~~~:~:,~~~:.....~'_.. -- .! .,........,~.~ "OI~"i~~~-~;.~t-6"7PRFSUBMlrrAl REC'[ 10 -(L-D(P A.M. i-'.... -itfl} -,. -... ..... -- -.----- ".',:,,\:t':.: r 't"~ 0.::- :~'~i - . ".~~l , ~'; i ' " "~""'''''''''''_:.'';..t~~...~~t r 1 ..C.' ," .. . ~!:- ;;;~i' " . __...._;,."-"'_ ...____'-......_4l>....IoQ~ ,,-};: 'On/.! ~ I I 1 .\ ..\ . . v 'I ..,....~--.._...-...,....~....._~_. ... I i: j ! ........ -;..,'...--...... _..' ~ ~ " , ~:y....: , , c I ; ~ , . " .. , ! (I '" =t , ! ; ., . <:; .. , -'~ '" " ,,, , = ~ . , -. 1'- :il :\. '. - ; '1 10 - ! " , \ ~ OC ,j "' ! '" = ! " ')G , , " , , . , ; .. , - 1 i: c r' dJ ,- PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'r - , ' ~-':"^'-"irM "" .... . 10-(2/00 4._____ m....... ..." ...:.:..........'. ." . ..-...--...... ..~ 7y~ j" I .' r "',(,'<',u," .' . :'{.' . . . ..' . ", . / Jurisdictionl:il Transfer No. 744 ", ,JURISDICTI()NAL TRANSFER DOCUMENT ,,' '",,1 . . . South 42"" Street IM.P, 0.00 to M.P. 0.80) Section , Springfield .' Creswel ,Highway .(State Highway No. 222) . '.' '" '. qity of Springfield ' , ,Pursuant to ORS 373.0,10,the OregoniTransportation Commission is authorized and directed. 'Wheneiiertheroute: ofariy.statehighway passes ,through the corporate limits of any city. to , select or (jesigriate thifstreets of the City over which the state highway shall be routed, or ,charigesuch/outingWheriin its opinion the interests of the motoring public will be better served. ,... ,./:,,':.>.'.,.. "I ,,' ' ,Pursuimt.to:ORs Chapters 366.395 and 373.015, the Slate may transfer its interest to any of its properly notrieededlly.itfor highway purposes to any other govemmenlalbody.or political , :subdivisi~riWithin~tieSlllteof:Or:e9ori! subject tosucl:1,restrictigns: if. any, imposed by deed or olherlegalinstrlimentorolherwise imposed by.Slate.' ' ' , , ..:.':..',:.,,':.,"::<<:,:::..,::::',::",....... j" " , PursuantioORS190;110andORS 366.775, the State may, enter into any agreement with any ,cityfor:lherel0c8tionofanyhighiNay. , " ' '.- ,',..:,':"':"::::::'::,'.;~':':"::i:.:~';'::'i:.~'::,:/:~:,,,::':',.,":':..., '. ... . , ,TheSo~h~~~Street (M:f'.llOO ,to M;P. 0.80) Section.of the Springfield - CresWell Highway, ' "State ,Highway No; ,222; IS no longer needed for state highway purposes and has been , eliniiriatedbY;de'paitmeritalre~ollltion ~as a ~ortioil iifthe '~pringfield "Creswell Hil!hway. The 'segmentehmlnatedJrom'the'hlghwaYls deSignated as Unit 1, as more fully descnbed below, . and as showri.ori the' map attaChed hereto marked Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof;:Unit1:: is neededJor.the service 'of, pe..sonslivirig thereon or:for a Community served theretiy:.:"i:">:;'> :.'! '. ," .",',.,".',"""". ",' . ' . The City of Springfield al'ldiiieOregon Transportation Commission entered into an agreement on Septemb~(24i,20():3;'relatingtothe'elimination; disposition, maintenance and repair of Unit r:Saidagreem.entpro\jidesihaHheOregon Transportation Commission, shall, by resolution, " ..'>:'::.,:",'.':..::>',.... ..,':" 'I,' ..,,' ' ..', ,.." ' , ! I "RETuRN TO J OREGON DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATlON RIGHT OF WAY SECTION I 355 CAPITOL'STREET NE, ROOM 420 ' SALEM OR 97301-387,1 r Divl.lon 'of Chl.f Depulv ,Clerk 'M03.12220~ Lane COunlv .De.. end Reeorda &U , "l-III-IIIIII'lIIlllll1rlllllllllllllllllllllll $41.00 , 1!n '2012 '0301222 ~0048042 ' 12123/2003 09:57:03 AM RPR-REL Cnl..l' Sln:d CASHIER OS $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 Jurisdictional Transfer. 10122103 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D [O-('2;Oh~.A.M. " I ., l'~...:/.~{._. . Jurisdictional Transfer No: 744 f~rm~lIyelirninateUnit1~sap~rtion df~heSprillgfield. Creswell High~ay a,nd the state hlghWCiY sy:;;tem; t~ataH nght" titl!" an.d mterestof ~e Slate of Oreg~n In Unit 1!lhall ~e . COrlVeye,Q;tClme,qity;"an(j)hat theUn~ shall ~e malntalned~Y. the City as a portion of its CI~ 'street:systemasJ6ngasneEldedfor.the seMce of persons hVlng thereon or for a commumty . 5ervl!(j~~:reW::::'<' ' ! " , ' ,,' THEREFORE;' IT. HAS BEEN RESOLVED BY THE OREGON TRANSPORTATION CO~MISSIONASFOlLO\IIIS: .,.. , . 1. '. 'The South,42"' Street {M.P. 0.00 to M.P. 0.80) section oflhe Springfield. Creswell , High"",ay, State Highway, No. 222, inJ.sne County, Oregon, is no longer needed by the State of oreg,oo,ln'as"a, portion of the state hi\lhway SYS,tem. SaidPortio,n. hereinafter referred to as Unit 1, , has been dulyelimhlated 'as a portion 'of the Springfield. Creswell Highway and the state " high\iia\isYlltem::~IIr1gh(title;' and 'interest.of the .Sta~ of Oregon in Unit 1 hereby passes to and,vestslnthe'Clty ofSpnngfield as a portion of Its city street system as long as needed for the , seivJC:!iI:lf.P6rsol1s!ivirtgthereon elr,a pommunity served thereby. .' ..' .. ",:, ',': "', ,:,:: :," ,.." ' ' ! ' ' Anyright~of""",ay.beingconv~yedin which state' has any title shall be vested in City only so long as ,used fOr: publicro,ad" purpo:;;es. If .said ,right-of-way is no longer used ,for public road purposes, its~all,lI~CllT1l1ti~lIyre\l~rt to StetE!' Unit1 is desCribed asfqllows:' , . ..:' . ".". -.- ..... '.'. ...........: .;....:. .- . ,. . . ,'. . . '. .' .. .' '. . ,"Unit 1',. " ," . 'Ail':' land,:, .within the Iright of way boundaries 'of the ",Spiil1gfield~CresloVeILState',Hi~way, also kn,ownas State "'.. Hwy.:,' No:: '?22, and:. SOuth.42 'Street, from the southern boundary 'of the McKenzie Highway, right of way at the .. intersection, witti SoUth42ndStreettothe eastern edge of :'. the'SCluth42~Streetl~asper.Road intersection {MP,O.OO to ' ,','Mp',,0:80,,'including,.the 'entire, Jasper Road : intersection) , 'and' lying. in Section' 32," Township: 17S, Range 2W, and' Section, 5, Township 18S;'Range2W, WiIlametteMeridian, Lane:C;ou;,tY:()regoll' .. ,', ",.,,' ,',' '.',.,' , 2. The property above described is transferred subjeCt to the rights of any utilities located within ,said property and further subject to the rights of the owners pf said existing , .facilities i(any:there be,' to operate,reconstruct, and maintain their utility facilities . 'presently located Withinsaid:property. Und~r tlie authority ~ele~ated by the:OregOn Transportaiion Commission to th~ Director in D~legation Order No. 2d~ted'Febru~ry 13, 200? the Resolution Eliminating a Section of Highway from the State Highway System and Minor Amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan for Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 was approved on October'17, 2003. ' Jurisdictional Transfer 10/22/03 2 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D J DtZ.-d?- A,M. -- .::...-::.;;::,y' .' . .-.~.~'. ~.,.-,:~';.:,', ; ':.'.' -:. ' .-.?'''::f/:;:.;:'';~,'::.~\, ,:;,.;. ,..,.,...,..,.::..-..... -..... ..... ".::.';).::!~~', ;-";{?::~;:'~." ..~ '. ::,;:',':':'!;:' ..::..,..;., I . ~.,., ",L" -', ,.. 11.,',"'.1, :. 111111..11' ~J,"~~;':'~'>:O'~. , . Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 \ , The Oregon Transportation Commission, by a duly adopted Delegation Order #3, dated March 18, 1999;and;Sub-delegation Order #4,datedMarch ,18, 1999, 'and Letter of Authority ,paragraph #13; c:iated Janua..y :18, 1999; authorize the Right otWay Manager to sign this Juri,lldi~~rial':r':8nsterD.:Ocument forand,on ,behalf ot the Commission. ' . ~ ' "~ ea.' ones~ Way Manager Date: _/ r;l / .!lJ,.,'<, , - 'STAIE,~REGON,CountyofMarion' ' , , , ' ,'Datecjl.Lkt';;;fi,'iiehJ , d-, 20h:3 Personally appeared qeolinda G. Jones, ~o being .. sworn, " ;",s, tat,~d,tha.tsheiStl~e, Right ot7JVay Manaller tor the State of Oregon, Department of , 'Transportatlon;'andthatthls,documept accurately re,flects action taken by the Oregon " Tr,,~~SIl()~~ti()rIG()llln:tis,sion:~efore ITlE1:'" .~ /) ~ ,'..,.'::.'>, , . k-K" { , ' " .'~' " . " 'oFFICIAL SEAL . i ' otary Pubiic 'for oregon ,~ J AI / ~. '. D:~~:'=GONIMY ComlTlission expire~_l.LLQL/ em] , ~... ~MISSIONNO.3742941 , MY COMMISSION EXPlRES NOV. 1, 2007 J . :.., ..:::,'" . . I I ~. Ac~...;':'J":~' ,:, half()fthe City of ~ringfield , (..'"., '-, 'I . By"IJ':.q :'., . ~ ,0," , . " . , ' I Date '1,{}-1/6 I rJ..3 I .. ,. 'j , Jurisdictional Transfer 10/22/03 3 I , I I' PRE.S'~~Ml'AI. REC'O J D"'(V.D,b.. A,M. EXHIBIT . Tl7S. R2W. S32 ri: \''i:.':;,~;"'...S ~. ,_~l TI8S. R~:.: 55 ;:--~ "'. ,..UtI~fii'-';;:-'J --yt:-- -'13:1:"- , ." i . .,.,.' I~ - .:;'''t..-.~., . I . " I'').~.... ...::::: .. ~-"~~(' '~~._;>..f~PH!"A'" . '" -=-'"\.-....-'" , SPRIN~'IELO , ----- ....._ PACIFIC . -1 _ . ". ...... . t =11..~~:JT:::~l~:ut~~~:1#~T:' "-c"":J;;:.'::::' -~..~'-" Pop. ,..m ,,/' .l -JI....~..."._--",.',., '.. p~ - '<;;:,..-' <ju(" r::;"~- -~ ~ ~L ....:-~ ;:; .;~~k'){};;~ti:.~....... . ,/ i- '- = I: iN , '~'-I~I,"-'01"'I~~:' ~~t~..~~:;~, ~'-=-'I, ,'-~~~ L,\"j" ~1..Ji:,J!' Vl_ lil;1 :r::..'\~ _ ": - J: -... };~ I . . ~\ _ ~ r-. ( .:..~_.. ~"l"".' ~ C'!.,"",,-JI j, '\(_..,~'" ..,.....'.c.,,_ " ~ .'~1 ...::::"'. .. I! "r'~ ~"':~1.!!!!!1. ... '--4 , A, .IL ;; ; ~ il s ~ . ?~~W ~ ;,':.,~ ,'''nr" Ii :.;, ~\. . ~ l~__~~~~ie l,.:ShW~_Yl ", ~")i l_~ ----1 \ DD"c:lr--;;!Gtm - V> 11 'JL II JI. ;;: ,?l._-~~ ,--=:I <..,..,;;; - -or. ~ ;;:.e.fo!~.... "__ _",]1" > "IL-=:J ., _'" ';'Ii' "1<. (;::,.,15 ~~ru~"~"]r'~:' "t..'" ~ .,"l~;-4[l[lGlfl . ~(;) ,~~!~.u~! .!!=,J ~ ~1~1U)...-u.. ~~L ,~~-".~ ~I .~~",.J _..J ;; I 'I (;). I l.< .... ~R-' L" c - ....'---',--'!. J -:I; '-"-"" a ~r:! :~-.}..<J. ... J~' '''2 I'."~ I.. .,;;}1 , "-'111 ~J~ "~" 't '" ~~_ r'"U 1\-' . r~ '. ;, "\ "'I'; 'I I '<''''0''='''':''/1 "., , --~~-=I=:.t:' .. ...........1,"-. ._,n..~' ("*) 1" '1:;' il Ie:' '~lZIith",=_.-.~ Un i t ~-,.. ~~. '~~k:~~~~-'-~ ..c:;~'~~ ~~f;~1~t=:~~~:::,. .. -='1 "". p.' 0 L" i"; .,n11 ':~'~. ''''+ "I' 0'." .1" I .80 I <0 - I ..."Je::. " , , -- _\ . "::J" I!:'J '}-' I /" :::::~':=:-~~~.1 'fj;.If:'9 ..: -, ltlt: ".~~-~~.~~ ar-=' - _'=0.=.., ,""~"- ;lic'''-~!'~' --....-c o-s _-".t!~ .. ,~ P G Ii: (~.:.::.;-=jJ f-=';-:::i::':::'-- 1__ - ~__-_...... ~ -r ..~_.. "". ~ ;?Y-- .. 'Y.') ,,1<.__ H.Y. '. <;J I)" iiD.".......'] / .s i?~~~, ':JvL'i..i=<.:r . ~.'t)i-~'" ~._.r-'/ ./. C a\'\~J" J..... =] JC<: ..~-,.--:-. IS G.'!;;-=- ~ 'I [_.J , /'" J _~~.. . . - ";;i-iii 1';- .,~~---- ~---':''''''''' j' i! . . .' ~.... .,I:""'......;~.' ,.. " lJ A 2S"?U .~:' ~j --",,.-..-..- ~eQOn Q~pQ~.men~ o~'Transpor~o~~n . Transfer N6~ 744 Cre.sv,;eHHigi'iW~y , Spr'ingfiel~ . " Juris'qiptio8, 01 SprirHjfiel(j:~ Ci'tyof , ' . 1'; ~:: , . ~L .1 :?;l~ '"u-\ eo...: ',' . .' .,';~ . "', " " 9 u Ll..D ~ ( C:: --' <:( ~ ~ ~.::: , c:::: co ~ => - c:r.> ,I' a..1., ~ ~ "C' "':"C',:"'" ... "'" "">:""!"':":",".,-"",", ,k"",-':""~':' -,--,- ' 17-02-32-33 01701~ 10226'~ ~'Ameriqc:ln 'Title Group , "" ,,' .........- .' ,- '. Escrow No. 00022918 , I W ARRANTV DEED (INnlVIDUAL) . .' " . . J MT. VERNON CHURCH OF CHRI~. herein ca1Icd gnmJr. co.vey(s) In JOHN KHAsrEDAI.ad GLORIA' l.SMI~l;It:; each"a8~:tD"8n'~v~.one4la1fi1nterest, ~ tenant~ ~.coamon. :'. .:' .' j' all that, real PIOPer:tY .i~ inincc;"WltyafLANE,Sl8lc ofOrcgon;iIesaibcd as: See~~b~blt A 8tiac.b~ here,to aDd ma~e a part hereof. ond COV<lllllll(s) that gnmtor is the llWIlCI'ofrbe above des.ribed propmy fiee of all "'_ except EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRIcrlONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. ..--..... ......". .... - ."i . , " " , ' I and,will ~.and dc~.~ ~e against all persons who may lawfully claim the same. except u shown above. ,Tbe true ~d. ~aI consid~tioD fur thi~ traitsfcr is ~ ?S,oo.o.oo.' Dated November US, 2~. ~ .-/ --- '\ STATE OF ClREGON, ~~tyofLANE) '!- , 0. this /o~'.;21~;'i(._: ''&004_ penoaaIly appeared the above aamed BILL WHITE, JULIE JANKOWSKI AND DONALD J. HANSON, ON BEHALF OP MT. VERNON ~CH OP CHRIST, I. tbeir authorized apadtits. and aCkriowledged the foregobig1instnnneDt to be bislber~luntary act and deed. ".' ,..... "". .' '.' I '.., . '.' . OFFII'"'.., '. Before me: ~ '. ,_SEAL' C.8MITH, '" ..,: : _~tf!V PUBUC.QREGON. _ _llGMt.IIUlOH~~i64379 , ' ' Notaly ~blic far On:ga. ,3,2007 _. My coIDDUSSion explr'CS: il /3/0 7 MT. VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST The dollar amoun~-sho~ld~~I~di'~ plus.all cncumbrantcS existing against the property to which the property remains subject or, wbich thcpUrchaser ~ to payor assume. . ~ .- .. .. " ' "I ' WARRANTY DEED (l!'IDIVIDpAJ,)' ' STATE OF OREGON, I C4un~of ) I certi1Y that the within :_....~ ____. .,~ was received for record oothc j day of __at : o'clock L.M. and recorded in ~ _ on page i _ f}ccords ofDecds of said C4un~. GWRlA' L , WitneasmyhalUlaadseal.fCountyaffixed. I I ) )ss. TO After Rccording Return to: AMERICAN TITLE GROUP S60COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY . SUITE 110 EUGENE, OR 97~1 Title lRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O A.M. Ib::,z..:Db Send Tax ~~__~..:. to: JOHN KHASTEDAI .ad SMITH P.O. BOX 7493 E""J""'~' oP. 9'YO( _ Vl'IlDnFatl'l SOOO3OR Rn. 01I23IW By~IDIYI.I'" or Chl.r ~~ Cl..... Lana Counl~ _ oncI R_. ,f 1111111 lUll mill mmn ~ WIWIIIIIII ~I 1I6451592114~_1.'1o"&.'1."" , 11/\9/2004 03:5\:35 Pft RPR-DEED Cnt=1 SIn=4 CASHIER 02 510.00 811.00.810.00 , .2OO+OB $31.00 -- ~- . ~-, :.-,-~..., . ? v Eddbit A Beginning at a pO~t on the Wen line of.the_Thos. D. Edwards DoO.tioD Land Claim liS!, Tawnshlp 11 Soutb" Range 2 Wen of . the Willamette Me~IJ!.U;' CO.9 feet North of the most Westerly ~tbwest comer of ..Id Donatioa Land Claim; rllDnlag tben~e East 311.I'feet; tluellce North 133 feet; tbcnce West 3n.1, fUt to the Wat liDe ols.leI Doaatioo Laad Claim; thence South aloaB aakl~ert ~iae.13ifeet to ~e i)~iat ofbeginaiug. ia Laiae County, OregOD. ..,. -....... ..... ..-:. .'..- I . . ALSO: AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND IlGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: , "':,'".., ',,'":', ,'",:",.., I 8eginnillg at a point OD the Watllait of the Tbos. D. Edwards Douatioo Land Claim 1#55, Township 17 Soudl, RaDle 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, 563~9 feet North ~f the moSt Westerly Southwest corner of laid DonatioD LDDd Claim; mooing. tbence East 274.1 r~."o a poiDtithcDCe'foDowlnK .aloag the an: Of818 foot radius CDJ'Ve to the Idl43.96 fcd, more or less. to a pOlot 301.1 feet Eas~ "dd-~O'~ec..-~ortb oribe Pcu:ut ofbeeinaJngi:thcocc East 10 fecti thence Sootb 30 ftet; thcace West 321.1 feet to the West u~~ of~id Dooation 4a~ OaJat; thence Nort. aIOogsaid WestJinc 10 feet to the point orb-ttioning. 10 Laae County, Oregua. . . . .'. . ! It beiog tbe Inteot to transfer the North half of a typiul60' Dead-Ead Hammerbead Fire Apparatul Aceca: Road (lyIng in a West to ~st d~~~ ~ :~.ui~ ~~ .t~e C:1.*y ,o.~ S~rioa1i~d. See ;"_a~ed diagnm. . . . . , . - ..!' !, ....,.. ~ ...: ^O c9 ..J. ..... .....0\. J PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D ) O-Il.-ci2 A,M. ,."..' ,"_M""'" ., .,.. .;:."- ,/ """1' ...... .. i 1 " '4..>,r ..;,',"'" .. .. ., . . '- ,., , ',r r:\( ," ,:; , ,.... f Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 I , ; I. I , I , . JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER DOCUMENT ,',>c'::',:';," 'I: .. , , ,.., ,,' , , South 42"" Street (M.P. 0.0010 M.p.O.aO) Section , ',",'Spri~gfield~c:reswelltlighway,(State, Highway No. 222) .' "": :-' I City of Springfield ' ! i i I 1 , I I Pursuantlo,ORS 373.010, the Oregon Transportation Commission is authorized and directed, , wheneve(theroute.of any state highway passes through the corporate limits of any city, to ,select'ordesignate .theOiitreets ,of the'city,oveno"hich the state highway shall be routed, or , ,", cha.l'\ge~lirr()~t!ri9,\lII~~~!~its OPinion the interes,ts of the motoring publiC will be better served. , " PUl1luantloORS c:hapters366.39511nd 373.015, the State may transfer its, interest to any of its , 'pro~r~;no!~e~fledby'tfl)r highway purp~ses toanyolher. governmental. body or political .. subdlvl~lon;':N.1lhln',the:Slate()fQ,reg~n,subJect,tosuchrestrictions, if any, Imposed by deed or " , olher legal Instrumentor,otherwlse Imposed by State. . , ' ", '''',' /.',..,..:':'.,..,.':::::-,..',::::, ',':,:' ' I ' , " ': Pursuant to ()RS190.11 O:imdORS ~66.. 775, ,the State may enter into any agreement with any . : cityfoqhe'relo<;.ation,ofllnyhighw,ay.' " ' , , . ,'::,....,::.,'C'/"::,..,,',,':C:."'.:".:,....,"'.. ,.., I, ' , The Sotith42nd Street(M.P. 0.00 to M.p.O.aO) Section of the Springfield - Creswell Highway, . ," S~llt~.t1igh\Nlly"'0:.,:222.'isn()"ongE!rine~l:l~dfo~state highw~ypurposes and has. been , 'ehmlnatedbydeparttnental:resoluhonas a portion of,theSpnngfield c Creswell Highway. The , seglTl~rir~lirnihatecltr::or'n tliel1igl1l/iay: is designated, as:Unit ,1 ; as, more fully described below, 'and ll,s"showi1, Ori.t111~ lTlap;attlicl1~cth~r~lo'rnarkedE;xhibit A: and, by this reference made a part , ,hereoFlJ,riit 1"is: ne~dedJof.th~servic;eofpersonslivingthereon or for a community served ,:thereb~;.,:':':':':'>:':>,"::':":' 'I:': '",' ," ," , The City,ofSpiingfieldand the Oregon TranspOrtation Commission entered into an agreement , on,Septeinber,C24'':,2003i'relating to the elimination;'dispo sition, maintenance and repair of Unit 1.' ~aidagreementproliid~~~attheIOn:lgon Transportati~n Commission shall, by resolution, . . -. .. . ~...:.'..:.: ':,. :. :: -: .... :.:. -.: ::' :..... ........... .... , " .... . .' .... RETURN TO . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP.ORTATION RIGHT OF WAY SECTION 355 9APITOL STREET NE, ROC M 420 , SALEM OR ,97301-3871 DiIIlalon of Chief D.puty CI.~k 2MLI222M Lane County D... .nd R.co~cla YUll"' \I't 1111U11111111111111111111111111I~ $41.00 I ...... -2012 1....0l~..a..;.l!l4lk;42 , 12123/2003 09:57:03 AM RPR-REL Cntcl Stncl CASHIER OS $20.00 S10.00 Sll.00 Junsdidional Transfer 10122103 1 PRE.SUBM/TTAt REC'D /0-( 2--ob. AM. ,...,,1 IOlL.,,,,,,",,,._,, "',' ..,. .. ,.. .--",,, ... .-" l~.. ~r. I" ( Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 1 . "1 . formally eliminate Unit 1 as a portion of the Springfield - Creswell Highway and the state highway system; that all right, title, and interest of the State of Oregon in Unit 1 shall be conveyed to the City; and that the Unit shall be maintained by the City as a portion of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or for a community served thereby. ' i ' .' . . " THEREFORE, IT HAS BEEN RESOLVED BY THE OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: ' 1. The South 42.0 Street (M.P. oioo to M.P. 0.80) section of the Springfield - Creswell Highway, State Highway No. 222, in Lane County, Oregon, is no longer needed by the State of Oregon as a portion of the state highway system. Said portion, hereinafter referred to as Unit 1, has been duly eliminated as a portion of the Springfield - C,eswell Highway and the state ' highway system. All right, title, and interest of the State of Oregon in Unit 1 hereby passes to and vests in the City of Springfield as a portion of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or aicommunity served thereby. ' Any right-of-way being conveyed in ~hich state has any title shall be vested in City only so long as used for public rC?ad purposes. If said right-of-way Is no longer used for public road purposes, it shall automatically revert to State. I!Jnit1 is described as follows: . . l'.' , Unit 1 1 , All land within the i right of way boundaries of the Springfield-Creswell State Highway, also known as State Hwy. No. 222 and South 42"" Street, from the southem boundary of the McKenzie Highway right' of way at the intersection with South 42"" Street to the eastem edge of the South 42"" Streetltlasper Road intersection (MP 0.00 to MP 0.80, including the entire Jasper Road intersection) and lying in Section ~2, ToWnship 17S, Range 2W, and Section 5, Township 18S, Range 2W, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon! i , 2. The property above describe~ is transferred subject to the rights of any utilities located within said property and further subject to the rights of the owners of said existing facilities if any there be, to operate, reconstruct, and maintain their utility facilities presently located within said property, ' Under the authority delegated byth~ Oregon Transportatio~ Commission to the Director in D~legatlon Order NO.2 dated Febru~ry 13, 200~, the Resolution Eliminating a Section of ' Highway from the State Highway System and Minor Amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan for Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 was approved on October 17, 2003. ' Jurisdictional Transfer 10/22/03 2 . I , PRE-~"I'!~ ~I':.I\I PEen L o--lL-oIR- A.M, I'i .;;,g,.,~, ," ,00_'.."'" " .. .., ... "....,....."...",....". ,,' , ..,;,......".":.II.,HIII_'.... I , - ............. ~~. , Jurisdictional Transfer No. 744 The Oregon Transportation Commission, by a duly adopted Delegation Order #3, dated March 18,1999, and Sub-delegation Order #4. dated March 18,1999. and LellerofAuthority' paragraph #13, dated January 18, 1999, 'authorize the Right of Way Manager to sign this Jurisdictional Transfer Document for ~nd on behalf of the Commission. ' , . . -V'1Jlk? a . ones, ightpway Manager / {2 / !lJ,,~ , STATE, ~REGON, County of Marion ' ' Dated \.Lka...m bw .,;... 20h.3 Personally appeared Deolinda G. Jones, who being sworn, stated thal'she is the Right ofNVay Manager for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that this document accurately reflects action taken by the Oregon Transportation Commission. Before Fe: '~ ~R (.. \I{ /1.., lJ,. ) OFFtClALSEJ\L ~ry Rublic~for oregon 7'(U/ . ,DALE R SHAFER . i My, Commission expires / I / Of / d'1J7 . NaTlIRY PUBUc.oREGO~ COMMISSION NO. 374294 , . IIi'f COMMISSION EXPIRE~ NOV. 1 2007 I AccePtecro{C{Aalf of the City of spn,'ngfield ~ '. VLvU----- / : J p,;" !d~M 0 '-' PR~ !'IID~ II'iiAI REC'O I Di2..-ob- i-I,M. Jurisdictional Transfer 10/22/03 3 I ! j - --..... ) EXHIBIT . ," TI7S. R2W. 532 ~ \ '';;'';;'-f.;'_~' II ~ ,. ~~1 TI8S. R~~: 55 ,.--'J "IIal<i$fii"'.T'j-;;;t,-l "', :3.:<:' .... j" r ~ !~.=:: #....-.'-...., .s.ouTt-/!",q,..1 r J"~~.~ -==-"":50'/ ". .->/ .......-_ __ Pt.,..,,," '. \ r ..' "t -..- -i ,~-.-, .,,'e ., -- . ;' ,~>. 1 ~.lr,~::.~~Jc:.-::::r ~,",",,"'i':."" ~S~r' ' , ., 0.0. ...m ./ ,..-='- . _""- ~ ,,1L--~:--""i.':;'~.::'...=~~ "__ - ~~~'n<;;;:;ll"::~, /IPC -!~ ,N" _ (~[ ,~~,~ ~;l~::~ -~~~'!~~: ,~'~-'! l'LJ':.J-Jr' ~ r--I .If ~1r--'~'" '.~':~::, . y, ::':~:-11 ........./. :<.j~,:-, ~'~'OOllij g t;J.:>., -II' . I. i1' "-.>JJ .. 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I\f p 1'- . :~.. ~'''!''A . 1-r.j:JJ~,...!:. 1~!L. (/ l, "j' 08 ,',,,,,,1, 'I' ..~.}Ir-v' :ill '.- , ',(:,1' €Ij ; J '0'1 .. .:<g I ' "; :'<;;::''''/~' ~ ...-=:.::.::..-:-..~j~L ,,-. '{ :' (.$: ..: :-' ~ . It: . ,i ~~~:!/,~ --';-"='00;'. . / --"...... - .._=-..,'!1!J,..,',...,(g~,'".""'".".J '-I' .,......'" 'o-B---"l'''",.]/-'''--''-' f _/ ;? , .: (;-:;;;~r Ir;:::-='::"'";::!ik.;=I,:::,_,_'__~"::-1l\' ::. ~. ---,-:~' , -=-'c--? ,..~! ""1 ~ .-?;21 - - Ii .., .y.-:{ ~ i,~t~::-:-. ---. . Hm. .--,9 \j- - Nb7"il21':'T, /~ '" . ,. '-)"',' '.j JI .;~~ ..~\\ ' ~/ '" if':~" \ .......,.-..... J :l'.:-_,,~' a' ,-..,...,1': i'''c, -11 co] '~;.. ~,._._- --",/ \~....~- 1), ~::::J-.' ._~ ' "....,;,--- '!!l W',H_."'7---::, '/ [_.~ JlT / "'=11:004.: ~ .. ! . ""'....I'='i't:.c. ,----, ( - .....'- -"", .......~,~....-/ . 'U~""""'m 'A 25;:m ~;d":5 SPAINGFlElO ... -=""-'~' , ~ '--~ ,;; Or-eQGn Qepor1'm.n't oi' Tl-onaporoto't'jqn Jurisdictional Springfiel d CiTy of Transfer No. 744 Creswell Highway Springfiel d ;,>.,'::1 .:. ..1 \; ~ 7 . ~ " . . .' ~4. .. f:) U LI...I ~ C::: J --..I <:[ :<J: I::;:: '~ I -. :2. I' ~ co ' \ =::0 ~;~ U> . LL.I 1 g: ~ - " American Title Group WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) Esaow No. 00022928 See ~xbiblt A attached hereto a.nd mllde B part bereor. MT. VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST, herein ca.l1cd gnm~r: convey(s) to JOHN KHASTEDAI and GLORIA ".. SMlTl:I, each as "to an undivided one-~fl1ntere:stt ~ tenants in coamonJ alllhlllOreal propeny sitllllled in the County or LANE, State orpr.gon, described..: and coveoUnl(a) that grantor is the owner of the above describ~d propmy free of all encumbnuu:es ex<ept EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICfIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. and will wamnt and defend the same against all persons who may lawfully claim the same, except I1S mown above. The true and actUal consideration for this transfer is $175,000.00.. Dated November 16, 2004. ~ 3MT.~ONnNC~CHOP CHR~~ l~'~~' ....J IOY' ILLWHlTE ---- ~. ~, j OO~iALDUN \... ( Send Tax S;atcments to: JOHN KHASTEDAI and SMITH P.O. BOX 1493 E""3....."', oA 97,/Dl STATE OF OREGON. County of LANE) ss. , , 1 ' , On this /IJ D" ...."hpM'"' II.. k!Oc,'I_ penonalJy 8ppcamt the above ....ed BILL WHITE, JVLJE JANKOWSKI AND DONALD J. HANSON, ON BEHALF OF MT. VERNON c;;!IIo!{lCH OF CHRIST, 10 their authorized capacities, and acknowledged the foregoing instrWnent to be lUsJher~lW\taJy sa and deed. _ OFFICIAL SEAL !Beforeme: .~. - C, SMITH' ' ~~RVPUBUCOREGON I CQMMiU1"~~f~,i64379 j No""" Public for 0..800 / I B. 3. 2007 i My commission exp~: :l 3/ f) 7 , The dollar amount should include cash plus all enbumbranccs Cxisting against the property to which the property remains subject or which thcpurchaser ~ to pay or assume. - . I . STATE OF OREGON. ), I )". County of ) I ccrti.fy that the within instrument was' received for record .oDthe! day of __at o'clock l_.M. and recoftkd in book _ on page _ ~rds ofOecds of said County. Witness my hand and seal ofCount)' affixed. I i , WARRANTY DEED (INDMDUALj MT. VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST TO GLORIA. I. After Rccordirig Return io: AMERICAN TITLE GROUP S60COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY . SUITE 110 . EUGENE. OR 9740] , ByL PR. :-5UBMllTAl REC'D ~.~:..:: = ::'1:'::k ~ [DC)Z -Or}.M. 11111111111I111~II~mIU~IIIII11~IIII~1 $31.00 10&4S7!592804B0895E.&."..ol.-iW4 , 11119/2004 03:51:35 PII CASHIER 02 Title _ \fisloroFonnSOOO3OR Reoi.OIJ23I97 RPR-DEED Cnt.=l St.n=4 510.00 511,00 510.00 1 " , " , -~" , . EulbitA Begioalag at 8 point on the West One of the Tbos. O. Edwards Donation Land o.lm N55, Township 11 South. RaOK<<' 2 West of tbe WlUamette MErlellaa, ~20.9 feet North or the most Waterl)' Soufhwest comer of Hid DonatiOn Land Claim; fUDDlag tbence East 32.2.1 feet; theace North 133 rect; theae! West 311.1 feet to tbe West line of aid DoDattonLand Claim.; thence South aloag said West nae 133 r~t to tbe point ofbeginaing. in ......ne County, Oregoa. ALSO: AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: , ' I Beginning at a poio_t 00 the West line orlbe Tbos. D. Edwards DOnatiOD Laud Claim #IS!, TOWDShip I; South, Range 2. West of the WillalDeUe Meridian, 563.9 fut North uribe ibM! westerly SOutbwelll eoraerofsaid DODation Land Claim; runoing theo~ East 274.1 feet to 8 point; thence. following along the art of:8 18 foot ndius earn to the left .43.96 feet. more or leu. to a point 302.1 feet East and 20 feet Nortb of tbe point ofbegiaoing; thence East 10 feet; thence Sootb 30 reet; thence West 322..1 feet to Ute West line of said Donation Land Claim; tbence Nortll aloDgsoid West liDe 10 feet to the point afbeginoing. in Lalie Conniy, Oregon. 1 '" ^O cP -4 ...... ......0\. it being tbe inteot to traasfer tbe Nortb balf 0' a typieal60' Dead-End Hammerhead Fire Apparatus AcuuRold (lying In a West to East direction) 8s required by tbe City of Springfield. See:attKched diacram. . PRE-SUBM1lTAt'REC'D J D7~."? -b &? A.M, ..