HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 3/17/2008 CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD - Do=\iELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE .' c' .: ' .DISTRIBUTlON DATE: Maicl111, 2008 TO: . Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J. Donovan, Liz Mill~r.-M er Kitti Gale, v:. L. Pauly, Tara JoneS, Andy Umbird, Dave Reesor,@teveHopkinsMoIIyMarkarian II" / 'Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department . 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringlPublic Works -;:7 'Chuck Gottfried, Environmental Services ~ Brian Barnell, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) 'Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works D~~~.;..'v"t ~; 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department ~ Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only V 'Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District ;z'/ *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) 1::::"/ 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) v Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) :z Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) _/ Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) ~/ Dave WMe, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) :::i2 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Pal1itions1Subdivisionsj ~. ~ 'Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation. ' ~ b Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) .~ Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (~ applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(' only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (~applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (if applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) ('If in Glenwood) Dick Helgeson/Mel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ('If In Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John TamuJonis, Economic & Community Development Manager Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Usa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) . Greg F&rschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant. Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, L TD Nonn Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, Slate Highway Division (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst. Superin. of Operations, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Springfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor . Carole Knapel, PEACEHEAL THlJUSTICE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS Date Received: MAR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal D'Rc-Po..ckd' . I o~ ~ ?~ ~ 7 ~ ~ -0 ~ 5: ~ =9 ~ 7 (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department. 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 91411. . If your written comments, are not received by Friday, March 28, 2008 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on April 1, 2008. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant. If the Planner feels n is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday. . will receive a full packet . . AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: April 1, 2008 @ 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. . 1. PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00016 BRANDT-DRURY 8-9a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-44 TL 1200 . Address: 6595 Main Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into three parcels Planner: Molly Markarian 3. SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2008-00019 SCOTT/R82 LLC 9 -10 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-24 TL 3201,3300 Address: 1980 & 1990 Fifth Street Existing Use: MDR & Residential . ... Applicant submitted plans to construct a 19-unit MDR apartment complex, "5th Street Apartments' Planner: Steve Hopkins 1 ....1.......-......: ,., . ,.. ":, ,,' . ~ , ~.' ,: . .,', " -:-~ .:./ 97477 Date Receiv, MAR - 6 2008 'field ~ervfces Department Original Submittal an Application, Tvpe II Site Plan Review: ~ . -. Major Site Plan Major Modification . 0 Applicant Name: , SUE. Phone: '7 ~ 1-0187 Company: Fax: I Addr~= . ~ St::J.... ~ ::"(.u~F="I1E-L-t? Cf7477 J .~;:;;::;::~:;~:"..:;;;~;;::::M:~~~:;:....:....."i..":"':::::::"::":":;~:~::'ru.;::'~l:~7::"1 Company: K.1:=A..-r1t-th ~~ t~ Fax: IZ4:Z-~ 1..+ J Address: ......... :..J~T=:/ .L~11:? f\.Y'!'~. ~u~.~ c::r,'7dO l) Property o~~~~:r;;;;i..; . ~2.i-,:,;~' ;h~ne: I ... '. "'1 Company: I Fax: I I Addr~~r .~l. ......:.:...... " ..' ,.... ":.' . ". .u_ J A5SE~O~;SMA;NO: 17~~~-iu.:"z.~ TAXLOTNO(s): :32L>/-+ -3~ Property Address: l"l~ sf- l<=l"'fO !7"'~ ~-r: . . _ i Size of Property:' I. 1/""S9,. .Acres ~ Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Project: !5~ ~~t:#1?:r: APkR--r.1:1:f~"4S -''''''-':.r,}.\;,,''..,._ . ,'C""..' ,,,,,,,(,,. ,. -;.", .e'...'..._...._". __'_,..,.,_..;..,..,....,.:_. ",_c ',_','.,,;.."',___ .' _'_"""'_""", ;-,"__" Description of ~ _ ^--r--<""A-/ ~ ....., Proposal: ..........~ ~ I l"'~\ ~ # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: NeltV.!Rlperyious Surface Cove~age: sf Bldg~_c;r~ ~IO().rArea: .. ",'.,. .. 2-."'".:,-,,,__,:,-,- '-'''','-;'-"-;,, ,:'",; ,:'j ," '.~ :f' ". -,".,-"<., ,-,. c,,'t,:,,:'_;'~.'.'f .. '_"C".',\'.,".,c." ,'_'.. "',' ,,- i'. ..~...,'_' . -. du/acre sf . Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: S_':':,,-S;'f;':;""':~,8;'~k~::.'i,,;!{":.'i-: <~?'.~ii "Y';'-:;{";'~1.;.\;j-,~"i:'~'_~~~'il';~i\:;_i'-')i ':;i-::'.:-~~:T,"!: ~\;:;C;;': \":-'";1;::'\',;"~~ .',":. .. i:',~', i'-:---'7 '._'_ . Pre-Submittal Case No.: (lJ\(( ~J-C15I.J(.,' Date: . Case No.: ~-OCXllqDate: . ~/ c>~/o6 Application Fee: _$ Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S _$ Overlay District: . Plan Designation: Urban Growth BOUndary 0 Updated 121812006 Brenda lones I 0i (J'" I ~J $ I J plj~l-~-1CO s,\1;. ~ c J . cJl-.<-c. .s~:-e:t- . Reviewed by: Reviewed by:. . Postaqe Fee: J' . ' ;. i: . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP: . DRC2008-00019, 1980 & 1990 5th Street . . . . ....~, "'~.~~ J0-~-".". , S, I, . ~r -LL~ ' - I I' . '&,), I III 1- I ~Il I' rl ,: I I - I I I I, 1 I. -'J :0 H .1 &.lJ' ~ J, I . I I J . J ' I . " SITE Map 17-03-26-24 Tax Lot 3201, 3300 Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 , Original submittal North .. , ' , 1 ~-r-'~~~oif~~' - r,;' , M , """'" . :1 ~ ~~ ~' f.M' L6/~ --........-...-r- -_.:....... .........4;;-=T~ """'l!E'!" - . l..:rol:. ~ ~9'" E, 31 50"~= I I 1 ~.-.,. - i-...L 1I,~L__- ~. ............---........, --~ \ --- \ L I --.- -... . " : - ' :\ ~_J \\ I \ I ~=:::1.Zrr"-._----- ) I _ ~ ~~r.,-ncn- -~~'-\- s a9~1"\~, 313bO' ~lj~lr~,,~6JJ:l i ;: . TAlC LOT (~HOR) (3\ ARC~ITECTURAL SITE PLAN ~ SCALE,' NONE. ' .. b ~I' . r:.6~ ~ [,c.~ 1.1>(__>(_ l~ .. --.'.r.r._--~r-)<--'~-'>{'-)(- ,- ,- A"~ I _ -,. ..~ ."""""" . .1Rt ' : PEOO$TN.. . ;- ,..;r;a.. ~',' quy/ ~f TAX lOT 1102. (zewmHDfI) ~f4) '"' z' "I lc' ;<' ~I ,: ~I it: ~ 30.00' Date Received: i , J!iO.OO' i i"~ I J 'i MAR - 6 2008 Original Subrnittal . . .' 1. ,DETAILED WRITTEN EXPLANATION .' Project Name:, Fifth Street ApartmentS 'J980/1990Fifth Street - Springfield, OR 97477 21 living unitS with open.space, on acres of residential land Zoning: Site is zoned MDR, and is adjoined by LDR on'the north, and 'MDR on the south and west. These zones are consistent with the Metro Plan Proposed, use and scope The scale of this development suggests that it should work to form its own sense of neighborhood, while Skpl'u..:ng the residential functions of Fifth street and participate in t he nearby commercial uses (Fred Meyer and Pioneer Plaia Shopping nodes) and intermodaJ transit, with LID routS enfronting thel"vp....j. It allows for both active and passive outdoor, pursuits with open spaces and a pedestrian .scale, design variety, and a hierarchy of both semi-public and private spaces. It will also benefit from having a small street-like orientation; with a a variety of facade treatments and buildirig styles, and landscape features to aid in way findirig. , The basic pattern of the developed area is constrained by the ruirrow...w.....,;j and minUnaJ. stormwater facilities. Entrance to the development is taken betWeen the l',ul'..,;';es. The entry street will have planting areas and pedestrian-level raised crosswalks to reduce the scale of the street, and calm traffic as soon as it enters the site. It c,urves to separate itself somewhat from the busy traffic on Fifth Street. The mail stop is centralized. The centerpiece of the cOlIIJllunity is a'park-like ai'ea,with swales; arbors, and hardscapes. The largest building on the site is to the rear. All extenor lighting has been designed for a minimum of 1 Fc of ambient lighting, for security. Most of it is placed on the buildings, so that building walls are lit up, giving a gre,ater senseoflight and ambience and less light intrusion into unit windows. . Pathways are adjacent to the driveways, and lead to the central open space. O......u,;..mities for private, dispersed passive ,....,....;.;on areas are provided behind,the 4-plexes and the remaining single-family home, but active recreation areas (playground 'areas) are as 'they are difficult to control visually, and they present security problems. Play eqUipment andsimiJai: amenities will not be provided. . , .' " ! Date Received: 1-. '. Secti()n 1,- Detailed Written.Explanation MAR - 6 2008 ., Page I-I Original S\lbmittal , . The .l'OU.l'u.aJ shows a mixture of two and three bedroom .......;...entswithboth attached and tuck- under covered and enclosed parking, with four units of generally mixed types in most buildings. Rental rates are ;"'6";,ed to, the mdeian levels of the local market, and the mix of two and'ti1ree- bedroom units is intended to attract families with children who would likely remain in the community for longer-than-average periods. Building forms are modulated and colors will be used to,avoid ~e usual sense of monotony associated with apartment communities. The project is to be constructed in one build-out. Water service utilities are to be designed by SUB , Water, with master meters for each site. Most of the landscaping will be native drought-tolerant species to reduce water demand . Stormwater systems are designed to be shared by the entire site: Pipe sizes are larger than required by the plumbing code to reduce maintenance and increase system storage capacity for the design water quality storm events. Easements,are to be written to allow joint use and maintenance of stormwater .facilities aI1d access, arid copies of these are to be included in the final application. , Rather than execute and record the many easements necessary for this project, it would be in the owner's interest to allow the City staff to comment on them, and record the easements asa condition of approval. Stormwater capacity is based on the West Springfield Stormwater MaSter Plan. Landscaping is provided in quantities to conform to th SDC. The urbanized nature of the site would suggest tluit wildlife habitat connectivity need not be addressed. ' No employees are anticipated, and off-site milnagers will be.used'with contracted groundskeeping Proposed Off-site Improvements: The apron and curb cut will be installed to.meet Springfield standard specifications. Stormwater Quality Measures: We arepOU.l'using a combination ofan infiltration basins with soaking trenches. The city allows several methods of basin design, as outlined below in this excerpt from code. The areas we wish to address are,in boldface, to.identify ourfocus points. 4.12 DETENTION POND DESIGN Detention ponds and other open impoundment facilities such as landscape areas, open playing fields and parldands, shaH comply with the requirements ofORS 537, in general and more specifically ORS 537.4 Ponds and Reservoir.;. They shall also comply with the following criteria: , ' A. Facility G__~'M;CS Interior side slopes up to the maximum water surfuce shall be no steeper than 3H:IV. \fthe interior slope Date Received: Section I - Detailed Written Explanation MAR - 6 2008 Page 1-2 Original Submittai . . l 'c. ,O' B. , needs to be mowed, the slope shall be 4H: 1 V " I. Exterior side slopes shall not be steeper than 2H: I V unl""" anaIyud for slability, by a geotcclmical engineer.' " , ,2. Pond walls and/or dikes'maybe 'maining walls, provided that the design is prepared and stamped by a registcn:d professional engineer and that a fence is provided along the top oftbc wall and that at least 2~ percent of the pond r _~..,...,. will be a vegetated soil slope of not greater thBll3H:IV. 3. Pond bottoms shall be leveL and shall be located a minimum ofO.~ feet below the inlet and outlet to provide sediment storage. Overtlow - Emergency Spillway A pond overflow system shall provide controlled discharge of the design stonn event for developed contributing...... without overtopping any part of the pond embankment or exceeding the capacity of the emergency spillway. The design shall provide controlled discharge directly into the downstreani conveyanCe system. An emergency overtlow spillway (secondary overtlow) shall be provided to safely pass the loo.year, 24-hoUr design stonn event over the pond embankment in the event of control structure fililure and for ' , stonnlnmotf events exceeding design. The spillway shall be located to direct overtlowssafely towOrds the downstream convcyarice system. The emergency spillway shall be slabilized with riprap or nther approved means and shall extcDd to the toe of each face of the benn embankment. These are Indicated on the drowinp and dellliled Access - Maintenance . L Pond _,casements BIId roads shall be provided when ponds do nbi abut public right-of-way. Access roads shall provide access to the control structure and al~ng one or both sides of the pond'as necessary forvchicular maintenance access. A..... roads sholf meet the following eriteria: L Access roads shall have a maximum grade of I~ ."'_U~ and a maximum cross slope ofJ percent 2. A 40 foot minimum outside turning radius shall be provided on the access road. . 3. Access roads shall be a minimum ofl~ feet wide on curVed sections and 12 feet on straight sections. 4. Access roads in excess of 50 ti:et in lengtbshall have a turn around unless approved by the City Engineer. , 5. Access roads shall have the capability of SL" ..~..g a 20-ton vehide under all weather conditions. Benn Embankment - Slope Stabilization ' , \. Pond benn embankments higher than six.ti:et shall be designed by . geotechnical. civil engineer. The benn embankment shall ,have a minimum 15-foot top width where ncccssai-y for maintenance access; otherwise, top width may vary as . ___.._aided by the design engineer, but in no case shall top width be less than four feet. ' 2. The toe of the exterior slope of pond bcnn embankment shall be no closer than five feet from the tract or easement t'.........n/ ,line. 3. The Pond benn embankment shall be constructed on native consolidliled soil (or adequately compacted and slable fill soils ana1yud by a 6-_....:...:cal etlgineer) free ofloosc surface soil materials, roots and other organic debris. 4. The pond benn embankments shall be constructed by excavating a 'key' equal to 50 percent of the benn emb8nkment cross-sectional height and width or as designed by a geotcchnicalengineer. ,5. The berm embankment shall be constructed on......_-'<I soil (9~ percent minimum dry density, per AASHTO T99, placed in six-inch lifts, with the following mt- soil charncteristics: a minimum ofJO perCent clay. a maximum of 60 percent sand, a maximum of 60 percent silt, with nominal gravel content or as d..igned by a geotechnical engineer. , 6. Anti-sccpage collars shall be placed on pipes in benn embankments which impound water grOater than four feet in depth at the design water surface. ' 7. Exposed earth on the pond bottom and side slopes shall be seeded with seed mixture 'Tr: _ _j by the City Engineer. PDX'mirture iJ specified D. E. The sites are treated together. for purposes of storm water evaluation, and areto be maintained so' that each they may remain in separate ownership. Stormwater easements are Written where storm flows cross site boundarieS. Date Received: Section 1 - I>etailed Written Explanation · MAR - 6 2008 Page 1-3 ;Original Submittal . . . The basin is designed to contain a WQ storm at a depth not exceeding 12", and provide detention with 12" minimum freeboard for a 25 year event,.8Iid.pass a 100 year event without damage. The piping systems were analyzed for 100 year events due to the possibility ofponding over parking area catchbasins, which the design avoids. Discharges are made,to the basin without forebays. Since we are treating 100% of the pavement areas. (except for landscape sidewaJks), and the catchbasins are fitted with filtration ")~"'....s, this will provide adequate t'....~..............ent prior to infiltration or emergency overland flows. Current use ofthe Site: The site contains two small houses. . . ) Special site features Several trees are extant, but most are not good specimens, and few. can be integrated into the design. The site plan indicates the ones to be removed. Soil types are indicated in. the soils ....t'u.;, but generally, the site is overlain with type CL silty clay loam. Estimated cut-fill quantities Total fill (import): CY Total excavation (re-used on site) . CY Total Excavation (hauJ-ofi) CY This information cieveloped by the .....t'~u;...J sitework contractor(Delta) base on most recent grading plans. Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed: Except for tall shrubs, there is clump of ash trees, a 14" magnolia, and several fir trees which are to be removed for this work. No street tress currently exist. ' Dedications: None are ,expected. Solar Access: The solar access issues are addressed by the Wide internal circuJation and the requried setback on the north property boundary. Date Received: Section I - Detailed Written Explanation MAR - 6 2008 Page 1'-4 Original Submittal