HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 1/16/2007 ~,~ ,I) not ~ Condition 8: n the Final Sif!!t~PPlica~sh1:!m a p~~S~~aIlY":::~~~pe .plan which provides for landscaping in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2), SDC 16.110 (4)(1) I. and SDC /6./10 (4)(1) 5. In addition to the proposed landscaping, the plan shall provide: "" a 5-foot planted side yard setback On the north side of the property planted in ~ccordance with SDC 31.140 (2). V' ~ n If ~ a 5-foot planted side yard setback between Unit ~ fnd the ;?uth property line plan~ed f.__;- /: I accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). ~~,( c? I ;. tA./ /n'(!f Ih r'Frw (<. IS- ~ a 10-foot planted front yard setbac tween Unit A and the west property line planted f;t-II \ in accordance with SDC 3 1./40 (2). / .;' a 10-foot planted rear yard setback between Unit D and the east property line planted in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). .) A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of vegetative ground ~over, shrubbery and trees. N Ut- t least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with Iivinj: plant .L -'-- N\vt ' materials within five years of the date of installation. 'f'Yrlru c..M~ ~ flY r ,,,^ . The proposed Ponderosa pines in the common opens space shall be replaced with a high b~c.. VI' A canoer shade tree or other tree which will not obliterate the common open space and ~t1'f- .s (tJI I '~d< the sidewalk. tMAt All plants shall be shown in the plan at mature sizes [SDC 31.050 (4)]. "11~f ~ . e plantiYi legen~S . ~~. I;.. wll shew Pla7 quantities and planting size [SDC 31.050(4)J.{~ l""Vp rff IlCb See also ConditJull ,.. ;ow: ;"ar..~lnt ~Ul._~II~;)\..d..m I~. \ ~ ~ PLEASE NOTE: SUB requires 15 feet of clearance to trees under and adjacent, to the existing ..rJ .,{\ overhead electric lines along South 42"" Street. IIc.. M JIr~ 1// A/1/1'14t/.? {)(~I:\?rr'\' In~ h plH1hr-f.h!;? , U" lCondition 9: In the Final Site Plan the landscape plan shall be revised to incrude a minimum of "/1/ _\. _~ "Ia"....' ;~.ands which are a minimum of 6 feet in width, exclusive of cur~ the fulllenj(th of a tv _ ~arkin~Dace containing one shade tree (a minimum 2 inches caliper) and vegetative ground cover. "rees Sl all be specimens capable "of attaining"35 feet or more in height at maturity. The proposed planter islands adjacent to the common open space courtyard and the planter islands at the east end of the parking lot may be re-sized to meet this condition. Proposed trees in the islands must be completely specified by species/variety to demonstrate conformance with this condition. 'h\~t~r ~ !~y~ Uw Condition 10: In the Final Site Plan provide accessible routes and parking in accordance with ADA standards. Condition 1171n the Final Site Plan the landscape plan shall be amended to provide a low-level ~eq~Teen neoge (30-40 inches tall) beneath the trees =gJe parking spaces which abut the 3 n.A./7 1/ -South property line [SDC 16.1 10 (4)(h)8]. S- !l'jn 5/U /J/~ v-<-fV Condition 12: Prior to issuance of occupancy, each apprazJ1~sj~d by the Building Official, shall be clearly identified with permanent signage placed in a position that is plainly visible and legible from the 42nd Street frontage of the property. Address numbers shall contrast from their background, and shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height with a minimum stroke width of .5 inch in accordance with SFC 505.1: Premises Identification. LlT~~~b~~1 . \- l ~_QLI By _::.1 ~ 744- Zt14~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: v-pW Condition I: In the Final Site Plan, the sidewalk location shall be consistent with the City's South 42'd Street Capital Improvement Project (P20457). All applicable plan sheets shall be revised to reflect the correct location of public improvements. Please contact Jeff Paschall at the Public Works Engineering 726-1674 for information regarding coordination of public improvements and site development. /Condition 2: The planter strip and street trees shall be shown in the Final Site Plan as eXiS~ing and the applicant's landscaping plan shall be amended to respond to the locations the (new) existin~ street tre...es. Please contact Jeff Paschall at the Public Works Engineering 726-1674 for , information regarding coordination of public improvements and site development. .p~ Condition 3: In the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that all existing and proposed recycle/refuse areas must be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. ~ Condition 4: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance document to the City which includes provisions to ensure the long-term maintenance, operation and functionality of the proposed stormwater management swales. The document shall designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system. The document shall be distributed to all present and future property owners and tenants of the site. The contact person for this condition is Eric Walter at Public Works Engineering 736- 1034. D I ,~ondition 5: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of V Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swales shall be fully vegetated prior to issuance of occupancy. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Condition 6: In the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall indicate a proposed method for providing water supply pursuant to 2004 SFC 508.5.1, exception 2 or SFC 508.5.5. Please contact Gilbert R. Gordon Deputy Fire Marshal at Springfield Fire and Life Safety 726-2293 for additional information. 5 . '^(Y7i': Lcondition 7~ Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant sh~1I record the proposed utility {JJ'{/ ~.~" ''''....., 'u ~rovide electric service to the proposed development: . Public PUE location Utility Easement width 7 feet Along the south property line as shown. 7 feet Along the west property line as shown. ~f-tl>e~se;IIt;;;~ ,i,.;Il>e>tIUmlttearo the City for review by the City Surveyor prior to recording. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Condition I: In the Final Site Plan, the sidewalk location shall be consistent with the City's South 42'd Street Capital Improvement Project (P204S7). All applicable plan sheets shall be revised to reflect the correct location of public improvements. Please contact Jeff Paschall at the Public Works Engineering 726-1674 for information regarding coordination of public improvements and site development. Condition 2: The planter strip and street trees shall be shown in the Final Site Plan as existing and the applicant's landscaping plan shall be amended to respond to the locations the (new) existing street trees. Please contact Jeff Paschall at the Public Works Engineering 726-1674 for information regarding coordination of public improvements and site development. Condition 3: In the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that all existing and proposed recycle/refuse areas must be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. Condition 4: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance document to the City which includes provisions to ensure the long-term maintenance, operation and functionality of the proposed stormwater management swales. The document shall designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system. The document shall be distributed to all present and future property owners and tenants of the site. The contact person for this condition is Eric Walter at Public Works Engineering 736- 1034. Condition 5: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swales shall be fully vegetated prior to issuance of occupancy. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met. the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. .".,.condition 6: In the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall indicate a proposed method for providing water supply pursuant to 2004 SFC 508.5.1, exception 2 or SFC 508.5.5. Please contact Gilbert R. Gordon Deputy Fire Marshal at Springfield Fire and Life Safety 726-2293 for additional information. '{\u~ ~ Condition 7: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall record the proposed utility easements to provide electric service to the proposed development Public PUE location Utility Easement width 7 feet Along the south property line as shown. 7 feet Along the west prop'erty line as shown. Copies of the draft easements shallbe submitted to the City for review by the City Surveyor prior to recording. ~~ ~~ B~~:I ~J 1.1~-O] Condition 8: In the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit a professionally designed landscape plan which provides for landscaping in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2), SDC 16.110 (4)(1) I. and SDC 16.110 (4)(1) 5. In addition to the proposed landscaping, the plan shall provide: . a 5-foot planted side yard setback on the north side of the property planted in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). . a 5-foot planted side yard setback between Unit D and the south property line planted in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). . a 10-foot planted front yard setback between Unit A and the west property line planted in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). . a 10-foot planted rear yard setback between Unit D and the east property line planted in accordance with SDC 31.140 (2). . A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of vegetative ground cover, shrubbery and trees. . At least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with living plant materials within five years of the date of installation. . The proposed Ponderosa pines in the common opens space shall be replaced with a high canopy shade tree or other tree which will not obliterate the common open space and block the sidewalk. . All plants shall be shown in the plan at mature sizes [SDC 31.050 (4)J. . The planting legend specifications list shall show plant quantities and planting size [SDC 31.050 (4)J. See also Condition 9 below: Parking Lot Landscaping. PLEASE NOTE: SUB requires 15 feet of clearance to trees under and adjacent to the existing overhead electric lines along South 42"" Street. Condition 9: In the Final Site Plan the landscape plan shall be revised to include a minimum of three planter islands which are a minimum of 6 feet in width, exclusive of curb, the full length of a parking space containing one shade tree (a minimum 2 inches caliper) and vegetative ground cover. Trees shall be specimens capable of attaining 35 feet or more in height at maturity. The proposed planter islands adjacent to the common open space courtyard and the planter islands at the east end of the parking lot may be re-sized to meet this condition. Proposed trees in the islands must be completely specified by species/variety to demonstrate conformance with this condition. Condition 10: In the Final Site Plan provide accessible routes and parking in accordance with ADA standards. Condition II: In the Final Site Plan the landscape plan shall be amended to provide a low-level evergreen hedge (30-40 inches tall) beneath the trees along the parking spaces which abut the south property line [SDC 16.110 (4)(h)8]. Condition 12: Prior to issuance of occupancy, each approved address, as assigned by the Building Official, shall be clearly identified with permanent signage placed in a position that is plainly visible and legible from the 42nd Street frontage of the property. Address numbers shall contrast from their background, and shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height with a minimum stroke width of .5 inch in accordance with SFC 505.1: Premises Identification.