HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 12/22/2006 Dec.22. 2006 12:44PM ,. , ,,/ 1'1 ^,. c-p-;zc. 2-006 - 00073 -.... /V4J~/~ L.-//VY.d - 1717-:; tv,/'5 -:2),Zo:;.:Pc V orr rP7Z December 22, 2006 Dr''' ~ e:-/V6//'.--="2=11. v lOW, River Valley Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 832 Sweet Home, OR 97386 -v /h// ---Z:",""-Si/z.. Subject: Geotechnical service Proposed residential development Tax lot 1701 tax map 17 02 3233 Sprlnglleld, Oregon , ~/W~l/alJhV 11 /11 -;; 1l1U-. ./ PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested K & A Engineering, Inc. is providing recommendations lor geotechnical services to s.h'.I. ..Ie design and construction 01 residential development on the subject project site. Our understanding Is that several conventionally framed dwellings and associated utilities and other Improvements are proposed for this site. The purpose of this letter is to outline our recommendations for a geotechnical evaluation 01 the site. RECOMMENDED UCU I cl:rlNICAL SERVICES The project site Is not In an area of known unusual or high geologic hazards. There are no significant slope gradients or other site conditions that. based on our visual I"~ . , 1.. ,would indicate that conventional shallow spread looting loundatlons would not be appropriate lor this Me. We recommend that a limited geotechnical site investigation be completed at this project site to characterize subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and to verify design assumptions lor foundation support. A brief written report summarizing the lindings of the geotechnical investigation and recommendations for fOUndation support should be provided. A qualified geotechnical engineer should make on-site Inspections 01 excavaiion and loundation pad preparation to verify site conditions, materials, and construction methods. Mdttional oeotechnical recc ) '.".,:10 , ,. .:d be provided, II necessary, to address unloreseen COnditions exposed during construction. Based on our understanding 01 the nature 01 the project and the geOlogy 01 the project area we recommend that the City 01 Springfield move forward with S..I, '" . .'al '.or this project. Thank you lor the opportunify to be of service. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely. .~~ Michael Rembold!, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. mf! [fJ It il \l] r<~ I~ 12-2 -z-00 ! ~ .