HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments FLS 1/9/2007 'l' Page 2 of3 !., Deputy Fire Marshal" Springfield Fire and Life Safety 225 Fifth Street .. . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-2293' E-Mail: aaordon(cVcLsorinafield..or.us .'"::c;j.. --,' "I., ~. . . '.jl. 'Ii I From: GORDON Gilbert Sent: Tuesday, January 09,200711:12' T~: PAULY Linda Cc: GERARD Alan; FECHTEL Melissa . . Subject: Site Plan Tentativ!" DRC2006-00093 Greg Larkin I. Ii- I " . If I' ." ., " " Site Plan Tentative QRC2006-00093 Greg Larkin Address: 327 S, 42nd Street . Existing Use: Medium Density residential housing Proposal: Construct 1S townhouse units with parking for 27 spaces Planner: Linda Pauly.. . . ",. . ,..' '. ,. , ~: " 'I! . ! " .Ii i~. ''"_ '. f ...." Fire. Department Comments: Access: OK. . , , . ~ i , ;, ." ,ij 1: " .-,. '-,' l" , I ~ ' . , ....', i" I~~' .. ""J; . 1, The existing hydrari{distance of 570 feet as sho~non Plan Sheet C1 of 4-SitEi: Grading/Paving Plan exceeds the 400 foot ll1aximum distance from the' farthest point on Building D per 2004 Springfield Fire 'Code50S,5.1.. .... '.' "". .: :, ".'. '.' ". . . .... . .'1;' ,.... . ,. , ': .' _:. /'. '.. ' . I . ' ~ . . 2. Buildings C and D.are.approximately 5,040 square feet.'Assuming Type V-B qonstruction (light weight. . wood); the required fire flow per SFC Table B105.1 is 2000 gallons per minute. I?er Table C1 05.1 this will r~quir~ two fire hydrai1Js:~o be install~d. . . ". . Ii, .' .... '. ',. ',' '., I' _ . :?,' There are a couple of options:. .,' ". ....' ..... . .'. .' " '11. ., .. ' , . ;.-:. . ': ',' _' '.' " ,".' . :, ~i;' :'.. .",.... ". .' Option A: Provideresiclentiaf sprinkler systems for Buildings B, C and Dmeetirig therequirements of the:' . . fire code and the Natio'nal Fire Protection Association "standard NFPA 13R, Stanclard for the Installation of . . . ,Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and including Four Stories ih Height. This would allow the use of tl18 single e~isting .fire hydrant by reducing water flow requirements to" 1500 gallons per minute and extending the fire hydrant distance from the farthest point on a building to 600 feet per 2004 SFC' . . 50S.5.1, exception 2. T:his option eliminated the need to put in two fire hydrants.'.. :: .. . ". . '..' ".: '" ~ . ' .' , '~:"~ -'" . ,;~:, .' .. ... .. '..." ." ' . j' ., . .,. . ,- . Option B: Install two hydrants on site with a maximum distance approximately 450 feet apart providing a . minimum 1500 gallons' per minute. '. . .' '. '. ' . . '. . I' .'. . ' ... .' . ~ ), .: ~, "'. ,-.- ".:" . ~ -. ' , ,,' '. ' . ' .. . ., ' ':' , .' ' .. , .- . .' The developer will need to compare the costs of the hydrant installations versuslthe cost of providing , residential sprinkler systems. .,', ;:'. '.'. ,:', " ,,,.... t .... : ,. . ..::.... . .. ," " ',' . . -;" ,'\.-. '. .. 't~::~ ,,' . . , If the two fire hydrant installation ~ption is chosen, 3 ioot c1ea~ance shall b~ maiht~ir .". GirCUmfere~ce o.f each hydrant ~e: SFC ,50S.5.5:. ..' ",' :':" .', __" ~'~' @. ~ Q ~ . \ Gilbert R. Gordon ' " , '.' . ' , .: .' DeputYFireMarshal": "",,' .:'. ....-1..".... . .'. '..:. ...... .",' .... " ".. .... '-:'. ~"..,: .B.:....y..".\-,_.~->O':'1,____. ....... ":l" '-.' ,}..~,', '~-"'.,' ,." ',' .' . ':":'l ...l'~., ,'.,< 4/912007 . .., ". ..... . .. ., .' I' .', ,'" ","". >>, .... :1,1.":' ':.' ". . .j,' .: ,.' . Water. Supply: .' .:.