HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5759 11/07/1994 ORDINANCE NO. 5759 (General) . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLAN AMENDMENTS OF THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN STREAMLINE AND CLARIFY THE PLAN AMENDMENT CLAUSE. AND REFINEMENTS SECTION OF CHAPTER IV AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) TO PROCESS AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter IV of the Metro Plan is hereby amended as follows: "Plan Amendments and Refinements The Metropolitan Plan is the long-range public policy document which establishes the broad framework upon which Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County make coordinated land use decisions. While the Metropolitan Plan is the basic guiding land use policy document, it may be amended from time to time. Likewise, the Metropolitan Plan may be augmented and implemented by more detailed refinement plans and regulatory measures. Findinqs 1. If the Metropolitan Plan is to maintain its effectiveness as a policy guide, it must be adaptable to the changing needs and circumstances of the community. 2. Between Metropolitan Plan updates, changes to the Plan may occur through periodic review and amendments initiated by the governing bodies and citizens. 3. Refinements to the Metropolitan Plan are necessary in certain geographical portions of the community where there is a great deal of development pressure or for certain special purposes. . 4. Refinement plans augment and assist in the implementation of the Metropolitan Plan. Goal Ensure that the Metropolitan Plan is responsive to the changing conditions, needs, and attitudes of the community. Ob-jectives 1. Maintain a schedule for monitoring, reviewing, and amending the Metropolitan Plan so it will remain current and valid. 2. Maintain a current land use and parcel information base for monitoring and updating the Metropolitan Plan. 3. Prepare refinement and functional plans that supplement the Metropolitan Plan. Ordinance No. 5759 Page 1 . Policies . 1. A special review, and if appropriate, Metropolitan Plan amendment, shall be initiated if changes in the basic assumptions of the Plan occur. An example would be a change in public demand for certain housing types that in turn may affect the overall inventory of residential land. 2. The geographic information data base shall be maintained on a regular basis. 3. All amendments to the Metropolitan Plan shall be classified as a Type I or Type II amendment depending upon the specific changes sought by the initiator of the proposal. a. A Type I amendment shall include any change to the urban growth boundary or the jurisdictional boundary of the Plan; any change that requires a goal exception to be taken under statewide planning goal 2 that is not related to a UGB expansion; and any amendment to the Plan text that is non-site specific. b. A Type II amendment shall include any change to the Plan diagram or Plan text that is site specific and not otherwise a Type I category amendment. c. Adoption or amendment of some refinement plans, functional plans or special area plans may, in some circumstances, be classified as Type I or Type II amendments. Amendments to the Metropolitan Plan that result from state mandated periodic Review or Metropolitan Plan Up-dates also shall be classified as Type I or Type II amendments depending upon the specific changes that would result from these actions. . 4. Initiation of Metropolitan Plan amendments shall be as follows: a. A Type I amendment may be initiated by any of the three governing bodies. Initiation is discretionary with the governing body, and may be initiated on behalf of a citizen who has made such a request. b. A Type II amendment may be initiated at the discretion of anyone of the three governing bodies or by any citizen who owns property that is the subject of the proposed amendment. c. Only a governing body may initiate a refinement plan, a functional plan, a special area study or periodic Review or Metropolitan Plan Up-date. d. The governing bodies of the three metropolitan jurisdictions may initiate an amendment to the Metropolitan Plan at any time. Citizen initiated Type II amendments may be initiated at any time. Ordinance No. 5759 Page 2 . . 5. The approval process for Metropolitan Plan amendments, including the number of governing bodies who participate and the timeline for final action, will vary depending upon the classification of amendment and whether a determination is made that the proposed amendment will have Regional Impact. a. All three governing bodies must approve non-site-specific text amendments; site specific diagram amendments that involve a UGB or Plan Boundary change that crosses the Willamette or McKenzie Rivers or that crosses over a ridge into a new basin; and, amendments that involve a goal exception not related to a UGB expansion. b. A site specific Type I Metropolitan Plan amendment that involves a UGB expansion or Plan Boundary change and a Type II Metropolitan Plan amendment between the city limits and Plan Boundary, must be approved by the home city and Lane County (Springfield is the home city for amendments east of 1-5, excluding Glenwood, and Eugene is the home city for amendments west of 1-5 and within Glenwood). The non-home city will be sent a referral of the proposed amendment and, based upon a determination that the proposal will have Regional Impact, may participate in the decision. Unless the non-home city makes affirmative findings of Regional Impact, the non-home city will not participate in the decision. c. An amendment will be considered to have Regional Impact if: (1) It will require an amendment to a jointly adopted functional plan (TransPlan, PFP, etc.) in order to provide the subject property with an adequate level of urban services; or . (2) It has a demonstrable impact on the water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer or transportation facilities of the non-home city; or (3) It affects the buildable land inventory by significantly adding to LDR, CI, LMI or HI designations or significantly reducing the MDR, HDR or CC designations. d. A jurisdiction may amend a plan designation without causing Regional Impact when this action is taken to: compensate for reductions in buildable land caused by protection of newly discovered natural resources within it own jurisdiction; or, accommodate the contiguous expansion of an existing business with a site specific requirement. Decisions on all Type II amendments within city limits shall be the sole responsibility of the home city. 6. Public hearings by the governing bodies for Metropolitan Plan amendments requiring participation from one or two jurisdictions shall be held within 120 days of the initiation date. Metro Plan amendments that require a final decision from all three governing bodies shall be concluded within 180 days of the initiation date. The time frames prescribed in connection with the Type II Metropolitan Plan amendment process can be waived if the applicant agrees to the waiver. Ordinance No. 5759 Page 3 . . . . When more than one jurisdiction participates in the decision, the planning commissions of the participating jurisdictions shall conduct a joint public hearing and forward that record and their recommendations to their respective elected officials. The elected officials also shall conduct a joint public hearing prior to making a final decision. 7. If all participating jurisdictions reach a consensus to approve a proposed amendment, substantively identical ordinances effecting the changes shall be adopted. Where there is a consensus to deny a proposed amendment, it may not be re-initiated, except by one of the three governing bodies, for one year. Amendments for which there is no consensus shall be referred to MPC for additional study, conflict resolution and recommendation back to the governing bodies. 8. Adopted or denied plan amendments may be appealed to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals or the Department of Land Conservation and Development according to applicable state law. 9. The three metropolitan jurisdictions shall jointly develop and adopt Metropolitan Plan amendment application procedures and a fee schedule. 10. Metropolitan Plan updates shall be initiated no less frequently than during the state-required periodic review of the Metropolitan Plan, although the governing bodies may initiate an update of the Metropolitan Plan at any time. 11. In addition to the update of the Metropolitan Plan, refinement studies may be undertaken for individual geographical areas and special purpose or functional elements, as determined appropriate by each governing body. 12. All refinement and functional plans Plan, and should inconsistencies prevailing policy document. Metropolitan Plan is the must be consistent with the occur, the Metropolitan 13. Refinement plans developed by one jurisdiction shall be referred to the other two jurisdictions for their review. Either of the two referral jurisdictions may determine that an amendment to the Metropolitan Plan is required. 14. Local implementing ordinances shall provide a process for zoning lands in conformance with the Metropolitan Plan." Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. Ordinance No. 5759 Page 4 . Section 3. While not just part of this Ordinance, findings in attached "A" are adopted in support of this decision. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 7th Novembe r , 1994 by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED BY THE Mayor this ;l~~t!!!c ) oor ~ A~~ I - "~~ t^,";;~J:- :~:/;s'=J :'\ " l.:;~~.:.~ b ~~-~~~ -- -~, : -, ',:.C)~\~ ..1~=I_l~ (1,~ (, . ~ t. ' .' ~~.~. d~\,1 ,,1\ TTOrtw\it::y {'- . .~:,]'.:: ~}~~:~~ ,t1 . Ordinance No. 5759 Page 5 . Exhibit day of EXHIBIT A . Findings in Support of Ordinance No. (Metro Plan Amendment) 5759 1. The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. Goal 1 Citizen Involvement Goal 1 is intended to ensure that citizens are involved in all stages of the planning process. Citizens have had the opportunity to participate in the creation and review of this proposed amendment under the auspices of the Metropolitan Policy Committee on the following dates: April 8, 1993; April 22, 1993; May 13, 1993; June 17, 1993; July 15, 1993; September 23, 1993; January 13, 1994; March 10, 1994; June 7, 1994; June 14, 1994; June 21, 1994; June 28, 1994; July 21, 1994; and October 24, 1994. Each of these dates represent public meetings that were advertised and open to the public for comment. This amendment allows citizen initiated amendment proposals to be submitted at any time rather than limited to twice a year. The Lane County Planning Commission and Lane County Board of Commissioners will participate in all proposals outside city limits thereby affording non-city residents with direct access to their elected representatives. . Goal 2 Land Use Planning Goal 2 states that opportunities shall be provided for review and comment by citizens and affected governmental units during preparation, review and revision of plans and implementation ordinances. In addition to the numerous opportunities for citizen input described in the preceding text, elected officials from each jurisdiction participated equally at each of these meetings in the preparation of the proposed amendment language. The type of plan amendment, who will participate, criteria for approval and length of processing are all specified in this proposal consistent with the purpose and intent of the Goal. Goal 9 Economic Development Goal 9 requires the provision of adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. Comprehensive plans shall contain policies concerning the economic development opportunities in the community and provide for at least an adequate supply of sites of suitable sizes, types, locations and service levels for a variety of industrial and commercial uses consistent with plan policies. The Goal also requires that plans should strongly emphasize the expansion of and increased productivity from existing industries and firms as a means to strengthen local and regional economic development. The proposed amendment will allow more expeditious processing of amendment requests thereby diminishing time delay obstacles. The amendment also contains the following provision: "A jurisdiction . Exhibit A - Pa~e 1 OrdinanceEN6. 5759 PAGE 6 . may amend a plan designation without causing Regional Impact when this action is taken to ... accommodate the contiguous expansion of an existing business with a site specific requirement." Goal 10 Housing Goal 10 requires the provision of housing needs of citizens of the state. In part this is accomplished by allocating enough buildable lands to accommodate anticipated demand and by expediting decisions on housing development proposals. The new amendment process will allow proposals to be submitted at any time rather than twice yearly and will take no more than 120 days if one or two jurisdictions are involved. In addition, the new language contains the following provision: "A jurisdiction may amend a plan designation without causing Regional Impact when this action is taken to ... compensate for reductions in buildable land caused by protection of newly discovered natural resources within its own jurisdiction." 2. Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metropolitan Area General Plan internally inconsistent. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Metro Plan as follows: "Purpose 6. Provides continuity in the planning process over an extended period of time. 7. Establishes a means for consistent and coordinated planning decisions by all public agencies and across jurisdictional lines. (1-2)" . The new amendment process refers all proposals to each jurisdiction. All proposed amendments outside city limits are evaluated by the metro planning directors for Regional Impact. A finding of Regional Impact allows non-home city to participate in the decision if they so choose. All proposed amendments outside city limits requires Lane County Planning Commission and Board participation. Citizens may initiate Type II amendments at any time. All proposed amendments involving one or two jurisdictions are processed within 120 days. Approval criteria is uniform. Requires all jurisdictions to participate in non-site specific text amendments or in diagram amendments that cross rivers or ridges not currently within the Urban Growth Boundary. Fixes responsibility for initiation of refinement plans, special study areas, functional plans and periodic review with the elected officials. "Metropolitan Goals Plan Review. Amendment. and Refinement Ensure that the Metropolitan Area General Plan is responsive to the changing conditions, needs, and attitudes of the community and is fully integrated with surrounding subarea plans." Th~ proposed language is itself responding to changing conditions by recognizing that the amendment process can be an obstacle to necessary public action if that process is too cumbersome or lengthy. The proposed language offers a process to adjust to newly discovered resources that influence the buildable lands inventory. . Exhibit A - Page 2 Ordinance No. 5759 Page 7 There is further recognition, through evaluation of Regional Impact criteria, that actions proposed in one jurisdiction may affect in several ways another jurisdiction. . "Residential Element Policies 3. Increase the supply of land zoned for low, medium and high-density residential uses correlating the amount zoned with the projections of demand. Periodically monitor and analyze the population and dwelling unit projections to provide a reliable basis for land use decisions and to assure sufficient residential land to maintain a balance between supply and demand. (III-A-4 & 5) " "Economic Element Policies 5. Provide existing industrial activities sufficient adjacent land for future expansion. (III-B-5) 6. Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for light industrial commercial uses correlating the effective supply in terms of suitability availability with the projections of demand. (III-B-5) and and 9. Encourage the expansion of existing and the location of manufacturing activities which are characterized by low levels of and a relatively low level of energy use. (III-B-5)" new light pollution . The new plan amendment language contains the following section; "A jurisdiction may amend a plan designation without causing Regional Impact when this action is taken to: compensate for reductions in buildable land caused by protection of newly discovered natural resources within its own jurisdiction; or, accommodate the contiguous expansion of an existing business with a site specific requirement." "Citizen Involvement Continue to develop, maintain, and refine programs and procedures that maximize the opportunity for meaningful, ongoing citizen involvement in the community's planning and planning implementation processes consistent with mandatory statewide planning standards. (II-A-2)" See findings under "Goal 1 Citizen Involvement" in the first section of these findings. "Plan Review In order for the Metropolitan Area General Plan to serve an an effective policy device to guide change and development, it must be adaptable to the changing circumstances and needs of the community. . Exhibit A - Page 3 Ordinance No. 5759 Page 8 ? Changes to the Metropolitan Plan may occur: 1) as the result of the State's periodic review requirements; 2) through amendments initiated by anyone of the three governing bodies; 3) as the result of major plan updates; and 4) as the result of citizen-initiated amendment requests." (IV-4) . The proposed changes will allow citizen initiated amendments to occur at any time rather than twice annually and the amendments will be processed within 120 days if one or two jurisdictions participate. This is a significant change that acknowledges that many decisions cannot wait 6 to 8 months; opportunities are lost with such a delay. The proposed changes will allow any of the jurisdictions to initiate a plan amendment: the current language requires all three to initiate or the proposal cannot go forward. This is a significant change in two regards: 1) the additional time to schedule an agenda item on the calendar of other jurisdictions is eliminated; and 2) it allows all amendments to be heard and considered without prior disqualification simply because one of the jurisdictions would not agree to initiate. The ability to consider amendments in a timely manner and with the certainty of a hearing is responsive to the need to adapt to changing circumstances and needs of the community. 3. The amendment is not a Plan update amendment, unless the amendment has been initiated by the governing bodies of the City of Eugene, City of Springfield and Lane County under Section 7.050(1) (c) above. In determining whether a Plan amendment is a Plan update amendment, the Council is not bound by the determination of the Director or Metropolitan Policy Committee made under Section 7.050 above. . A Plan update amendment is defined as: "Any change to the Metropolitan Area General Plan which (1) changes the urban growth boundary or the jurisdictional boundary of the Plan; (2) requires a goal exception to be taken under statewide planning Goal 2; (3) amends a fundamental principle, metropolitan goal or policy set out in Chapter II of the Plan; or (4) requires a substantial diversion of budgeted planning resources from the approved work programs of affected City departments." This proposed amendment does not change the UGB or Plan boundary; does not require an exception to any statewide Goal; does not amend a fundamental principle, goal or policy in Chapter II; and did not require a substantial diversion of budgeted planning resources from the Development Services Department budget. . Exhibit A - Page 4 Ordinance No. 5759 Page 9