HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/18/2006 \ ~ ct~ . .~= \.. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss, County of Lime ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duiy sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows; 1.1 state that I am 'a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity,as"Program Technician, I prepared ~nd caused to be mailed copies of .5UB2ock.-OOO~1 ~ eI1Dn ^. . ,~- p~ ~ (See attachment" "An) on 'C I:;"'//~ . 2006 addressed to (see 'd-~ Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with. postage fully prepaid thereon. KA~~RJfd-cJ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane tJ--'/r ( . 2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to. be their voluntary act. Before me: ' (j My Commission Expires: ~ n. fftJlJ' f~~~:~~~~~e=-------~' . OFFICIALSEAL~' I .,. BRENDA JONES! j \,./ NOTARY PUBLIC . OREGON ' ': k - COMMISSION NO 379218 ~ ~,. ~~O~~~I~N:~I~ESMAY 27~~ Date Received: /7)~~6' Planner: AL I TYPE II TENTATIVE PARTITION REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Laura Foumal Partition Project Proposal: Partition one residential parcel into two residential parcels Case Number: SUB2006,00064 . Project Location: 455 South 37"' Street . . (Map 17~02,3],43, Tax Lot# 1400) Zoning: Low Density Residential (LOR) Comprehensiv,e Plan Designation: LOR Pre,Submittal Meeting Date:,.October 27, 2006 :..,:!,;,.""':'.... Application Submitted Date::'November 7, 2006 _.j:,,:.,-..;;i:'.\' ..' .' Decision ISsued Date: ':Desen;berl8: 2006 . . -. ~' . Recommendation: Approval:with Conditions . . :'~.~.~ ,'Appeal Deadline Date: -J~uary 2,,2007 . ~~::-i;.:f- . Natural Features: Norie~11~q',;"",<,' Density:' Approximately 6:9,units per acre .'.: -:tdpi:', ,,". . . . . . ~~ . Associated Applicatioris:"PRE2006'00090 . ~;'?..!):d.(;:, ::.;.:\).<' ,/ -~ -.,~,. .' . . , , CITY OF SPRINGFIELi)'QEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM . .,~ ';'i~'1~t1::~E'" I POSITION ',:'UC'E'5j,~".. I REVIEW OF I Project Manager "~-::,n",,:~i'\':"" '" "'I'Planning-- , I Transportation Planning' Engineer ' Transportation Public Works Engineer " '. ',:,,: I Utilities I Public Works Eniine'er"i":l!l(~,,;r .'.' I Sanitary & Storm Sewer . I Deputy Fire Marshal ""il,.ibif'L:"'''''! Fire and Life Safety , I Community Services Mana:~'ef,ri' Bui]ding . , ....,:-:t.::...._:*'..::".. ,.-,. APPLICANT'S DEVEUb'i>MENT REVIEW TEAM -;'1':~'''':~!Z~''7;;., Owner/Applicant: ,.~ 'l~~.:::' .,. L F ] .."..'d"l'C........... aura Duma .;~ ..."...:-..'~.'. .. ]750 Washington St.:i,,!\,,{I~,c~t-':":. Eugene, OR 9740] ..",,'''j,':>c~.' NAME Andy Limbird Garv McKenney I eff Paschal] IeffPaschall Gilbert Gordon . Dave Puent PHONE I 726,3784 I 726-4585 I 726,1674 I. 726,1674 I 726-3661 I I 726,3668 I Engineer: Ananda Sheiwood Branch Engineering Inc. 3] 0 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date, ~eceived:4)-<V,,?dO' Planner: AL:. , DECISION:, Tentative Approval, with conditions, as of the date ofthis letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Partition Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes nnless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS THE FlNAL PLAT, MUST CONFORM TO THE SUBMITTED PLANS AS CONDITIONED HEREIN, This is a limited land nse decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decisio'n is final., Pleasc read this document carefully. (See Page II for a summary of the conditions of approval.) OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION:, None, Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations, ' ' REVIEW PROCESS: ll1is application is reviewed under Type n procedures listed in SDC 3,080 and the partition criteria of approval; SDC 34,050. This application was accepted as complete on November 7,2006, This decision is issued on the 41" day 'of the 120 days mandated by the state. ' SITE INFORMATION: The subject property is a rectangular-shaped 10Hocated,on the east si'de of . South 37''' Street. about 100 feet north of the intersection with Virginia--A ';Emue, The site 'comprises approximately 0,29 acres (12,695 fi') and contains an existing house,,' ;The'property is zoned and designated LDR in the Metro Plan and the Mid Springfield R~finel11cnt plwi,*Adjacent properties are also zoned and designated LDR. The Assessor's description for the subject property is Map 17-02'31'43, TL #1400, Approval 'of the proposed partition would create a 6,464 ft' parce1'containing, the existing house with a second 6,231 fi' panhandle lot to the rear (east) of the house, A new!24'foot wide driveway access is proposed to be constructed on South 37''' Street to 'serve both properties, ""0"'" " WRITTEN COMMENTS: ,,:C',.',;)",f", 'S~:".~'>'I.~ . Procedural Finding: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require;,tl,e,notification of property ,owners/occupanis within'300 feet of the subject property allowing for a"14"day comment period on the application.(SDC 3.080 and '14,030), The applicant and parties submitting'.wriiten.comments during,the notice period have appeal rights and are,mailed a copy of this decision for,ccllisideratio'n: ,,' , ., :"<o,."':.:..I;,V Procedura1':'Finding: In accordance with SDC 3.080 and 14,030; "i:lOtice'...was sent to property owners/occupants within' 300 feet of the subject site on November ,9;' 20biif,:,Staff responded to two. ' telephone inquiries regarding the proposal, but no written comments \Vere're;ce.i~ed:'".',;"", .",.' ".... . '->'7',~~:.i.;!:~tr~' ..,..i.__ . CRITERIA OF PARTITlON,TENTATIVE APPROVAL: ":--)"i:,, .;.' ,::i:.i.'~:=\ift:~r {:~'~. t,.., . . SDC 34,050 states that 'the Director shall approve or approve with conoiiionsra,'Partition Tentative,Plan' applicatioIl upon detennining that criteria (I) through (9) of this Section'ha'v~~een satisfied. ' If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application:' 'e;' ..,. . ..' .,- ~~ '':'J",:'''I'<,' .. (1) ,The ,request conforms to the requirements of this Code pertaining to parcel size and dimensions. ' "<";I;}.f<.~"~..J\' -. ~ ,. :~~I';'~.:"""Jl;~:"_: Finding 1: Pursuant to SDC Section 16,030(3), lots on no'rth,south'stree.ls;shall,have a minimum lot size of 5,000 ,square feet with 60 feet of street frontage. .~.. - - -. . Finding 2: Proposed Parcel I is 6,464 square feet with 8 L3 feet of frontage which meets the requirements of SDC 16.030(3), . Dat~ Rec~lved: P/gl),rier: AL /0"'~;'t' .. ,,/ . , 2 Finding 3: Purs'uant to SDC Section 16,030(6), single panhandle lots shall have a minimuni lot size of 4,500 square feet in the pan portion and a,ll1inimumstreet frontage of 20 feet 'Finding 4: TIle proposed panhandle lot (Parcel 2) comprises 4,600 square feet in the pan portion and has 20 feet of street frontage which meets the requirements of SDC ] 6,030(6), Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion I. (2) The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptnal Development Plan, Finding 5: The subject property is designated Low Density Residential (LDR) by the Melro Plan diagram 'and the Mid Springfield Refinemen/-Plal~, .TIle zoning of the property is LDR, consistent with the Metro Rlan and adopted Refinement Plan; and no change to the zoning designation or . boundaries is proposed, ' " .~ "..c - . . , Conclusion: 111is proposal satisfies Criterion 2, (3) Capacity reqnirements of public improvements, including bnt not limited to water 'lDd electricity;, sanitary- sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic ....... . safety controls shall not be exceeded, and the public improvements shall be available to' serve the site at t!Je!time;,of; development, nnless otherwise provided for hy this Code and other applicable ~eg~]ations, The Public Works . Director or a ntility provide~ shall determine capacity issl!~s.~:;:~.. 0\+:' ~., "~' ~ . - .), )';I::'><~::'?:' ;. -;: . Gelleral Finc1!ER.().:,.~.f.or all public improvements, the applicant shall retain a :private professional civil engirieer:.!o.Aesign the partition improvements in'conformance with City codes, this decision, and the curr~l:t;t:ngi!'ee':ing-Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM), TIle private, civil engineer a)so, ,sllall be required to provide construction inspection services., . ", . ;;'-"~!~.1i:~.:. . . 'General Finding' 7: The Public Works Director's representatives ,have 'reviewed the, proposed partition, ';;,Cityr,staffs_review comments have been incorporated m findings and conditions contained,herein_~ .';, ' ..,' . ~ ~,_. ~.:. t.'? t.:':::: ;-':.:. . . . . General Findi~g;8,b,Criterion 3 contains sub,elements and applicable code standards." The partition applicatio'n'ias,suomitted' complies with the code standards listed under each sub,element ,unless otherwise:'n'5tFd';~itlispecific.fmdings ~~d conclusions. The sub,elements 'and code standards of Criterion:TillCliioe,liutare not limited to: .. ",;'H~.H~" . .. ......._~....._.u.~ .'. '. . .;.~-~:_;1Hi.~. IH - -"'. " Publi~;improvements in ac~ordance with SDC 31 and 32 ';";;;V~9il'[f;',ub!ic,Streets illld Related hnprovements (SDC 32,020,32,090) ~~~-9":;i:~,anitary, Sewer Improvements (SDC 32.100) . ' '::-~~6"i~iStorm Water Management (SDC 32.110, 31,240) ".\"o,;',;,W,aterand EI~ctric hnprovements (SDC 32.120(1))' ":~:"=9,~,J;)r~ and Life Safety hllprovements (SDC 32,120(3)) --..,__:o":',;Pcublic and Private Easements (SDC 32,120(1) and (5)) .'.;.. . , .:: \'", '[~'./ri~tltt~,h'7: .r,. ~~.l<. .. ' Public Stre~ts'~!1d Related Impro"em~,nts , . ..'- '.,';"' Finding 9: Section 32,020(7)(b) of the 'Springfield Development Code requires that whenever a proposed land division or development. will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street . '/0' , " , '. . /2-//1 ~6 Date Recelved.---, , Planner: AL " . 3 frontage shall be fully improved to City spe~ifications, Exception (a) notes that in cases of' unimproved streets, an Improvement, Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such time as a City street' improvement project is initiated. Finding 10: Abutting the subject site, South 37th Street is a 36-foot wide paved local street in a 50-foot wide right,of-way. It is fully developed to urban standards with curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting in1provements. Finding 11: In accordance with SDC 32,050, where street trees cannot. be planted in the 'public righi-of,way, they shall be planted in the required front yard setback of private property in order to meet street tree requirements, ' Finding 12: There are two existing ,street trees along the South 37'h Street' frontage of the property that are proposed to remain in Parcel I of the tentative partition plan. The street trees are located within private property and long,teml maintenance will remain the responsibility of the property owner. ' . . . Fmding 13:, The property IS served by an existmg 18-foot wide f,'ravel,dnveway access on South 37'h Street. The developer IS proposing to mcrease the curb cut to 24 feet in width and install a paved, driveway to serve Parcels 1 and 2, The developer will be required to repair ihe curb, gutter ,,;;,and sidewalk on South37'h Street when the proposed curb cut is'iilstalled: ,',0 -- " " Condition of Approval: -iit5;'n" "'~"'~ ',',."::.:.. ,I, :,Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the driveway to serve Parcels), and 2 shall be installed in accordance with the tentative plan, The developer shall make. any necessary repairs to the South 37th Street curb, gutter and sidewalk to the satisfactiori'i:lf th~ City's Public Works Director. :>',1'", " ' " '" . '''~F:''}~.'''' J'" Sanitary'Sewer Improvements' -:. . ~ . -. >, .' r' ~'';'~:''~i~~'.;.~:~'..;. ,~1~ ':;..':::f: I 'l'_J~:: Finding 14: Section 32,100 ofthe,SDC requires that sanitary sewersshall,be',installed,to serve each new developnlent and to connect developments to existing mains,"",Additionally, installation of , ' . "- . . :' ".. sanitary sewers shall 'provide sufficient access for maintenance aC,tivities:' ''''>'', :' "_"__"h': ' , '" . '''..:,',::?~_~;..;!ti5,'I!;.~.};~",,' ;,-"~;".,:;;-' ~ "O::,,;;::,:--Finding IS: SectionZ.OZ,1 of the City's EDSPM states that when,iaIid'cl\itside'a'new'deve!opment ,will logically direct flow to sanitary sewers in the new develoP'@;ni;:the,sewers shall be public sewers and shall nomlally extend to one or more of the property boundaries, ' . '...,~'Nl?::;:",::" "";_:~~'~" Finding 16: Section .2.0Z,8 ohhe City's EDSPM states that sewerslshall'be',located in the right,of, way at street centerline or within 5 feet 'of the centerline of the sireet>'Sewers ,in easements shall be allowed only after all reasonable attempts to place the mains inrights~of,way, have been exhausted. . . . _:..f~ t-."", ' Finding 17: There is an existing 8,inch public sanitary sewer line:running'north-south - parallel , with the property street frontage - within the South 37th Street iight'cif way. The future house on ,Parcel Z is proposed to be connected to the 8,inch public sew'et'line';by ai newly,installed-4-inch sewer pipe extended beneath South 37th Str~et. ' :";.,,,\\.t;"-i~,.,:.,-:-t:r:,' ':"., '."", ' Finding 18: The developer is proposing to open trench within South 37th Street to install the 4,inch sanitary sewer connection. Permits will be required from the ,City's Public Works Department, Date Received: 12/0006 _, ' Planner: AL 4 including but not 'limited to an encroachment pemlit for woil within a public hght,of,way, and a , pavement deposit for repairs to South 37'" Street after installation work is conlpleted, .' Finding 19:, The existing house proposed to,remain on Parcell is served by a sanitary sewer pipe that cOIlllects' to the 8,inch main in South 37'h Street. The alignment of the sanitary line crosses a portion of the proposed panhandle lot (Parcel 2) neilf the South 37th Street frontage~' A private joint use access and utility easement across the panhandle of Parcel 2 is proposed to accommodate the existing sewer pipe, TIle size of the sanitary sewer pipe serving the existing house is not shown on 'the tentative partition plan, ' Conditions of Approval: I ' 2. Prior to initi~ti~n of utility installation work within South 3 t" S~reet, the developer shall obtain all necessary City permits to the satisfaction of the, City's Public Works Dep;ffiment. 3. Prior'to appro"al of the Final Plat, the variable width joint access and utility easement across the Parcel 2, panhandle shall be recorded, .~':; .., . 4. Prior to appro"al of the Final Plat, the applicant shall indicate the size of the sanitary, sewer lateral proV!~!ngservice to the 'existing dwelling. ' . , : -:". .~:' li),t4";.i. ~7":, ( StormwaterJ\1~ii~.gem'ent (Qnantity) ..;::jr.:;:;.'I... Finding 20:',,:?'fction32:11O(2) of the SDC requires that the' Approval Authority shall grant development approval only\\'here adequate public and/or private stomlwater management system ,'." . pro\'isions~:ha\'e"been made as detemlined,by. the Public Works Director, consistent with tile . ,. . ..~......_<-,. . . . EDSPM. :. '..,..~.':.:':t::: . , .... . ::'{1~';;.:~;;'!;-'l:i:' Finding 21:;' S'~c.ti~n 32,110(3) of the SDC states that a stomlwater management syste~ shall accommodate,potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether'inside or outside of the developmerte~la , .. .. , ,-- . ;,..-<',,;:."~Gf~~;t.:.;'-~4~ 'r"'" '.~ .'/ ..., . Finding 22::!Section 32.110(4) of the SDC requires that runofffroni a developm-ent shall be directed to an appr<:v~SS!9pnwater management systenlwith sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. . . ~.~;::!~~.\\l,~ij,;;,1..,:,. - ";;;". :':.' . . . . " " - ~ Finding i3,!i:~:~~fii~ri" 32.110(5) of the SDC- req~ires new developments t~ employ drainkge managemeriFprnCiices;that--minimize the amount and rate of surface runoff into receiving streams, r, and that prciii'iotemater quality, ' , ' .. , '. .::~:"::":'';:~::::''__' _ -., .' l : """!' .~;/~:,lk~fi.~ Finding 2f~;The[developer is not proposing to change the existing storm water' system within South 37''' Street:;i'Q[~!n?ge:fromthe property, weeps to an existing hole,in the curb. However, it is not clear from:,tg.e,:l~Qtative ,plan whether the rooftop drainage from the house is directly coimected to the weep:hole~:s";f" .. ': .. .- ' '.::h'll~:;a;~:nfJ;'~;'i~;;.-'-'...'.. . Finding 25:"T9,comply with Sections 32.110(4) and (5), rooftop drainage frolll the future house on , Parcel 2 is'proj:JOsed.to be directed to a newly installed weep hole at the curb on South 37th Street. From the 'ptirb!.li!1~,~drainage would be conveyed by gravity flow into 'curb inlets and the public , stonnwater'drn.inage'system, Drainage from, the driveway is proposed to be collected by an area 'drain and piped to,an existing curb inlet on South 37th Street: A segment of the proposed drain pipe 'is shown'outside the joint access and utility easement serving the properties, ' Date Received: /Y ~06 Planner: AL 5 " Conditions of Approval: 5, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, tlie existing house gutters and downspouts shall be COlll1ected to the weephole in the curb along South 37'c Street.' . 6. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the joint access and utility easement shall be expanded to contain the segment of drain pipe passing through the northwest corner of Parcel I. Water and Electric System Improvements Finding 26: Section 32.129(3) of the SDC requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficieni access f~r maintenance, Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordi~ates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits, Finding 27: The TentativePlan shows the location of the proposed water meter which is served by an existing 6-inch water main in South 37'h Street, .A waterlirie to serve the future house on Parcel 2 is proposed within a joint utility trench along the frontage of "Parcel I. However, the size ,of the water line is not shown. ' , .:", ':"" ' '1"'.;(.'<'.:... Finding 28: The utilities in the proposed joint utility trenchare"J1ot'co'ntained within a private. easement along the frontage of Parcel 1. '. :~~ /;}:f;~:.:r",:".,,:'~' . w.~;:'."';l;:, :. Finding 29: undergroun~. " SDC 32,120(2) states, "Wherever possible";.,,,;titility.' .lines shall be placed' .......',z.;z:.'. . i ." . /r':,..~.:.. . , .....: Finding 30: Underground electric service to the existing house'and th~ future house on Parcel 2 can be provided within the proposed joint utility trench locat~d 'inside the property frontage. Electrical service is proposed to be'connected to an existing power'polelocated at the southwest corner of the property, The applicant has stated in the projecCnarrative that all. utilities to, serve the development area will be placed underground, ,,;~' :.[;}:~'; :,"".-..:;, ' ,.' '", , ",_.::~;,."7J,r~~i~~;,;J:.!r"-"~~';.7..~-.' . ,.~...~. Conditions of Appro,:al: '. ..,.. ;:~~~/~7.'.'J'1.. :~'. .:: _ -.:,:;.~. . . .. -."- <c' .r;'?!f?f..~I~". ::.' 7, . Prior to approval of the indicated on the plan. Final Plat, tl)e size of the wa!~r~'};~,~':to'sei-veParcel 2 'shall'be' .', .i~;i,~~1~:~~~~.:~_ . ~~..--_. ".: .' .- : ':':;;":.. 8, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, a private utility easeriie~\trwiihin;'Pai-cel'l and benefiting Parcel 2 shall be executed and recorded, and evidence th~:;2(Wo,vide~ to the City. . . ".~;"1J'1~i'}<2<. : .'-" :-: ", Q, Prior to approval of th~ Final Plat, the electrical service\tohh'e'existiilgliouse shall be placed underground. .r.;.~'f.r:;~d.:~~_,."-, ..~,-.. .' '-..", ;', '. . '-;~.'j':!I".-~.....:~": ,.-.,_. : :;., :.. " . Fire and Life Safety Improvements . ". <.......1::~l::',~)l ,'.':' "- ~~ . "0.:,".;0" " - . .. .:...,.,..... ...,~..,,- .' Finding 31: Springfield Fire and Life Safety advises that wat~i-~tiO\v~' are available to 'serve the proposed' partition area, TIle nearest fire hydrant is located"appr9xihlateJy' 147 feet south' of the subject property at the southeast corner of South 37th Street and'Viqjiiiia'Aveili1e, ' ",.:'m ": Finding 32: The Fire and Life Safety Department advises that sufficient fire access willbe prOvided for the proposed parcels by virtue of frontage on South 37''' Street. ' Plate R~ceived:~/.,2Bot PI!:'lnner: AL. , ,6 , " ' Finding 33: The developer is proposing to install a,32,foot wide driveway to serve both properties, with provision for off~street, parallel parking spaces to serve Parcel 1. "No Parking - Fire Lane" signage is proposed to be posted along the northern edge of the driveway in accordance with Springfield Fire Code requirements, ' Finding 34: The driveway mnst be desib~led to support an 80,000 Ib, imposed load in accordance with the' Springfield Fire Code (SFC), Additionally, at least 20 feet of clear width must be maintained between the edge of the driveway and the parking spaces, Conditions of Approval: 10, The driveway to serve the partition area shall be designed to support an 80,000 Ib, imposed load in accordance ",ith SFC 503.2.3 and Appendix D 102,1, " II. At least 20 feet of clear width shall be maintained within the joint use driveway serving the partition area in accordance with SFC 503.2, I, ' .', ' Public and,Private Easements ......L'........... :--'j,,,"Finding:35: S~ction 32.120(5) of the SDC requires' applicants proposing developments to make ',;,,,"'arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements :c:':!-'~)l",cessary to fully service, the development or land beyond the development area, The minimum .o'J,;width for public utility easements (PUEs) adjacent to street rights,of,way shall be 7 feet. The '"",,');;,)11inimum width fo~all other public utility, easements shall be 14 feet unless otherwise specified, .(~. i-~~+;J~,~". . .. \ , " ..i.,;".;,,F:i;,ding 36: In accordance with SDC 32,120(5), the applicant is proposing to dedicate a ),foot _, ,',F:,~ide PUE along the South 371h Street frontage of the development site.' ' '. .,':'.:"-i..~~ti'~i:', ", ::,,{;'c,',Finding 37: The applicant has proposed a variable widtbjoint access and utility easement across' -' , :!~':.'!:'!~e :northwest corner of Parcel I' and the panhandle of Parcel 2 to accommodate existing and' "":,~,,proposed utilities, and the driveway serving both parcels. However, approximately half of the __ :C\:"c~iifpriveway serving the'development area is outside the joint use access easement. The proposed , ':,,"';;;;''':'joinLuse,access and'.utility easement must be cotemlinous with the extent of driveway paving to , ,,',-'i'",:;J'ensure access, egress and tuniar01.ind maneuvers can be acco11ll11odated for both properties. : ~~f':'~~{l:!::~; . . . . . :,!'.ii.~;~F;inding38: As previously, conditioned, the proposed joint ntility trench along the frontage of -";~~~~;~~arcel'l-and benefiting,Parcel2 will require a private easement (Condition 8). " ;.'\f~'~~~r~~"',~'.' -~ ." . ,":;;,,:,Conditiolls of Approval: , ",,~,:~{{~i~~~j1~:' :.: ,';:f~.:': .. : :","";~4~';'-;';12.:t.'Prior to approvaf:of the Final Plat, the joint use access and utility e~sement shall be expanded . ',,:;~:'.',t-'{F:'- to, cover the entire' pavement area" or the dnveway width shall be reduced to match the' ~:;:"J,i~~~::'~:;.'t",~asement area. -- . "'>:-,~l~;::.:l:ht,..,: ,....' ',..,;;"~_:,,,.j), Prior to approv,alofthe Final Plat, the joint use access ,and utility easement shalf be executed .-:: ,,":J[.-:<'i:", and recorded and'evidence thereof provided to the City. . I ';',lif""";'c'"t@onclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 3. , " :::: .\~~~!'fr~,f:l)':.::.... t,..\ o;M.:.' : ' , _' '-~ , .'.,,~:S;(:. .. , 'Date Received' ' planner: AL /YY~6 7 " General Finding 39: Criterion 4 contains two elements with sub,elements and applicable Code standards, The partition application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub,element unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions, The elements, sub-elements and Code standards of Criterion 4 include but are not limited to: 4a Confonnance. with standards of SDC 31, Site Plan Review,' and Article 16, Residential Zoning o Lot Coverage and Setbacks (SDC 16,040 - 16,050) o Height Standards (SDC 16,060) o Off,Street Parking Standards (SDC 16,070 and31.170-230) o Fence Statldards (SDC 16.090) o Landscaping Standards (SDC 31.130-150) o Screening and Lightitig (SDC 31,160) 4b Overlay Districts and Applicable Refmement Plan Requirements o TIle site lies within the 10,20 year tin,e of travel zone (TOTZ) for the Maia drinking water welL ' 'I' ,:..;: o The site is within the Mid Sprin&1ieldR~finement P/~'':,area. ' . ~:_:"'t ,:-':f/~ standa~ds of SDC 31, Site Plan Re';'i~~~\,'~and' SDC -::.: ~~'i'b..~i~~,J""::' ,.:,~: " . ~~~,~.Jf~}~W;;'I;' . -j,,,,_, 16, Residential ',4a Conformance with Zonilig Off Street Parking Standards ';'~j>:::;;('" , Finding 40: In accordance with SDC 16,070(5)( d), a llli~imtim"6Hi;llj- Off,;treet parking spaces are required to accommodate the parking requirement for Parcels ,I 'and 2. The applicant is proposing to increase the joint use driveway to 32 feet wide:l~~'C!~der to provide two parallel parking spaces for Parcel I, The applicant has stated that parkit1g:'fpac~s:will be installed for' Parcel 2 with the building pernlit (prior to issuance of final occu'p.jrlcy)'" '::':' ';', . "" "~'~~f;~'-::'~..;.c::':'-" ,.- . .'~.' -. ,- .: ^."'\'i\.~ t :.;{d : - ~. ,,~;~.r;::P;.;' .j~ ~~~:''-' Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 4a.' , , . "_. "'i.;7~~~~,l'.Z': :: t.:..:;;.,';':;".., ..,. 4b Overlay Dis~ricts and Appli~able Refinement Plan Re<iuirc'm~J';fs:"""/' " . . J~,o-.,"",:\-~..;..r;"": ".; ) ~. .,--l Finding 41: De~elopnient Review staff have, reviewed the appli~ation in regard to the Drinking' Water Protection Overlay. District and Refinement Plan requ)(ejigi\iii,s',," No'policies of the, DWP Overlay District or Mid,Springfield Refinement Plan applyt()i~e:?~rrlti8iF'-" .,,' ' . . '._' . ".~_.,.:","!!"~~::';:~o.::~,~_~l. . Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Crherii:ltl 4b; ,,--;';.f,j;'\K ' . . i.,;;,J;.f7f:;~fA'!~~.,. ,i..} .~';.f.,~ (5)' Parking areas and ingress,egress points have, been desigtie-dqt<i':'ilifacilitate vehicular"traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion;' pro,i.dc' connecthity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, trah'Sii'tstops,- neighborhood':acthity , centers, and commercial, industrial' and public areas; minimiZc::en'rb cnts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code'or other applicable regulations, and comply with the ODOT access management standards for state highways, .i'-iii""~!';>': ,,:, " '. '~~!:}'~~'~0~:~jil:r;'.:2:';.":!~::'~. . .. . :~'..:. Finding 42; The Development Review Committee reviewe(UihFproposed 2-](li' partition at a meeting oi, December 5, 2006. Except 'for the following, the,.proposed parking, driveways and access points are sufficient to serve the proposed parcels. '"'" , pate ~eceiv~d: 1~//~/.kOb Pls!nn13r: AL 8 Transportation System Impacts' Finding 43: Abutting the subj~ct site, South 37'h Street is a fully i~lproved 36-foot wide, two,lane local street within a 50,foot right,of-way, The street has been fully improved with curb, gutter, sidewalks and low pressure sodium (LPS) street. lighting. Average daily traffic on South 37110 Street is estimated to be less than 300 vehicle trips per day, Finding 44: Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Single,Family Detached Housing) the proposed partition and development of Parcel 2 with a single,family residential use would generate 10 additional vehicle trips per day and, I PM peak, hour vehicle trip onto,the surrounding street system, In addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips, According ..to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12,6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus, These trips may have their origins or , ,destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site, Pedestrian and 'bicycle trips create the' need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes, , , .': " .,: Finding 45: The existiilg transportation facilities would be adequate to, accommodate the , . additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic generated by development of the subject property in a , .:~", ~ ,safe and efficient manner. './1::)':::i~:;'.,. .", :,.<'i;!',F.inding 46: The nearest regular transit bus service is provided by LTD Route #1] (Thurston) '.."t.J.i\,!".operating along Main Street. . ,:~3;~~,:.i<:~~!'ft.... ~,' . .~ ,",+.j.:'!I",S!,te A;ccess and Circulation ;.l.:;i.i';f~...L., ._,'.. " "",:"" .,finding 47:, 'Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict.points. . /.-':' A-greater' number of conflict points increases the probability,oftraffic crashes, SDC 32,080(1)(a) .:;,--:i,",~: ,stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to!! public'street." . ". ,'.: -. ~~.,,~ ;':;",-1\ " ..:~:;::.:.. "'!&/",;:Finding 48: Existing access to the property is via an l8-footwide driveway onto South 37'h ",',~-i-,t::,Streetnear,the northern boundary of the site. The developer proposes to'reconstruct and widen " ",~"",,,,,,,,the,existingdriveway to 24 feet for joint use by both parcels, Shared use of the paved driveway ~;'_i\"'!"i'<,ii.by;both par~els is to.be facilitated by a variable, width joint use easement. ' . ,,:"'n'~'""',. -i_\J':"~:.~' " : ;~~!';Jfinding 49: As proposed and pre\~ously conditioned, ingress,egress points' w'ill'be planneduo" , ' , ,)-';,7,*o:;facilitate ,traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion and to minimize curb cuts on ,public' ':':-<,:;;0<'istreets'';s specified,in'SDC Articles 31 and 32, applicable zoning and overlay district Articles;,a~d . : ,';:;>':J.if~~ppl~cable refinement.plans.-' " ~'.:.~-~:~." . "' .,,~ , ',-',1).!1~".:'.Gond!tion of Appro,.al: ..:~~1r1J~1A~~!,'> i~i':' . .... .... "'i:":~J.-;:'y':' .: t.:!"-';t..;,I:,-,I.4, ,The developer shall provide and maintain adequate vision clearance,triangles at the ccimers'of '''::'"f~i;o--::,' . the'site driveway:in accordance with SDC'32,070. .>:'.,:": ':, ',::;'; ,.;d:onclusion:, As conditioned herein, this proP9sal satisfies Criterion 5, . . -~, . .'" ~:!.~~:;.. , ,..y..~ ;-'.' . .'.: :;:.;'~',;--- . ".~t:r:?:o.,~'>t:;:.'Si'>', ';31'-:' ':.-. - '.. - ')' . (6)~~,:,' Physical features, including, but not limited to significant clusters or'trees and shru'bs, ";,~'~ii'i"'"","'atercourses shown:on the Water C)ualiry Limited Watercourse Map and their associated' , .riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and historic features have been evaluated .and pro'tected as'specified.in this Code or other applicable regulations, ., '. ,: .,': . ~. , ,- Date Received' '/rf~M Planner: AL 9 ,Finding 50: The Metro. Area General Plan, Water Quality, Limited Watercourse Map, State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Map and the list of Historic Landmark sites have been consulted and there are no features needing to be protected or preserved on this site, If any artifacts are found during construction, there are state laws that could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS 358,905, ORS 390,235. If human ren;ains are discovered during construction, it is a Class "C" felony to proceed under ORS 97,740, Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 6, (7) Development of any remainder of the propert)' under the same o,,:nership can be accomplished in accordance "ith the provisions of this Code. Finding 51: There is 'no other property under,the same ~wnership that can be further developed, Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 7, (8) , Adjacent land' can be developed or is provided access that will, allow its development in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code.' Finding 52:' -Adjacent land is currently developed' with residential,:dwellings' ai,d has access to public streets. ' ',':".,;""" " . "~~~;:i:~~~'~::",- ,.I~, '. C,:mclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 8, "~~'" ,; . . . ,:..~~.i'ici.~;:;t~::7!': ;"'.;": (9) ,,<When no conCl1rrent annexation application submitted with;a"Partition Tentative Han on' ,property that is outside ofthe city limits but within tIIC.City'S.UI;banizable area, the standards .. ,specified below shall also apply. ' ':":"':"'1"';:;'" . , . ',~~:1:h~~J"~'~; "':<. . : "".iFinding 53: The property involved in this proposal is located'iiiside,the City Limits, 111erefore, . .~'.:'Criterion 9 is not applicable, . t ~~,;it.;~t::: '''-,: . . __:'~::;:"''::.:r:~::'. ",.<-:;'i-i:::.,' .'" . ',':'Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 9. ....r.'~3,~r:f_tj;S1,~: :;;':-:: ::-;.i:,;: .', ...,...~,:';'.' "':'H" ",>". '". . . .~. ',," ,,,\.'f.".t~,.;;,,:~~;:;,:.:~....:;/ :", '.";~ . . .' -' . ._~I CONCLUSION: The tentative partition, as snbmitted and conditio,!cd/complics "ith Criteria 1-9 of SDC34,OSO, 'Portions of the proposal approved as submittcd''1'_ay.':~,ot be .!'u!:>stautivelychanged ,during:pIatting without an approved modification application in acc9i:diince.,with SDC. 34.1'0'0, ' " . ;:L;':.']~:}:~rr':':_':'_,: .' '. . . ,- . ...:~~;"~~Yj.~~~~i~':;';:',~:;';.:;:.~..-"..' .'::~~." . What needs to be done: The applicant will have up to OIle year fro~l',(Hidaie'of this letter'to'meet the applicable conditions of approval or Deveiopment Code standards.an,fJo;:,suoffiit.a FinaLPartition Plat. THE PUBLIC AND PRIV ATE' IMPROVEMENTS AND' THEH:I~AE' PLAT. MUST BE IN. SUBST,ANTIAL CONFORMITY WITH THE TENTATIVE. PhANS"AND:'THECONDHIONS . '_ .. l~ - OF^=~~0VAL'::~~~{~J;;:::/'::"". .,',.,. ' The Final Plat is required go through a pre, submittal process, Afterthe,Final Plat application is complete, it must be submitted to the Springfield Development. Services Department;-"A separate application and. fees will be required. Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the'P!:iili.!illg'lyI?nager, thePlat'may be submitted"to 'Lane County Surveyor for signatures prior to recordi~g;~:~'N~..i~<lividual lots ,may be' transferred' until the plat is recorded and three (3) copies of the:fiI~iIpartition arc retnrned to the, Development Services Department by the applicant, ),,' ",;'f-. ".,., ' 'v... D1;lte Received' /~; ~d( Plann~r: AL 10 Conditions of Approval: , " " . I I, Prior to approval of the Final 'Plat, the driveway tei serve Parcels I and 2 shall be installed in accordance with the tentative plan, The developer shall inake any necessary repairs to the South 37"' Street curb, gutter and sidewalk to the satisfaction of the CitY's Public Works Director. 2: Prior 'to initiation of utility installation work within South 37th Street, thede~eloper shall obtain all necessary City,Pemlits to the satisfaction of the City's Public Works Department. ' 3,Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the variable width joint access and utility easement across the Parcel 2 panhandle shall be recorded. (' , ' , , , 4, Prior to approval-of the Final Plat, the applicant shall indicate the size of the'sanitary sewer lateral providiilg serVice to the existing dwelling. '. ' . 5,. PriorJo app~oval of the Final Plat, the existing house gUtters,and downspouts shall ,be cOlmected to the '; .weephole in the curb along South 37'h Street. . -. "'h'.. , , 6:",,~riqr,toapproval of the FinalPlat, the joint access and utility easement shall be expanded to contain the ,. """segment ofdrainpip'e passing through the northwest comer- of Parcell, . F.:"'':;tl.'-~~i\;V:~...'~;;'-:';; . ;~~?(f:rio~Jo,~pprovaJ of the FillalPlat, the size of the water line to serve Parcel 2 shall be indicated on the' ,,:j'iplan.', , " ..,..' '~:.~~~"I:;}:~~t:~ ;-:.< ~. :S.<"Prior to approval oftl;e FinaJPlat;,a private utility e'asement within Parcel I and benefiting Parcel 2 . "''',4,sh.al) ,.be~executed and rec,arded, and evidence thereofprovided to the City. , . , . -,~~~;:}.~;::<.- ;-;.,. . . ".-.;" '. ~'~'-',f);[i9r.: to! approval .of the Fir;aJ Plat, the electrical, service: to the existing hotise . shall be placed " ,', underground. .. T '->~~i'':;i~-~\:'.;c;'"" 4 ..' .' . , 'IO:J,The,driveway to serve the partition area shall be'designed to support an 80,000Ib, inlposed load in ,'",;'>t!j?ccordance"with SFG.503'.2.3 and Appendix D I 02: I: ':::,'. ' . ",,~~'\::'~i~iJi~~v.,~t~::'H:.~ ':. ':,:'. ':...: h ,;-).:'-.~ '-. ".~'::_;:_:':-_G:,:'; "," ,.1 1'!"Al>Jleash20, feet bf clear width shall be maintained ;within the joint use driveway' serVing the partition . '- - - .'." ':',,]:5{'!~l!;ill accordance with;SFC 503.2.1. . .. :.:~';?~':'.i.'i~~~~~7.~,;;~; _ tl.l< .. ....,~ ,. , . . ,. ",;;p~;p"ri~r-,to'approval of the FinaLPlat, the joint use access'and utility easement shall be expanded to ~over . ,. ,,,,f"b,itge,"litirepavement area; or the driveway width shall'be reduced to match the easement area, " _ '.;: ~-~ :,_:' ':';..t.: , - , . - ..' . - ." ,', r, . . , ,.' . ~ "')-;.~?-,l'}:1[_:~;!_-":-c" . . . ", . . , :i)r1'3~,'P.ricif,to'approval of the, Final Plat, the joint use access and'utility easement 'shall be executed and, , . :,:~:,i.f?cl~~,~9:ordedande.videnc"ethereofprovidedt? the CitY""";,,, " ",'.., ' i',., , ' "_': -'!.':.;-'.rrt;,~4w,ir;,~j';~,i.:';'~':;.., : ..' ~ ...~;:"'..>' - . . :,-';' ..,'- ~ , , '1.;A'4,ti!'lie.developer shall provide and maintain adequate vision c1earanc'e triangies atthe comers ofthe site . "i-':,,;:gdtiyeway in accordance with SDC 32.070. ' ' , , ':. - \;:,.~jJ.i!t.;.;.~),~;.,..,:~,::." ",;,... -:' .... . .;' .)..:,,'.~ . .. ':;"AdllitionaJ..Informatioh:. "Fhe application, 'all documents, and evidence relied upon 'by the applicant, and ~d~lle'!.~pplicablecriteria of approval are available for freeiJ1specti~n and copies are available for a fee at the ,:')~,J)eyeloplllent'Services Departrnent, 225 Fifth Street;.Springfield,.oregon. ' :., -." ~ ~. .-. 'f". _ -'-, ~. " ., ,App~al:,' This Type II Tentative Partition decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Plamiing Commission, . The appeal may be flIed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals. An, " i ~ \,', . ~'.'I. ,Date Received:,I;f f,)boD , 'Planner: AL ']] ! Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250,00. The fee will be retumed to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC.l5,020 which provides for.a 15,day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Erocedures, Rule lO(c) for service of noti~e by mail, the appeal period'for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m, on January 2, 2007, ' Questions: Please call Andy Limbird in the Plmming Division of tbe Development Services Department at (541) 726-3784 or emailalimbirdlalci,snrindield.oLus if you bave any questions regarding tbis process. Prepared By: 13;/ .- -"i;'"'"i"-;' r'_'" , ';';o>'1"<t-:,.,.( .!'..~'l.< .,.::".... :~,,~t;.;,fl~~{:i:~t~'"~-~.. '. . ,,~';j.{.:':Z; ,. -. ~!O_,-h,:-k~...,'".:, '.l;'.",~'l.-"''''A:! ",,' .,t'~-1."i:.\,. ... .- ,. ,:i(~~+~:.;h'.!;r":?,~',~~: :",;';~fl~i~~:,':;.}: ':1,:. ";,"", ';. ~'~+;t;~:.~;:;~.:, . ';"~~1~~~": ',~ " ,,,;:,~tri:-rr%~W'L;S'f't:(~,.~;i\Jr.;.:J.. ,,',' . ,,''.~;;_- . c, ", ~{ .. , .'" -,;-.~' ~.~. . .'(., >. ,.C ':b-::,;ol'tj:ji~-,:.: r' '. ,_ . ,'-' ,,: ';~~~!:~~:';1;'~;'~ : ,.~~;~ :'ff)'::::ff~,~$~\\~ ". ~,.t:~;: 2; ," " , . . . . " .'. .."" ,.,_.-."t'-, ~,'- . -i_I ~- ... , J'jate, R~ceived: ;L//J;~45 Planner: AL ;C "I'" 12 . Please be advised that' the following is provided for information only and is not a . component of the subdivision decision. FEES AND PERMITS Svstems DeveJo1)ment Charges: . .. , , The applitant must pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building peimits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield urban Growth Bonndary, The cost relates to the amount of increase in impe1\'ious surface area, transp01'\aiion trip rate, and plumbing fixture units (Springfield Code Chapter II, Article II), Some exceptions apply to; Springfield Urban Growt? areas, , Systems Developmellt Charges (SDCs) will apply to the construction of buildings and site imp;ovements within the subject site, The Charges will.be based upon the rates in effect at the time of pemiit submittal for'buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. Arilongother charges, SDCs for park and recreation improvements will be "collected' at time of building ,perinit: issuance for.future houses on Parcels] and 2, and would be based on the SDC policy in effect at that,time,' " Willamalane Park and Recreation District advises'that the SDC for park and recreation " . in~provements is presently $1,000 for each hew single, family dwelling, " 'r:.~,! ':'';':1'.i_:~~~>'''' . '., Sanitarv,Sewer In, Lieu,Of,Assessnienf: ':P~y~a((~,apitary,sewer In-Lieu'Of-Assess'meut charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the . ,propert-y. or. pdrtionsof the property being developed have .not previously been assessed or otherwise ,.'p~.ni,;:1.PNed -)n the cost of a public sauitary sewer. Contact the EngineeIing Divisio~ to determine.if In, ~Li~u,;Of,Assessl]]ent.charge is applicable, fOrd. 5584J .p~b\r~'I;ir~~i~cture Fees: . . ,,'~;IJ$':i.~;;t1;~,;rS?p'onsibility of th,e pIivate developer to fund the public' infrastructure tequired to provide .' utili\i~~,.tq,theproperty:, " :~, "';c~-(f.hlt;'_,"~!:-'...'~~." ;'j\:-'" . . , : Oilf~;:':Citv:Pennits: , . ' .' _ ."'i':!,ncroaclmlent Pennit..or"Sewer Hookup Permit -, Required '-for working within a right,of,way or' ",-"J"li,:p~.blic:easeinenl: Example: a new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole, ,~; 0':"'1i:TI1e.i,current rateis $130 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits.-' , . !~'0,~JfJ.f~p~~~.~';,:':^)>:,:~,'~~~:.'''. ," , -" ..... ,~ ~ " ' . ",. . , ':,; ;;~~~aiid'-&:])rainage Alteration Pennit (LDAP) - An LDAPwill be required for new, home construction. "~:.,;~.i;(jiQiintactl".the ".Springfield..'.Public. Works Department' .at ;726-5849' for appropriate application ~';~?~~f.~'Kr~~quirelnerits;~, -" .-:: -~;.-.~ '. ' ,~Y~Ji;:J.(r;;ri,[i7,~~l";!":'",,, ..I,..,. ' , - ." . . '< d;;~~"tfeeF~lling Pe~lit 7 'Required ifn;o~e'tha;l five tre~s greater than 5-inch caliper are removed from a' 1;:~"\'}if:!7sii\gln;;arceLover. the course of a 12,n;onth period, '" .' ' " ' " ';j>,>;;;\~~~,;.S;-;-J"t,.?-:;:;!.:i.".>':,' ;'- ~. ;"'1,,-.,~,,'. '.,,:,'/lidaitional'tlennits/aD~rovals,that mav be'necessarv: . .', ' .. ' .,' ., .o;"fWJtiinbihg'Pemlit to re,connect the existing house to water and sewer, and to connect new 'storm water ..i,,i;;,,:drailJ'.pipes' ' . , ' ' ~'':~~'.;~1t1rtf~t~,~~~;:;:,"i?:\:. "\.'" - ~ ' . '..;':i~~o2<i&I?,i~isiol1'6fSUlt~ Lan'ds;Cstohnwater discharge, wetland~)" >~)~~'?};~:fZ:t-J:Rl:::/2~'~7;:',~:-;:,;:;.:'::.:i~.;~ ,,:,:,:'-_'n;:~~:>:j'~ ., '. ,.- " - > , ~.';Jj;pa'iinie'nt ofEnvironniental Quality (ero~ion control, stoimwater discharge, wetlands) , '-'-\"'~>;:.+.,~,;'J}'" ". . . "~" . .. ..', ' '. " . . " " '. . US. AmlY. Corps ~f Engineers (stormwater discharge, wetlands) " ..,.- ," ' ... ." 5 ~/;$~t?j Date necelVed. /7' , ' Planner: ' Al: . ,.' . 13 " Laura Foumal 1750 Washington Street Eugene, OR . 97401 - ( Ananda Sherwood Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 d I)., ~tf'I.?P(Jb D~tet'{eceive: ,~ . Planner: AL,