HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 12/13/2006 , - j' , " . Memorandum' ,City of Springfield Date: ~ J>J6ve:::~'C:' n, 2006. I<EcaVFb 2>tS'<-. 13/'0"- To: Andy Limbird, Planner II . From: Jeff Paschall, PE, Civil Engineer Subject: SUB2006-00064, Faumal I have reviewed the materials provided with the subject application.. The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision. / SANITARY SEWER, . ' . ' ' Finding: Section 32.100 of the SDC, requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to " serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains. Additio,nally, installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficie~t access for maintenance activities. .I , ' Finding: The applicant,shows'that the ~xistirig dwelling is currently connected to the j public sanitary system via an existing service lateral that extends froni an 8" sanitary line . in South 37th Street. The applicant has proposed extension ofa new 4 inch service lateral from the public 8 inch sanitary line in South 37th Street. This new line will provide service tothe future dwelling, ' \ \ \ \ Finding: Section.2.02, I ofthe City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures j' Manual (EDSPM) state~ that when land outside a new development will ~ogically direct . flow to sanItary sewers In the new development, the:sewers shall be publIc sewers and , shall normally extend to one or. more of the property boundaries, "1'- Finding: The City's EDSPM states in Section 2,02,8 that sewers shall be located in the,' ' J-' right-of-way at street centerline or within 5 feet of centerJine of the street. Sewers in ' easements shall only be allowed after all reasonable attempts to place the mains in the rights-of-way have been exhausted. " . '." . . ~1 .~ :;, - Condition: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicanfshallindicatethe size 6fthe existing " ' , sanitary lateral providing service to the existing dwelling. , " j STORMWATERMANAGEMENT , ' , Finding: Section 32.110 (2) of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant . development approval. only where adequate public and/or'private stormwater ,management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSfM), Date; neyeived: ,/,2;1/:>0(16 Planner:AL " / , " l w ~, ,livijt:.7j 4C" ~/A j Finqing: Section 32.110 (3) of the SDC states that a stonn,water management system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream'drainage area, whether inside or outside of the development. I Finding: Section 32.110 (4) of the SDC requires that run-offfroma development shall be directed to an approved storm water management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. , Finding: Section 32,\ ,10 (5) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires new j'developments to employ drainage management practices, which. minimize the amount . and rate of surface water run-off mto recelvmg streams, and whIch promote water , quality. I Finding: To comply with Sections 32.110 (4) & (5), stonnwater runofffrom the site will be directed to South 37'h Street and the existing public storm system., The roof drainage from the existing dwelling and the proposed dwelling will. be directed.to 34th Street via . ,weep holes, ' . Condition: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall indicate on the plans the I proposed location of the weep llOle which providesan outlet for the roof drain of the existing dwelling. . ." '. ; Conditioil: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant @wan~ to provide an enlarg~d ' view of the 4 inch outlet pipe from the proposed privatec'atch basin. It appears from the . current drawing that a.sectionof the pipe is outside the Joint Use A~cess Easement, \'-.. . WATER OUA.I.:ITY "., , Finding: Under:F.ederal regulation of the Clean Water Ac~ (CWA); Endangered Species Act (ESA), a.nd'.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield is re<juired to obtain, and has applied for, a Municipal Separate' Storm Sewt;r Sy~tem (MS4)~jJermit.. A provision of this pennit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce 'the pollution in urban stonnwater to the Maximum Exteht Practicable (MEP).' . ,_.i:~_...;'--./,' '.'" ' . '. . -~ _, '-, '. ' . . . ,~. , . Finding: Feder,aLand Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the Cify'g MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control'Measures;" M.inimum,' Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment," applies to the proposed development. ,""" " ,,--;,,:.:;<..-; , . , ,Finding: Mjnimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement al1d ellfoi-ce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stonnwater runofftotheMEP: The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a, ,combination of structural or non,structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriated for:~e community. ' , ' . " Date Received' ' /)./;j~6', Planner: AL' I,,' Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mech"nism to address post construction runoff from new and re- , development projects to'the extent allowable wider State'law, Regulatorymechanisms used by 'the C,ity include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Desi~,'n Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future \ Storm water Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). tl} , Finding,' As required in Section 31 :050 (5) ofthe SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards,and Procedures Manual," " Finding: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states the PujJic Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stonnwater quality; water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either,the City ofPortlimd (BES), or' , ,the Clean Water ,Services (CWS). . " :/ " " PUBLIC STREETS. SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT'~EEMEN:rS , Finding: Section 32.020 (7) (b) of the Springfield Development Code requires that, whenever a proposed land division or development will ,il1crease traffic on the City street . ,/ ' system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting aJully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications.' Exception'(a) notes that in'cases of unimproved streets';'all'Improveillent Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval po~tponing improven1ents until.such time that a' City stfeet'improvement project is initiated, . :~ Finding.' South 37th'Street is fully improved alongthe frcint'age'ofthe parc~l in question. :j . . . ,..... ~. UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OFWAY,J:h '. Finding: Section 32.120 (3) of the SpringfieldDeveloprii~iit Code required' each development area to be provided, with a water system haVing sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the developmeilt1and dufficient access for maintenance. Springfield Utility Board coordinates.th~(1~~'ibin' of the water system within, ' Springfield city limits. The current plan proposal doestio(show locations Qr sizes of ' , , - - ,>,/'~":', . .- proposed water lines. ' .' . , " ,:. .:. -~~:'~~~k. ':''''" ; t .: '. Finding: Section 32.120 (5) oftheSDC requires appli~ai1tsproposii1g developments: ,: make arrangements with the City and each utility prii'vider for the dedication of utility ! easements necessary to fully service the developllieriti5r'llfna beyond the d~velopinent : area, The minimum width for public utility easemelltsadjacent to street Ijghts of ways ' shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 14 feet. , . . ~j'I: i~i!"; :'~i~'t.'..-.. . . . .', " ',,~'1 " j' Finding' The applicant has shown the dedicatiori~fp;~pg~;;d 7foot'public'utility' , " '. , ' easements along the frontage of South 37'h Street';whj~~ iVouldsatisfySecti6n32.120 of the SDC. ' ' ":"n'[n' Datel{6ceived'.. /)./r06 .' Planner.: At.: '. ',,' l~ ' I , OTHER PERMIT~ Finding: SeCtionj35.04Q (6) (n) of the SDC requires the applicant submit'cgncurrently with the application evidence that any required federal or state permit has been applied for or approved. NOTE: The intent of this list is to give a developer insight about requirementsre)ated to ' public improvements before they develop their property. FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS D]i:VELOPMENT CHARGE: ' Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building pennits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth.Boundary, (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, tran~portation trip rates, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article II] . - " Systems Development Charges (SDC's) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements'within the subject site. The Charges will be based uponithe rates in ,effect at the time of pennit submittal for bllildings or site improvements on each portion , or phase of the development. ' ~ANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the. regular connection' fees if the prop'erty or portions of the property being developed have,not previously been. assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the', , ' , ,Engineering Division to determine ifIn-Lieu-of-Assessmentcharge is applicable, lOrd 5584] . ' ' , ' , ". . , PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: , . . , " It is the responsibility of the private deveioper to fund the' public infrastr~cture. OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Pei111it or Se~er Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public.,' easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. [The current rate is $130 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] " '- .,:.; Land &DrainageAlteraiion Pennits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield PllblicWorks Department @ 726-?849 for appropriate applications/requirements] , . ~:. , ,I,' ) . , Dat~ H~t.eiV~d:/~J~4c"6 . Planner: AL' ' ." :', .', \ .... , " " ~': ,~pf:;. ... " ':.:!~ 'c. . ~:;~ . " :t'.':t,.1' .'1' "(,:,;;,,:',1. -'. .... t (~I"." . )~i:i~li;f~:\;: ' .~" h'~;:3~\, ".: ,7 i(::;...~!i:~i/.~.:: ":'-1 . ',' ?;:;~~~~5::r;'~i{.. ,:.. .. ,...~:..<~-{~N.~_~- :'- ~ "., " :..~.',~' ;~:'::;f "~,' ," . : ..~'~1!~..,"l \ ,l:.:...t.-:".1 '. ..' :.j~}:~~~~~;~;. . .::J~~'~ :-.q.J.~',' ..i:5':';;--.; '_:; ~i. ; -~rt...' .:i,:r: ,. ~~ "it~t;tti::"t. ~'." ;- ":F/i-1; .:.:.~f~ .,... -1>.;-..' '; . . " i, / . ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROV ALS MAYBE NECESSARY: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission ,(Pump station; sanitary sewers.24 inches or larger). " o Lane County Facilities Permit (lfthe project is within Lane Countyjurisdiction) . Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction)' . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) o Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or i,'feater), pump station, storm water discharge, wetlands) . o U.S, Anny Corps of Engineers (St9nn water discharge, wetlands) ._,~: , ."-: ~:,. ".....'LI.... '. -.. ..~_. -.,. - . ': . . i.'::.:>~t~'U.:.T;:' ".:(.". ,; '.' t '"!!fL(j ;1." . ~~.. " ''', ;'~'.C. t::..r: ...~-, ,:" I ~ " , " . <l,~J!~.:FPHt-:h'""'.' ..~ ,.. ._';;, f~!~}~,[~~:::J?\",.,;,", .:- ~ .,~~y~t%::.~S.:,i ';;.:; ,", " '. " .'. .,..};~~q;'~'::"1 ' ;,.~.:.~ --;llrc: f,' ~ . . ,:,,~\;~\i~i!:;,i=~.l ,-. .,',~. . . ::.1!>~~j,i~_,;F'~, . '.' i<' !'.::~ \?;:'~": " . " Datef5eceived;~i 'planner: Ai.." . '., i~j~6' "