HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments APPLICANT 11/19/2007 11/15/2007, 17:38 5415870717 LF PAGE 01 Ii 'll Laura A. Fotunal. CPA ,: 1750 ~a.shington St., Eugene, OR 97401 I' Ph: 541-485-4004 Fax: 541-687~0717 ., Ph. '3'fS~ y,S'1 'CvJ Z7(~' 0'6 "'3l..j- I. ii " PaJ~s_ S I: " , i! ' " L~! FAX ,'.,~LlIl'hJuLF_ Company: , Dare: Fax#: Phone #: , j!" RE: ,\tlB]1JD6- roLf REF#: J; I Coounents: i:, J: I: 'CA-1\..J' ,tf " i .,' f" ..~.~~~.. 1}" ~ 0\. ~JI'.S?5€L ~" ptourX- (~cJ.Ld)t;J,hJAL-l:hL- S{N ~. ~. catVU'1.Jb'R.- C-61 - ,(O-P~ 1Yt. ' ; ('I' ...-:- :? ,; DM ' ~ ,,' ~lJ...-~ ~fc- " · .' , ' ,~ ~~S ,~'J.'~,/ JJ,e-t~ ./oi. I. QtA/L- ~_*,\r,€-- r~ I" ~ dY'- , wfPVVV.,.L .~ -I.., .b-~ . : ... . , . ' , ., I ;;, . ~~t. "eoe'ved> '!;/-""7 ~~'- .. ~anner:,AL , ~, :.; k -.;k-.J.;~ crY ",,'t),IO'~......J- :a+' <db.J ~ ~ ~vu-.- ~ S~ p~ ~ AC-L-- l~' 11/1'1/.01 ~.~ :q.,~ 3"OO.p'..OON )i , ,0, .___ , __._ t''\~_ '.,_ _.~....' ~ r ~~ ".." QI O~ "ItW ~~ ~".~ ):~~ ", \ ,-_. 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':::.::'~,,'U "\"'.l:~~ ft~: llI~ 11,"7"", .~'m:'r..,r -~.:.: ':-:''''':--. -: , .,,'~ . \ c~, . \ ~~ ,} ~~~i' )M~U~~}~ ~ ~,~ ....YT '~:3~' \-Ll.I,~.~~t~~ii'ii- C'~'~~~'iia.n~, . Ii. UIO:h-!!t. ~. ~ ~ _MM ___ ~ ~ . - --_. .L,~~iii~ -- til~{: ~~:;~~ ~ - \- ~~("T~ ...~'":,~'~'. "';1'1 ,X"w ,""",\.1 ="''''' ""'r'< ~~!~"'Jr:, :":=-'::".',:~.~ ":='~:'" ;:'1.;:;. ";:,";:': ~~:::::- ",::;-~" i'fL!l1 "~:-'~"""~,\:PJ~.. . :,_."..:,.,..:.K~~... ,~,,4.::'::::-"1''I!Ilr;.~.-~:'':~,*,'J~ ~;~~;'~'::='''''<r.ar,''':':"'''.;'::'~'''-'~.It;.~...::,:"!-,':.:::" ':;::'u.-.:::::.::; .JI,rr,/"' ""--'.."-:'c.~,J_i;:; Date Received:4~,,4L77 Planner: AL , 5' PAGE 03 ,p.4 11/15/2007 17:38. 5415870717 LF Nov 16 200? 5:11PM r ~in~ En~ineerin~ 420614 2. 26 feet of sb:ee! fronmge for multiple ,panhandles. The ~et frontage for each panhandle parcel shall be deterroined by the number of p,arcels, i.e., if there are two panhandles, the frcintsge for each will be 13 feet. I' (b) , Special provisions for lots/parcels with panhandle driveways: 1. 2. 3. 4. o Panhandle driveways shall be permitted where dedication of public right-of- way is impractical or to comply with the density standards in the applicable :l:oning distril.'t. Panhandle driveways shall not be permitted in lieu of a public street, \is detennined by the Director. Panhandle driveways shall not =~h upon or cross a watercourse, other body of water or other topographic feBlure except as approved 1:IY the Direcror and the City Engineer. The area of the pan portion does not include the area in the panhandle driveway. No roore than 4 10tslpllrOels or 8 dweJUag units shall tab: primory access from one multiple panhandle driveway. The paving standards for panhandle ddveways shall be:! a.' ~-wide for a single panhandle driveway from lhe front property ~ a distance of I 8 feet, where there is an unimproved street; and from the front property line to the pan of the rellr lot/parcel, where tIIere is an improved street; and b. 18 feet-wide for a multiple panhandle driveway from the front property line to the pan of the last lot/parcel . This latter standard takes pxecedence over the driveway width standard for multiple famlly driveways specified in Table 32-2 of this Code, 1 '6, The Director may waive the requirement thai buildable lots/parcels have " frontage on a public street when access has bun guaranteed via a private slreet. Or driveway with an irrevol.'able joint use/ll~ess easement, 8. Private streets slLaIl be constructed as specified in Section 32,030 of this Code and not be permitted in lieu of public stnlets shown on the City's adopted Conceptual Street Plan or TransPlan. :: b. An irrevocable joint use/access easement may he used when a proposed land division includes a single or multiple panh~ndle lots/parcels where the front lotIparoel conmillS an existing primary ,Or secondary structure and the IM1d required for the panhandle diminishes the required S foot- wide side yard setback applicable to that front I~tiparcel andlor the panhandle width standard cannot be met. , 16-7 Date,f~eceived: 1/) Y)<707 Planner: A~ LF 11/15i2007 17:~8 5415870717. Nov 16 2007 5:11PM ~ tln~ Encin@@rin~ 5' 420614 PAGE 04 p.::! i. For a single panhandle lot/parcel in the LDR DIstrict, the irrevocable access easement width ihall' be nolless than 14 feet- wide, f) For a single prmhandle'ln the MDR and HDR District, or where multiple panhandles are proposed in any ~8jdential district, the irrevocable access easement width shall be not less thllll 20 feet. wide." (7) The creation of new plltcels in the City's urbanizable area shall be cithl'r 10 acres, 5 acres or shall meet the size standards of Sections (1)-(6) of this Section when approved through the ' Partition process specified in Article 34 of this Code. 16.040 LOT/P ARCEL COVERAGE STANDARDS (1) Except as specified In Subsection (2) of this Section, the maximum IOl/parc:el coverage by all covered structures in all residential districts shall not "ceed 4S percent. (2) On hillsides above 670 feet elevation and/or IS ..~._..t slope, the maximum impervious surface of a lot/parcel inclusive of structures. patios and driveways, shall Dot eJ<ceed 3S percent, except lIS specified in Article 26, HD Hillside Developm~nt Overlay District 16,050 SETBACK STANDARDS. The following setback standards sball apply to aJl residentil&! lots/parcels, unless ~ulti.famlly development is proposed. [n this case the setback standards specified in Section 16.1 JO of this Article shall take precedence. , All setbacks shall be landscaped, unless ,a setback is for a gIl.I:'Bge or carport. ' (1)@OittorfrontYard,streetsi,de and ~ear yard setbacks. Determination!'f all yard setbacks for s on comer lots shall be based upon the front yard of each unit as established by the reels used for address purposes, , EXCEPTIONS: Garages and Carports (a) 18 feet measured along tbe driveway from: 1. The property line fronting the street to the face of the gar'8ge or carport; or 2. The property line fronting the street to the far wall of the 'garage or carport where the face of the structure is perpendicular to the street. . Where a garage or carport faces a panhandle driveWaY, the 18 feet. shall ~ measured from the lImer mvel edge (pavement or gravel) within the pllnhandle to the face of the structure. ' @ (b) There shall be no setback required when the gllnlge or earport fronts an alley, 16 - 8 Date Received: IIft/;;C"7 Planner: AL 11/15/2007 17: 38 5415870717. LF Nov 16 2007 5:11PM ~ tin~ En~ineerin~ ~~ 1. A~ E)t.., 2. b~' 3, at:..- 4. tilL< 5. ~v ..,'V .\1.- "IV 5' 420614 PAGE 05 p.2 ;:r \ ~ ~. It. ~ ~ I L...-./ I" ....,...J, -'- I rr -- (..I1:'f ,I'J VL8t,r" Conditions of Approva : 7~" .... . . _1 -- D u- w .....\. t>1Q (J 1 ~ 18<? 0.'-' VIJ.,.I~ \..J II) r:n.( Prior to "Pproval of lbe Final Plat, the driveway 10 ~e l'arteIs I and 2 ~.1I be i.tl91.Ued, In , aecordan<:e with the tantative plan. ThB developer shaU make any necesaary rqUlnl to the South 37~' ~ ~curl>, gutter and ~idewaJk'to' the satisfBctiOD of the City's Public Worle. Direct,' or. ' , yv'rlR-''t1 ~ (.,LI'h.-I" ' t, Prior to initiation of utility watallation Work within South 37111 Street, the developer shall obtain llI1 nec':".ary City pennita to the satio&lliOll of the City'a Publio W0ric8 ~~. _.~.l, ' j. " Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the Vllriable width joint IlC=S Bllcl utility elI:lemlltll a~ the Pmoel ' 2 panhandle shall be recorded. . . ~' Prior to llpproval of thfl Fb:ulI Plat, the appliCBut sball indicate' the aiz<, .,r the ~wy "!'Wet larend pmYldirls selVi"" to tbooxisfu,g dwe1llng. <1- II f ~(, ' . i " , , . h . . Prior (j) approval of the Final Plat, the existing.house gi,rtt<;rs ~ downspouts sliaP be comiectcc! to the' wec:phole ill the curb along South 37d, Street, , ' ;, ' " 6.. Prl<>r (j) approval of the final Plat. the joil'll access and utility ll8II<:rnent IIhalI be "'Ipanc!ed to contain the' segment of drain pipe pasoing tIuough the northwest corner o{Parcel L', ' . ' . '. ~ ' 7" .Prl:~,t~ lIPproval oHIle Phlal Plat, the st:.e of till! watm" line to ..,rve PJlrCeI 2 ahall be iileticaled on the plan. ' .... , c . I, 8, Prior to approval of the Fi11al Plat" a private utility easement within Parcel I 'and btn~ PllI'Ctl 2,' "Q~U be exec:1ltec! IUld recorded, and evidence thereof.~lXIvided to the City, " , 9,. :Prlor to appro"lll of the Fuw Plat, the elec~~' ~~jce ,(j) the e:tistiq' houseallall be piaOCld ' llnd""graund ' -'. .,:, ' '. '.<~~~' . , all.. 10. :the driveWay to, .ervo Ihe pllltition area aluillllel'lieaipcl to support l!I1 80,000 lb. impDSOd loacI in "aOl:ardam:cwithSFC503.2.381ldAppeIlcli;<Dlln,k~", ,': . . . ."~'1.,)..~"" "".:.:. . . ~~!::.t~; " ~ 11..' Ai l.taB! 20 feet of clou: width IIhalI be main1llinet\ :Within... ~ j~ Ulle dri~ aC%Ving the. pertiti~ . '" . ,~a,1ll accordance with SFC 5032.1. ~tl -F-:~I I ~t:- ; . , ' ...:..~~;.,;. ..:': ',. . , .' ,:;:."~f.:... . . 11. . .J,~i~$H" lIPproval ofUJe FiDllIPlat, 'the joint uae lCCeaund ul:!l1ty eaaCllllont .baIl"" llI(paIIded 10 IlOver ' '::~~~~~~.~~~a~ ~width~}~boreduced to D1atcl! th~ e8;iCOll1olllatea. 1/1./ J3;,PriQf,tOllPprov~ oft!'e Pinal Plal~ the joint 1190 ,~CD...s and utility oasetllel1t'sbaU be executecl and .,:".:k;'~Qroo,hnd evidence tbereofp",,,,ded,t,;, the C!L1.<l'," , , " ',' 'i," ' . '.: .,::"~: ~'t( .'~.\.,~. . ~ '." :;. i.:,~ T....! I _ ~" 14;-,The developlll" shall provide ItI1d m.dntaln adequats' vision c1~e mlll\glea at',the' cornera ~fthe site: , .,driveway in.accordaD<:e with SDC 32,070. '..' , , (..- ~~ ',q~l . . .'" . ..../. ".." ...-,,'"-. . , AddltloualloJormation:, The applicatlon, all doeum.nlSral1~'evidenc. relied upon'by lhe IlPPllca1rt. and :.!l;le apIllli.:able criteria of approval.re llv.jlable fod'ree iA"I'cclion and oopUoa IIftl aWi1abLe for a foeat the ' o.,velor;imcmt Silrvices Deput,ment. 225'Fifth Stmet,SpEiD&field, OreIl101l, ':,.,' , :~ ''''.'"01.,';'.' . Appeal, 1bi. Type n Tentative Partition decision is considered 0 declgiOlJ of ~~ Direelor aDd sa 'lUt:h may be appesled to (he Planni"g Commi.sion. The appoa1 _y be filed with the DeveloPD1e111 Services Di:partmsnt by an affec:tsd pany. n.. appeal rnust be il'l aecordtmce with SDC, Artlcl. IS. App,""Ia. An' JI Date. Received' 1~/;f~07 Planner: AL 11/16/07 FRI 17:40 FAX 5417263689 RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECT ION TEL CONNECTlON ID ST. TIME lISAGE T PGS, RESlILT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 ********************* ... RX REPORT ... ********************* 8975 5416870717 11/16 17:38 02'10 5 OK Date Received: / :Y:~07___ Planner: AL