HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/22/2009 ~.. .. I. :'~ , , , ,I;;-> ,jV J/~ , . ! " I' I , ' ,. ,. '. ': i. ii I I " I j' I , I After Il_hla __ Te Fint Ameriam TItle PO Bo. 10146 Eu_, OR 97440 ,. A '-I II., ~ DI~lslon of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records 2~~g.~21m III " 111/11111/1111 ""1111""111111l1li11 $3LOO 0117,~0~00S0027~260020022 0512112009 09:42:08 AM' RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=6 CRSHIER 07 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 ' After recording retum to: Brett G. Gesh & Laura K. Gesh 36380 Jasper Rd Springfield, OR 97478 Until a dlange Is requested all tax statements shall be sent to \he following address: Brett G. Gesh & Laura K. Gesh 36380 Jasper Rd Springfield, OR 97478 File No.: 7191-1392800 (ROP) Date: May 19, 2009 STATUTORY QUITCLAIM DEED , Charles F. Wafford, Grantor, releases and quitclaims to Brett G. Gesh and Laura K. Gesh, as tenants by the entirety, all rights and Interest In and to the following described real property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property In the County of Lane; State of Oregon, described as follows: LOT 10, SPERRY ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 22, PAGE 12, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON., The true consideration for this con~eyance Is $to .release that easement ~eserved In deed Recorded January OS, 1993 In Reel 18l6R,. Reception No. 93-00674. (Here comply with Il!quirements or ORS 93.030) , ~'. .; ., '..' ;'. 5 'ZZ-d'L _ 'Page lot 2 Date Received: Planner: : S.H 5 f'aj e7 ! . , , I: i ( i: : ' j. I' i: I: , . , , , , I: [, i; I ~ ! '. , .. . APN:0320646 Slatutllry Quitclaim Deed - contlnued RIe No.: 7191-1392800 (RDP) ( Date: OS/19/2009 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON lRANSFERRING FEE TITlE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 19S.300, 19S.301 Ar.m 19S.30S TO 19S. 336 AND SECTIONS S TO 11, OF OiAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR' ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING lRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABUSHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 21S.01O, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DffiRMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 19S.300, 19S.301 AND ~9S,30S TO 19S-336 AND SECTIONS S TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. Dated this 2f)~ay of mCt.U _ .20Qi. 6 ~!:ro1'Jf~ STATE OF Oregon ) )ss. . , County of Lane ) .' , .. .' !l1 ,. This Instrument was acknOWledged before me orz;:;;2.[Jftaay Of::a by Charles F. Wafford.. , r n . . UA,.../ ~L Notary Public for Oregon / / . My commission expires: Ii) ( :3 J2P / 2- .., ) -, .- OFFICiAl SEAl . ROBIN 0 PARKS NOTARYPUBUC.OREGON COMMISSION NO. 432228 '-ff COMMISSION ExPIRES OClOBER 13, 2012 ..'" ..page2of2. ,20m I , ~ , -:(IQ/-/3Q1--Yj After Recontina btunI Tfo first American Tide ' PO Box 10146 _ 0Il97440 Division of ChJef Depu~~erk Lane County Deeds and Rim.ds lOO~.o17417 ,.. i:r 11- 11111111/1/1 """III ""'1111" 11111111111""11 $36,00 01074221200geilJ4" ',..., 1U.2J30036 . RPR-DfED Cn~=l S~n=6 CllfJ{W~~9 09: 42: DB M $15.0D $11.00 $10.00 DECLARA nON OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Brett G. & Laura K. Gesb, being the record owner of Property I, and Charles F. Warford, being the record owner of Property 2, in the City of Springfield, Lane COUllty, State of Oregon, are setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted property line between Pniperty I and Property 1 described below, to cOrl)ply with the City of Springfield Code, Case Number SUB2009-000 1 0, and the provisions ofORS 92,190(4). Property 1: That property described on Bargain and Sale Deed recorded 19 April 2007 Document Number 2007~ 026154, Lane County Oregon Deed Records being more particularly described as follows: Lot 10, Sperl)' Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon PJat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Property 2: That property described on Warranty Deed recorded 10 September I 97~ Reel 707 Reception Number 7439137, Lane County Oregon Deed Records being more parti<.::ularly describe~ as follows: Lot 8, Sperl)' Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon ~Iat Records, in Lane C'ounty, Oregon. PropertyLioe Adjustment: Following this' property line adjustment, the description of Property I is described as "New Property 1," and the description of Property 2 is described as "New Property 2," The adjusted line between Property I and Property 2, is described ~s "Adjusted Line." The adjustment is depicted on CSF 41482 filed in the office ofthe Lane. County Surveyor, a reduced copy is attached he~eto as Exhibit "A". New Property 1: Lot 10, Sperl)' Additioll, as platted and record~d in Book 22;Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'OO"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast comer of Lot 10; thence Noo13'30"W 58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thcnce S89046'30"W 5.46 feet to the line benveen Lots 8 and 10 Sperry Addition said pointbeing referenced by a 5/8" rod; thence Soo11 '22"E 58.48 feet along the line between Lots 8 and 1 0 to t.he,Southwest comer of Lot 10; thence along the South line of Lot 10 N89050'OO" E 5.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. New Property 2: Lot 8,Sperry Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. . ALSO THAT PORTION OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. Beginning ata 5/8" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'OO"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 10; thence Noo13'30"W 58.49 feet to D 5/8" rod; thence S89046'30"W 5.46 feetto the line between Lots 8 and 10 Sperry Addition ~aid point being,refeienced by a 5/8" rod; thence SO"ll '22"E 58.48 feet along the line betwecn Lots 8 and 10 to the Southwest corner of Lot 10; thence along the South line of Lot 10 N89050'00" E 5.50 feet to the Point ofBegilll~ing, Conveyance: By acknowledging this document Brett G. and Laura K. Gesh, Grantors, do hereby convey all rights, title and interest to Charles F, Wafford, Grantee, to that property described as follows located in the .City ofSpringlield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: Afier Recording Return To: EGR & Associates, Inc, 2535 BPmirieRd, Eugene, OR 97402 Uncil a change is requested, allta'l[ slatements'arc to besenl CO: Property I - No Change Property 2 - No Change Consideration is Other PLA 6153-09-0056 f'ftgelof2 GeshlWafford PLA cont. THAT PORT/ON OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a 518" rod on the.South line of Lot 10, Sperry Additicin, said point is S89D50'OO"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 10; thence NOD 13'30"W 58.49 feet (0 a 5/8" rod; thence S89D46'30"W 5.46 feet to the line between Lots 8 and to Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 518" rod; thence SOD] I '22"E 58.48 feet along the line between Lots 8 and 1 0 to the Southwest comer of Lot I 0; thence along the Soutb fine of Lot 10 N890S0'OO" E 5.50 feel to (be Point of Beginning. Adjusted Line: Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the South line or Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point.is S89050'OO"W 57.31 feet from the southeast comer of Lot 10; thence Noo13'30"W '58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thence . S89D46'30"W 5.46 feet to the line between Lots 8 and 1 0 Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 5/8" rod. Said Line is as surveyed in CSF 41482 filed in the office of the Lane County Surveyor, In witness whereof, the undersigned has caused this instrumentto'bc ex.ecuted this .2.ot1a'ayof (hfL.{A -t W~ 0 'fi&~L jj)~~ ~ ~}L Brett G, Gesh ~a 2' 4"L Laura K. Gesh ' This adjustment is subject to and excepts any rights of the public in streets, roads and highways. , , BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195,300. 195,301 AND 195.3051'0'195,336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LA WS 2007, THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRlNG FEE TITLE .L TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LANO BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92,010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT.OR PARCEL, TO DET'ERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195,305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 51'0 II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LA WS 2007, State of Oregon) County of Lane) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this I q -flaay of J1'l.ct.c..:J_ and Laura K. Gesh. 0 ~U'-- 'DOJ? 7- , 2009, by Brett G, (t) OFFtCIAlSEAt. ROBIN D PAAiot9 "" ..i NoTARYPUBUC-OJ:lEGON COMMISSION NO. 432228 MVCOMMlSSfON EXPIRES OCToaeR 13, 2012 Notary Public / My commission expires: Jd 1(::>" t2U/2:. State of Oregon) County, of Lane) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ;2~day of ('nCc.t1_ _ 2009, by Charles F Wafford. r2w~ w5J~ ::- _ OFACIALSEAl . . i ROBIN 0 PARKS '",.,' NOTARY PUBUC. OAEGO~ . COMMISSION NO. 432228 , !AY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 13. rot!, Notary Public / ! My commission expires: (D II 0 2-0 I ~ PLA61IS-08'()]SII Page2of2 / LOT 7 LOTI """'" _f)~(IUJ ____ --li:IP3O'ZS-wUU'____ ~~ _ . 1 ,-C-I(SI9"Jnl:rW6lgn , 6'1 . I.Y/ I -,------- . = ..: = E-< H ~ I ~ I: fil ,1 II !I II !' !I Ii g' II 5O':';nTf I J'_llTl._.DlI JM\\fiPUIiMr~\:l.': --.-r.l!!CA-.m .- . i' .v- """"'" LOTa U , ,if" r 1UJ"Il6'W'1t~"'" .1 LOT.. - :- -r-- / i a I . bl._ dl-~ """""'_ ~ ~ "" ~ I ...~ ""31' ar5vcrwU1.l1'(RI)..us'(iU1 H STREIrr ~ I ,I '1... ~ PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR BREIT AND LAURA GESH IN THE N.E 1/4 OF SEe. 36, TWN. 17 S.. RHO, J W.. Of 1HE WlU.AMEITE MERIDIAN, SPIlNOfJEU).l.AHE COl1NTY. OJU:.GOH .....yli.2.lm s~~ "~~~ S'~ i'~ . ~ N i: .. o z _L ~ r~l "'~~~ lRr~tNl' IlEIoIE:DLDfoJE! '2/31jW >IT -0 2JT / lANE OOUNlY SURVEYORS OffiCE cs. FILENO. I.fI"lB'Z.- FlUNODAlF~ '., I c-. """""" . fOlIlQur1lDfll'U'Eraa. o ~~~~. A CAL.aJl.4.tEDl'OOO" () kEAXlRD PO. UfDfHCII SHOWN &umA5MllASlJU:DtJlIlU!S$)<<)1E[l '-Fl!HC:I!UNE NARRAnw, nu;I'UUOStiUf1lCSIiUlI.YEY"AS10Sl"fNl~~ ~lDTS'&IOQFUf:lIAYol.DOlTlOX 1HE&\SISOITUIS SllltVEY Al.ETlleFOlMD IIrWJNPII'P;$rmnmPUl.TOP~ AllItltI1(N ~.A'.um"B"WEKEltEIDR:laTHllwur IJGHr.a=.WAYOF"'Jll'Jll.snurAHn~'C"WASHI!W PlKlHEaIUIlROOWWCWltll.OTS1,1,' A)(OIO. lCNtlW!!N1'$ /U.ONG1HR~nlRKiHT.(lF..WAYOf n b'A&:.L,..ElEmAaQlH) fW.BtJTNClTFOlJHD,ITllDEi'CNt!HIIJ)THBaaooRDBl!.UDI:; ANDD(SToUIOlSFOt.1llERJWrr-a.WA't AXDl.Df~ AUlN(l"ll"'STUEr. nmAl.Ul/SID)LDCE.,oASUlCAtmAT11m DlUCT1tDI OP1HE PUlIaJY OWMEU JIl(D TO WA./HfA-lM '" UP &mwX ltllH5IfmlrXEOHLOT Ie. ~, 1.l''''1lU.Y ADOJT1ON-IlIU::I.POll IU.DI!l!O 1116lIJU:CEmOH,nol>>l4 LOT "Rl<A.o;, un, nuCllTOADIl.I:SlMEJJr_7OI'I5QfT* IU'1BlAOJt.lSTlam'_1a.!iQl'l... . """ "'UoatololUllST)(ENt_n'lSQn".. AFlU~.1VTJ.5QFT* Pl...-Vo'NDlGFlU!h'U),(Bg, ~~.. \lr ECR & Associates, Inc. - ~~-~ ZUSI,....... (S41)8II&.laZl E.vna.o..g..,lI74ll:l Fa(Sol11G1S<<.111