HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 9/19/2007 , I . . ~ I ;'.Q.vf '~J,... AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE 00 /<@,/< Dill/< ~ "~ l[;- ..J BY"~' [of?J r~ srATE OF OREGON ,) ) ss. County of Lane ) , I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn. do hereby depose and say as follows: ~ ft' 1 , 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield,Oregon. 2. I state that in'mycapacity as, Program Technician, I prep'ared and caused to be , , , mailed copies of ZJ:,/J2oc1-ooa39 ]I!tiA..t-cIfi ..b~L4.<:.nJ ~ ~ .A-..d-. (See attachment "An) on ' 61/1 'f. ,2007 addressed to (see. W4-f'''' r. AttachmentS"}..by causing said 'letters to be placed in aU.~. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~~ ST~E.: OREGON, County of Lane i' ~:.:<6.. ,2007. Personally appeared the above named KareMLaFleur: Progtlm'Technician, who'acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ~?h~ ;t!/Z) 2 Ol}1S I My Commission Expires: , Ii . r~~~~~ --ornCi;sE~---~' '. SANDRA MARX i I \ NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON j , . ". COMMISSION NO. 385725 , L _':" ~_r.G.9~M~8.!.ONEXPIRESNOV 12,2008 j ..-...... . '.- - ~""-,-"""""",,,-",:.-------j, . Notice of Decision - Springfield Planning Commission 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726,-3689 WW~1. ci. springfield. or. us Date of Notic~: 9/19/2007. Date of Decision: 9118/2007 Case Number: ZON 2007-00039 Aoolicant: Robert Hastings Nature of the Aoolication: Zoning Map Amendment from Low Density Residentia) (LDR) to Medium Den~ity Residential (MDR) for the following property. .Assessor's Map 18-02-05-22, Tax'Lot 1100, The application was initiated and submitted in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, On September 18. 2007, a public hearing on the Zoning Map Amendment reque~t was held before the Springfield Planning Commission, The Development Services Department scaff report including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations. together with oral and written testimony submitted has been considere'd and is part of the record of this proceeding. , Decision: The Springfield Planning Commission voted 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 absent and 0 abstentions to approve the Zoning Map Amendment. The action caken by 'the Springfield Planning Commission is a final action. ' I Aooeal: The applicant or any party may appeal this decision to the City Council. The appeal must be submitted to the Development Services-Depaccrnent. 225 Fifth Street, Springfield. OR 97477, within 10 days of the Planning Commission's decision. The appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code Article 15, Appeals. The appeal must be subm,itted on a City form and a fee of $250.00 must be paid with the submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant only if the City Council approves the Appeal Application. Ouestions: If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact Linda Pauly 'at 726-4608. Linda Pauly, Planner III Urban Planning Division ~ MEMORANDUM DATE OF HEARING: September 18, 2007 TO: Springfield Planning Com~ission k'7J Linda Pauly, Planner Iliff . FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Commission Public Hearing Zoning Map Amendment - Hastings Case Number ZON 2007-00039 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM ISSUE The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a Public Hearing to consider the Applicant's request to change the zoning of approximately 0.34 acre of land located at 770 and 780 South 42nd Street from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to Medium-Density Residential (MDR). The subject property is more particularly described as the annexed portion of Assessor's Map 18-02- 05-22, Tax Lot 1100. DISCUSSION The 'purpose of the proposed action is to rectify an inconsistency between the. Metro Plan . designation and the zoning map, Since the existing LDR zoning is not consistent with the MDR Plan designation, the Director has determined that this application qualifies to be processed as a City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment, as established by department policy in 2006. Approval of zoning map amendments requires a demonstration of consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram. The Planning Commission is asked to 'consider the applicant's request and the findings of fact contained within this report to confirm that the proposed MDR zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram and text and that the application of the MDR zone is appropriate in this case. RECOMMENDATION 1 ACTION REQUESTED Upon review of the applicant's request, staff finds that the proposed Medium Density Residential Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the criteria at Springfield Development Code 12.030 and recommends approval of the applicant's request. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Zone Change Request Staff Report and Findings Attachment 2: Existing Zoning Map and Proposed Zoning Map. Attachment 3: Legal Description Attachment 4: Final Order . Attachment I Zoning Map Amendment - Type III Staff Report and Findings Hearin.. Date: September 18, 2007 Case Number: ZON 2007-00039 Subiect Prooerry; Assessor's Map No. 18-02-05- 22, portion of Tax Lot 1100 Aoolicant IOwner Robert Hastings 2375 Pioneer Pike Eugene, OR 9740 I Aoolicant's ReDre~entative None . Date Submitted: July 2, 2007 REOUEST: The Applicant requ~sts a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of approximately 0.34' acre of land located at 770 and 780 South 420d Street in Springfield, Assessor's Map 18-02-05-22, annexed portion of Tax Lot 1100 from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to Medium-Density Residential (MDR). The purpose of the proposed action is to rectify 'an .inconsistency between the Metro Pion designation and the zoning map, Since the existing zoning is not consistent with the Pion designation, the Director 'has determined that this application qualifies to be processed as a City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment, as established by department policy in 2.006. The Planning Commission is asked to consider the applicant's request and the findings of fact contained within this report to confirm that the , proposed zoning is consistent with the Metro PIon and that the application of the MDR zone is appropriate in this case. -L:-~':-J..J-..Ull_I(IJ--LI_J_J I-LJ 1..L"1__r-'--' -'-'--"':.' , _.!Il~:=~_W-~J_'.:-1. J~..1___J_..L1 rll_tli..lJ..b"-.( ~ I I~ ?<. ~ tHf[Jl'n .f:R.' y'iffi Wlli)~ ,~:~ I EIOE '8 ~~~'~ -'-' --~ CJ--ti~j~~' d~ nlm TJ ~r ][ ~L0\$~~ ! ;;;= ,~:{i Ii. \8 : TJ IT' '1 l-:IIIW"" - F~Q h:y.c: 18 h: D ,'? "--., '-, j - 1b r I r r" - ' I, -\ '- -fJ}Jii:-'--'----,--,fi)~fld{~lIJ~~:..J, '-~ WiiT~1 SUBJECT PROPERTY . fHJJ [~Rb~J m/~ l' '~D~iJ ~,'.',' -r-:~-=-'::. 770 & 780 South 42nd Street m' fr- '" LD:JlImt~ ' ;.mT=i I } (eastern .34 acre of lot) IT"'- _1J,~-:W~ ->-- r I ;- , J ~ I_I I . 1 f?--,"'~ __,: . ~ -j..:.+-' ....l... -,,!L-. "\.. 4l-1~ =tJ SHEll 0 'PIr~~ I Mt Vernon 7);.,,0. -, ~r 'f"-~D7AT-J=: ~,'-22f~i:I~j~ .-"!- 'tHj Jok JillJJ..ilEikmentariiJ,..--l,.--' '-L~4=i il' :rzitrbi F;l[W1: ;.; "!::J'- r . ~ - t:!!HaH. ,~' 'Wft!"I '.' i '- -., ' , ,,~~~ { ..,. , '=.;~"'~ ~^I ~~)):,-, . t - 't ; , 8/Qn'1YJf;~~ I~--",~.'~~ilq .~ lJ'~,~~ ~ r'- ~~~: [:R -/.Lj:/y; , ~. '-0 -- - - -:TI [j fin J I' " "~~jIIT,T.I!~- !:---I.:::-'~I ,I: ~ ~~8--t=lt: :/ f; '~~ d:' II J VICINITY MAP Not to scale ffi Attachment 1 - 1 . ~~~=ur?~ ,'1 1 I rl-~---,~_----'-----'-- --Jj ~"";~"~."". r -r,Sbriu 'l"n-rrr: ; ~i ~ i I I , i I h- L_ , II'L-JI FO~~'fIfn~-'n SUBJECT PROPERTY >f 770 & 780 South 42" Street (eastern .~4 acre of lot is inside the , City Limits) ~. rfl- , ID\I~., 1._ ~\..,... '.,.." j_-! = .-il .,"" .,.,. Mt Vernon I El9mentar~ ,/z- ....!J 1.1 ! :=--M~~. ~v.- Rt'-Offi- i . I . - ~ ", I !. 1 ~uth-';nd Street I III' -ch J ,-~. .' "')~ . -- ,,W I.' I. ~. f NEIGHBORHOOD VICINITY. Not to scale E9 LEGEND .1 ~. ~" ,] City Umits Une PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located on the west siqe of South 42" Street, south of Booth Kelly Road and the railroad line. The land subject to this application is approximately 0.34 acre of a 0.91 acre lot. The subject property is the eastern (~nnexed) portion of a lot which is currently divided by a north-south City Limits line. The eastern portion of the lot is inside the City limits and is zoned LDR. The western portio~ of the lot is not annexed and is zoned MDRI UF-IO. The land is currently developed with a single family residential use. Access to the property is from South 42" St'reet.' REVIEW PROCESS: This City Sponsored Zon'ing Map Amendment application is a Quasi- , judicial Zoning Map Amendment which affects a single property, involves the application of existing policy to a specifi~ factual setting, and does not require a Metro Plan diagram amendment. SDC 12.030 (I) states that Quasi-judicial Zoning Map Amendments, may be approved by the Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission's decision is the final local decision: This application is reviewed under Type III procedures listed in SDC 3,090 and 12. The application was accepted as complete on July 2, 2007. ,I Approval of the request would allow development in accordance with the standards of SDC Article 16 at residential densities of 10-20 dwelling units per acre. The applicant's proposal is limited to the annexed easte~n portion of the lot. The westerly portion of the lot is within Springfield's UF-I 0 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District, thus annexation is requi~ed prior to I Attachment 1 - 2 ; development of the property with Medium Density residential uses,' The owner is interested in , seeking development approval for the subject property, thus the zoning must be made . consistent with the Plan designation. A minimum density of 3 units would be required and a maximum of 6 units would be permitted on the 0.34 acre subiect property. Future development of the site would require a Type II land use review process (Site Plan Review andlor approval of a land division), including notice to surrounding property owners. Development would not necessarily be subject to Site Plan Review. SDC 31.020 ,(2)(a) exempts duplex dwellings from Site Plan Review when. the lot in the MDR zone alloY'S only one such dwelling. ' DISCUSSION: In this, report, staff will demonstrate that the proposed MDR zoning' is appropriate and consistent with the Metro Plan and that the proposal meets the criteria for approval of quasi-judicial zoning map amendments in accordance at Springfiel? Development Code 12.030 (3). RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the applicant's request, staff finds that the proposed Medium Density Residential zoning is appropriate for the subject property and recommends approval of, the applicant's request. ZONING OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES: Land to the north is inside the City Limits and zoned MDR (Glacier View Subdivision) and LDR (Tax Lot 1002). Land to the south is zoned MDR Uo. No. 99-03-088). Land east of 42,d Street is zoned Public Land a,nd Open Space (PLO). 1 ' SITE PHOTO: Attachment 1 - 3 ADJACENT PROPERTIES: Lot abutting the subjea property to the north , , aTt~:aiftt~~i~tl~-~_,== Old Mount Vernon School Property across the street from subjea property a~~:2t~~:~i,f~~i'~"~,~.<t _." " !,'fi'~'...:iJ ..., i ;!1?r; ,:"." ---, ':i':'--', rlJj. \ '._t".J-,_ . "...;:-.'f-i:~.., ~."r ."\",_, . {.-:;::,;i,.... -~;; ',"- ~- I ' . . I . Property to south of subjea property Attachment 1 - 4 . ZONING OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES: 1~"''lW;.t1j~~~1 ~","'"",ik~-'i.~,," ,~\~rit"!!fL~,;:,.;~'Fj;)l,,~:1i!: i:r ", .:',.' . .i..:',' ~ , ," I '~':,' . !",-IMJIli, ~!~~.'~:"'~~'I ~'.""'~')1ll'G.~"'-"".!;.'i " ~,"'-~, - $,. -'I .;:ru:, ;;d-_....~,,~--!M:.~, ~'l} MDR Medium Density Residential CC Community Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial PlO Public land and Open Space Attachment 1 - 5 j ---1_- '___.__ ____... ' -. . 1, ~:;-'~'~,,-o'\,"'~ '~b~Ji'> R "", , ,', ,'" '1'"" ="'I'O,k ',' ~""'";:f~~',~""\o'~-",, :"'II:'gi62l:,~~~L.. ...I.!.',.' Lc' \;;',;~; "": \; ,~!~~; ;1 i }':~'1[.,.,;,;,'1. .,-,,\:; r, !,j '~:;~q;~<'>,0.",,'~' l,Jli !,i-~~~'~~'iJ ~:' !~Y",,, ..,// "'~"""',,'" ,~,.;;".-~~.j:::::"='Fuf ';r'-:~ ('"U\l:;~;~.vI'EW.?R.';',:,,-, ig~:i IT\ "'~""~" /", 01 .'V.Mj,,"",!..' . f' y" ';--c--'I'. ~:'!~<";iv~~'~'~'!' Ii: [. ""00 "~'M' 4100 'F' ;' ;r",' ~ 'j , : 'I ~"1~"~..~ 'r.ll". '"if 1 ' -~.. '{;' ""'.A4 ~ "':'1 {:' J " \ ' "Co" ;,-';,j<~' ~~'~'-'- -:: 1':!\ [ U-A. '..." I' " ,.Jl ': I ' 1100 ,. :it' I:; I C,'ty Limits _ II ,II;; ." " ,,~ \: __ i" L}~", ~ --....' , , ,-,- _:--r n'", t;"~-I~!l'T -~ j l' . ' ~":W" r ."'" "t":_j;~= i~-\fr~E9 18-02-05.22 Tax ,Sl)iJTHpl.~ -~....- '''-.:.c.'__~___ ~-, ;. ~ '" .' , , I, "10 . "z ---~---'I"'; ~"i~' ---- ------+ P!-~fF!(; -~~I~~.oAD " '~"- '....... ~-:-~~~ ".,1.-, ""r"':::"'::..,I 701. ._,,:?'t',.i- "~':~-':_~;' ,.';r.~ 'I i.CO .,~. :;.". . I ~......... , _ 7DD 1 ;,-. ~;- ~ - - ..- - J. '-------. f 1 q~~~' J 'G..'""L I' I oj i I .""j..tJl.!:~ I ',' ~~BJECT PROPERTY I I i , I jj . > (:"-:'-'. :1 "~s~~ssor's Ma!> .ane County Not to scale i; Attachment 1 - 6 SUBJECT PROPERTY 770 & 780 South 420' Street (eastern .34 acre of lot) SITE AERIAL PHOTO Not to scale ,. EB . Attachment 1 -7 , I:)' METRO PLAN DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL r- 'f) I r- OO N t\.~,~ .. SUBJECT PROPERTY ,~ ~ 'J) ."'--~~ ~:r: 00 L.O Enlargement of Plan Diagram with 42'. Street and Railroad shown as identifiable features EB Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Genera[Plan Plan Diagram (Ih~ i:lterpre..1Iiou and purpo!.e of the PI..3.n Diagram. 3lld dtscriptiou, (lithe: bud me... and <..}nlooh ..hown: 3ft coutained in Cb3pter IT-G.) '~'.' Urban GrOVdh Bourodal)' 0 low Denslr\t Hu.klentiel 0 UgM Medium lnduurial ~ Agria..hul'fl ,..~.. ..' Me:lo PLn Boumlafy 0 ~. Campu' Indu51ri~ ~ . ~ Medium Ocr\Sitv ResidenTial I-orect l&nd ~:3:. /'V n...Uroad. ~ High Denslt\, Re~dential [] lli1J ,,'L' Unlver,ltyHer./!ilrch p;:,: Rural Reddentlal /V A1..'cli bnd Pond. 0 ~ ~ Commercial Go'J'llrnmem and l:ducatlon Rural ComJll!ltclal ~ OllCrl.lys:,; ~ Mixec Use A'eat ttl3 MiljOt~taUCeflter' ~ Par~" and Op'!ln Spa~ ~ Aurallndu.t~ 13 Nndlll Developrllenl Area ~ Heawlnllustllal 0 NdturalResnurce ~ AirpOfl Reserve tUi 0 't.'iIIametleGrllenV\ia'~ ~ Special Heavy l!'\dur.tri~ 0 Sand ,,00 GfllV~ PLAN DESIGNATION LEGEND' Attachment 1 - 8 SDC 12.030 Criteria of Approval - Zoning District Ch~nge SDC 12.030 establishes the crit<;ria to be used in approving zone changes. Ii, ~!"nsideration of this request,' the Planning Commission or Hearings Official shall adopt findings, which demonstrate that all of the applicable criteria have been addressed. ' I " SDC 12.030 (3)(a) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram. I The Metro Plan provides the public with 'general guidelines for individual planning decisions. " Reference to supplemental planning' documents of a more localized scope, including neighborhood refinement plans, is advisable when applying the Plan to specific parcels of land or individual tax lots (Metro Plan page 1-2, #4). The Plan serves as a general planning framework to be augmented, as needed, by more detailed planning programs to meet the speci,fic needs of the various local governments (Metro Plan page 1-2, #8). Finding: No refinement plan has been adopted for the South Springfield area:' There are no supplemental planning documents of a more localized scope which include the subject property. . ( \ Finding: In this case, the Plan Diagram provides sufficient specificity to apply the Plan to the subject property because two identifiable features are shown: 420d Street and the railroad line. The Metro Plan Diagram' clearly indicates Medium Density Residential plan design;{tion in the area of land south of the railroad line and west of South 420' Street. Although the Plan diagram has no identifiable feature to establish the southerly limit of this MDR plan designation area, previous deCision making by the City has established that the proposed MDR plan designation and zoning are appropriate and correct for these lots. In 199.9, the City approve:d a zoning map amendment which applied Medium Density Residential zoning to land which abuts the subject property along its southern boundary. ' Finding: The Metro Plan Designation of the subject property is Medium' Density residential. The proposed Medium Density residential zoning is consistent with the Medium Density Plan designation. The existing Low Density Residential zo~ing represents a Planlzone conflict which must be corrected prior to development of the site. . The following Metro Plan policies support the applicant's request: Metro Plan page Land Supply and Demand Policy A,2: Residentially designated land within the UGB should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicabie plans and poliCies. ' , Metro Plan Land Supply and Demand Policy Policy A,4: Use annexation, provision of ,adequate public facilities and services, rezoning, redevelopment, and i~fill to meet the 20-year projected housing demand. Metro Plan Residential Density Policy A.I 0: Promote higher residential density inside the urban growth boundary that utilizes existing infrastructure, improves the efficiency of public services and facilities, and conserves rural resource lands outSide the urban growth boundary. Attachment 1- 9 " Metro Plan Residential Density Policy A.II: Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. ' Metro Plan Residential Density Policy A.12: Coordinate higher density residential development with the provision of adequate infrastructure and services, open space, and other~,urban amenities. Metro Plan Residential Density PolicyA.13. Increase overall residential density in the metropolitan area.by creating more opportunities for effectively desig,:,ed in-fill, redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential density on historic, existing and future neighborhoods. Ii Fin~ing: Approval of the applicant's request would allow an increased residenti~,1 density on the subject property from a maximum of 3 units (at LDR maximum density of 10 'du/acre) to a maximum of 6 units (at MDR maximum density of 20,du/acre). ' Finding: Approval of the applicant's request would create an opportunity for effectively designed in-fill development in accordance with Metro Plan policies. If the owner requests and receives approval to annex the westerly portion of the lot, the entire 0.9' acre si:te could be develop'ed with 10 to 18 'units. il Metro Plan Residential Density Policy A.14. Review local zoning and development regulations periodically to remove barriers,to higher density housing arid to make provisions for a full range of housing options. Finding: The presence of inconsistent LDR zoning within areas designated MDR on the Metro Plan limits restricts redevelopment opportunities through limitation of density and creates additional restraints on design. The existing LDR zoning creates a restraint on infill development on adjacent MDR zoned land because the Code requires building height to be reduced to LDR maximum heights (30 feet) where MDR or HDR land within 50 feet of the abutting LDR district boundary:' Finding: Approval of the proposal will create an opportunity to increase the nu'mber of units permitted and thus increase overall density and additional housing options within the metropolitan area. Metro Plan pagelll-A-8 Residential Density Policy A.16. Allow for the development of . zoning districts which allow overlap ofthe established Metro Plan density ranges to promote housing choice and result in either maintaining or increasing 'housing density in .those districts. Under no circumstances, shall housing densities be allowed below existing Metro Plan density ranges. 1: Ii Finding: The existing Springfield Zoning for the subject property presently permits a density allocation lower than the MDR Plan designation. ' Finding: The existing LDR zoning is inconsistent with the Metro Plan text, Conclusion: Staff finds that the MDR zoning requested by the applicant is consistent with the applicable Metra Plan pqlicies and the Plan Diagram provides the level of specificity necessary to . . ". . 1 I' Attachment 1 - 10 apply ,the MDR district to the subject property. The proposal meet~ the apprqval criterion at SDC '2.030 (3)(a).' . SDC 12.030 (3)(b) i, . Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Concept:ual Development Plans and functional plans. Finding: There is no Refinement Plan; Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan for the subject property. Metro Plan designations establish the basis for functional plans , (transportation, public facilities, etc.) in the-metro area, thus zoning in accordance with the Plan designation shall be consistent with the applicable functional plans. SDC 12.030 (3)(c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transpo'rtation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and:: transportation networks are plann<:d to be provided concurrently with the ~evelopment, of the property. ' 'i' Finding: The subject property has 100 feet of frontage on South 420' Street, a t71ajor Arterial )ublic street. ) , l'1'\"J , ~ ~ I, \} ~L~;, J,.,..., :J~'''>~~':;'I;;!.~~~~~~.:L~,;~:: ~m 'd ,} ;, y" iJ,.----.I",IJ~ ! . - (f) -!\----~. ~ ~ .- . 4: I 1 _1 i,. ~_~.___Ill:; .~_ ri ft .: l ",;____I"".':' '- I: ........,.=;-N,~ t-+-. ; ~; ~ :' "----=-, _ !~ t''''-' . ,E ~(f)~j"L,.Ll: ~f~~~:sL~:""'i~ r-- .--=--.. :-- - ,...; .lJ. . =:-- ';, .... , i~m -. -.':~~.~' \~etli1 ,.H'" E~\PDE~l1;rt; : ~"~J ~ . ~ . I;AI ~ l~i' 1 ~ SUBJ!,~T,~~~~ER:Y I I Legend - Major Arterial Minor Arterial Collector ..,"'''- Local ~d/ .(// ~. ~ ~oadwav Classification Mao EB Attachment 1 - 11 i Finding: South 42,d Street has recently been fully improved. Existing transportation systems provide access to the property. Specific access requirements will be addressed when the property is developed. Finding: The City's Conceptual Street, Map shows a westward extension of Mt. Vernon Road. The projected future right of way is located south of the subject property, Finding: . A public 12-inch stormwater line and a 6-inch public sanitary sewer are located in South 42,d Street along the frontage of the sU9ject property. Finding: The property is served by Springfield Fire and Life Safety. Specific access to the site for fire and life safety vehicles will be determined when the property is developed. Finding: The site is within Springfield School District 19, Finding: The site is within the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Finding: Expected traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning to MDR are as follows: ITE trip generation rates for detached single-family are: Daily Trips = 9,57 per D.U. PM Peak Hour = 1.0 I per D.U. Data for "Rental Townhouse" is limited but what exists indicates a rate about 70% that of detached single-family; CondofTownhouse (ownership units) is a bit lower still around 55%- 60% of'detached single family. So, three D.U of detached single-family would generate 29 trips per day and 3 trips per PM Peak Hour; six D.U of Rental Townhouses would produce 20 trips per day, and 2 trips per PM Peak Hour. . At this small scale the difference in traffic volume would not have a significant impact to a neighborhood. . " Finding: Lane Transit District (L TD) reviewed the application and found th~t' the proposed zone change will not affect existing transit service. Finding: Solid waste management service is available at the subject property. The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the city limits, Finding: The site receives police protection from the City of Springfield, consistent with service provision throughout the city and wi.th service that is now provided to adjacent . . , properties, Finding: Qwest and Comcastcurrently provide telephone and cable communiCation service in this area for and an array of wireless companies provide a number of different communication services. The City has no exclusive franchise arrangements with telecommunication or wireless companies. The field is competitive and therefore guarantees a wide selection currently and upon annexation, Attachment 1 - 12 Conclusion: The property is presently provided with adequate 'public faciliti~s, services and transportation networks to support the use. Any specific public and private improvement requirements and utility 'connection points will be determined when the property is developed. The proposal meets the criterion at SDC 12.030 (3)(c) .' . SDC 12.030 (3)(d) . Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram aM'lendment shall: ' I. Meet the approval criteria specified in Article 7 of this Code; and , 2, Comply with Orego~ Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable, Finding: This City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment application is a Quasi'judicial Zoning Map Amendment which affects a single property, involves the application of existing policy to a specific factual setting. and does not require a Metro Plan diagram amendment.' Conclusion: SDC 12.030 (4)(d) is not applicable. l', CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SDC 12.040 states: The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary to allow the Zo~ing Map , , Amendment to be granted. ,.' CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION, Staff finds that the proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the critei-ia of SDC 12.030. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested Zoning Map Amendment as shown in Attachment 2- B without conditions.' ' Attachment 1 -13 . Attachment 2-A EXISTING SPLIT ZONING: LOW AND. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0.34 acre Hastings Property at 770 and 780 South 420d Street, Springfield OR Assessor's Map 18-02-05-22 eastern portion of TL 1100 ' ZON2007-00039 ~ SUBJECT PROPERTY 770 & 780 South 420d' Street m HI! I " I If~~Vi1I~. """" 'IJ~-"~ ~;il;.~~,::~'~:'f' ~~ ~~~.l".. ....'... 1~lIIIi:".:~':!~~ll ,,,,,,<," fa~.~~ ~#\_,$., " ~~~~(\~~ LDR , ,Low Density Residential MDR Medium Density Residential CC Com,munity Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial PLO Public Land and Open Space Attachment 2 - 1 /1 pq-tf= ~' ! I I I II r\'-. . LLLU..lLL..l- J- II I I -, =:J -I ~ C -.:_11l [ - " , . J:.. I l ,r-, N C) Attachment 2-B PROPOSED ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL " 0,34 acre Hastings Property at 770 and 780 South 42" Street, Springfield OR Assessor's Map 18-02-05-22 eastern portion of TL 1100 ZON2007-00039 SUBJ.ECT PROPERTY 770 & 780 South 42" Street (eastern .34 acre of lot) II , I J'l I - ~'~ ~-1 rill I 'I r\l - '. ~~fTI1lLP ~ I fI r- I . -- f ., -- I I I 1m:~~W~1 ~~~~- LDR Low Density Residential MDR Medium Density Residential , ...... . /'~ ,~ . .:- CC Community Commercial 1;!ii'I"'~4i_""'~1 . ~4i ~~\l,,'~~;l t;,;~ ' .~ :W.:&~~."';"''!iJ.; NC Neighborhood Commercial PLO Public Land and Open Space Attachment 2-2 ~1 ~ - ~-ill -, I I I I !-. 'I N C) ..Jun c;.;:J Uf U;:):c;.::Jf'" .u..l.C'-"<= 'OltHN elUNttH I r ILt ;. ~. "..... -' ~ ~ "0-' ta.:~.\-4~4-7321 Jun 0" 2007 16: 39 P: 06 , .' '. .r....... :t;::~;~ii ., .: . ,i.'; ....;';'.. .. ':": ' ~,. . <'-i: ,.:~' ,. - . rJI;' .',' ,. I'~' ""j J~..':'" .. ..'..,;,1 .,;, :'.. Ifi,.,\:I~W .. .....',.. EXHIBIT " I.EGAI.. DESCRlP:TlON ',',.. :.:~., ..:~.:'.3" pari:el of ~nd Iy1ng in 1he'~ a~ner oIlhe NortIr.oert ane-quarler . " . ,., ~ (NW. I/O, NW lIO) of lledlon 5" Township ,18 Sou1h, Range 2 -WrJ$l of the . ; Wilkim<itle Mer1cfian. Lilno CaonI)-, Orggan, iend beirlg a portion of !hat lracI of ; .:land Cl>n1l9yed II> ROBERT JAMES' HASTINGS i1I1d JACQUEUNE CAROL ....:,..! .. .' .J~NGS. as lBn:II1ta by !he ~.by lhat C19ftain dee<l reo..nk>d July 20" ,.,..'.,L,,'~:,;...'.Jt;,:y,:;,::,~; ,.!~~:~=~;!~~~~~E ~.Coul:1lY In 2005; Il1e '... ",,,1,, ~bEiq ck..':'~.~ as fallows; .,.. .:':.I.;~:~::"'.":.<. in:., . . 'I:':;;.':' ,(.' . ,;B..9lnning at Eng~' Centeth Sbtion L 1C1+OO,OO POT, Wj st3ilan beln9 ',' :;:'=;}.':'~..:,..,:, ,f~'~~~~~-~af"'~At:!l~_ feetDa~' ,:!~_Bl rnssNum~~~ ...., ,,,,''':;,~,,,::..~'.:'~:-:' ":,:,,1.........- """''::'~._.O;:._M<V..w 'of--lhe' ~.:''''::::'' '".....J~ '~~Cou"""""'" .'. ~-., ".' :'~'?-f~:dr;,-~.r: _~::>;--,~5. T~hfp 18 ;oxA.IUl. ----va 2 est .....UltMlftllAC -.;;.r..u.:m. """"rtlI 1'TlY, .. , . '. ;~~;;};;::.;,,'" :". ',' '1 ". < :'~n; . "'" th.ince NarII1 1..42' 18" East, 1700,00 feet 1XJ E. "':,,__..' . -~..", .Z\J~.:~~: :::,!~.:.-:~'~.',lCel)lertlne St:Ilian L '27-o(]Q.DCl POT end !hem ~, all In lane CaUllly, ..... ~\~'::::::~~"'~'i~.:(~:..:.~..~.:.i1~~.~~', ......' :.': .'.: _ .... :. . . ",'1.>' ''':'(: '. ;';'.The'Wese1y line of !he - dmlafIled slrip of land """""'" GRANTOR'S ooutherty aOd :. :.nai1I1ertY pRlpe<1:)o r""", appcslte ~ Englnegl'll' Centafine Stations L 21+88 POT ~::t;~~;:~ii:'~}t:f~~t..~:~T'I~~'" "'.' ~,.. . ',.. it :":~:' :":".:Yii8~'Ot I:t(ld to WtlId\ lhis :~_\..:x.n spple <i>nIaIns 1.sovsqu,"", fgeI, ...,'" or Ies&. ~:..t.::::""":,~' .1~::"~~\~".~t.... ;'. ." : .' " ... , : ,:1he ~ UllSd hereln are tmed ana bear1ng cfSoUll'l 0" 44'12" East bellwen LC,C,I.I, t22B,linifl,;C.~,M. 1&-Q2.50'8.l, said basMg biJso;od an 111.. Oregon CoonIIoaw SYl'lem, JNAO 1l3Jg1J, Soulh Zone. .', . :.l')".. . .'i ..,. -.' ,.; !.';b;j.".~f., :::. " .....1 ..,1:';" .:t '.,. i . .; .~;..... ' " , ....,'-1 ' .' . .) i ;'':,' "~' ,.'. PoF [oIi,] LEGAL DESClD"nO/f, Ll377.u.ms so.u. Q"" s..... _ nfj.. _ a3ll&l3DOS :: ," :, 1~2.'4S-22 1100 , . :.' ':. , ::. ':'~' ATTACHMENT J-1 , , , FINAL ORDER BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION 'OF THE '. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ( .' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REQUEST CASE NO, ZON2007-00039 FINDINGS CONCLUSION AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Zoning'Map Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Densityc Residential (MDR) fer Assesser's Map 18-02-05-22, Tax Lot 1100, Rebert, Hastings Property Owner. ' 1. On July 2, 200) the following applicatien for_ a Zoning Map Amendment was accepted: Change the zoning of approximately 0.34 acre ef land located at 770 and 780 South 42nd Street in Springfield from Lew Density Residential to. Medium Density Residential, Planning Case No. ZON2007-00039, :: ,,' 2. The application was submitted and completed in accordance with Sectien 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing has been provided, pursuant to Section 14.030 ef the Springfield Development Cede.' 3. On September 18,2007, a public hearing en the Zoning Map Amendment request was held before the Springfield Planning Cemmission. The Development Services Department staff repert including criteria ofuappreval,' findings and recommendatiens, together with oral and written testimony . submitted has been considered and is part of the recerd of this proceeding. " CONCLUSION , On the basis ef this record, the'requested Zoning Map Amendment applidtien is ,censistent with the criteria ef Section 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusions in the attached staff report (Attachment 1 )'and attached hereto. ' FINAL ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Planning Case No. ZON2007-00039, Zening Map Amendment.Re,quest, be approved. " This ORDER was presented to and appreved by the Planning Cemmission on September 18,2007. " Planning Commission .Chairpersen ATTEST AYES: NOES: . ABSENT: ABSl'AIN: Attachm'ent 4-1 . , ,;-/ " ........ .,. ... .... '~ .~.:>.\~ ' .~;J?~~.:: ,- .,~ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 '. -. -; ,t;i~:- "';~ ..... .' t..,' .., . Robert Hastings 2375 Pioneer Pike Eugene, OR 97401 ~