HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 3/18/2009 / P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 :fftrllf 1.0 ? ~ 0 ~ h (3'{) , tR :;;S-o:. 'VO VJ)1ifj. lo/l6M Leg~1 4155703 Notice G.lRD PUBLISHING CO!IPANY Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BRENDA JONES CC LESLIE WiLSON 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # .~ February 27, February 28, March 07, March 14, 2009 . >,,NOTftE OFPUBUC>HEARlNG: . ~"'-'~-EfO,RE lliE errv COUN~IL' ::_;';~:::t'!,:,.OE'SPRlNGfIELD' '.;.~. '.. FNOtJc'~.JS _h@reby"gi~ei(tIiatthe Common 'Coiincir._of the_'c,iti: i1f Springftefdwill-eoridild'a::publlc hearlng.,:and:first/i'eai:llng"of:,an ordinanaf 00,_ Maiiday/Mal't'h -1, 2009.\aU:INf. p.n:L,inthe:,Coum:i1 Cf\aJnber;rilt City':"Hallt225'ftfth 5~;,:7Spririgfteld;_:.,~:Oregon !I.747T,.;and:ilSecond.reaairig:arid adoption DIl''''jJnday(March 16, 2(}Q~htlthe same place and, time. Dn:th"@matteroofwithdrawingthe foDowln9,annexi!d'"propertyfrom tft.~ ,~~,i~~~'~~~~r ;i~d. fin;: q~~ triet ",;: ,,"f;"_','.~.',,, :' ,-~ '~;-.', :', :_r ~; .LC!!C'~'!Eile~~ Dg.:16'~'),N~~: eRDI~ NANCE, WitHDRAWING, CERTAIN REAL) )ROPERrtJKNOWN:AS :IACKSON;~L~.lOCAITD>JN- ;JHE I HAYD~, 'BRIDGE ROAD-ARfA'O, F NOIUH'- SPRINGAELD;':WE5T:: OF 19th -STREIT: AND 'INCLUDlNG PROPERTIES .,;t OWNED', _" DANIEl 'ANlf.',$HANNON,';-JACKSON.::.THE :,wrrHDRAWAl', "INVOLVES."'~P~; (PROXIMATElY ,9'.-ACRES 'IDENTI~ :~EDAS A POrmON. OE:JAX,LOt 20,OO..:TI7S"R03W' 524f/MAP31 'AND-i-Al.SOZ:kNOWN""A5' lnS'_N; 19th 5TREETr'tJ~"~I\m...ft~;AN. .HEXED JO:'lllE:CITY OF~SI'RINcr FIElIJ._EROM'THE.' RAINBOW:'WAi': 'TE~ DISTRIcr;:_,::;::,::'~ ,-::;-:~:~\i ;'i':: -:_~llie;- prop~rUes:}are;;_C1lntalned iiI.:.:andare:a PaitOt. the RaInbOw II W,.tet'DIStri,~':tlte"City:J:lesirl!ir th~t;th_epro eitles'so; " 'witfWrawn'" ttiat.~e,C., _ _ 'n~, ata_J!3,birrtY, ,r.,ijiep' ,,_llls: trn:t.'So_' withcf[ilwn.:. Tb~Clty':has. authO~'llnd'et"'Spiii1ilfleld;De.: velopment', 5ei:tfo'n~:'$-7;6D anit::O~.: 'to'22l.SlS'-tij 'w~d~w' , 11m:' tfie w'- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Ghio Imburgio , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising'Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of generai circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire' issue of said newspaper for four successive and consecutive Weeks(s) in the following issues: '- ( 'jJii1~"der;; ,22S?':1F1fth 5 " _' "n:,974'n unti",-?:Da.p~'on',Mm: :2/2009; andloryoU may, ~ during the pU,blicinplIt,Portionot,the:hear~ 1!l9-,Jfyoll"';have aJiy:questjoris," pf~..~ntact 'Jim. Donavan .of the.";DeYelopnient"_Servic@$ De- . partJnent at (S41172s:.366D~ ;; ~ James P ~ Donovan,' -' . , L;_r.~~,~~~;~~.~~>_;-:::,.:::> :1 N~~' 4155763:'.~ _Mi~ch:.ii.. 2009" ..". t re me this Marc'2-.F A09? t1. U~_ /1 r %./\--- Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: December 15, 2012 (' ,..,<;.~ ~ .:. -=:;.. := .~ -..0:>---:--::- r-. OFFicIALS~ i '. TAMARA ANN CLAflK i ;,' .' NOTARY PUBUC.QREGON I bal~~~~~~"~~ Account #: . 1000218 INVOICE 4155703 Case: March 2nd, and 16th Amt Due: $509.44 MAR 1 82009 Planner: BJ