HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 3/2/2009 \- Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 2, 2009 Regular Development Services . Jim Donovan 726-3660. 5 Minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: RAINBOW WA'rERDISTRICT WITHDRAWAL- EC SP OS-16, CITY PLANNING JOURNAL NUMBER LRP2007-0009 (JACKSON) The City Council is requested to conduct a public hearing and fIrst reading of the attached ordinance: AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS LANDS OF DANIEL L. AND SHANNON L. JACKSON LOCATED IN THE HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD AREA OF NORTH SPRINGFIELD, WEST OF. 19'" STREET: THE WlTHDRA W AL INVOLVES APPROXIMATELY 9 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS A PORTION OF TAX LOT 2000, Tl7S R03W S24 MAP31 AND ALSO KNOWN AS 2778 N 19'" STREET; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 222.520) require that territory located in the Rainbow Water District, which is annexed to the City of Springfield, be withdrawn from that district to prevent double taxation. ORS requireswitbdrawal prior to March 31" of each calendar year. The owner requested annexation in order fu develop the property for urban use. The subject property was annexed to the City of Springfield effective on January 25, 2.o0S. Attachment 1: Ordinance with Legal'Des~ription, Boundary Commission Staff Report with Maps, City Council Resolution and Notices of Adoption Legal notice was published in the Register Guard newspaper as required by ORS 222.520 and notices were posted in four public places. A second reading and adoption is scheduled for March 16, 2009. Date RAr.Ah/Ad ~I 0'-1 ;( ';"-;-:0 , r'A;? pl~mnec B.J ; ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS JACKSON, LOCATED IN THE HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD AREA OF NORTH SPRINGFIELD, WEST OF 19'" STREET AND INCLUDING PROPERTIES OWNED BY DANIEL AND SHANNON JACKSON. THE WITHDRAWAL INVOLVES APPROXIMATELY 9 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS A PORTION OF TAX LOT 2000, T17S R03W S24 MAP31 AND ALSO KNOWN AS 2778 N 19'" STREET; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain 'real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number File EC SP 08-16, effective 1/25/08, as' recommended in City Planning File No. LRP2007-00009 and supported by City Council Resolution No. 07- 57 {and further described in Exhibit A & B), and ' WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 2, 2009, and a second reading and adoption on March 16,' 2Q99; in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to. the iii1ithdrawal of the property from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS,FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest of the City of Springfield withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein.... . , Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Spring~ield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 17South; Range 03West, Section 24, Map 31, that portion of Tax Lot 2000within the Urban Growth Boundary of Springfield, as more particularly described in Exhibit B of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number EC SP 08- 16. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Sprin9field this 16" day of March 2009, by a vote of for and _ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this day of March 2009. , Mayor YlE~i~~~~f':LD :~, r,~:'~:~~o"Jf~Y Recorder A~~:;,i.s \. ~''-1 DATE:2 1'2 "\ I 09- . OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 Date Received MAR 2 2009 Planner: BJ ATTEST: EXHIBIT A F ebl:\l3IY 12, 2007 Branch No. 06-203 LEGAL DESCRIPUON FOR AM'iEXATIONl'lJRPOSES LANDS OF I?ANIEL L, AND ~ONL JACKsON (l'ORTION OF TAX MAP 17-03-24-31. TAX LOT 2000) SITUATED in ucincOIporated area:inLane C~unty, State of Oregon in the Southwest 1/4 of'~ection 24, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willa.IIl.ett:e Meric!ian and described as follov.:s: BElNG a pOrtion of the lands that ~e conveyed to Daniel L. and Shannon Batty in that certain Special Wa.........J Deed that was recorded May 16, 1990 in Reel 1632R at Reception N:iImber 9022540 in the Official Records of Lane ComIty, State of Oregon, said portion being more particularly described as follows: .' '. . Co~encing at a p?int 17.42 ~ n~rth o~. a pOint wh~e tlic ~ast line of the . William C. Spencer . Donation Land Claim N~, Notification Number .:>265, mtersecl5 the>line between Section ,24 andSecti.on25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West'OftheWillametteMeridian; thenceNortb.89' . 42' 33" West 393.00 feet and North. DO. De 16" West 22~.00 feet to the southwest comer of said lands that were conveyed in the aboVe deed, which point lies on the existing. city liIriiis line oftlie City of Springfield and is the TRUE l'u.u, ~ QFBEu.l.l.'U''U.l'lG lifthe lands beingdescnbedherein; .1.t1J!d'1CE lelIVing said TRUE l'u.Li. U OF :BEG~G and along said city limits line and west line' of said landS that were conveyed in said deed, NORm DO' De 16" WEST 90,0 FEET, more or less, to an angle pOint In the Uman Growtb.Bound;uy of the City of Springfield; 1'IIENCE, leaving said city limits line and said west line of said lands that were conveyed in said deed, NOR'IE 63' 35' EAST 435 .t' =1, mor!l or less; along said Urban Growth BoundaIy to an angle point in said boundaIythat lies OD the east line ofsaid1ands that were conveyed in said deed; .1J;U!.J.'I\';J!<,lemng iiaidUrban GrowthBoundaIy and along said east line of said lands thatwere conveyed in said deed, SOUTH DO' 06' 24" EAST 1100 FEBT, more orIess, to the southeast comer of said lands that were c~d in the said deed; AND .1~"CE, along the south line ofsaid lands that were conveyed in the said deed NORm 89' 42'33" WEST 393.00 ....d.6.i.RETURNINGto,theTRUEl'uliu OF BEtiU'I.l'lli'lG arid CONTAINING 9.0 ,M'lHlC::. more or less. ' . U-b .rw:. "'1 (Z J 10:1 7 "C ~ Date Received, " REGISTERED'" CD to PROFESSIONAL. > ~ SURVEVj)R .- C1' CD c:> . . c:> !.- ~EC l) 3 200~ ~~ (.,) . N Q) CD . C'1 C OREGON a:: 0:: c; Planner: BJ JULY20.1ll93 CD 4 REXA. eETZ _ :2 as ..... ~ "<<1 - h~. t:?.-D 1"'I~r/oO, a... ATTACHMENT l' - .2 EXHIBIT B . . . -. ';4 I '.. : t:: ~ I B Gi ~~ . ~~~I~i .~'" .... ~ ~~DI"~. ~ Dot ~ ~t;~ ':,. Ii:PI1~ . :~Sii~ ~~~ ~t,j . ' ~'t . .... ... ~ lI; . ~ ~ ~lt ' "T .... , - l .. f " . s ~ 11. j i . = ! 0 ii: !.~ !dl . iii . . . .l1;!. . '. ($iJ' -~ 5 il! . . . . II~ i.1 i 6" ! I) ~ - ...,.- - "'.... I III 151 ':1 . II ..' .. ....~ ....... ~~..! . ",," .' r I: 'I . I: . I -oregon LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMlSSION 99 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401-3111 (541) 682-4425 FAX (541) 682-2635 -January 15, 2008 TO: Boundary Commission Members; Lane County Commissioners; Lane County Land Management Division; Lane County Environmental Health Division; City of Springfield; Willainalane Park and Recreation District;' Daniel and Shannon , Jackson; and Jeanette Applausoat Branch Engineering FROM: PaulaL. Taylor, Executive OffiGb d:~ . SUBJECT: ECSP08-16(ExpeditedProcedure). . ~1'1"Hflt.Jd.. ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO TIfE CITY OF r;uoutJ:i(Jackson) Enclosed is a copy of the staff analysis for this proposal. It is sent to you as required by ORS 199.466. 'Please read the analysis carefully. The proposal is recommended for auurovaJ without a uublic hearin!!, or further staff stiy. There are two alternatives: I. If you agree with this recommendation, you need do nothi~g. . 2. If you feel that a public hearing is needed, 'you must request, in writing by January 25,2008, that a hearing should be set. The request must be in the commission's office by 5:00 p.m., ~anuarv 25th. You must use the form that is provided at the end of the staff analysis to request a hearing. For units of government, the form should be signed by the chairman/mayor or other authorized person. If you or your unit of govemrnent requests a public hearing, the boundary commission asks that you attend the requested public hearing. If a hearing is requested, it will be set for the next available boundary commission public hearing. , . IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING TIfE PROPOSAL OR PROCEDURE, PlEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE (541-682-4425). nate Rece\\led . 'I, 1\l\l~ . ~!~Q , . J j?"annet. \3 Da :e Received AllachmenlS pI: LCBC: LVlClEXPlMEMOOOO/!IECSPOBI6 MEM.DOC lAst Saved: Janlltlry /5, 2008 . ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 MAR 7 2008 , Planner: 'BJ EXPEDITED PROCEDURE - STAFF ANALYSIS LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION Annexation of Territorv to the Citv of Svringfield (Jackson) 1. BC File EC SP 08 -16 Initialed by Resolution No. 07-57 by the City of Springfield with property owner consents Action under ORS 199.466 and 199.490(2)(a)(A) of the boundlrry commission law Deemed vaiid December 31, 2007 Public hearing requests by January 25, 2008 Descrintion The annexation area includes one tax lot located in north Springfield, north of Yolanda ~,' . . A venue, west of 19 . Street, east of Vera Street Property owners: Daniel and Shannon Jackson (2778 J9'"Str..t.Springficld) Tax loi: pait of 2000, T17S R03W S24 Map 31 Acres: :!: 9.00 Estimate of existing population: 2 (one single-family residence) Existing land use: ResideItjial, vacant, orchard . Existing zoning in Lane County: lDRlUF, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay - Applicable comprehensive plan: Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (acknowledged August 1982 and has been subsequently amended) Existing public services to the property: Police (Oregon State Police, Lane Cnunty Sheriff), schools (Springfield School District 19), roads (City of Springfield, Lane County), water' (well), wastewater, (onsite individual wastewater system).. e1et.lricity (SUB) Reason for Annexation The property owners requested annexation in order to prepare the annexation area for . residential development. The Eugene-Springfield' Metropolitan Area General Plan requires properties to annex in order to receive uiban services. This annexation proposal was filed in accordance with ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A), initiated by the city council with consents from owners, and ORS 199.466 (expedited procedure). Before initiating the annexation, the City of Springfield received written consents from the owners consenting to the annexation. No other proPerties are included in the annexation request. The statutory requirement for an anpexation to be initiated bya city council after receiving written consents frOm owners is met. . ORS 199.466 authorizes approval of annexations withoui a public hearing 0;' adoption of a [mal order if requested by the principal petitioner. Under the expedited procedure, the boundary _.. commissi~n executive officer.must prepare an anoate fiEf~inf!)'ate; fleCeived . . . LCLGBC Staff Analysis (ECSPOB-I6)-January 15, 2008 R. '21.009 - MAR. 7 2008 Page 1 oflO ' Mf\ . ATTACHMENT 1 planner: BJ Planner: BJ .' receipt. If, after 25 days from the filing date (in this case, J anuary 25~, no written objections are . received from direct recipients. of this staff analysis, the request is approved~ However, if any direct recipient of this staff analysis does object, the proposal is scheduled for the next regular boundary commission public hearing. Direct recipients are the individuals eligible to request a public h'earing and are listed below under the first boundary commission standard. . The proposed annexation area includes a portion of one tax lot that is developed with one single- family residence (refer to Maps No. land 2). The owners of the property requested aim'exation in order to prepare the annexation area for low-density residential development. The annexation area is not contiguous to the main body of the City of Springfield, but abuts other noncontiguous portions of the city. It is located within the acknowledged urban growth boundary (UGB), which lies along the northern boundary of the annexation area. The portion of this property located outside the UGB is not being annexed and will not be provided urban services. The existing zoning of the annexation area is lDRIUF, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay, in Lane County. It is qesignated low-density residential in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan).' Upon the effective date of the annexation, the annexation area will be automatically zoned lDR consistent with the low-density residential plan designation. " ~. . Resolution No. 07-57, unanimously approved by the Springfield City council, on No~ember 23, . 2007, initiated the annexation. The city council's support for the annexation was based on. evidence that the annexation area could be provided with key urban services. As requested by the council, the annexation request was forwarded to the boundary commission. The city council reviewed the Annexation Agreement between the city and the property owners outlining the . agreements between the two parties for the proviSion of urban services and financing responsibilities before supporting the annexation. The Annexation Agreement has been fully' executed and is part of the boundary commission's record for this application.. '. Following is a brief analysis of each of the boundary commission standards. Provide an impatnal forum for resolution of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of the boundary change on other units of governments. ORS 199.410(1)(b) . and . 199.410(3)(c) This annexation request was filed in accordance with provisions in ORS 199 and was determined to be a valid filing in accordance with OAR 191-006 (adopted administrative rule on boundary commission filing requirements). The petitioners requested the proposal be processed using the expedited procedure. This staff analysis was sent to the following direct' recipients: Lane boundary commission members, Lane County commissioners, Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Environmental Health Division, City of Springfield, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, . Daniel and ShaniJOn Jackson, and Jeannette Applauso at Branch Enginepnb R . d . . . . . r.p",pO ate ecelve LCLGBC Staff Analysis (ECSP08-16)-}anu~ ~~ ~p . MAR 7 2008 Page 2 of JO .' .,', \', ~ . ATTACHMENT 1 - 6B" ..." 7' ~ ~,~ ~v~I., t"\ P l " Planner: BJ Upon the annexation effective date, the area will be annexed automatically to the Lane County Metropolitan Water 'Service District and the WiIlamalane Park and Recreation District [ORS' 199.51O(2)(c)] because the dty is a part of both' these speCial districts; The Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District was formed to provide thefinaricing for the regional wastewater treatment plant serving wastewater users within the cities of Euge~e and Springfield and other users within the urbanizable area. The park district provides park and recreation services and facilities to Springfield residents. . This request is consistent with this boundary conunission 'standard. Consider the orderly determination and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the, needs of Lane County and Oregon. Consider alternative solutions where intergovernmental options are identified and make decisions based on the most effective long- range option among identified alternatives. ORS 199.410(1), 199.410(2), and 199.410(3)(a) and (e) The annexation' .area is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro Plan and is not contiguous to the main body of the City of Springfield. 'Territory within the UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Annexation of this property fulfills the policies adopted in the Metro Plan of annexing out to th~ban growth boundary. . ' . Noncontiguous annexations are allowed by state annexation law and provided for in the Metro Plan if certain criteria are met. The Metro Plan policy for noncontiguous annexation (policy #12, page Il-C-5) requires thatnoncontiguous annexations meet the following ciiteria: a. The area to be annexed will be provided urban service(s), which is (are) desired immediately by the residents/property owners. b. The area to be anpexed can be serviced (with a minimum level of services, as directed in the Metro Plan) in a timely and cost-efficient manner and is a logical extension of the city's service delivery system. . c. The annexation proj:i6stil'is accompanied bysuppOI1 within the area y.uyused for annexation from the owners of at least half the land area in the 3ffected territory. The incremental process of annexation causes short-term boundaries to be established. The acknowledged comprehensive plan in this area identifies th'e qty of Springfield' as the unit of , government, which will provide urban services to this urbanizable area within thb UGB. In' the long term, territory within this geographic area will be annexed to Springfielci. " ! - , This annexation is consistent with boundary conunission administrative rule 1 impiementing policies (1), (2), (5), and (7), which recogriize annexation to an' existing city as the preferred method of-servicing urbanizable land. re :JeUutlld; .,' i' .. ' 'SOOl g ~~~ Date Received LCLGBC Staff Analysis lEC SP 08 - 16) - Janu~ i'I~~~. . MAR : 1 2008 Page 3 oflO ~~ 9.JSC1 ' . !C'; ~( .. ATTACHMENT 1 - 7 PlanIilAl'~R.1 (2) This policy recognizes cities as the logical providers of urban l*vels of service within urban growth boundaries wheri consistent with the c,:"up'Lhensive plan. o , . , This policy expresses the commission's preference for providing urban services through annexation to a city in order to provide urban servicesl to uIbanizable lands. '. , ' . (1) (5) This policy encourages provision of urban levels of service within urban growth boundaries. : (7) This policy expresses the.commission's preference for annexation to:an existing city over all other alternatives as a means of. extending services: to urbanizab1e ~~~ I This proposal to annex territory to commission policies and this stan!lard. . f( Make boundary commission .d~tenninations, which are consistent with acknrwledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and futur.e growth. For major bourl/Jary changes, there must be assurance' that the proposed unit of government is finanCially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b) and (d) [ . . '1 The aimexation area is within the Metro Plan UGB. The Metro Plan was acknJwledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August 19821 imd has. been subsequently amended. The Metro Plan recognizes annexation as the highrst priority for extending the minimum range of urban services to urbanizable areas (policies #~ and #10, page .II-C-4) and recognizes that ultimately, alltemtory within the UGB will be annex<;d to an existing city (policy #16, page ll-C-5). 'f . The. annexation area is designated liS low-density residential in the Metropjan. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the annexation area will be automatically'rezonea to LDR in the city. hnp1ementing policy (3) recognizes that in order to me,et the long-term objectl"es of annexing out to an acknowledged UGB, short-term boundaries are created, which are lo/;ical within the context of the future service boundary. ' i , . I' . the City of Springfield is consistent ,with, bo~ndary . I I The annexation area will take advantage of urban service delivery systems that are already in place to,serve this area. The following services are either aVilllab1e or can be extended to the annexation area. Water - Springfield Utility Bpard (SUB) wil) provide water service to the annexation area fOll?wing annexation. An e~isting 6-inch~<R~t end of Vera Street and is , aVill1able to serve th7annexalJon area. .Ut1~~.,.,' ". Date" R' . ed . . , .... . . MAR 2 2009 . ,~N LCLGBC Staff Analysis CECSP08-16)-January l5, 2008, ." Page4ofiO ". Clanney"SJ .-' ATTACHMEI'Ir 1fU1S' .,. :'''.::'..~-~. l\lA,~ I J 'iatia PISlnnAr~ BJ ',~ . i Electricitv - SUB indicates that it provides electric service in this general ar~a ~d can provide service to new development within the annexation area. Upon annexation and development, underground power will be extel!qed to the annexation area from an existing line near the . . ~. . intersection of Yolanda Street and 19 Street I Police services - The Springfield police department can provide police protection to the area . . , after annexation without jeopardizing service in other parts of the city. Springfiel? police already provide service to nearby properties within the city. ,! , Fire and emen1encv services - The annexation area is currently without structural fire protectiori. Annexation to the city will provide these services to the developing area. The annexation area is I , , located within the four minute response time area of the Springfield Fire and 1.ife Safety Fire Stations 3, 4, and 5. Development of the annexation area will be subject t6 all applicable Springfield development code and fire code requJrements to provide adeq1)atefir~ aiJdlife safety access and water suppli ,'. . I . . I Emergency .medical transport (ambulance) serviCes are provided on a regional basis by , Springfield, Springfield, and Lane' Rural Fire/Rescue to central Lane County. The annexation area will continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulanbe service area (ASA) plan. Mutual aid agreemt;jts have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other's jurisdictions" 1. 'I' , . , Parks and recreation - After annexation, t)le annexation area will be within the Wi1lamalane Park and Recreation District boundary. City residents receive park and recreation setvices from the district. The district operates two aquatic centers, a community center; an adult I activity center, ~ and 3] parks containing a variety of outdoor recreation31 amenities. The closest :park to the site is Royal Delle, a 2.76~acre neighborhood park at 401 BlackStone' Street. I Other nearby recreational opportunities inelude harvest Landing and page Park. ,I ".' Schools - Springfield School' District 19 serves' this area. . Existing scJoOls- Yolanda elementary, Briggs middle, and Springfield high-,serve this neighborhood anq'cah ac~oIiIrnodale students resulting from new development occurring within the annexation area. Wastewater - Springfielq staff iridicates a public wastewater system. is currently under construction and 'includes' a new lift station located in the annexation areJ.. Future site development will be served from this lift station Upon acceptance by the city cobncil'(expected by May 2008). As a part of the system construction, a IS-inch dianieterwastewater main will be extended from the lift station to the existing westerly right-of-way of 19th Street. The Annexation Agreement requires the applicant to extend the IS-inch 'line along] 9th Street and the Hayden Bridge Stub prior to the street construction.. The public systein as constructed will have sufficient capacity and sufficient depth to serve the annexation area. The applicant is required to construct a public gravity wastewater system to serve the annexation area, as needed, in addition to the IS-inch wastewater main described above: ' . '.-.:' '.:' . :..Date Received Date Rec~ivad LCLGBC Staff AnalYSIS (EC SP08-16)- January 15,~8 'I. 2009 . Page 5 of 10' MArl 970GB ATTACHMEPlanner: BJ' PI:=innor. D r Stormwater - Springfield staff indicates an existing IS-inch public stormwater mana6...,u.....t system is located adjacent to the west line of the annexation area, approximately 240 f~t north of the centerline of Vera Street. Another existing 12-inch public stormwater management system is located adjacent to the west line of the annexation area, approximately 170 feet south' of the centerline of Vera Street. The applicant will be allowed to connect to either or both of these existing public stormwater management systems, but will be required to provide pre-treatment for 100 percent of newly paved surfaces, using such methods as double chambered catch basins with oil filtration media or a water quality manhole. Additionally, a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop runoff impervious surfaces on the annexation area shall be treated vegetatively, using methods such as a bioswale. The applicant will .be required to milintain the post-developed runoff rate of flow equal to or below the pre-development rate of flow. The city grants development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management system provisions have been made as determined by' the public works director, consistent with. the.dly'S Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. , . . Streets - Springfield staff indicates the annexation area has frontage on 191h Street which is under the jurisdiction of Lane County. Along this frontage, 191h Street'is not improved. The section of 191h Street right-of-way north of Yolanda Street is a local 'access road (l.AR) which does not receive county maintenance. On this section of 19th Street, the travel way:is an unimproved gravel surface, approximately 12 feet wide.' Such a surface is not adequate to accommodate . additional traffic that would be ~cipated from the applicants' proposed development, and is not adequate to meet fire and life safety department needs. 19th Street is designated as a collector street in Springfield's Conceptual Street Map. The applicants are required to dedicate land adjacent to t1ie westerly line of the eXisting right-of-way sufficient to construct a fully-improved 2/3 width collector street (complete with gutter, curb;, pavement, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees) 3Jong the 19th Street frontage of the annexation area. The applicants are required to dedicate a right-of-way of 6.0 fec;t through the annexation area to facilitate the east-west connection of 19'h Street with the existing Vera Street right-of-way and pavement and, to construct the easterly extension of Vera 'Street to an urban standard from the west line of the annexation area to 19th Street (complete" with gutter, curb, . pavement, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees). 'The applicants are require,d to provide for an improved secondary access to the annexation area via either the extension of I9'b Street to Yolanda Avenue or the improvement of Hayden Bridge Stub from I9'b Street'and easterly 10 the existing improved pavement. Further street/transportation requirements are outlined within the annexation agreement between the applicants and the city. Solid waste manal!ement - Private fIrmS and individuals collect and transport solid waste to the Lane"County administered landfill.. " ,Communication facilities - Various providers offer both wire and wireless communication services in the Springfield-Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the market have the capability to provide service to this area. . 1P"\:-'_AkIN4 Date \18li\'flVOU Date Received MAR1ZOlJ8 PlAnnAr~ R.I LCLGBC Staff Analysis (EC SPOS -16)- Janu~~. 2~C9 Page60fl0 .' . ATTAC~i~T~b~\O' 'OJ r , :.:.\:~ Land use controls - The annexation area is within Springfield's portion of the urban growth boundary. Thrqugh an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the city already has planning and building jurisdiction for this property: The city will continue to administer land use controls after annexation_ " , The minimum level of required services are either immediately available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed. This request is consist~nt with boundary commission policies and this standard." I' . , " Consider the comprehensive plan's economic,. demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the proposal. . ORSI'199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) il " The annexation proposal is consistent with the Metro Plan, as it is an incremental step in implementing the long-range plan for this area The UGB, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were developed to meet the future needs of the metropolitan connnunity.:' The proposed use is consistent with the long-range plans for the area . This propo'sed annexation is consistent with this.boundary commission standaril. " Recommendatiori I/~ . ~i The boundary commission staff recommends that the proposed annexation to the City of Springfield (BC File EC SP OS - 16) be approved without the hearing and staff report as required " by ORS 199.466. 'I , ~ If a public hearing is requested, the proposal will be heard at the next available boundary commission public hearing. If none is requested it will be approved and effective January 25, 2008 (ORS 199.466 and ORS 199.519). I; " . I ' " ### D~Received , MAR' 2 2009 I' Planner: 8J D$e, Received.' ~ 1'" . J LCLGBC Staff Analysis (ECSP08,- ]6)- January 15, 2008 _Page 7 of 10 : tAAR 1 ZIlIl8 planner: BJ . ATTACHMENT 1 -11 Sign and return this form to the boundary. commission office ONLY if you de~ire that a public hearing be held. Office: 99 East Broadway. Suite 400, Eugene, Oregon'.97401-3111 . ~ ,\ Pursuant to ORS 199.466, I REQUEST THAT APUBUC HEARING and STAFF S11JDY be conducted' on an annexation of te~tory to the City of Springfield (~C SP OS - 1 ~), as . 'required by ORS 199.46]. This form must be filed in the commission office no later than 5:00 p.m., Januarv 25. 2008. Reason for public hearing: Date 'Signature Title 0, Representing Note: If you or your agency requests a pub1iC.hearing, the commission asks 'that you attend the , ~ ' .requested hearing. "I i: I pI: LCBC: /.:IBC\EXNOOEM:CSPQ816 SN.DOC Ulsl Sallt!d: January J 5. 2008 1: D~Received " . ~.!IlP ';,2009 ATTACHMENT 1 -12 PI.~~d MAR 7 2008 Planner: BJ I Lq..GBC S.\af[ Analysis (ECSP08-16)-January 15. 2008 Page 8 of]O I. I 1 I' . MAP No.1 Vk1nH I MAP Annexation 10 Springfield (Jackson) ECSP08-16 l' GENERAL LOCATION OF . ANNEXATION AREA UoOOon) (EC SF 08-16) { " , - :.. i ," ( N W~E . .., ' - - -' UGB - Jackson 'i1 . City street~ . ni 1M R Arterral, maJOUtllLti .~~erjal. minor j; MAR ; 2009 City limits - I: - eSPR . Planner:8J Date Received 1: , . MAR 7 2008 Ii, Ii ,... ~ 0.4 . o 0.4 0.8 Miles I '. ~. - J ary 15 2008 LCLGBC Staff AnalYSiS (ECSP08-16)- anu " Page9ofl0 ,ATTACHMENT 1 -13 planner: BJ _ . " " ! MAP No. 2 . SITEMAP Annexation to Springfield (Jackson) ECSP08-16 . ...::- .~ ~ r rr--/ .......,.. 11 " - , :; Not being annexed I 11/, f( / i !.~ '"":-' : ~f' - . . ~ .~. .' ~ ANNEXATION AREA . Includes part of TL 2000, 17-03-24-31; , Owned by Daniel and Shannon Jackson _ (EC SP 08-16} L~ I I I ~ I. (\- I . I i'- I ~4lIdet\ 11....,0",<- W-: ! I Ii I Ii "/ 'La :r\~ .,' , -~ - . I ~i :- d ~ . - ,",\-- ---fu\~------X I )i -. =: i FC'I""'f':LI "'I-"O\'d= IL ~i',"i)lfj':t~mrJ'-T-I""'- I . Date Received III Ya~~son MAR ' 7 2008 . . L-.1 Tax !'Lots . .~ City Limits C' . . Planner: BJ SP~ . ~SLGBC Staff A~llIysis (ECSP08-J6)-January 15, 2008 . . 200 .1 ,Page'tO:qf1'O'::~ .~ . . 0, 200 , -. ,....1:-.'.. , . " -' -". , . ATTACHMENT 1 - 14 '1 : -, ~ N + 4?0 Feet,. ( RESOLUTION NO 07-57 ~~, 1: A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITOllY i:TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. I' . . 'L WHEREAS, the City received an application to annex approximately 9 acres into the City of Springfield on February 27, 2007, said territory being described as follows: !: . . , Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 24, Map 31, portion of Tax Lot 2000 as more particularly . described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. :: WHEREAS, the territory to be' annexed is within the Eugene-Springfi,eld Urban ,GroWth Boundary, and is proximate to the City limits; and, r WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A) to initiate annexation upon . receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered'in the ';ou;;u'j)roposed to be annexed and written consent from more than half of the owners ofland in the territory proposed to be annexed, who also own more than half ofthe land in the territory proposed to be an:rjexed and of real property therein representing more than half of the assessed value of all real propert)' in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, I> ' ~ " WHEREAS, the property owners elite certain territory described in Exhibit A signed a consent to annex (Exbibit 9; and, .' . . ' ! WHEREAS, two registered voters reside within the {ou;;wj'and have signed a cons6nt to annex (Exhibit ~~' " WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield DevelopmentCode 6.030(2)(a) and ORS 222.111 and other applicable Oregon Revised Statutes to initiate annexation when the territory in the , ~exation proposal can be provided with the minimum level of key urban. facilities!and servi.ces in an ' orderly and efficient manner as defmed in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Metro Plan Policies 8.a and b, Page II-C-4; and where therewill,be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities; and . , , I' WHEREAS, minimum level key urban facilities and services are defined in the Eug~ne~Springfield Metro Area General Plan, page V-3 as wastewater service, stormwater service, solid wastJ'management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection,' city-wide parks and'recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communications facilities and services; and publij; schools on a diStrict- 'd 'b' d ' Wleasls;an ' ':. WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed can be immediately provided with a minimum level of key urban facilities and'services with the exception of public sanitary sewer service! public 'stormwater management service and street improvements, which are being provided for in an Ahnexation Agreement which has been negotiated with City staff and the Owners, as described in Attachment 2: Informational Attachment, Case Number LRP2007-00009 and Attachment 4: Annexation Agreement; and , , , . . WHEREAS, an annexation ~greement has been proposed for execution by the Citj bf Springfield and Daniel and Shannon Jackson; (Owners) which will memorialize the Owner's commitment, agreement and obligation to meetthe City's requirements for provision of the minimum level of key urban services as , required for an affirmative City recommendation for the annexation request; and " ATTACHMENT 1 -15 WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to forWard this resolution supporting the applicant's request to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission when an annexation agreement is entered into by the City of Springfield and Daniei'and Shannon Jackson; (Owners); and 1.' WHEREAS, .the City Manager is authorized to forward this resolution sUl'l'u, ';',g the applicant's request for expedited processing to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. 1.' NOW THEREFORE BASED ON TIlE FOREGOING RECITALS, TIlE COMMON COUNCIL OF . TIlE CTIY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS'FOLLOWS: " I , Section ]: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recomm,end approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane', County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territories being described as follows: ;' . :; Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section,24, Map 31, portion of Tax Lot 2000, said territory being included in the property more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolntion. , L " Section 2: This resolntion shall take effect upon adoption by the Common Council9fthe City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. . i 'I' Section 3: The City Council recommends that the Boundary Commission approve tJl'e proposed annexation authorized by ORS 199.466 by expedited process without the study, public hearing and adoption of final order required by ORS 199.461. . . , r Section 4: The City Manager shall <<!ward this resolution supporting th~ applicant'slrequest to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission when an annexation agreement is.entered into by the City of Springfield and Daniel and Shannon Jackson (Owners) and upon receipt of eyidence that the annexation agreement has been recorded. j, ADVl:' 1lli.J by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 3rd day of December 2007 by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. I, ATTEST: fDo_b'lj.'. ", " V ~'.' .M~yor 1'1 !:, ,. .' )1. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 3r ~ bun- , City Recorder 0 '. q;W.~I;""'f'. " [,or;r,t>\lE!'I r......t~I_."t.~ (~ ... f'hu r;J I\q TO FOFiN! ' -..)"" 'f'.....~ .) \.."^',..., DATE; _ \I \ '" -:!o I "" OFFICE OF cjn ATTORNEY r. , I' !' ATTACHMENT f - 16 . RESOLUTION NO. 07-57 . , . EXHIBIT A ,i " LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR .AmmXA.L.LU!"1 PURPOSES LAM>S OF:QA.NIE:L L AND ~ONL JACKSON (pORTION OF TAX MAP 17-03-24-31. TAX LOT 2POO) , " I . . I ~ . SITUATED in unincorporatedareainLanc C~unty, State of Oregon in theSbuthwest 1/4 of'~ection 24, Township 17 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Mcr:i~ and des6:ibed as follo~: I BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Daniel L. and ShanngnBatty in that certain Special WaIranty Deed that was recorded May 16, 1990 in Ree11632R~at Reception }.lUmber 9022540 in the Oflicial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, s~~ portion being more particularly described as follows: '. .. Co=encing at a point 17.42 ~ north ofa point where the East line of1he William C. Spencer Donation Land Claim NlIClbet4jO, Notification Number 3265, intersects the line b..~,;".... Section , ,24 andSection25, TownslJip 17 South, Range 3 West'Ofthe Wi1lametteMericlian; th=eNorth 89' 42' 33" West 393.00 feet and North. DO' 06' 16" West 22~.00 feet to the southwest comer of said lands that were conveyed in the aboVe deed, which point lies on the aisting city limiflline oftlie City of Springfield and is the.L.KlJ.J', POINT OF BEGJ.l.""'iJ.,G of the lands ~eingdesCI1Dedherein; THENCE leaving said TRUE l'OINT OF BEb'ID.l'4.1.{'fG and along said d.ty limits line and west line of said landS that were conveyed in said deed, NORTII DO' o6'lei" WEST 900 FEET, more or less, to an angle point In the UIban GrowthBound;uy of the City ofSpringfi~ld; .L~CE, ll:aving said city limits line and said west line ofsaid lands that were w~, ~ied in saiddeeil, NORTH 63' 35' EAST 435 FEET, mor~ or less, along said UIban Growth Boundaxy t~ an angle point in said boundluy that lies on the east line of said lands that were conveyed in said deed; uu,J., ~J!., leaving said Urban GrowthBoundary and alqng said east line of said lands tbatwereconveycdin said deed, sourn 00' 06' 24" EAST 1100 FEIIT, more or less, to the southeast comef:ofsaid lands tbat were conveyed in the said deed; AND .L~CE, along the south line of said limds that were conveyed , in the saiddeedNOR1H 89' 42'33" WEST 393.00 1'=1 RE.L lJKl'tIDGto,the TRUE POINT OF BEb'.1l"l.l'4IDGBIidCONTAINING9:oACRES,~oreorless.' .! . ~EC 0 !f 20D!} Planner: BJ '~o'IAa~ (21 7/))7 ~ REGIS18u:D \ PROFESSIONAL l..AtJD SURVEYOR ~ c::;,4-. OReooN JULY20.11!93 REXA.BEIZ . ... I!2fSliR ,; 1-1f!. t:?1' 1"'/3'/07 " . Date Received ( ATTACHMENT 1 -17 ---. - EXHIBIT B. '''~ .~ iii t.:'~ B~:~ ' ~ Qt ~ I ~. , ~ Q ~ ~I ~~~ .a;. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -~.8 ~~ 1Il_~~~&1. :~~~i ~ti . ~~ ...... ~ :.: ! . -+-{ i- - "- I III nl ':I , II I' ....... ' -~r.- _- ~~...i . ..... ,- I I, I I I " il 'I I. -or~gon 1>--' March 27, 200S LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENt BOUNDARY COMMISSION 99 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene,OR97401-3111 (541) 682-4425 FAX (541) 682-2635 TO: Amy Sowa, Recorder, City of Springfield FROM: Paula L. Taylor, Executive Officer SUBJECT: . EC SP 08 - 16 (Expedited Procedure) ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO TIlE CITY OF SPRINGFIECD . (Jackson) , . By this correSpondence, let it be ]mown that: i' I A petition for annexatiop of territo~ to the City of Springfield-located in north Springfield, no,rth of Yolanda Avenue, west of 19 Street, east ofV~ra Street (T17S RO~W S24 Map 3] part. of tax lot 2000)--was filerjj9n December 31, 2007, With the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission inactordance with ORS 199.466 and ORS ]99.490(2)(a)(A). ~ \ '~ ' 2. An analysis was prepared by ihe boundary commission staff with a recommendation of approval and was sent, on January 15, 2008, to the Lane boundary commission me!nbers; Lane County commissioners; Lane County Land Management Division; Lane County Eilvironmenia! Health Division; City of Springfield; Wl1Iamalane Park and Recreation District; ~aniel and Shannon Jackson; and Jeanette Applauso at Branch Engineering. I.. ]. 3. No request for public hearing was received by 5:00 p.m., January 25, 2008. 4. This annexation proposal, described hi attached Exhibit A' and shown on attached map Exhibit B, is hereby 2.,..,..,u "ua and effective January 25, 200S (ORS 199.466 and ORS ]9,9.519). Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence. . NOTE: In accordance withORS 199.510(2)(c), the annexation area is hereby part'of the Lane County Metropolilan 'Wastewater Service District and the WilIamalane Park and Recreation District , ' , Attachments cc: Danie] and Shannon Jackson Willamalane Park and Recreation District ATTACHMENT 1 - 19 1: EXHIBIT A, Beg at a pt 1,149.72 ft N of a pt where the E [i of the William C. SpencerDLC boo 50 intersects, with the Ii between S24 and S25 T17S R03W WM; ; ,I , th N89042'33"W 393.00 ft and NOoo06'16"W 225.00 ft mil to apt, sd pt being 6n the existing . , Springfield city limits and the TPOB; II " :J th alg sd city limits NOoo06'16"W 920.00 ft mil to apt; i 1: 1: th leaving sd city limits Ii N63035'E 435.00 ft mil to apt; th SOoo06'24"E 1,100 ft mil to apt; th N89042'3T'W 393.00 ft mil to the TPOB, all in Lane County, Oregon. Iv I LCBC:I.COG: L:1B0J.EGAL\2008\ECSP08/6 LGl..DOC /,.aSI Saved: March 25. 2008 ECSP08-16 Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 - 20 I: i: .' ..... .f" EXHffiITB . ~. .'.~ ' ' ~ ._____' it. . r ~otbel~ an-" I .. If I . ;,. i: II ,'~-- - - I .1 ~ /-.. ~ :.- . - ANNEXA nON AREA Includes part of TL 2000, 17-03-24-31; , Owned by Daniel and Sharmon Jackson (EC SP 08 - 16) I tp ~= ':1, , ,--........- .~081::. ....; ~ 'III . .I,IO>?,.,I...,.',\.. ] ,,'-j'-I" [J nl-tIt . .L ; ~-i -r' -.J =:~~ .~V : I - , "\-.-- '.Iu IJ1Jr. i \ - ,I I I i r-n';tmij" --1:.'1--.' .1 ,I \. .' . .:.- UGB, _ Jack~on I . I Tax Lots City L' 't" ImIS.. . t , SPR!'~ (\- . I . I Ii i J 1:- ll(.~a"'" ~,~ Rk I, I: I I + ECSP08-16 . Page 1 of 1 200 " o I 200 . 4~O Feet I ATTACHMENT 1 - 21