HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed Miscellaneous 1/21/2009 C> <..:> .~ 1= Cl ~ ~ z w w a:: t!> a:: u.> tc. ~ i ~ . f"~' I~-II~'; .iim rfti~""lIIm om:~ .lUll . ii3,,2,,(;_:!I.l02~..;90.l!U0..;' 01/21/2009 03:44:03 PM RPR,-DEED Cnt=l Stn=l CASHIER 0!5 $2!5.00 $11.00 $10.00 f,' i., CL -r: 5'-> 5 C, ") 5pc "1,- ?- Octb ') Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: for Lands described in Exhibit A Send Tax Statements to: for Lands described in Exhibit B Send Tax Statements to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Women's Care Properties, LLC P.O. Box 70368 Eugene, OR 97401 The true consideration for this conveyance is other than monetary PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED The parties to this transfer are (I) City of Springfield, an Oregon Mwricipal Corporation, hereinafter rcfened to as Party I and being a Grantor/Grantee herein and (2) Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantor/Grantee herein. This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by party I and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by Party 2. The parties are entering into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations and the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.190(4). The legal description of Party 1 's property prior to this adjustment is all of the p,vp"';; that was conveyed . to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded Februaxy4, 1993 inReel 1824R at Reception Nwnber 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. (fax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200 and 3300, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) The legal description of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Nunlber 2006-1'2030 as platted and recorded August 14,2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3403) The line being adjusted herein is the entire southeast line of said Parcel 3 as said line is common with a portion of the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield. WHEREAS the Parties desire to adjust their common line and WHEREAS the Parties are agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line Adjustment and this Deed as said Property Line Adjustment was given Tentatiw Approval June 16,2008, by the City of Springfield under Case Nwnber SUB2008-00024. THEREFOR, for purposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment: Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party 1 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. And Party I hereby transfers and conveys all ofits right, title and interest in and to the p,vp"';; described on "Exhibit B" to Party 2 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. TIle description of Party I 's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. TIle description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "ExhibitB" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and T:ax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Pag,e 1 of 5 . '~' " ,'..=."'\ \.. Dated this ~ ;).0- day of (3'0 '^ I Jav( ,.' , 20 CfJ. ::ry ,r;7;1 Z"oi"7'CO'POrntion ,r th, ,.... ,CO..." , {JL.J.::, -cXger- . Jeff. Towery, Acting City Manager Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Signed: ~t);-~~ Frederick~ Green, Authorized MembeT- BEFORE SIGNIN~ORACCEP11NG THIS INSTRUMENT, TIIEPERSONTRANSFERRlNG FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO TIIE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES [AND], TO DETERMlNEANYLIMITS ON LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). STATE OF OREGON ) Connty of Lane )SS On / j (1e) .20~perSOnalIyappearedtheabOVename~.~~~ being duly sworn said ~t.~ is tt\.<;fity Manager for the City of Springfield and that the above instrument was signed on behalf of'farcrc~ ~d acknowledged Ihe foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. . OFFICIAL SEAL , , SHELLY CORL NOTARY PUBliC - OREGON ...c~/ COMMISSION NO. 389269 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 2, 2009 . ~~tA-~ - Notary pUbt~egOn . -- STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On (J J-0 ' 20dpersonally appeared the abovenanled Frederick W. Green, who being duly swom said that he is the Authorized Member of Women's Care Properties, LLC, and that . the above instrwnentwas signed on behalf of saidIimited liability company and acknowledged the foregoing instrunlcnt to be his voluntary act and deed. . OFFICIAL SEAL ~., SHELLY CORL .....7..../ NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 389269 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 2, 2009 ~- nA/1 Notary Public ~egon/- I THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrumentconveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of .Oregon, }f hereb~ap~~ved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. i4~y~-,.~~ . City of Springfield DI!:NA/"P.c,Q,NSr- CjrySu"'''C'''''''' PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED QI/2/ /0"( (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 2 of 5 /-'-'-....... , EXHIBIT A TRACT 1 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200 and 3300, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402 after adjustment) SITUATED in wrincorporated area in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast and Southeast qUaIters of Section 22, Township 17 South, RaIlge 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all of the lands thatwereconveyed to Ule City of Springfield ill that certain Bargain and Sale Deed Ulat was recorded F ebruaxy 4, 1993 in Reel 1824 R at Reception Nwnber 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; EXCEPTING THEREFROM, any portion of said lands that lies within the following described tract of land: . SITUATED partially in the City of Springfield and partially within unincorpOrated area all in Lane COWlty, State of Oregon in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 SOUU1, Range 3 West oftl1e Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all of Parcel 3 of Land partition Plat Nwnber 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14,2006 in the Land partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon together with a portion of the lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824RatReceptionNwnber9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; the perimeter of said lands being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Parcel 3; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and running along the norUlline of said Parcel 3, along the following one numbered course: (I) SOUTH 88' 12'43" EAST 284.53 FEETto point on the west margin of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (a public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, southerly and along said west margin, along the following five nwnbered courses: (2) SOUTH 07' 22' 15" WEST 174.17 FEET; (3) SOUTH 36' 01' 06" WEST 61.53 FEET; (4) SOUTH 07' 22' 15" WEST 76.55 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the left; (5) along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 82' 37' 45" East 1177.50 Feet, acentril1 angle of 00' 45'10" and a long chord of South 06' 59' 40" West 15.47 Feet, an arclength ofl5.47 FEET to a point of non-tangent line; and (6) along said non-tangent line, SOUTH IS' 04' 44" EAST 84.25 FEETto a point of non-tangent curvature to the left; TID:NCE, continuing along said west margin and its southerly prolongation (crossing said laIlds that were conveyed to the City of Springfield), the following one nwnbered course: (7) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 85' 30' 57" East 899.59 Feet, a central angleofl7' 43' 11" and a long chord of South 04' 22' 32" East277.11 Feet, all arc length of278.21 FEETto a point of cusp and non- tangent curvature to the left that lies on tile southwest line of aforesaid lands that were conveyed to Ule City of Springfield; THENCE, norUlwcstcrly and along last said southwest line, the following Uuee nwnbered courses: (8) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having aradius center that bears South 66' 43' 18" West 924.93 Feet, a central angle of 12' 18' 15" and along chord of North 29' 25' 50" West 198.25 Feet, all arc length of198.63 FEET to a point at the transition from a circular curve to the beginning of an offset spiral curve to the left that lies 30.00 feet souU\\vesterly, by perpendicular measurement, of a spiral curve that has a radius 01'954.93 feet, a spiral length ofl50.00 Feet, a spiral central aIlgle 01'04' 30' 00" and a spiral long chord ofNorth 38' 34' 57" West 149.96 Feet; (9) along said oJfset spiral, which offset has along chord ofNorth 38' 35' 40" West 147.60 feet, to a point that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the point of transition from spiral curve to tangent line of aforesaid spiral curve PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 3 of 5 . that has a radius of954.93 Feet; and (10) along a line that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid tangent line, NORTH 40.04' 57" WEST 103.67 FEET to that certain southwest corner of said lands that were conveyed to the City Springfield that lies all a line that is parallel willi and 20.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South (a public right-of-way of varying width); I11Jj,l~CE, along said parallel line and west line of the said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following two nwnbered courses: (11) NORTH 02. 35' 30'; WEST 75.09 FEET and (12) NORTH 01. 49' 36" WEST 23.09 FEETto the most northerly corner of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, along the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following one nwnbered course: (13) solJTiI 40. 04' 57" EAST 24.23 FEET to the southwest corner of said Parcel 3 as said corner lies on a line that is parallel with and 35.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid centerline of , Game Farm Road South; and THENCE, along the east margin of said Game Farm Road South and west lines of said Parcel 3, the followingthret: nwnbered courses: (14)NORTHOl. 49' 36" WEST 123.21 FEET; (15)NQRTH 87. 39' 55" WEST 5.01 FEET;and(16)NORTHOl. 49' 36" WEST 110.10 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and Containing 111,172 Square Feet (2.55 Acres}more or less. CONTAINING a net area of3.l Acres more or lc:ss. 'PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Pagl: 4 of 5 ,.--', ;'..........., EXHmIT B TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3403 after adjustment) SITUATED partially in the City of Springfield and partially within unincorporated area all in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat N wllber 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane COWlty, State of Oregon together with a portion of the lands that were conveyed to the City of Spring field in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824R at Reception Nwnber 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; the perimeter of said lands being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Parcel 3; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINN ING and running along the north line of said Parcel 3, along the following one nwnbered course: (I) SOUTH 880 12' 43" EAST 284.53 FEET to point on the west margin of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (,i public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, southerly and along said west margin, along the following fivenwnbered courses: (2) SOUTH 07022' 15" WEST 174.17 FEET; (3) SOUTH 36001' 06" WEST 61.53 FEET; (4) SOUTH 07022' 15" WEST 76.55 FEETto a point of tangent curvature to the left; (5) along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 82037' 45" East 1177.50 Feet, a central angle of 000 45' 10" and along chord of South 060 59'40" West 15.47 Feet, an arc length ofl5.4 7 FEET to a point of non-tangent line; and (6) along said non-tangent line, SOUTH 150 . 04' 44" EAST 84.25 FEETto a point of non-tangent curvature to the left; THENCE, continuing along said west margin and its southerly prolongation (crossing said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield), the following one nwnbered course: (7) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 85030' 57" East 899.59 Feet, a central angle ofl70 43' 11" and along chord of South 04022' 32" East 277.11 Feet, an arc length of278.2t FEETto a point of cusp and non-tangent curvature to the left that lies on the southwest line of aforesaid lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, northwesterly and along last said southwest line, the following three numbered courses: (8) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 66043' 18" West 924.93 Feet, a central angle ofl20 18' 15" and a long chord of North 29025' 50" West 198.25 Feet, an arc length ofl98.63 FEET to a point at the transition from a circular curve to the beginningofan otTset spiral curve to the left that lies 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, of a spiral curve that has a radius of954.93 feet, a spiral length of 150.00 Feet, a spiral central angle of 04 0 30' 00" and a spiral long chord of North 380 34' 57" West 149.96 Feet; (9) along said offset spiral, which offset has a long chord ofNorth 380 35' 40" West 147.60 feet, to a point that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the point oftraIisition from spiral cUrve to tangent line of aforesaid spiral curve that has a radius of954.93 Feet; and (1 0) along a line that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid tangent line, NORTH 400 04' 57" WEST 103.67 FEET to that celiain southwest comer of said lands that were conveyed to the City Springfield that lies ona line that is parallel with and 20.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Faml Road South (a public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, along said parallel line and west line ofthc said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following two nwnbered courses: (l1)NORTH020 35' 30" WEST75.09 FEET and (12) NORTH 01 0 49'36" WEST 23.09 FEET to the most northerly corner of said lands that were conwyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, along the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following one nwnbered course: (13) SOUTH 40004' 57" EAST 24.23 FEET to the southwest comer of said Parcel 3 as said corner I ics on a line that is parallel with and 35.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from atoresaid centerline of Game Faun Road South; andl THENCE, along the east margin of said Game Farm Road South and west lines of said Parcel 3, the following threenwnberedcourses: (14) NORTH 01 049, 36" WEST 123.21 FEET; (l5)NORTH870 39' 55"WEST5.01 FEET; and (16) NORTH 01 0 49'36" WEST 110.10 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and Containing 111,172 Square Feet (2.55 Acres) more or less. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 5 of 5 1:': (~5 S5 C; 3 SP<-\cl, - <:< 0'b 6 S Division of Ch~ Deputy ~lerK 2009-002910 Lane County De, and Records - 1111 ,,/I 11111/ m /I"" "" 11111/1111 $31. 00 1104 ,6~5" 1090 11:129' .;102.1023 01/21/2009 03:44:03 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=l CASHIER 0!5 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 .--l BARGAIN AND SALE DEED j Tax Map 17-03-22, Portion ofTax Lot 3200 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Lhnlted Liability Company, Grantor, In Consideration of the acceptance by the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: ) . ~ z: u w r: :!J -r. ;1..' "'" .... ~ 2: R= t;:, a: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD, TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is other than monetary, " IN WIT~~ WHEREOF, the Grantor above named has hereunto ~() day of \"iO..lN.lA.,~ ' 20M, set its hand and seal this WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTJES, LL~egon Limited Liability Company ~?;-~ ,/ Frederick W. Green, Authorized Member . ~ STATE OF OREGON } COUNTY OF LANE 88 ~ . BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ~ day of s::J4lNJ~ ' 2ct1L before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for- said County and State, perso Iy appeared the within named Frederick W, Green, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Authorized Member of the within named Company and does acknowledge said instrument io be the free act and deed of said Company, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Company, IN TESTIMONY, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~ffiCial seal the da.y and year last above writt~n ~ () '.' OFFICIAL SEAL . \ " Q , . , . SHELLY CORL Notary Ptiblic r regon - . \, _./ NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON " .,' COMMISSION NO. 3B9269 ).. - '\ '0 C\ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 2 2009 (T -, , My Commission Expires " THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. :~TY:a=Jr/~ Dennis P. Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor De-C'. 36, ?nM Date RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS OEPT. - 22S FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT, - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z:\2008\08-00SB PLA WOMEN'S SPACE COS\SURVEY\PLA DOCUMENTS\o8.0088 ROW Bargain &. Sale Deed.corponLion t:l1908.doe RBVISBD: Septc:mbcr. 2004 ." -"~""" 1 -' EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDENING OF GAME FARM ROAD SOUTH SITUATED in unincorporated area in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 22,* Range 3 West of the Willaniette Meridian and described as follows: * Township 17 South. . BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC,. an Oregon Limited Liability Company, and described as "TRACT 2 AFTEFt PROPERTY ~E ADJUSTMENT" in Exhibit "B" in that certain Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded N. UM'.... a...L, 20Q9 at Recorder's Number 20C'lj: C:6 2.C'l0CJ in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEING all that portion of said lands that (1) lie westerly of a line that is drawn parallel with and 35.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement. from the centerline of Game Farm Road South as said centerline is shown on the Survey Map by Danny M. Denning that was filed April 17, 2006 as County Survey File Number 39772 in the Office of the County Surveyor of Lane, County, State of Oregon and (2) lie southwesterly of the northeast line ofthat certain abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way that is described in the Bargain and Sale Deed to the City of Springfield that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824R at Reception Number 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED For Widening of Game Farm Road South ) PORTION OF LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC (Portion ofTax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3200 on the date of execution) Page 2 of2