HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWS 10/21/2008 - . ~ ,; Page 1 of 1 DAVIS Lissa From: MOORHEAD Chris ,Sent: Tuesday, October 21,2008 1 :22 PM To: kanda@willamette.net Cc: DAVIS Lissa; ERNST Dennis Subject: Wooten Plat, review comments #2 Attachments: county comments. pdf Marv and Aaron, Here are the' City's additional review comments from our review of your 2nd submission. Please note that these are in addition to the County's review comments I sent to you on 10/14 and I have also attached here. . On the separate document for the "Declaration of..... Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement... ..." please change the title from "Variable Width" to 26' Wide". Also the easement description needs to be changed to reflect the new configuration per this 2nd submittal. . On the Plat, in the Legend, please change the description for the "STEM LS 715" monument to "STEMM" (note 2 M's). . . On the Acknowledgement, please put more .space between ihe "Signature" and "Print Name" lines and between the "Commission No." and "Expires" lines. . On the NoteslRestrictions please add a note addressing the CC&Rs for Marylhurst as noted on the Title: Report/Subdivision Guarantee exception number'3. Since they are an exception on the Title Report they could still be in place, and in reading the text, it looks like they are automatically renewed every 10 years unless the owners of the lots therein vote to change them? In any case there needs to be a note on the plat recognizing that these CC&R's exist and affect the plat. . Please show the half width of H Street; 30.00' as was also shown per CSF 37314. . There is a problem with the East line of the plat. First, the monuments we field checked are set as depicted on the plat. But when you add up the distances depicted on the plat of 69.73 and 94.07 they equal 163.80 and you are showing an overall measured distance of 163.43. Also, the Record Bearing for this East line is NOO-17-30E per Ref. 1 and you show the Record Bearing as SOO-15-04E. I agree that is the measured bearing, but show the correct record bearing. Also change the sentence in the Narrative that says the distance is actually 163.43 if needed. There should be a sentence in the Narrative that states that the Bearing of that East line was not shown correctly on CSF 37314 as NOO-17-30E and the boundary did not close using that bearing, and the correct bearing is SOO-15-04E as calculated and shown. The field check was fine except that we found 2 overhead lines serving Lot 3 that passed over Lot 4. Are these lines tobe placed underground before the final plat check by Planning? I don't think they will sign off on the plat before this is done. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS 5U1veyar, City of Springfield Public Walts 225 Fifth StreeC Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorheadliiJci.sorinofleldar,us Date ReceiVed: I D J J1 }O,?,'. ' Planner; LD 5M/iJJ!ft1'f.flnUl{()uh 10/21/2008