HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 1/5/2009 ., -@ Branch Engineeri~ng, Inc. 310 Fifth Street - Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 746-0637 - Fax: (541) 746-0389 Memorandum To: Ron Thienes, AlA From: Branch Engineering CC: City of Springfield Date: 1/5/2009 Project #: 09-010 Ke: Operation and Maintenance Plan for Dutch Brothers Coffee Structure Located at 3260 Gateway Street Stormwater drainage operations and maintenance plan was prepared for the Dutch Brothers Coffee located in the parking lot of 3260 Gateway Street. The proposed stormwater drainage for the structure is an existing catch basin in the southeast comer of the parking lot. The existing catch basin will receive a FloGard Plus (FGp'- 24F) filter to treat the stormwater runoff. Additional pertinent information attached is as follows: .:. FloGard Plus detail .:. FloGard Plus maintenance Information .:. Site Plan specifying the location of the FloGard Plus filter Date Receivect Planner: U> 1 '90(, d 4t (oq Sfnr~ lOo:f1.y . p..Qw-.. ~ 0 0 9 11. C> GRATE u. "ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURES GASKET STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT BASKET Fossil Rock 'M ABSORBENT POUCHES LINER SUPPORT BASKET ~ .. .. CATCH BASIN ;, (FLAT GRATE STYLE) .. FLOGARD+PLUS@ FILTER -INSTALLED INTO CATCH BASIN- u.s. PATENT # 6,00,023 & 6,8n,029 ffiLE DETAIL A EXPLODED VIEW NOTES: 1. FIoGardl!l+PIus (frame mount) high capacity catch basin inserts are available in most sizes and styles (see specifier chart, sheet 2 of 2). Refer 10 the FIoGardl!l+Plus (wall mount) insert.for devices 10 fit nOlHllandard, or comblnafion style catch basins. 2. Finer insert shall have both an "iniliar filtering bypass and "ultimate" high flow bypass feature. 3. Aller support frame shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. 4. ABow a minimum of 2.0 fee~ of dearance between the bottom of the grate and lop of outlet pipe(s), or refer to the FIoGardl!llnsert for "shallow" installations. 5. Aller medium shaD be Fossil Rock ~, installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. 6. Slorage capacity reflects 80% of maximum solids colleclion prior to impeding fiIlering bypass. 7. Allered lIow rlrate Indudes a safety factor of two. ~@+PLLHa . ~l ~I KriStar Enterprises, Inc. le ReceIVed.. ~o. Box 6419, Santa Rosa, CA 95406 . CATCH BASIN FILTER INSflfimner. W ,~P~: 800.579.8819, Fax: 707.524.8188,www.kristar.com 1~1<..r.",'oO<llnl"l!':hd,,\ ?~ri\t'~ - ~ '~rr , ~~ObtR . ~ o o o , 11. C> u. "ULn....TE" Il't'PASS Fb.~..<E (LOlNERS Il< OPENINGS) SEE DETAIL C ~--... cLe .r',. ~" .... ',===,. J' ".' - . ':;-,,' ... . '; :"'., ..... ",' ...~: ";: ....:.. ;'.! "'." ;...... . ~.'. .~ , -..:....-..: .... '.:"~ "~-- : ~. . .'- -', ", '. '. . U.S. PATENT # 6,00.023 & 6.877,029 ,J.. .~~ 5, ~ STANDARD = 20 INCHES ? SHAll.OW = 12 INCHES ' 'CTOM )J ) ,"," "~-.' . .... ,'~" . ~ DETAIL B SECTION VIEW FLo-GARD@ +FIL TER elNST ALLEO- ~" . , . , . , . , . , , , . , . , ; ~ . , ~..:.." ~ "'3 . ~"~~&.~~~'\: ~. .~ q . MANY OTHER STANDARD & CUSTOM SIZES & DEPTHS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. MODEL NO. STANDARD DEPTH FGP-12F FGP-15JOF FGP-16F FGP-I624F FGP-I8F FGP-1B2llF FGP-1824F FGP-1836F FGP-2024F FGP-21 F FGP-2142F FGP-2148F FGP-24F FGP-2430F FGP-2436F FGP-2448F FGP-28F FGP-2440F FGP-30F FGP-36F FGP-364BF FGP-4BF FGP-SD24F FGP-1B36FGO FGP-2436FGO FGP-48FGO ffiLE SPECIFIER CHART STANDARD & SHALLOW DEPTH {Data ~ Ihese coIumes ts the same for both STANDARD & SHAllOW versions} INLET!Q. Inslde Dimension Onch x inch) 12X12 15X30 16X16 16X24 lBX1B 16X19 16X22 18X36 18X22 22X22 21 X4D 19X48 24X24 24X30 24X36 24X48 28X2D 24X36 JOX30 36X36 36X4B 48X48 24X 24 18X36 20X36 18X48 GRATE OD Outskle Dimension Onch x inch) 12X 14' 15X35 16X19 16X26 18X20 18X21 lBX24 18X40 2OX24 22X24 24X40 22X48 24X27 26X30 24 X40 26X4B 32X32 28X40 JOXJ4 36X40 40X48 4BX54 28X28 20X40 24X40 2OX54 TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (cu. ft. 1 sec.) 2.8 6.9 4.7 5.0 4.7 5.9 5.0 6.9 5.9 6.1 9.1 9.8 6.1 7.0 B.O 9.3 6.3 B.3 B.l 9.1 11.5 13.2 6.1 6.9 8.0 6.3 STANDARD OEPTH -20 Indies- SOLIDS FILTERED STORAGE FLOW CAPACITY (cu. It) (cu. ft./ sec.) 0.3 0.4 2.3 1.6 0.8 0.7 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.5 12 2.3 1.6 12 1.0 22 1.5 4.3 2.4 4.7 2.6 22 1.5 2.B I.B 3.4 2.0 4.4 2.4 2.2 1.5 4.2 2.3 3.6 2.0 4.6 2.4 6.B 32 9.5 3.9 22 1.5 2.3 1.6 3.4 2.0 22 1.5 MODEL NO. SHALLOW DEPTH FGP-I2FB FGP-I530FB FGP-I6FB FGP-I624FB FGP-I8FB FGP-1B20FB FGP-I824FB FGP-I836F8 FGP-2024FB FGP-21F8 FGP-2142FB FGP-2148FB FGP-24FB FGP-2430FB FGP-2436FB FGP-2448FB FGP-28FB FGP-2440FB FGP-3OFB FGP-36FB FGP-3648F8 FGP-48F8 FGP-SD24FB FGP-I836F8GO FGP-2436F8GO FGP-48FBGO ~ J DETAILC 'ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURES SHAll.OW DEPTH -12 Inches- SOLIDS RL TERED STORAGE FLOW CAPACITY (cu. It) (cu. It 1 sec.) .15 .25 1.3 .9 .45 .4 .85 .7 .45 .4 1.2 .8 .85 .7 1.3 .9 .7 .55 1.25 .85 2.45 1.35 2.7 1.5 1.25 .85 1.6 1.05 1.95 1.15 2.5 1.35 125 .85 2.4 1.3 2.05 1.15 2.65 1.35 3.9 1.85 5.45 2.25 125 .85 1.3 .9 1.95 1.15 125 .85 ~@ +~ . . ~ J 3' KriStar Enterprises. Inc. . l"l!icelVed. , P.O. Box 6419, Santa Rosa, CA 95406 CATCH BASIN FIL TERImmmnll:> . /' ~ ]I. Ph: 800.579.8819, Fax: 707.524.8186, www.kristar.com /101,,1 (.:",ll>11lnl..l ~tvI",\ .' 'j<I ~ ~ = 'MW , "3 C1{) 4> l~~l K ,,01'C~ 6 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAINTENANCE OF FW-GARD+PLUs" CA TCn BASIN INSERT FILTERS SCOPE: Federal, State and Local Clean Water Act regulations and those of insurance carriers require that stormwater filtration systems be maintained and serviced on a recurring basis. The intent of Ihe regulations is to ensure that the systems, on a continuing basis, efficienlly remove pollutants from stonnwater runoff thereby preventing pollution of the nation's water resources. These specifications apply to the FloGard+Plus" Catch Basin Insert Filter. RECOMMENDED }'REQUENCY OF SERVICE: . Drainage Protection Systems (DPS) recommends that installed Flo-Gard+Plus" Catch Basin Insert Filters be serviced on a recurring basis. Ultimately, the frequency depends on the amount of runoff, pollutant loading and interference from debris (leaves, vegetation, cans, paper, etc.); however, it is recommended that each installation be serviced a minimum of three times per year. with a change of filter medium once per year. DPS technicians are available to do an on. site evaluation. upon request. RECOMMENDED TIMING OF SERVICE: DPS guidelines for the timing of scrvice are as follows: I. For areas with a definite rainy season: Prior to, during and following the rainy season. 2. For areas subject to year-round rainfall: On a recurring basis (at least three times per year). 3. For areas with winter snow and summer rain: Prior to and just afler the snow season and during the summer rain season. 4. For installed devices not subject to the elements (washracks, parking garages, etc.): On a recurring basis (no less than three times per years). SERVICE PROCEDURES: L The catch basin grate shall be removed and set to one side. The catch basin shall be visually inspected for defects and possible illegal dumping. If illegal dumping has occurred, the proper authorities and property owner representative shall be n!'tified as soon as practicable. 2. Using an industrial vacuum, the collected materials shall be removed from the liner. (Note: DPS uses a truck-mounted vacuum for servicing Flo-Gard+PluslZl catch basin inserts~) 3. When all of the collected materials have been removed, the filter medium pouches shall be removed by unsnapping the tether from the D-ring and set to one side. The filter liner, gaskets, stainless steel frame and mounting brackets, etc. shall be inspected for continued serviceability. Minor damage or defects found shall be corrected on-the-spot and a notation made on the Maintenance Record. More extensive deficiencies that affect the efficiency of the filter (tom liner, etc.), if approved by the customer representative, will be corrected and an invoice submitted to the representative along with the Maintenance Record. 4. The filter medium pouches shall be inspected for defects and continued serviceability and replaced as necessary and the pouch tethers re-attached to the liner's D-ring. See below. 5. The grate shall be replaced. Date Receiveci: _ ,{ Ct I (f\ Planner. tb ~ ~fY\t0~ Pla4u ~Ob~ REPLACEMENT AND DISPOSAL OF EXPOSED FILTER MEDIUM AND COLLECTED DEBRIS The frequency of filter medium pouch exchange will be in accordance with the existing DPS-Customer Maintenance Contract. DPS recommends that the medium be changed at least once per year. During the ""I"VI" ;ate service, or if so determined by the service technician during a non-scheduled service, the filter medium pouches will be replaced with new pouches. Once the exposed pouches and debris have been removed, DPS has possession and must dispose of it in accordance with local, state and federal agency requirements. Note: As the generator, the landowner is ul1imately responsible for the proper disposal of the exposed filter mediwn aruJ debris. Because rhe filrer media likely conUlin petrolewn hydrocarbons, heavy merals aruJ other hannful pollutnnts, the materials 11UlS/ be treated as an EPA Oass 2 H=nJous Waste aruJ properly disposed of. DPS relieves the landowner of the actual disposal task, aruJ provides ce11ffication of its completion ill accordance with appropriate regulations. DPS also has the capability of servicing all manner of catch basin inserts and catch basins without inserts, und..... __nd oil/water separators, stonnwater interceptors and other such devices. All DPS personnel are highly qualified technicians and are confined space trained and certified. Call us at (888) 950-8826 for further infonnation and assistance. Date Re4,",~~' Planner. lJ.) . y~ {oq ?In-p~ b f1b(P I ,.._."~, -~'"'~". --- -....-...- I;' I ' .. ~. ~_,.:3~~~t~H;;ff~~__.,~..,.._..~_~~ ~.!_ ...-,.~Lti i~! Ii I. " ,:' ~ ~ 'I'. ; , r:: II ~I' ! !I J. ~ l~ ~ I! ill'l it ~ ,1~I.dJlullln ~jli~ I.~ N ~ "-S [J t I ~ .. I:' ...u.~\ I. J .,......,... J , ", ,,/, / ...~__'ii;.-....,...~-,. i' t i I II '" ~ , ~ ~ 'r)' I i IJ i 1, '. I ' I I ; e .. . . ~ ~l ~~ Date Receivt:lt:\. ~ ~,: ( 0 -.'. .. . -D-t ~ , Planner: Lb .~...., ~ . la~~