HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/2/2009 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE 9~ .'~~~@~ow~~/. ~- ~ , L.J By . 1../-.:2..-07 lo--l'-<<>~ .' STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of lane ) I, Karen laFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfi~ld, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I p-repared and caused to be . . mailed copies oCbR.(.200x~OOO7lf !lR?Ii..l- ~ ApbA.i-JJ1. - ~ ~ (See attachment nAn) on '-I /:::z..:." . 200 addressed to (see 7}f'rt-X- - , '" Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with Jomb.f2.uu . postage fully prepaid thereon. L:f( 11J/1A( . ~ Iffi.. ~R~N LaFLEUR I STATE OF OREGON, County of lane . ~ .:J. . 2009. Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act Before me: . OFFICIAL SEAL . DEVETTE KELLY ". NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 15,2011 ~ ~,b/?r My Commission Expires: <?/;S- 11/ I \ .'. . . TYPE I HISTORICAL REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Tomblin/Mangrich Stair Replacement Case Number: DRC2008-00074 Project Proposal: Replacement of front stairs and railings Project Location: 532 - 5th Street Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-24/5600 Zoning: MDR Historical Commission Meeting: 11/05/08 Application Submitted Date: 10/31/08 Dccision Issued Date: 04/02/09 Appeal Deadline Date: In accordance with (SDC 5.1-125.C), the Director's decision is the final decision of the City. Associated Applications: COM2008-01661 (Building Permit) APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Applicant/Owner: Maren Tomblin/Adam Mangrich 532 - 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I PQ~JTI0N I ProJect Manager I I Community Services I JU;X~W OF Pfannmg I I Building NAME Tara Jones m~~~3 Chris Carpenter I 744-4153 PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to replace the existing front stairs of the house located at 532- 5th Street. The new stairs will be of wood construction and be painted to match the existing porch floor. The design will include a wooden guardrail and handrail on each side of the stairs. Both railings are designed to meet current building code requirements. The stairs will be widened from the existing 4'6" to the proposed 5'6". The post caps will be replaced with I y," wood material to repair alterations made to them in order to accept the existing stair guardrail. The applicant proposes to replicate the original caps in all details and they will be painted to match the existing porch trim. DRC2008-00074 Type I Historical Review Page I of 4 I. ':\. '. , (I , BACKGROUND/ SITE INFORMATION The Bungalow-style house at 532 - 5th Street was built in 1918 and is considered to be of Secondary Significance (Contributing) within the Washburne Historic District which was entered in the National Register of Historic Places on February 10, 1987. The June 1984 Historic Site and Building Inventory indicates that "the porch steps have a long run, indicative of the high floor line", The stairs are proposed to be replaced because they have deteriorated due to weathering and improper repair in the past to such an extent that they are unsafe. The current stairs are composed of painted wood and have a wooden guardrail on each side. The guardrail is not original to the house. A photo of the house taken as part ofthe June 1984 Inv~ntory shows a much more open guardrail than the one that currently exists. REVIEW PROCESS In accordance with SDC 3.3-915 Band C, the Springfield Historical Commission reviews and makes recommendations to staff on Type I decisions. The Springfield Historical Commission reviewed this proposal at their November 5th, 2008 meeting. They had no objections to the design and recommended approval. DECISION Type I Historical Review approval as of the date of this letter. CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL (SDC Section 3.3-945 Major and Minor Alteration Standards) 1. Any proposed nse shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment; uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. Finding: The structure is to remain as a single family residence. No new uses are proposed for this site. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion I. 2. Tbe distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. Finding: The proposed stairs will be placed in the same location a~ the existing stairs, Finding: The existing guardrail is not original as evidenced by the June 1984 photograph showing another guardrai I. Finding: No removal or alteration of historic material or distinctive architectural features is being proposed, Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 2, 3. All Historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlicr appearance are prohibited. Finding: The design of the stairs and railings are in keeping with the time period ofthe structure.. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 3, DRC2008-00074 Type I Historical Review Page 2 of 4 I '\) .. , . 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or structure and its environment. Where changes bave acq uired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. Finding: The Summer 2003 Property Inventory indicates that there are no noted alterations or additions made to this structure, Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 4. 5. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. Finding: The distinctive stylistic features of the design of the porch on which the stairs are attached are retained. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 5. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the event replacemeut cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. Finding: The existing post caps have been altered in order allow the existing guardrail to be attached to it. Finding: The new design does not attach the guardrail to the post caps. Finding: The applicant proposes to replace the damaged post caps and to replicate the original post caps in all details, They will be painted to match the existing porch trim. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 6, 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. Finding: No significant alteration is being proposed under this application. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 7. 8. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity or the structure. Finding: No significant alteration is being proposed under this application. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 8. DRC2008-00074 Type I Historical Review Page3 of 4 '-''" .'. VI' . ~: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: None WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE Upon completion of the stair rebuilding project, call the City Inspection Line (726-3769) to have a framing and final inspection for the building permit. Please provide a set of front and side elevation photographs to City Planning care of Tara Jones. If this is a hardship to the applicant, call Tara at 736-1003 and she will photograph the house for City archives. If you have any questions please contact Tara Jones at (541) 736-1003 or by email at ti oneslaJ.ci .sori nl!field.or. us. PREPARED BY: Tara Jones Planner I DRC2008-00074 Type I Historical Review Page 4 of 4 . . Maren Tomblin. and Adam Mangrich 532 - 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 / <, ...., " . '.:' 'j-: .... .) ~. . ........ )6"