HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/19/2009 , MEMORANDUM I , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , DATE: May 19, 2009 I' RECEIVED TO: Mary Smith, Accounting Technician/Assessments MAY 1 9 2009 FROM: Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist By:~~ P:uJ.d- : I vf(L ; Name, receipt # 320080000000000557 1> ~ SUBJECT: Reconciliation of Miscellaneous Deposits Project # The following deposit fees totaling $ 1,240.00 were deposited in Miscellaneous Deposits account 821-215500 to off-set City cost regarding the application and/or to insure work was completed as specified by the assigned planner.!' SUB2008-00035 Name of Applicant Pennington Realty Inc. " Amount of Receipt #. Ii Deposit 557 $1240.00 Deposit Date 8/8/2008 Journal Number I am formally requesting a refund in the amount of $ 1,240.00 be sentto the listed applicant. 'i I have prepared and processed Voucher # 149705 in the amount of $1,240.00 to Vendor # 17020. . Pennington Realty Inc. 83 Centennial loop, Suite 5 Eugene, Oregon 97401 . Please make the following Joumal entries to re-class the applicant's deposit in Miscellaneous Deposit, for reimbursement of City cost incurred on the project: r $ to If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Jones at extension .3610. " A r !).. --- ~ P/!!4#47~ \7pproved: P 1n9 Supervisor Date Signed: May 19; 2009 I Date Signed: May 19, 2009 City of Springfield Voucher >ort 10': SPRA103, Handling Code: 00149705 RE I' Accounting Oate :11 Ii Vendor Number :" I ' Da [, nVOIce te : ~ I, Invoice # ::' , Ii Approver :It " Operator: If Gross Amount ;, May/1912009 0000017020 August/08/2008 SUB2008-00035 MOTT8504 JONE5996 Voucher 10 : Pennington Realty, Jnc, 83 Centennial Loop, Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97401 1,240.00 Descriotion Account Fund Qm ProilGran! .!!:! Tenns AMOUNT REFUND r 215500 821 2009 00 1,240.00 \ II i' II I: I: i', Payment Message: II,. I Ii Ii I, Ii ReCEIVED " IMAY 192009 By~ ji II i: " ! Comments: Street Trees have been planted and confirmed by Planner Lissa Davis. 28-0ct.91 26-Feb-92 11-Jun-92 25--Jun-92 2o-Dec-94 28-Mar.97 25-Jul-Q2 MISCELlANEOUS DEPOSITS 821'215500 ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION: 4130/09 86797 GEO ENGR 5044 88831 GEO ENGR. UNOCAL 5700 GEO ENGR . UNOCAL 59449(Monoor Well) 90969 CASCADE EARTH SCIENCE.AC MTCE GEO ENGR-ENCROACH PERMIT VALOEZ CORP(MONITOR WELL) 1117.WELL HARTCROWSER RES FIN SEC DEPOSIT I DATE I RECEIPT #1 liTEM DESCRIPTION 21701 3858 90751 5249 8711 25072 10039 ENCHMT #IDSD RECEIPT # PlANNING IBRENDA JONESI I OATE ITRANS TYPE liTEM DESCRIPTION 13-Jun-05 18.Jul-07 18-JuI..()7' 14.0ec-07 15-J8n-08 16.Jan.OB 4-Aug-08 8--Aug-Q8 BLDG/PROJIDSD RECEIPT # 1280 DOROTHY BALCOM 1248 CHAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 1297 OUKES & DUKES 1280 TERRY WHITE 1280 SCOTT MCKEE 1280 DAVID M NOWAK 1280 'T MOBILE 1280 PENNINGTON REALTY INC v:\common\mary\215500MiscDeposits M Smith 05/13109 2200500758 937 1164 1504 43 56 540 557 It I' Ii Ii Ii It 200.00 200.00 200.00 200,00 200,00 1.000.00 1,500.00 Ii AMOUNT I ii 13-May-09 3,500.00 ACCT, TOTAL I 0.00 AMOUNT) ACCT, TOTAL I , " 1,500.00 13,850,00 sOo.OO 500,00 33.743.00 250,00 2.782.76 r124000 ) Ii ' 54,165.76 . 113.484.5L Ii 1, RECEIVED I. i MAY 1 9 2009 By: I' Ii I, I , I: L-24a LAFLEUR Karen I' if:lt- 1,0 dO H1,J?oO C)-trJo f /"" I IttU.fu.Y::JI. ILf'Cf-r()1 , From: Sent: ,: ..ubject: LAFLEUR Karen Thursday, May 14, 2009 S:36 AM DAVIS Lissa RE: Parkway Center Partition Plat - SUB200S-D0035 OK, I will final off everything now that we've received the five recorded copies, security deposit on the street trees today. Thanks..,Karen I) I: I will start the refund of the Karen LaFleur, City of Springfield Program Technician, Urban Planning Section Phone: (541) 744-3387 Fax: (541) 726-3689 klafleur!aJ.ci .sorim!field.or. us www.ci.sorin.meld.or. u~ From: DAVIS Lissa Sent: Thursday, May 14,20097:39 AM To: LAFLEUR Karen . Subject: RE: Parkway Center Partition Plat - SUB200B-D0035 Everything is completed except the 5 copie's of the recorded plat. I spoke to Bret FoJ and he was clueless a bout .it. I: From: LAFLEUR Karen , Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 7:01 AM " To: DAVIS Lissa I'. Subject: Parkway Center Partition Plat - SUB200B-00035 Ii H'L' i lissa, _ ' It Please check into the miscellaneous note on this case 5UB200B-00035 to verify thatl~he street trees have been properly placed and that the type of tree is OK. Thanks, Lissa, Kar.enl:, , I' 'P'-TP Karen LaFleur City of Springfield Program Technician, Urban Planning Section Phone: (541) 744-3387 Fax: (541) 726-3689 klafleur!aJ.ci.snrinl!field.or .us ,', ,: I i I RECEIVED ~ . Ii MAY 1 9 2009 Ii . www.ci.sorinl!field.or.us By: j\ 1 , l' I] I " I,' LAFLEUR Karen From: <;ent: >: ~c: Subject: LAFLEUR Karen Wednesday, May 13, 2009 9:40 AM , 'bret@thomasfoxproperties.com' 'lIoyd@tolbertassociates.com' Partition Plat - Thomas Fox Properties (SUB200B-00035) " I, Mr, Fox, ' Ii This is confirmation that I received (5) copies of the record partition plat 2008-P2275 on May 12, 2009 for the Thomas Fox Properties partition plat SUB2008-00035. We have received a letter re4uesting the release of the security deposit for street trees of $1,240,00. I am waiting to hear back from Planne!r, Lissa Davis, if all conditions have been met pertaining to the planting, Lissa is out of the office today)! but I hope to catch up with her tomorrow, As soon as she has given me the OK we will begin the refunding process. Ii I' Ii Ir I: Ii Ii I i I I' , I' If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contactme. Karen Karen LaFleur City of Springfield Program Technician, Urban Planning Section Phone: (541) 744-3387 Fax: (541) 726-3689 klafleurWl.ci .sorin f!field .or .us 'WW .ci. snrinf!field.or. u~ " I; RSCEIVED MAY 13 2009 0"" C> / ".._L:..... . Iii _. I ' , " i! I, , RECEIVED ~AY 1 9 2009 Ii " By: I! I' Il I I " 1 TOLBERT ASSOCIATES,' LLC P.O, Box 70224 (331 West 13th Avenue, Suite F) Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone (541) 359-8426 Fax (541) 747-0177 .il Ii Ii. . " I TRANSMITTAL LETTER ;; . To: Ms, Karen LaFleur, City of Springfield From: Lloyd L. Tolbert, ~.S, . ! I Date: May 12, 2009 Total Pages: Subject: Partition for Thomas Fox Properties ii- , II.' Dear Ms. LaFleur" Enclosed please find five sets of the final partition plat for Bret Fox of Thqmas Fox Properties.. '. . I' Ii . I Can you please send an email confonmation to Bret that you have received this and cc' me? .bret@thomasfoxproperties,com. 'lIoyd@tolberta'ssociates.com I . Thank you, . T;I;;teS;LC L~~'~ " Manager/Chief Surveyor REGE'VED , ~i; , MAY 13 ,2009 . Ii: " By: RECEIVED l'", "0". Ii MAY 1 9 2009.' ~ ,- " ' . '.. By: " . ~ , . 05-12-0.9'W;{!30 ,I N . ,~. LAFLEUR Karen I' ji 1 From: ~ent: J: $ubject: Attachments: MARKARIAN Molly Friday, May 08; 20091:31 PM LAFLEUR Karen FW: Release of Security Deposit Molly Fax2(8-7-08).doc; Tree-Securtiy Deposit.pdf Karen, . " , I. i' ,I It If so, could you take care of returning the security deposit? Thanks! Ii Was this project ever finaled? Molly Markarian Planner I! City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 mmarkarian@cLsorinafield.or.us From: bret@thomasfoxproperties.com [mailto:bret@thomasfoxproperties.com] Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 11:47 AM To: MARKARIAN Molly Subject: Release of Security Deposit HiMolly, . . .' i Last year we diVided our property on the corner of Pioneer Parkway and Q Street, and cr~ated two tax lots (one with for Walgreen's and one for the Credit Union and multi-tenant retail building). In order to complete the partition of our property, we were required to plant some additional trees and replace some of the existing trees, under the power lines, with another variety. Since we wanted to complete the partition during the Summer, but could not replace the trees until some time after October, we paid a security deposit to the City, ton insure that the trees;,would be replaced. In November or December of 2008,' Rexious replaced the tress as required, so we .would like to get our deposit back. Attached is a copy of the receipt for the deposit, a copy of the check, and a fax to you confirming the amount. Could you release the deposit and send a check for $1240 to Skyview, LLC at 515 W. Pickett Cir. Suite #400, Salt Lake City, UT 84115? Il ~- Ii Bret Fox : 801-596-7711 50132.00'3 - [;DCJ 3.5 1 I' .1 I: RBCEIVED I, I!MAY 19 2009 Ii By: !i 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone iL~ Ii ~ity of Spi;ingfield Official Receipt Developm'llDt Services Department P~blic Works Department I ' Il Date: 08(08/2008 !I ]1 RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000557 JOb,_.sdrnal Number Description ,SUB2008-00035"'I':,.i, Res Fin See DeplMisc Deposit '';Jj:fjiJf(;4J.'''"'flfl'1..- "~I ,"fl/lM~/AX.-. ,UCk. " Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Received By Check PENNlNGTON REALTY INC ddk Item Total: Check Number Batch Number Authorization ~ Number How Received " 2085 1:19:36PM Amount Due ' 1,240.00 $1,240,00 Amount Paid .IDlPerson Payment Total: I ! , PENNINGTON REALTY, INC. JOHN PENNINGTON It1 83 CENTENNIAL LOOP.,STE. 5 ?f ~ r "f5~ I ::~::R97401;: l-~ ~d I !$,DA~ '} L)7\ : ORDERQF "C?J: - ~ " (0( IV (j;, (iuAJ.L~_ L(J ~ ,Z&d ~A) -I' ~LLAR5 6) gf!;:Y:" . - """'....~,.... j) I ',Ii _oregon 1/ 1 ! ffiR ~,.~ : fix' ~J:.~*II, jI It ",wi" I' ~~~ 'li 'J}; (If)r~~' -1 ()~l1hff7W~ hct lrJ~ 7ij~ vr~.~ ff/tID~ -,...,--..- " $1,240.00 $1,240.00 2085 (II~ ' I;" - ., .. w~ RE~EIVED I' . . MAY 1 9 2009 I' . By:_ I Ii 8/8/2008 " cRcceintl ' Page 1 of1 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726_3676 Fax Trans Description Code CTY Partition Plat 1206 + 5% Technology Fee 2299 Res Fin Sec DeplMisc Deposit 1280 s:\Tidemark\fonns\casefees I.rpt 10/13/2008 1:38:13PM Fees Associat' With Case #: SOO20",,-00035 104 Q ST SKYVIEW LLC Revenue Date Calculated Original Amount Account Number Calculated By I Amount Due Ii 100-00000-425002 8/6/2008 TAl " 2,677.00 0.00 100-00000-425605 8/6/2008 TAl I! 133.85 0.00 821-00000-215500 8/8/2008 TAl Ii 1,240.00 0.00 Total Dne: $0,00 Page I ofl I: I , I: I' I' Ii " I. " I " Ii " '1 , I I, Ii I: Ii RECEIVED l' ji MAY 192009 By: ,: Ii Ii Trans Revenue Date Description, Code Account Number Calculated CTY Partition Plat 1206 100-00000-425002 8/6/2008 + 5% Technology Fee 2299 100-00000-425605 8/6/2008 Res Fin Sec DeplMisc Deposit 1280 t 821-00000-215500 I 8/8/2008 s:\ Tidemark\forms\casefees l.rpt 'I I I' I! II II I' It Calculated BY!,! TAl Ii TAl ': " TAl It 1,240.00 Total Due: II I~ Fees Associa~ With Case #: 8OO2UI18-00035 104 Q ST SKYVIEW LLC 10/13/2008 1:38:13PM Original Amount Amount Due 2,677.00 133.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0,00 111M ' it ._._.'"-,.~~._---,-, -'i --. --,_,f\p ~lIkfJ.Q.r~.iLQ,K__~~c...._, \""','... II ,. ,L 0, ',. .,^-dd.p~-l4J.~j--'~ , I ..~__d/):{k7!!!t,.,~__t/.2., W II' ,a.,. ".,.~...._,...~.,~.~...---_.. ~ &-rv-ut ~ "'-~-"~,' --- " ._._-~~'.'-,_.~-'..- -_..'.., /0 ~ { ,I ,kV- -1i.f..w /v-.(JiYIT,:, -.---.---.--.-.- ~ .. i' -'\77/T ~S: r()~J{."<I(Pu ~ it jf '1 cdlg ,W -/i'dVV I . RBCEIVED I. '" II MAY 192009 B I~ y:,'1 Pagel of I Thomas Fox P._,.....::...... 515 w. Pickell Circle, Suilil400 Sa~ Lake City, lIT 84115 PH 801-596-7711 Fax 801-596-7161 Tllomas Fox P[operties Fax To: Molly Markarian F...m: Bret Fox Faoc 541-726-36B9 Pages: 2 Phone: Date: 5/1112009 ii Re, Invoice for Tree plantin CC: I I: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Ca " "t 0 Please, Reply 0 Please RecycJe 1: 11 I found the invoice. The actual cost was $1,128 so 110% of that is $1240. Is that alount OK Just let . , me know and I'll get a check right over. ", , Thanks, " Ii Ii I I, REQEIVED Ii !i MAYji 1 9 Z009 By: Ii JONES Brenda From: - ~ent: ./0: Cc: Subject: SMITH Mary Tuesday, May 19, 20091:05 PM JONES Brenda STRIPLING Cynthia; WILSON Leslie RE: Vendor # 11 From: JONES Brenda Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:24 PM To: SMITH Mary Subject: FW: Vendor # II !! ,,-- .... .. ......,- ..-..--.......:..,...-.......-..---....--.. '1~......-".. .....'_n.... ., ,-...-............ #17020 Could I please get a vendor number for: Pennington Realty, Inc. John Pennington 83 Centennial Loop, Suite 5 Eugene, Oregon 97401 I need to refund a deposit. Ii , I I, II I! Thank you, Brenda Brenaa Jones .Jl.aministrative Specia[J.st 225 :fifth Street SyringfieCci, Oregon 97477 541'726'3610 TAX 541'726'3689 6jones@ci.snrinafieCcfor.us .. . "~ D!iie",. I: II Please consider the environment before printing tpis email , i REtE IVED Ii MAY 1 9 2009 I' By: II 1