HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1997-10-7 (2) " .....' . . . SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFT/-I STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 Memorandum ',' . . DATE: October 7, 1997 ~. ~ .', " . 1-:,''''. TO" . ".;< ,:'?;~J \'~~,: ;.... '." . --..!~'~'FRCM: ," File * Dc'n Moore RE: Garage conversion and SWOP at 636 Mallard, Springfield, Oregon CC: Tom Marx, Building Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager .11aroldHildebrand, Owner - 2228-1/2 Evcrlcin, Klamath Falls, OR 9760 I 1 met with the owner of the subject property, Mr. Harold Hildebrand, and dctcnnined the following: I.. "The qwncrobtaincd a building permit to convert a carport to a garage in 1989. ~~ .... ,''';'~'.,.~ . I.....' . ,,~..' , . .," ,_ . " \ ' ".' ,.:;,.,.. 2. Electrical work ,was doryc anhc time, but no electrical penn it was obtained: , ... 7",-' 3. The walls and ceiling were insulated in 1989. 4. The owner was living at the property at the time the above work was done. 5. The garage was converted to a family room in March 1997, including installation ofa raised noor system and closing in the overhead door. This work was done without penn its. 6. The owner obtained an inspection by Emile Mortier in September 1997, at the request of this ofliec, to dctcnninc the adequacy Oflhc'fall1i1y roorn conversion: The iilSpcclion report did ~ct n~cntioll .......01110" ceiling insulation or clcclrica~ installations. (The report indicated that the engineer understood the owner to say that the work was inspected under the 1989 'pennit, which was not thc sa,se). /1 . /J..#.-J'lJ Pd .1 ""E/ 7. . All other work was observed and verified by the engineer to be in' comp"ai;iefrwitrrille~qtirements for habitable space, except for replacement of a single glazed window with one that is doublc glazed. We have dctcnnincd that the owncr must do thc following to bring the converted building into compliance with the Code requirements for habitable space: . Obiain a building penn it for the work on the garage-to-family room conversion. . . Obtain an electrical permit for the electrical work which \-vas done in the conversion area. An electrical contractor must sign the electrical pcmlit since the property is for rent. ' . The electrical contractor shall inspect the installation and take whatever measures arc necessary to verify that the electrical work is compatible with residential codc requirements. . The electrical contractor shall provide the owner and this office with a signed statement verifying compatibility of the work. ....~........."._._..:_"._..::.....;.:i. ;;I.,;. ':'\:. -,' ...., ,~. " , . . .' ': ,:~::: . .. - , _ rr~' ~:" >.. ..< ;~: . . . . The owner shall install additional R-I9 insulation above the ceiling, and shall verify to the satisfaction of the building inspector that the cOiling cavity below the added insulation is completely filled with insulation (between the ceiling and the ship-lap decking over the ceilingjoists). The owner shall call for the following inspections: I. Attic insulation (R-19 added to existing 8" in ceiling). 2. Replacement window (insulated). 3. Final Electrical - (after the electrical contractor's statement is issued). 4. Final building (after all the above inspections are complete). -, ::.:-?:it;, ::~:~:,/:,pMi;~~:~: ~- ~~iY' .'. , ,; ~i ....,.' " ',- " .,1. -.-.. . 'f';' 2 .- ,-' t-' . . . STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. P.O. BOX 139 . 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97440 PHONE (541) 484.9080 . FAX (541) 484.6859 .' . September 30, 1997 . i,tJlaiold Hildebrand , : ',' ;2228- y. Everlein :<;',;:;Khimath Falls, OR 97601 . ". ~.->:~\' , '. . , .~: . ~...... ": "~~::'~()~~I~allaru~SOfinQfieIG~OR-:"'Garaiie COllVersion'Iiis-uecti~W~O:"# 1 033 8'-ECIVi-"'''"'''-'- As you requested, on September 23, 1997 1 made an inspection at this residence in order to observe the conditions related to code compliance of the garage conversion to a family room. You stated that you previously had a permit for interior finishing in the garage area and that the only further improvements that you had performed were the raised wood frame floor construction and removing . the garage vehicle door and installing a wall and window . You stated that the previous garage finishing work had been inspected and approved by the City of Springfield. With regard to the non-pennitted or inspected improvements, I observed the conditions and. received information from you with regard to the construction and make'the following report and findings: 1. ,';'...;" 'Ii ". :. " , ".;'!: ' The garage floor construction is of 2x6 at 16" spacing floor joists supported on sleepers of treated wood onto the original garage floor slab so that the maximum span of the floor joist if 4 ft. 2 in. I observed the conditions through the vent openings where you had removed the vents and verified that this is the actual framing. The joists are also supported on 2x4 preservative treated wood blocks, adjacent to the exterior wall. The Hoor decking is appruved oriented strand board with pad and carpet over; therefore,-(believethe-tloor:co~S'i.ruciion complids With iiii;Uin~in code requirements. 2. The window that is installed at the fonner garage opening is a single glazed aluminum slider unit. This would not comply with the current energy code. I advise you to install a code complying double glazed class 40 window unit. The wall construction appears to be in accordance with minimum code requirements. It is non-structural since the header over the opening w~s not disrupted ~~;. , : The pers04~~W'aM~e?6?~~~ivrn-~g~tfe~~tf 0, t : and the operung cased WIthout a door. This door, then was remstalled as an extenorp~4w-- door to the patio from the garage converted to family room. 3. '."'-.' ';~77~""~7:.O;-:"""".".."""'" ,-0',';',","'::""','_ ""':T"':"~': ~. -'. '_',C" ._,_"hu . ',._~_ . ....., .,. _., _.. . ,........ '.. . . .'. '...... . ' 2 j,'. 4. The residence is heated with a gas fueled space heater in the adjacent living area, which is also intended to heat the family room. You stated that the capacity of this heater is adequate to heat the entire residence; therefore, no additional heating equipment was anticipated in the converted family room. 5. Conclusion: Based on my obselVation of the conditions and the infonnation received. . , it is my conclusion that this conversion is in compliance with the minimum requirements of the current Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Code except for the replacement of the window as recommended. . I hope this report is adequate for your purposes at this time. Please contact me if you have fui1:her .' question3. Thank you for this opportunity to be ofselVice. Very truly yours, Emile Mortier, P.E. . ECM/rc ..:.. The attached "Building Analysis Report St'!tement of Conditions and Limitations" is a part of this report. hildcbrand ',.J ." ," " ' ., , . '':.~;. ~ .", I "'", .' . . MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. P.O. BOX 139 . 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97440 PHONE (503) 484.9080 . FAX (503) 484.6859 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION BUlLDING Statement of Conditions ANALYS.JS REPORT and Limitations WENT: .. . Harold. Hildebrand '.0. , 10'l'lR-RrM. LOCATION or PROPERTY 636 Mallard, Springfield, OR ~; I. , Type of Inspeclion and ilems inspeeled is limiled lo: a. ----1llruclural Condilions b: _ Wealherproofing (exlerior surlaces) c. '_ StOrmDrainage (Biiildiiig:-Sile)- ," -,...... ,. d. _ Sile Condilions (Soils, Geological) e. , _ Plumbing (rixlures. Piping) L -'- Healing (rurnace, Ileal Pump. Air . Condilioning. rireplace. Sloves;Chimneys) .' , , I , , g. "_ Eleclrical (Service. Wiring. Oullels Chimneys) h. ~ Olher - Code Compliance . The inspcolion is for lhe purpose of alerling lhe c1ienllo major deliciencies in the condilion o( lhe properly described above and according lo the condilions conlained in lhe reporl and lhis slalemenl. The inspeelion and reporl are performed and prepared (or lhe sole. con(idenlial and exclusive use and possession of lhe CUENT., No obligalion or responsibiiily 10 olher parties is assumed. This inspection is of the readily ll.ccessible areas of the building and is limiled Lo visual observations of "apparent conditions existing at lhe lime of lIle inspection. latent and concealed defecls and deficiencies are excluded from the inspection; equipmenl. construction and systems will nol be dismantled. Mainlenance and olher ilems may be discussed. bullhey are nol a parl o( our inspeclion. The reporl is nol a compliance inspeelion or cerlificalion for pasl or prcsenl governmenl codes or regula lions of any kind. ' The inspection and report do nol address and are not intended Lo address the possible presence of or danger from any potentially hannlul substances and -.. - "~'cn...ironmenl6.I' hbl.tl.ld::: iucluding but not limited to radon gas. lead puinl. asbestos. urea tOrIIIaldehyde and toxic or flammable chemicals. Any references made to these substances in our report is made lor the sole purpose of alerting our client to the possibility 01 their existence. We are making no positive delerminalions as 10 lheir aelual presence. as we do nol do laboralory lesling. If WENT wishes any furlher informalion or recommendalions in regard 10 lhe presence of lhese subslances. we recommend conlaeling a specialized environmenlal conlraclor. The report describes the property condition and slalus on the dale o( inspeelion. The purpose is 10 alerl c1ienls 10 presenl delecls. Sub-surlace soil condiLions. inaccessible areas and features. appliances. security alarms. intercom systems. solar healing systems or panels. sprinkler systems. spas. pools. water soCleners. central vacuum systems. and lhe presence or absence of rodenls. termites or other inseds are specHically excluded from lhe scope of this report While every reasonable eHort was made lo dclermine the property condition. no guaranlees are expressed or implied. No responsibility is assumed lor any ilems oulside the scope of lhis inspeelion. nor can we be held responsibie for .ork performed by olhers. Uabilily for damage arising oul o( errors or omissions shall be Iimiled 10 lhe cosl of lhe scope 01 inspedion. No represenlalions are made concerning lhe archileclural or engineering condilions. Marlier Engineering. its employees and agents. assume no liability or responsibility for the cost of repairing or replacing any unreported defeels or deficiencies. either current or arising in the future. or for any properly damages. consequential damage or bodily injury of any nalure. The inspection and report are nollnlended or 10 be used as a guaranlce or .arranly. expressed or Implied. regarding lhe adequacy, performance or condilion 01 any inspecled slruclure. ilem or syslem. Pre.sj,r'lpnf- Tille o/~n/o., Dale ., ',' ,-