HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1988-4-18 ~.. Rcce~pt ~ ((':33"3 .. RESIDItHIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding. Division 726-3753 Job Location: ~c;- 1?u j_,. .h' 1-I~-A -- Tc;::;~t II Asoesoors Map # Subdivision: Q.met': f """...At. ( ~ Addrees: . j 71 P ? AA "ld...' tUJ. City: ~ r-,,"'5:. - ro -J?'~ D.a~., n Additicn n Remodel n uobi.le Homa Date of Application 1J/!!/7!' Contractors I Phone: 7r6 iJ-!lt/ Zip: 47 ~/o ';/ Describe li'ork: .~.~.~ Genera'L Plumbing Electrical Mechar.ic.::.Z Construction Lendeyo ~- ~ Value A~ Adti:ress ,;p,o () D " Siar:ed: Date: 7 (!~ L{-I'(-'(Y Lise. # Exvires Pitone It ill tM 1'6spons;.biZit!l of tits permit hOlder to ss. that all inopeetions arB made at the prOper ti.m€. tJ-.at tu:Ch ::ddress is l'eadal;:i fl"Cm tluJ stJ-eet, and that the permit card is 'Located at the front of the property. -Buitd:ing Divicior. apprcn:ed plan sha7.Z remain on th.:;. Bui.ldinp Sit:; at all tim~s. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig7Ulted job number, job address, type of inapeeticn. requested a~~ when you wiLl be ready for inspcction, Contractors or Owne~s name ~nd phone number. Reques~s received befere 7:00 ~ :..'iZZ be made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 ern wi1.Z ba trnde the next :.>orkirLJ day. qcgo refs RpmJitPF T"~~p~tir.~~ O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be rrr:de after excavation.. but prior to Set u.p of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PWI-fBING. ELECTRIC.1L & NECHA:JIC;.L: To b6 maLi.e before any . work is .:loucred. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be "",de afcer trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. UNDERG.90U,'.'D PLUMBING, SEWER, W.1TE.~ DF/AIlIACE: To be roode pnor to fil.- .lir.g ~renchec. =:J ::::J UNDERFLOOR PLUltBI.'.'G t. MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tal~tion of 1100r inBu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To. be madc prior to instalLatien of floor ins~Latior. or decki"{;. I ROUGH PLlP.!BI!.'C. E"LECTRTCA!- & UECH- ~ Al/lCAL: No :.JOrk is to DC cOl,'ered .ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve'::. :J FIRF:PLACE: Prior to pZccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. )a' FRA'~Inr;: Mu3t be requented after approval of rough pl.Uff.bingJ electri- cal & mechanical. Al! rOOfing bracing & chimneys, et.:l. ~~st be ;'complcced. No w,::lrk io to be CGn- .' ....cBaled unti l this inspection has . b6lm made and approved. =:J Yau:t' City Des1.gr.ated c!ob Numba' Io: r\:7l IllSULATIONIVAPO,l? BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after aU insuLati:m w.d .. required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath, gypsum bocmi or wZZ covering is applied, and before any inauZation is concea1.ed. ~DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made . after all drywall is in pLace, but prior to any taping. o MASONRY: SteeZ location, bona beam3, grouting or verticaZs in accordance L>ith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmp'leted. . DEltOLITIO!! OR noVE~ BUILDI;:CS :=J Sanitary Se'..Jer capped at ~op&rt'~ lir.B :=J Septic tank r..rr.:ped and f'ilt8~ !.lith ;;rcr.J.e.: --, Fina l - Clhen ah...~e it e.--:rs are camp leted ~ and when d~ol.itior. is complete or stru:- ~ure moved and pr~3es cle.::.ned up. I Mobile Hemes =:J Blocking and S2t-~p =:J Plumbing connections SDWer and uater ---, Eleetrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .--J and plumbing com:ections ~.J.st 1::e approve': before requesting elee:rical ins?ec:io~ ~ Aecescol'd' Bui1.d'ing --, Fin.::. l - Aftcr p~rc1:eB, ~ etc. are completed. skirting, decks, o D CURB & APPROACH AP.~ON: Afte:o forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIlTWAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to bc made after aZZ exca- vating ccmplete & fo:r:n wrk & sub- base material in pZa::!e. o All projeet conditions, ouch as the installation of street treesJ eo~lction of the required Landscc.pir.g, ete., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDI,..C FINAL can be raquestad. -. ~ FIliAL PLUl-fBIIIG ::J FIliAL I{E[;HA.'IICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ ?& FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated after the Final Plumbina Eleotrical, and Hechar.ieal Inspect{.omJ havo been made and approvad. D o ~ENCE: r..'her. eompl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. -ALL MAl:HeLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCES[;ISLEJ ADJVST.'fE.'lT TO BE J.!.IDE f.'J' NO C:)ST TO CI"!'Y I Pa!'"e ! of 2 D ., /. h '" IJOB I Z<ma: NO. c}<;?O N~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- OcCUOanC'U C. LCT TYPE Lot Sq. F<;. S of Zot CJf}erag~ .f of Sto~e8 Total Height Topography I jI'!'EN I Main I SQ. FTC Gc:race CartlCl"'t Accessol'U TOTAl VAWE ISoDoc. IVC,"UCJ 1.5 % Building Permit State SUrcha:rge TotaL Cha.."'gea lITEM I Fi-.-tures IResidential (1 bath) Sanitary SeLJel' Wcte..... Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Tota!. t:r.cracs lITE;.: Res. So. f'ta. N~/Extend Circuits !Temporary Service I Ele~trical Permit St.::te Sur~harae Total Charces lITEM I Purn.:%ce E'I'U' 5 I E=haus t Hooc. I I Vant Fan I , I II:Jodsto:Jc Permit" Issu:mc:: Me=hanic:::.Z Pe-rr:rit State Surchc:rac Tn:cl r.Jurroat'!f -- &;UCROACHJ.!E::T -- i SCr:'.lroitu D::po:Jit Storace Maintenar~p Permi t Tctcl C"na:racs CWObcut Sidet>alk Pc~e Electrical Label MobiZe Home :'"OTAL AMOU,"IT DUE:" 11.'0. I FEE I ;','D. I /;C. I I I Interior Co:roner Panha7ldla Cul.-de-sac x I I I I I I I I 74- ~o I ,373 119.ZJ Value Ci-:ARCZ :.:.7.';..:..;:;.;. F-- CHhRCE I I i I I I I I { f r 23 I. L-COC"i T;'pe/Cor.st: . I I I II II Ii II Ture I Lot Faces - I I P.l. North I Access. I I I Be:iro~s : Enert7:J Sou'rc!p.s Heat Wate,!,IJ(!,.,~".,. Harlf:c Firm>lace Wood.:;tot:e East S""th IWast Setbacks I House Caraae i I I I -- Fze8 Building Value & Permit This p61'm"~t io granted on the express condition that the s.aid, construction . shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance a.dopted by the City of I Springfield, ineZuding the Zoning CrdinancB, regulating the ccnstJ""..l,zticn I and uce of buildings, and m2y be Guapended or revoked at cr.y time upon uic-' latior! of any pr:Jvisions of said Ordir.ances. . . IPlan Check Fee' LJ/A- ICate Paid, IReedpt #, ISi!1"ed, Plumbing Permit No pereo" chall construct, instal!, atter or change any rAW CT e--isting plumbing or 4rainage systen in whole or in part, ur.less such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plu~bing work to property which is Ok~ed~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. -, I I I- I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I- I I I I Electrica I Perm it Where State LcD.J reauires tr.J2t the electricaL work be done by an Electrical ContPGctc~~ the elec:ricaL portion of this permit shaLL r~t be valid untiL the ZaheL has been signed by the Elect'ricaL ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit /;?'~47IU~ Pt.an lxQ7ziner vat~~~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.\!IllED tM completed application for perr.rit~ and do hereby certify that aLl i'!".fo:-mation hereon is tI'ue ar.d correct~ and I furtheI' certify that any ar~ aLL work pCI'forned sr~ll be do~c in accor- dance ~th the Ordin2nces of the City of Springfield~ and th= Ur~s of tho . State of OregQn p=rt~ining to the work described hCI'e~n~ cr~ that NO aCCY- Pl-llCf will be made of any structUr'2 witho~t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certif:... that o:-aly contractors al:.d c:nplQyec8 Wr.O are in compliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this PI'ojcct ~tJ Signad . ~ &/-/r -fr ~ LUte