HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-26 , . .. REStDEeIAL." APPLJ'CA'FION/PERMI1' 2,~5 NOY'th 5th Dtl'eet :;fwill(jfield, Ol'egon 97477 IJlI'i ldin(j DiviIJioll ? :~(j-.37 53 '- . JIg, '/":1 m('~ S+vp",r- H ) I (J'd':\ L,3(J Tax Lot /I ...rob LO~:lti:.m: Itl;~.li:D~:or'.~ M:lt) Slwdit,ision: Ol/()(J V\ Oy I'Y'. \) (\ \ h, /1"11 '/.., YV\1~ s+ ~VV'\"'J.O:,,, lei. o{). CUneI': Add".::!II:;: City: [Xi ::I ~l ::I ,vf'Ie' .1dditicr! Vo\e. fI'..mrO"!I~l ::Qbi1.c nom.: ,Lf(,..,- "2..11o~ q'UJ'x' Phone: Zip: DeDCloibe f.'or>k: €).cl6- .:eiPt ./1 J,..'JI1 <:J r3:57h .. UG/3 .. 'fcl~~, Signed: -k){Y ~~ Cf ~ Z-iP -'i(J ~~J-,() C}/ 0 Date: n"tc of Applicaticn . '-I \ <; V Value I.d..-I S<.:::l . Lj "~ ;t1Ilrt.";lctors AddreRs L'i~c. II Bldr::o' Hoard Re:i; EXIl:!.ces :,,"e";11 T-.;;;, 12 n+-evpL'~p.a... ')Hl~~t -#- L,,(..q'}."J...~~~~ ~-::,!~~/~/~I [11,Ul1lh i.ng ~cchallica l ~L~cLr l.!;a t PP.f1'1I~ L,,~9-JII(, illnL'L'"\.l~~1-;~r.1g Electr.ic i:ln [t is tho ronponDtbility of the permit holder to BOO that all inDpcctions are made at the proper timc~ that each ~dres8 is readab:e from the street, and that the permit card is located at the [l>ont oj" the propel'ty. ~!1uUdi..'1lJ tr:vi::io":': appl'ot:ad plan 3~1l remain on th2 Bu-:.ldin[l Sl:t;,; at all times. !:.!:OC.r::mlt!E ron ltISPEC1'[(JH R::OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (J'ccorder) state yOUI' City dC:Jign..-,ted job nwr.bel", job address, type of ill:;peo-:.icll /'e,/ul.':Jtcd m;d w'/;r!1l you !JiLL be ready for inspection, Contractor!: 01' (Amera nr.mo and phone number. Requests l'eceit:ed befcre 7:00 (;":'1 ~'ill be made the fuune day, requests mede aft;:r 7:00 am will b~ mada the next :JOrkirL] day. ~ttlll:l'~"'( Tnmll'f~h:r.1In ] SI'J'.~' INSN:C':'lON: 'ra be TOOele e.xcl1t.l.:.ll:.i.?l1, bllt proiol' tc :Jet f.?l'mS. ~ alter up of UNDF.RD[,MJ PLUMBINC. ELECTRIC.1L ,~ Nr:L'H,I.'IICM.; To be made befol'oJ ...my 1J01.k ia :Jovel'ed. tr FOOTIt'lG ~ FOUND.1TION: To be lrade' 4.L aftl1r tl'elldwtJ are excavated arul form:; are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreto;, ~ 1I.'mSRCHOl/ND pi,u"mINC. !J!,.,[NA(;/-:: '1'0 he rTK1:1c li':fj t.l'cmche!:. SEWeR. W.1'rf.'r?, priOl' to fi l- ~ lINlWHF'I.OOR Pl,l/,'.!lIfNG I: MEC!lANICIll,: '/'0 be made pl'iOI' to irwtallat.ion of fluol' 'illlwlction 01' decking. 1'0:7'[' AN') SF-AM: To be made prior to illstall.,"lticlI of flool' insdatio'r. 01' ded<;in'j . unur;l/ T'[,ll.'mf.l!c. F.f.F.CTR!CAf. .~ UP-ClI. ,1NfCAf.: .'/0 :JOl'k .i:J to be eOI..'er'ed w:fIl these inapeetior:s have beer: mm/I! whl apPl'oved. F[!~f..'Pl.AL'E: -Pr.ior to plccir.g facing ;;;;~-e1'i.i.l:; and helorc framing inspec- ] ] ] tl:n,:. ~ .~'RM!ft/(:: ,~hl[;t ],c l'eque3ted after I1Pl'I'OI.J.7.l of 1'0UaIJ plumbing, clectl'i- L....ll & mech."'lical. Al!. roofing ]'I'(will/) .~ dl1~rmli:!l8, et~. m:.18t be comp lc tl~d, I/o L),:J]'k is to be con- t:.u:l.cd wltil. thin inspection hall 'been mt/(l.::: and approt-'ed. Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number Ia: O INSfIl.A'l'ION/VItl'OH lIAmif/-:r? INSPPX'/,fON: To be rrade aItel' all insuu.ti:m a~.ll required vapor I.'m'riel's are in place .. but befor,e any lat", !Jyrmun board 01' wll covCl'ing l:fJ applied, and beforo any in3ulation ill concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be rrade altel' all d1'ywall .ia in place, but prior to eny tl1ping. ero IOC) (,., DElf(]LITION OR ;'.;OVED BUILDI,'/GS ~ Sani:a.r>y BC'.Jer :!apped ~~ P~Op&l'~Y ,lfr::e .--...J ." I J~', I" ...' 1111 l~ ",.,1\."',,;1 .1 ., . ~.I, ,\ :=J Septic tank p:g:rp.::d and fill<!d with ijra:Jel I Final - rnzen abcve itc:!Is are ccmpletcd ~ ar.d uhon demolitior. is complete 01' stru~. tUl'e mouec and prc:miaes cleaned up. Mobile Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections scwer and wa:er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-lip ---1 and plumbing connections nr~st te approved before requesting electrical in8pec~io~ ~ Accescol'Y Sui Lding --, Pin::Jl - Aftar p:Jrcr.es, ~ etc. are completed. skirting, decks, o loea tion. bond or vel'ticals in U. B. C. Section D All Pl'o.iect corlllitiomJ. :;11(.',': a3 tile !',nstallation of stl'eet trees, ..co.':'/plation of tile l'eql/ired land:wr:pir:g, et~., nnwt be oati3ficd before the BL'ILDINC PINAL can be r:!quest:uJ. ~ rJ'NM, N.ut.!/JflH; =r 1'1;/,1" Nf:~''',I:II(.',l/. =.J Pl'tI,ll. f:U:r."!'H/(..'/~[. I ~ FlNM. DUIUJlNC: 'r1U! Fi/ltll lJuilding Inspect.ion nnlOt ba l'eqlleated alter till! Pinal Plwnbirl;J Electrical, and Mechar:ic.:lzl Inspectio'l3 halJa been made and appl"ovad. ~11r.r, f./,1,'I/fCU:S ANlJ CU'.'/lNCU'f':,' n/I.':'f '[If;' Ilr:Cfo.'S!JTRU.', AD.m.<;Tm:N'!' TO m: /.1.1m: f1'r NO (:)51' TO cr'!'Y o MASONRY: Steel ueamD, gr>au ti11g accorda1lCe with 241&, WOODSTO'l{o.': After installation is l..'cmpleted. o CURB ,~ APPRCAC/J AI'.'?ON: After> fo1'tTls Q]'e el'fJ:!ted but p~'iOI' to pouring .:!on:!rc te. SIw.:rIAf.K ,~DRIl'f.:t{.1Y: Fol' all con- CI'ete paving within stl'ect ri!Jht- of'-LX:Y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form WOl'k & ~ub- ba:;e material in pla::e. D o !'ENCF.: Wher: co:npl.;;te -- Prouide gutes or movable :Iections through P.U.E. o . ..~. -,..-.....-:------ Ip""" of :! SOLAR .ESS REQ,- ~~~M"G~": ~~.~~(~ 1 &;t F~ee. ". I Sotbacks I P. [" t F10U:lf~ r.ara(Jr! !Nortll ltoast ISouth Irt'cl'lt Type!Cor.8t: '-N II Em1J'nI{ SOill'f:a[l i !icat I Aeeco.. 1 I I II I I II 1 L-COc" I 1 1 I ,1 1 1 I JOB NO. I ;~ona: Lot Sq. Ftij. ~ "r lot C"1Jerag~ .~ of Storiea Total Height Tapoijraphy I ITTf,M I "hitl I Gr.rn.Gt! I Carnort 1,~~~ . SQ.FTG X <i1..L1.- )1././0 TOTAT, VALUE: , S.D.C. (IXHUC) 1.5 % Buildirla Pczomit State Surcharge Total C.ha;oge3 IITf,M 1f'i.rt~'e6 I Residential (J OOtlll I Saroi-t.-u'y Sewe.,. NO., I Water Plwnbing Perr.:it State Surc1-.al'!Je Total Charnc8 11Tm I Ren. S". rto. I NQL)/~tend Cireui tll I Temporary Servico I t NO. I FEE Ele~trical Permit Stata Sur:-:harqe Total Cll1lr'qer. IlTSM I Furnace !!TU' S I &;:haua t uood I Vent Fan I Woodnl;outJ I NO. I I I I I Permit I:;8uanc2 Ne.::hanic.:ll Permit State surchal'(7C Total ClraraeD __ E:NCROACH/oIENT n Isecr.4ritll Daoo3it I Storage I Main tel1O.n.::e I Permit Tota~ Cha1"Ocs I curb(.~:; !Sidewalk 1,f;'rm:Jo I E~octrical. Labal. I Mobi ~e Home I I 1""'''''Ar AU""l1'7' nllf:'.... WT TYPE: Interior Corner Panhalld La cul.-do-sac Value FI.'E: 1 1 1 I')-\-) 5010 I. 1 HI'" I. , I qg,50 1 4.93 I IM.3.13 I CIIARGE: I 1 I FEF. . CHARGE I 1 I I I I . Cl/ARCE: I I I I I I I I ] . I I Jn~ 43 Redl'oomr. : Tal"; Watnr .f/rlatm' Hal/an FirrmLac(? Wood:;tove Fees Building Value & Permit This permit i:; (Jrontcd on t.he oxproG!J condition that tile :..dd ,.:OI1::tJ'lIdioll shaU, in alL respcpt:;, conform to the Ordinar:ce adopteJ h!/ tlU? ::it!1 of SpringfieLd, includi.na the Zenina crdinallce, z'e(JuLatill:! the <:(.',/:;1.1';1..'1.1:';/1 and UGe of buiLdinas~ and m::lY be Gu:;pendcd or revoked at en!} timr: /lFol: IJl:C- Lation or any provioior.n of naid Ordi"mlcen. IPlan Check Icate Paid: IR"cdpt H: ISig"ed: Plumbing F""' (,,4..03 "llu i'i!\ 1 Ql0&J IfdA Permit No percoll r,1la.LL COIl:JtJ'tlct, instaLl, aUer or changr! (;IlY ,U,/J CJ' r.='l.:J:JItt1 pLwnbiY/{J oz' drainage syste.71 in whoLe or in part, udoo:;. slidl pCl'Sull i:: t/:,: legal poSGcsnor of a vaLid plumber's Licen::w, except tJ:at a pa:'son r..Q::1 .Io plwnbing /Jork to property /Jhich is oz.med, teascd or opcl'ated by U:e an.>li- cant. Electrical Perm it Where 5tatn [.aW requires tr.at the eLectricaL lJOJ'k be done by all ELe::C.ric,J!. Controctor~ t.lle electrical portion of this pemit shaLl not. be valid until the labeL luw been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit p/!6::WtfftA- <r:[h.6/5'O va" ( I H.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.'tB compLeted application for permit, al1d do hereby certify that aU ir.fo:omation hereon is true and correct, ani I furthtlr ce7'tify that any ar.d all. IJOrk porfo~ed shall be do:-Z6 i:1 ac:::or'. dance :.nth tha ordinanco8 of tile City of sprin!1ficl.d~ and tll: La..;s of tIlt) ... State of Orea"" pcrt.:zinina to the work cescribcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiLL be m::do of any Dtructura withoOlt p~rmio3i.on of tIle Buildill[1 Vi. vision. I further certify t1uJ.t o.'1ly contractors a;:d c7lpl"yocs w1:0 are ill compliance with ORS 701.05t /JiLl. be uned on this proj~ct I I I I I I~ WJ 1 c/'7'ltM1 j. iy,wl ~ r 9. ~ C-yt3 ",t.t: