HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-12 .. RESID,f.NTlAL" APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726~3753 I ' , j", c.: i ~ 'I"', "~'~f! '""":}j: ~ , ' ,lob Location: ~lA'1) ~ 0 \\'{\ ~ f\...'1\\OaT ' ' \ f) !J fCr~ ~ ' T= wtH f1(){j rY) illuL ill ru~ II) ~/f1-xq A8DelJGOr~ Map H Subdiuiaion: ()one" ~{\ ~ > ~\C'()R AddJoe83:, \ \~)~ 0 \Do. Q f\ ""~ 1'~ A \ ' WV nNr>1., n .1dditicn. n Remodel n .'.Iobile lJomo Date of Applicaticn Cont.ractors General : Plumb l.ng i Nechanical _ ') I E~ec tri.c" 1 fOp 1 J/Z!LK_../ Sl1oe~~:~}_ng~ E-!-ec t r~,c -i<:1 n Add rpss Phone: Zip: C\f\L\1 ))( h',,;cf'::'pt .'1 / Describe r"ark: Value ~;:~'Ylll'l E}:Jl:~n.>.s Lise. II BId rs I\""rd Rel:. Phnnp ~ '"~r- It is the responaibitity of the permit holder to soe that all. innpt!ctionn are r.;adc at ~}IC ;W"-'i'f?t. timF., that each ..;,ddres3 is rea::!ac~e from ths streot, and that tho permit card is l.ocated at the front of the property. t8ui!ding Dividor: approved pl.an nhcZZ l~emain on t~ Bu-:.ldi)t(J Sit;; at aZZ timen. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rocorder) state your City der,ign.'1tcd ,job Il:u.-:ber, job adc:rc.38, type of inapec;icli requested ar:d when you /Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' OwnerD ncmc end phol:e /l;.n!Ja. Requestr. received hefcre 7:00 ~ ;..,'ill be made tht; same day, requesta made after 7:00 am will be made the next :..>orkilt;j day. ~ /31/ Rf?m,dr:,pn Trlr.,?n,..Hr:'!R 0, SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. 0, UNDERSLA8 PLUMBING. KLKCTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made aftor trenches are excavated and forms are erected" but prior to pouring ccncret~. WI'DSRGROUND PLUM!JING~ SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be tTUde prior to fiZ- lil".g trenche:;. o 0; UNDKRFWOR PWMBING & MKCHANICAL: To be made prior to inataZlation of floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BE/l.M: To be made prior to installation of floor iwJt:.Zation 01' decking. -~ r:v1WUGIl PDUHBI/1G. f'Er.ECTRICAl & MECH- l.] MlIC/l.L: No IJOr~c cO/Jered . ur:til these irwpections have bef1r. made and appl'oved. O FIREPl.ACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. o FRA/aNG: Muat be requeDted after approval. of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mech:lnical.. All roofing bracing 11 chimneys, et.::. nr.,wt be . compl.etad. !Jo work is to be con- " cec.led until this inspection has . been made and approved. Your City Desigl':.atcd Job Nwnbcl' If;: D INSULATION/VIil'OR BARRIER INSPIXTJON: To be made after aU insul.:;ticm mui required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath., gypmul/ beal'a' 01' wall covering is applied, arul before any inou~tion is conceal.ed. I Df:.'i"H..ITIO!.I OR :.tOVE:; RU!LDJ;':CS ~ S'1I1i ;m'y :1C'~lel' :.:apped :: t p~opt:a'tii lir:a. ~ Septic tank p:i..'7?cd eX Jilled LJith ~ra;.,'d I Filial - 1/1ler: cocoe i-te:.'1:; are cG.-;rpletcd --1 m:d when .::J.er.lCZ-:.t.ior. is cor.zplete or stru.:- tu~'(] moved alld pr.;:...~d.3e3 clea.ned up. I NobiZ..; lIemer. =:J =:J lJZocking and Set-;ip Plumbing connections s.;wer al:.C water D DRYfrALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU drYlJall ia in place, but prior to any taping. J El.cctl'icc.l Ccm:ection - Bl.ocking, set-u;; ~ mul plumbing com:cctiOfIG r.o...Gt !:e appr~:.:e(;' before req:iCst~lla eZec:rical. inGpee:io,'; :=J ilccr.:r,col'u' BuiZd:'~l{? I Final - Aftel' r:wc:r.e3J ~ et~. are cQmpl.e~~d. r,k:.rting, deck:;, o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam:;" grouting 01' verticals in accordance IJith' V.B.C. Section 2415. WQODSTOVE: After installation i:; completed. D All pro,jaet conditions, :;uch as tlu! i.n:;tallat-:.on of :;:,l'eet tl'.1es, L."a":;pt.e,,;..:HJ of tne raquir<?d landscc.pir:g, etc." must be satiaft:'::Jd br.fcl/><'> U:e BUJf,Dn:c FI:!,lL c(m be r:Jquested. o FIliAL PLUMBI/IG o FINAL MECIlANICI1I. g FINAL ELKCTRICAL o FINAL BUIl.DING: The Final. Building Inr,p(wtioJl m:l3t. b.] reqw:zsted {;/:'Cl' ti:.; Final. Flwnbi'lil Electrical., and Meehar.ical. Inspections lULVo1 been n:cdc (Ilia app'ov.;d. o o CURB & APPROAC/I APRON: Aftm' forms are erected but pl'ior to pouring .::on.::rete. SIDElrALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU COll- crete paving witlt{.,t street right- of-ux:.y" to be made after aU exctl- vating complete & form work ~ ~ub- base material in tJla::e. o ~AJ,D MANIfGLl::S AND CLHANOUTS HUST BE ACCP.S:;IB['F" /l.D,ltl~;T!ir..'/lT TO !JE /.r.1DE /l.T 1,'0 C\<;T TO CI:''Y I Pat;C 1 or :J o o !'ENCE: '''her: compl.;te -- Provid" gates or movabl.e Gection:; through P,{j.K. o II JOB NO. I Zone; Lot Sq. Ft.. ~ ~f lot CQverag~ .# of Stories Total Height Topogr>aphy IrTEM IMain I rrerQae I CarDOt't IAccessor'u SQ.F'l'G TOTA~ VAI,UE Is.D.c. /VC.WC) 1.5x Building Panni t Sta te Sw'chcu"ac Total Cha:'ge3 SOLAR ACCESS OCG.'U.panClf G1':;:/. LOT TYPE Jr.tcriCI' COl'lIer l'c.nhmuIle CuI-de-sac x Value NO. FEE CIIARG/:; lITEM Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanita.ry SeLler Wc:.tRP plumMng Pel..,,.:i t State Sw'cl:al'giJ Total CJu:rncs 11'1'1:.'/.1 ,va. I Res. 80. rta. I NwlExtend Cirelli t:; Temporary Service Ele:!tI'icrzl Permit State SlI1'::lll1rqe Total CllrlJ'(;es FEE 1 I, CHARGE' I I 1 I . I '~6J.W ). /:~ ,{B.&;3 r CflARCE FSE I ITSM I Furn:2ce !!TV'S E=haus t Hood. Vent Fan Ibodstove PCI'mii [:;fWtmc:; Me:::ham:c:: I permi t State SW'ehal't1c Total Crlfll'aefJ l:.'NCROACJlME.'1'T I Sec-.rritl/ I Storage D2P03it Maintenance Permit Total C1tClY/eS eurbcut I Sidewalk 1.l;'cn::e I E1.ectl'ica 1. I Mobi le Home I I I 'fO'l'AL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Label ! Ne. I 013 ~~ I ,....~"" .. L-COG-lt REQ,- I Lot Faces - I I p, [. If/m'th If:nst ISoI.:th !r;CBt 'Bedrooms: I Enel'ny SO:~l'ces I Heat Access. 1 I Watm' Ynatf?l' I I Range 1 I Fircolace I I Woodotoce I TI/DO Type/Cor..s t: Setbacks !louse Cm'Qge Fees . I I 1 I I I I j , 1 1 I Building Value & Permit This pePimit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conf01'l1/ to tlw Ordinance adopted h'y the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance. 1'egulating the construction and use oj' building:;, and ma.!J be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Date Paid: IRecdpt H; ISig"ed; Fee: Plumbing Permit No pC1'COn shall construct, instal!, aLter 01' change any new 01' e=isting plwnbing 01' drainage sYDte~ in wlwle 01' in part, unless Dueh person is the legal possesso1' of a valid pllunbe1"s license, except that a pe~son may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' opcrated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit rYhel'e State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an EZeatl'icaZ Contractor, the elect-rical portion of this permit shall r:ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan Excmt.nel' uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.lle completed application for permit, and do hel'eby certify that all info:'ll1Qtion hel'con is tl'Ue and correct, and I fUI'thcI' certify that any ar.d all work perfomled shall be done in aa~ol'- dance :.nth the Ordin::mces oj" the City of Springfield, and tlu: Ur..J8 of the State oj" Ol'eg.?n p~rta.ining to the wo1'k described herein, and that NO OCCU- Pt:f/CY will be rrnde of any stl'UctuI'a fJithout p~l"mi8sion of the Building Di- vision. I further> certify tha.t o:1.ly contractors and e..nployeea fJho are in c~~pliancc with ORS 701.055 will be uaed on this project tlwmr VJ J1\LlOlillcl to ,~O((tl ,y~~~~J~ ~ /).-4~LY Sign2d Date