HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2001-1-9 i.'::'!..,t-"lIIIISJULt I SPRINGFIELD. DR 97,/77 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Certified Letter January 9, 2001 Patricia K Delong 4450 Franklin Blvd #1 Eugene, Oregon 97403 * Re: 7406 Main St, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Delong: Based on a phone inquiry alleging that the structure located at the above referenced location was being used as a tri-plex, Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector and myself attempted to inspected the structure at the above referenced location and were denied access to the property. Lane County Regional Land Information Database records indicate you are the owner of the building. Our pern1it records indicate the first floor of the building is to be used for residential habitable space, If the downstairs area is being used as a habitable space, this use needs to cease immediately until an investigation of the property can be conducted. Please contact me within the next ten (10) days to arrange a time to perform an inspection of the structure. You can contact me at 726-4652 from 8:00 to 4:30 Monday-Friday, Thank you, ~~~~ - Bob Barnhart Building Inspector cc: Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Meg E, Kieran, City Attorneys Office Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector . . JOVvL, IVUS Ie.-I:ter' 1.<Ja..s Sefl:t -tD --ti\~ CD-wrlc.LL m.~~. H I r? ~ VY\J2 --to -to ruJCLrc:L Ii GYl~ ~,Md. -fDr .~6U- -to ~ r~-t:o 31v:e. Cl brldovervleW on Tu.~ '0- ease f-.1~,~eLDf15 o.-tt.e.A4..s ~e G.mutuL ~e.e;b~. " ~e.. W1!ULll also lM<.-~~ -to prepare! ~ r~ w ~ ~e , -to a.cUr~ aLl of he.r l~U.e.s --m be '~f\. bo- Jo-e 6r-+he... \-1a.pr, ~ts~ t1rnLo ' City of Springfield , City Council 225 Fifth St. Springfield, OR Re: 7406 Main St., Springfield, OR , Once again we are being harassed by the City of Springfield, specifically by the agents of the Community Services Division, directed by David Puent. Tbis aIl"began because my husband sought legal redress against an ex-employer of his, Mr. Yu, owner of the Sutton and Mitchel Motels in Sp'ringfield. Since the beginning of what we both see as an onslaught against our privacy, and our rights; the tactics of the city agents have not changed. My husband has been residing on my property at 7406 Main Street, Springfield, since February of last year, That is all I care to say about our personal lives. Before I purchased the above-mentioned property I personally went to both the city of Springfield, and the County Seat of Lane to investigate the history of the !,.vy....;j. There were no records at either Public Service offices. My husband was visited on more than one occasion by different City agents, asking him what he intended to do with the property that surrounds the mobile home in back. They expressed interest in developing that property. My husband asked why there were no records on the property, and was given no answer, Mr. Gadomski again care out to my property to seek entrance to my husband's living quarters acting in an intimidating fashion to gain entrance. He told my husband that there were dirt floors in his quarters, that iny husband had put in a window where there wasn't one previously, and that ifhe was not allowed entrance that he was going to come back with a warrant, because the Judge does what he is asked, and that they would also take video pictures of all of the contents of my property, including personal items. My husband at this point told Mr. Gadomski that if he had anything further to say to him that it should be directed through my Attorney, Mr, David Force. At which point Mr. Gadomski told my husband that our Attorney had nothing to do with this. City agents dispensing legal advice have been the norm since our nightmare with this department has started. ..,,/, . . . We would like to know why the head of the department bordered on petjury in a Court of Law while trying to make my husband look bad? It took an order of the presiding Judge to stop what he was trying to do and allow our Attorney to see the papers he was reading from, At which time our Attorney read the correct dates, Mr. Puent was flustered, and then said he must have misread the dates. Does this have to do with bruised egos at the detriment of the City? Is tills a zealous pursuit for my husband's ex-employer? Where did the mysterious funds come from that Mr. Puent mentioned in Court when asked why a past suit by this department coincided with the trial with my husband's ex-employer? , Perhaps the applicable State Agencies that oversee the actions of this Department, and that of Municipalities would be interested in the foregoing questions that were raised. Was there collusion between the City of Springfield Community Services Department and the previous owner of the property at 7406 Main to defraud the public? Or were they acting on their own personal interests when they failed to keep proper documentation? As I have said before, this has been a nightmare for both myself, and Q1Y husband. If the agents of this City Department think that through their bully boy tactics, and dispensing oflegal advice which is wrong, that we will let them violate us any further, they are sadly mistaken. . Any further correspondence should be directed to our Attorney who is representing us in this matter: David C. Force, P.O. Box 10972, Eugene, OR 97440 telephone #343-2956, Sin;e~' ,~,/,' /J]1!~ . Patricia !l DeLOngV" '0 \ \ i.~--~ ,\,t..l . . David C. Force, Lawyer January 11, 2002 44 West Broodway Suite 406 Post Office Box 10972 Eugene, Oregon 97~0 Mr. Bob Barnhart Building Inspector City of Springfield Development Services 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: 7406 Main Street, springfield, OR. * Dear Mr. Barnhart: My client patricia DeLong Enterprises, has provided me with a copy of your January 9 letter to Ms. DeLong regarding the above property. This letter constitutes her response to your letter, in lieu of the purely verbal response which you request. The building at that location is not the site of any work being performed by Ms. DeLong or by any contract she has let, requiring any form of permit from the City, nor of any proposed change in land use from its longstanding use as a rental dwelling. Your letter indicates that you wish to perform an inspection, but gives no indication of either the purpose of such an inspection or the legal basis to demand it. The building ,is a dwelling and its tenants/occupants cannot be prevented from using the downstairs portion, as have the residents of that building for many years, under any code provision of which she is aware. My client has contacted her tenants, and none of them consents to allowing you or your agents into their homes for any "inspection." My client also informs me that the tenant whom you and Mr. Gadomski talked to when demanding entry, advised you to contact myself as the attorney for the owner-landlord. I am informed that Mr. Gadomski responded that the owner's attorney had nothing to do with this situation, Whatever the situation is, I am now involved in it and I would appreciate your consideration in not giving my client or her tenants legal advice or discouraging them from contacting me. And I request that you direct any further correspondence regarding this matter to my office. MS. DeLong's building at 7406 Main Street is not in violation of any law and her business scrupulously endeavors to comply with the City's ordinances. She feels that repeated visits to her properties and verbal confrontations with her employees and tenants on the part of Springfield building inspectors and other officials, Phone: (541) 343-2956 Fax: 541-686-1594 5?\ . . 2 has reached the point where this ongoing conduct constitutes harassment and is approaching violation of her Constitutional right to the equal protection of the laws. Olech v Villaae of Willowbrook, _u.S. ,120 S Ct 1073 (2000). Please advise this office precisely what regulation or ordinance of the City of Springfield your "phone inquiry" suggests is being violated by my client and/or her tenants; and identify the ordinance providing for remedies and enforcement of that regulation; and explain why an "inspection" of the interior of this occupied dwelling is necessary to investigate that allegation. We would also be very interest in knowing the source of the information upon which the City bases this demand. If the City has a legitimate enforcement purpose for this inspection and is willing to accommodate the concerns of the building's tenants about such an invasion of their privacy, we may be able to arrange sufficient entry to the building to satisfy its concerns. That will depend upon your response to this letter, as opposed to any further empty assertion of a demand to inspect without any legal authority or justification. Until the issue of the inspection is resolved between the City and the owner, through this office, please desist from further visits or contacts with her tenants and/or employee at the site of the building. We will regard any further attempts by City officials to enter the building or to enter or remain on the premises, absent consent or a duly-executed warrant, to represent trespassing in both a civil and criminal sense. I look forward to your response to these inquiries, Very cc: patricia DeLong Meg E. Kieran, City Attorney ~ ~, Cust<;>m Tag for creating a datere variable . Page I of4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 7406 MAIN ST Map & TaxLot #: 17-02-35-42-00200 A & T Account #: 1276912 ITax Map JFII View Taxmap II Vicinity Map Special Interest Code: Convert to PDF document Detail Map e~~~ !II , I \. X-Coord: 1370921 Site Address Information House Suffix Predir, 7406 Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1987-08-22 Land Use Land Use Code and Description: Use Code and Description: Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1: Boundary Information General Incorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: 1990 Census Tract: 1990 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: 1995 Transportation Analysis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y-Coord: 876559 Street Name MAIN PostDir. Street Type ST Unit Type Unit State OR Zip Code 97478 Update Date: Zip+4 Carrier Route Land use information has not been field verified. Code: 1111 S Description: Single Family Housing Single Family Please verify zoning information with local jurisdiction, SPR lD lOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SPR SPR L 1804 2 1980 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 234 1,14 http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reportslMain Jeport Jlidstar,cfm?taxlot_ id= 13516&site _ at.. 01/04/2002 Custpm Tag for creating a datime variable . Environmental Findings Metro Greenway: Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: Soils Soil Map Unit Number 106A 77B 108C 120B Schools Soil Type Description PENGRA-URBAN LAND COMPLEX, 1 TO 4 PERCENT SLOPES MARCOLA COBBL Y SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 7 PERCENT SLOPES PHILOMATH COBBLY SILTY CLAY, 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES SALKUM SILT LOAM, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES Code: 19 334 590 668 Name: SPRINGFIELD THURSTON THURSTON THURSTON District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts L TD Service Area: L TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: Emerald People's Utility District: Political Districts Election Precinct: County Commissioner District: County Commissioner: State Representative District: State Representative Name: City Council Ward: City Councilor Name: EWES Commissioner District: Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 1276912 I Property Owner Owner1 Name: DELONG PATRICIA K Owner Address: 4550 FRANKLIN BLVD #1 YES YES EC Districts may not include recent annexations. 102606 2 BILL DWYER 42 BILL MORRISETTE SP6 LYLE HATFIELD SPRINGFIELD Map & Lot: 17-02-35-42-00200 EUGENE City Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: DELONG PATRICIA K Taxpayer Address: 4550 FRANKLIN BLVD #1 OREGON State UNITED STATES Country 97403 Zip Code EUGENE City OREGON State UNITED STATES Country 97403 Zip Code Remarks: Converted Record Property Legal Description Page 2 of4 Percentage ofTaxlot 56.00 35.00 10,00 ,00 http://www.rlid,org/cfdocs/rlid/reportslMain Jeport Jlidstar.cfm?taxlotjd=1 35 I 6&site _a.... 01/04/2002 'J ~ustom Tag for creating a datlme variable Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market 43,540 43,980 44,880 41,940 39,940 36,980 34,160 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 34,602 Taxable Value Improvement Value Real Market o o o o o o o o Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 . Page 3 of4 Total Value Real Market Assessed 43,540 34,602 43,980 33,594 44,880 32,616 41,940 31,666 39,940 30,744 36,980 36,980 34,160 34,160 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 546.77 533.56 539,40 524.36 522.41 576,52 557,62 Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount of tax which currently exists with Lane County's Department of Assessment and Taxation, It is possible there is a pending value change on this account. To determine this, please refer to the Account Status indicators to see if Pending Value change is selected, If a value change has already been processed for this account and year in question, the tax currently showing may not match what was certified for that particular year. Account Status (!, Active for the 2001 tax year New Account scheduled to be o active for the 2002 tax year (!, Locally Assessed o Pending Seg/Merge o Pending Value Change o Delinquency o Delayed Foreclosure o Bankruptcy o Code Split Indicator Land Characteristics Code General Information Property Class: Statistical Class: Neighborhood Code: Property Use Type: Account Type: Category: Descri ption 190 41330 RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reports/Main Jeport Jlids1ar.cfm?taxlotjd=13516&site _a<... 01/04/2002 _ .' Custom Tag for creating a datwe variable . Page 4 of 4 Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: 1.14 Fire Acres: 2001 Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT METRO WASTEWATER SERVICE DIST SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & REC DISTRICT View Taxina District Information from Lane Countv Deoartment of Assessment and Taxation's site. Sales Information Sales Date Sales Price Grantor Grantee Instrument # Analysis Code 01-04-2001 135,000 MOORE ARIE MA DELONG PATRICIA MACK & SHARON G K SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL GARDENS INC 20-01-000837 K 03-06-1996 96-01502800 K Manufactured Structures SAarch Results 'NF!w PrnnF!rtyJ~!t~..!.cm IMplications Menl,! http://www,rlid,org/cfdocs/rlid/reportslMain report rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id=135l6&site a.... 01/04/2002 - - - - i. 7-Yo6 ~~-~4 ,I . ~-~7'::-~P:1> r~'<'~ ~.:,,-~ ~?,?,-::S/~7 /-/7-6>/: I~ .rJ~7 .~q~? ~.u_.:z,J'Q__ . ~~ PeL -:> .~s /t/or~ ~~OlJ4>", I'~ .?f: ([J.. .-W6r.~,v'd'-,': ~ ~~k,b_...-,'. vrt/K. ~'1 ; -J:13#'~ _~ ~(;..' . _ _ _ IT.~~.s ,~~yiteH..4W~, _ , ./,P-T na .5 /7-e. _ .' . @. . : _ ~'V'c.. C ke-y e/U':<v. fJ(/,c s;.3;: .s-~<<.a.t.. ~ ~o _ :/f1'lP ~T4 rr S"'/?e. _ , , II /~/r-t:P/ !&..6 qtc5J. 7A'/-c.j;;> /e> ~61~ ~~7~~....U ~~ 'iJ;?~. , ~~W~ . ;'f,.('PZ A1-T /;{.e. /ePe;,r.r.e _ . ~T~~ WI/~ ;O/~ &6 4~w~ a4'" Gt./(?q~;:L~~T:. G-~ '" ,"~-~7Z'Ad~4!_./~~.'1'~ ,I. i . I :, , , i II ,I ~p.;z; U.J ~,..-- AL~'7'" _ Ytv""f'&.e CMPt~ __. ~c:..e.. _ , 1 'I ) ,;J>~-:srrCP7 ,~,~ _r.c:v.~/7i:> '1Cc>--~ J~>""" HX~ 4' /~ 4 J?,q'~ I Ti'dM".r.. 'r , t. I - . 1- .1 , I .t '1 't --rot H - -, - -- ~ t - . . , I I I I )'i-/?- cP/ T~<:::e-"~~T:;(_ /'1'#'c... ~ I ~'/.:r ~ .7'. :;&-~_ .A''-9fP ~re., ..:u.-~ ~ ~ 'I /f' ::r ri1'f'",AP 0'7.-: ~ f S 'ft:. '1> ;rz, ,~T,e;(4'4iZ'- _~~~G-. _.; -....?-~ ~/<3~t:;P~e;>@. ~t?l4oo'o ~_, _ ,,/o/e?~ ,@2 7~ ~ /~. 3'1.',tQIJ'c:P i?>dJ~~. ' .'. , ,t'~ j',;?~ #;)/,S;, I 5'~p A~,.~~ ~"'" ~,?;fe, , , ~T~ 'I ;/~~ .~o? G2J kJ: -PT~-f , p~ 7~/"'~~'::: fiff~ 1.5 73 t"Y /'1"'#/..-v' f'.7: .~ _K~!ooI_ _~ ~~ .~~ ,j) ~"", ._.3&:>. _ _ . .. . .+ ~-+ -..............- - - - - - -- - - - -~ - - - _.. - - - - 1 , !tiavi~':'~b.<?rv1_~:___,':'_ """""__.__ =-'" ~'===-~-~~"jl " r1 ./ From: To: Date: Subject: Gary KARP MOTT, Cynthia; MURDOCH, Jacqueline 7/18/01 10:51AM Illegal Use An appraiser called about a property 17-02-35-42 Tax Lot 200, This property has a house (7388 Main) and a mobile home (7406), The original question concerned the legality of the house that has been converted into a tri-plex. The property is zoned LOR. I found an address file for 7406 Main, but not for 7388, I found that Mack Moore is involved with this property, he sold it to new owners an a Land Sales Contact. My guess is that the tri-plex is an illegal conversion. Do you have any information relevant to the tri-plex at 7388 Main? Thanks! /}#~ 4(7?~ c.. ~-- -:-' ;;J~O-:--9'~ * I 7c?..;2-- I ~ I , ? 7s-- trs-::s - .?- ~ Y.7 .a:-m i r; I/'Y;Z N".'L? - I .. -." . .-....-.___.. 0.- ~ 7'1'~C /?,~', ~ . '~" cz-rl .:::. _ / r jf;i1L /-;>e?'?-- Grs -7'/"77 <z-.e(L. /- 7d..?-~ /'3- "? 'T?' ? " .. ~, .. 'I ,-,. ..- {"'It" /,~'f11')..b- 1676 Thursday, Jan. 18,2001 I ;1 fMVlt Dave: )fILlA/.6 f( (;;Vj ~ I( As per your request, I am rw.. 10 you the closing statement where I sold all our property"as is, at ~d 7388 Main St., ~...:......leld, to Patricia K. DeLong 00 Jan.!I, 2001. ' T have moved all or my things out, except a Blue 1978 Cbev Van and a few other things under the ClIJ1lort and in the weD sheel. ' ' I sure ....... ".:ate you helping me get those drug addicts out and off of my propeny, They stole every thing tbat I had stored that was valuable lIDd which they could put in vehicles. Then they did a lot of damage inside the building, plus ruined all the paint inside of the building, David and Patricia Delong inspected the inside of the building two or three different times before they purchased all of our ... ..... . J as is. The property consist of two lots as shown in the closing statement which comes to a total of 1.54 acres ofland, Even though I had never met them, I think the Delongs will be good neighbors to the people that live around this property. Sincerely Arie ~nn~ocated at 7406 and 7388 Main Street, Springfield. Our Springfield address is 88948 Twin Fir Drive, Springfield, 94778 Oul Lea.. V"II"" ...w."". i. Sl08 0aIlI" Rivc:r Ave:, Lu Ve:gp, NY 89130 . , . . .' ,& . SD.LQ'I J'1lfAL CLOSDQ I'f'A'fIIaIPr - I.orow .0. hOl-UO' P-.cD. 1 O. ), 9~ DATIl 01/05/01 TO. All!. IA.l:S: IIOOJtS md SHARoN' Q. Il:000 5108 GIlN'l'Lt; RIVER A_ LAS V'!GU.)J\r 89130 u.t:. DC:I: MOOU: aDeS sauum O. IlOO0 (tbe "Seller.) PArJU:CU k. DILOlIQ (tb .hy.Z'.) CaGeade Escrow provides thj, Final Closing S~a~ement to Smller to rellecc the final di.bur..ment ot _11 fund. that cona~ituted 0 part of the .'~row. It YOu have any ~.8tion8 or need any further information please feel tree to contact your ..crow officer ehown below. =... - , ". '....,"~.,::._02...1I.,U.-ooaoo . 00202, ot ~". TI'J'LI ODD JIfO. I 22S/J1t l ~RO~.~ D&~I 00/00/00 SA.L~ -'JlIOl' B,RCEIVBD PROM BU'Y"BR otn'SIOB: OF ESCROW IlDIT CIlIIDt'r 51)5 000.00 1 000.00 PRORATIONS AS or 01/04/01 rwu. TAX . 161.56 from Dl,If)"/~l to 07/01/01: REAL TloX . SJJ.S6 trOlfl 0,1/04/01 to 07101101 REAL TAX . 1.207.88 fram 01104'01 to 01101./01 'l'RUS'1' OEED " NOTE 'I'O B!t+P- MI. MACK MOORI: " SKARON Q. MOORE 11~.OOO.OO PAY OJ'P 011' EXISTING ENCUMBRANCE (S) ~t. U'l'a.m COMMISSIONl ESCROW P'BR8: CASCAnJ: 1SeROW ESCROW CLOSING P'EB SOt COLLECTION SETUP PBB 2U.75 100.00 TITLB CBJUtGES: ~FADR TITt.B COMP~ STAmlARD OWlmR' S POLICY G01.~,-",......~.. SERVICE rQ ~ 50' POWBR OF, A...............lo. 537.50 12.50 31.00 JI!l!l.TIOKN. CllARQIS . ClUlDITS, l.Mi: COUN'fY C'C:PT. OF ASSBSS. " l'J\XATI ACCT 1276912 LANB: COUNTY DEPT. or ASSESS. , tAXA.Tt ACCT 1367]~O [.A)lE COUNTY OEM. or ASSESS. " TAXATI ACCT 4n1lt71'10 ciTY. OF.SPRiNa~IELD C00012' HA.%ARnOUS VBQJlTATION' 3 PAYMENTS .$600.00 PER MOKTB S;38,30 1 218,62 163.00 ]2".00 -- PllOCElmS TO SELLER 14.559.37 .....ALS 1117.728 _ ae. .1]7.721. Oe. ~-~ 'ESCR~%CBR: SARAH VAIL rt'. . . .' HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Jdentificati"'l 97464109 I.J.O 2.1 II . Rw!.It OK fllm Im; 03 Sent . Fax Log Report Jan-23-01 07:15 AM Dm IimI; Duration DiBlJIllIStiC Jan-23 07:14A 00:00:58 002482030022 , , . City of Springfield Development Services Department . QPRINQF&ELQ / \ facsimile cover page l ',-- .::~~~.:~:~.?~:_--J .. to: I f{\Q n / ' ~, fax: .. -- ~ company: ,-Atttxno'r ~o, from: ~ -\_~r\,\ message: k 'l4lo '-\ \ C11 number of pag.dS Including this page: :=s if all pages indicated' are' not rc:ccivc:d. or' if you have trouble recciving this transmission, please caU (641)126-3763 . 225 Fifth Street, Springfield~ Oregon 1\ . . i ('It 'f /,~lfl 7?.b- 1676 Thursday. Ian. 18,2001 r:; PIt! A/-6 f( f:;'Vj) t;UiCT II( f I f?:1O/l Dave: As per your request, I am rulo you the closing statement where I sold all our property"a. b, at 7406 and 7388 Main St., Springfield, to Patricia K. DeLong DD JaB. S, 2001. - T have moved all of my things out, except a Blue 1978 Chev Van and a few other things under the carpon and in the well sheel. I SUTC ,.".......;ate you helping me'get those drug addicts out and off of my property, They stole every thing that I had stored that was valuable and which they could put in vehicles, Then they did' a lot of damage inside the building, plus ruined all the paint inside of the building, David and Patricia Delong inspected the inside of the building two or three cLTt.. ..... times before they purchaaed all of our property as is. The propeny consist of two lots as shown in the closing statement which comes to a total of 1,54 acres ofland" Even though I had never met them. I think the Delong! will be good neighbors to the people that live around this property. Sincerely Arie ~nn~ocaied 3t7406 and 7388 Main Street, Springfield. Our Springfield address is 88948 Twin Fir Drive, Springfield, 94778 QUI La:. Vegas IIdlllCll3 i3 5108 Oemle: River Ave:, LlU Ve:gu, NV 89130 .' . ..~l " I.",r~ " '!I', l' ~l"~r~~I.~HI .:~.. I.'!' ~:"4w. I"':~I f 11:; r; i' j'I- ;' .'. I", , fj' :'1"'.." : l, 'I"'. ,( \' . ",1-' . <: "il' '1.....'.....J~"'~:~., l~ ',: .~;.;-f~i,,~ ~ \., .1:;,\1\\,..1 '! .~1:\.;<,.i. .::"i i . ~ , I ~ ' .; ., "', " '.' " ~, ' ,,' ", " uu.aIS n)Q%. CLOSnra 81'ATINIH'r '- .'OI'Ow .01 .-o01-140e P~l 1,0. 1. . slTTi.amrr DAft. 01/05/01 .: :; ~d'i" t. t~'l'\1 }i~ \~ t L ' 01 1. '; f. ; " TO. UJa 1ACIC IIOOU and 8BAJtOH a. MOon Sl08 ClIlII'IU: RIVER AVI!IIUIl LAS VEGaS.)l\f 891:10 . ..:, (,'.'.' " :""r:'1 . Id ' "'~el l ,C., .1'. .1, 1~:,~ 1,.~llf ~, ~ I \ I"'" ..a:ralcu ~. DlLOlIQ (tb. ....y.r.) an. Del: MOOu ADd 8MaOJI Q. JIOORJI (tbe .S.ller.) I I' .~ \ .,"-t.. ~!.t: ~ C..cede Bocrow provid.. thJ, final Closing Statement to Seller to reflect the tinal diebur..ment of all fund. that constituted 0 part of the .gerow. If you bave any que.ciona or need any further information please feel tree to contact your e.crow officer ahown below. t;.-... IW TIn. OUID WI:). I 225/Ut , .. '....,.:,;':':'_0,3-U...2..00200 . 00202. OR L P~"!B DA~. 00/00/00 sM-E!' ",to Il!eJ!:IVKD noM BU'YKR OUTSIDE OP ESCROW " PR09!10W9 AS OJ' Q1./af,/ol _TAX . 161.56 froca 01/0t'01 to 07101101 aW.'!'AX . SJJ.S6 frOl\ll 0.1/04./01 to 0'101101 REAL TAX . 1,201. B8 from Ql/06/01 "0 01/01/01 II J! ~ ~ TRUST DEED . IlOTIl TO ..~ ui. ~Jt MOO... " SsNtCm O. MOORE PAY OFF 0" EXISTING EHCUMBRANCE ISI JlUL Ra'!'A.TII: COIrOtISSIOHI ESCROW PBD I C'AJlt:'AnZ !S,MlO!, &BCJWW CLOSING P'EB SOt COLLECTION sETUP FEB TITLK CHARGES; ~CAD.", TITLE COMP~ STJUlOMD ~ I S POLICY GOVB1UtKIR1' SQVICZ PQ:: . 50' POWBR or, A.........,,,..... , '0' A.DP1Tt~ ~QES " C'UDIT_S: LNIE COUNTY OEn. OF A66&SS. , IAXATI _ ACCT 121"12 LAMa COUHTY DEPT. OF ASSESS. " TAXATI ACCT 1361190 LAN! COUNTY DEPT. 0' ASSESS. " TAXATI ACCT 40'7190 -CITY OF SPRINGFIELD C00012' 1Ut.ZAaDOU9 VECiBTATtON . ) PAYMENTS .$600.00 PJR MONTH ~ - PP.OC'EEDS TO !;ELI.ER " """ALII . DDIT 1,00Q.00 119.000.00 I I I I I I I I I 2U.75 I 100.00 I I I I 537.50 I 12 .50 I J1.00 I I ~JR.30 1.218.62 163.00 324,.00 14,,559.31 .1J'7.'72_.06 ~ ;1r:.sC1l~tctR; I I 1 I I J I I ,I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I -::;7 - SARAH VAIL -". CUDIT S1l5. 000.00 19.'9 260.20 589.05" , ADO.no "'[ {1]7.12..0_ " . " 1;:.' . ;,...#'~~f^,' '.~ m. . j'"l~! 111