HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-5-17 n~\\A' ~f9 \)i \/ \~ \()f\ & ; u'." .. RES 1Dt'N TI A L .. AL\'en: L:\~ COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT ~ 225 North 5th Street Springfieu:, Oregon 9747? BuiLding Division 726-3753 . .'!cceoco' ..::,--<709$ S - SPRINGFIELD - . f- 'r"";) . .1 ,. ~ I C'- f.iUv>.............., ~ x .~ LJ' '" 7- :'.~_~~';.ef.1It./3 '3"- ~ 4 Tcz [,ot N f)e. /11 M 5 -,--- ---.... Admoes3:r-71ij '<.-"-""1nf~:""" <::fl. ~Phone: 7t(7-7:2!'-7 - +-.,-- ---;;._.._-~. -------" 5';"" J "" ~r-;'~ t!{/ " .' . Zi?: 97 't 77 t" I .lob Location: rl.s"esDol's f.fap # 11 0::>" Suhditr';ston: )t " -:/?;lu1p. T ;;" Q.."Jtel': y. City: ~- n Addi ticn n Remodel n ,~!obiZe Hom3 D~:;; of' AppZ.';o;i-i..::,. Contractors General ~ft. Plumbing Eleetrica Z .~fechar.ic::.l Construction Lender rh;/J~SI n{./JDO 2..t- DS8cribe ~'ork: ~r '(;:1;2 (/17 ~ crO Address #/100 *' Si<;r.ed: ,.::;J/V Date: ~'5'-17 - ~ z....- Lise. # PhcnlZ ~::;:)il'es It is ~he rssponaibility of ths permit hal.der to see that aU tmrpections CD"e /':".ade at :he proper :ir.1E:# that cc:ch ,;;ddres8 is l'ea.::ab~2 from the street, and that ths pormi. t card is t.,xated at the front of the property. 'EuiZ.ding Dil)i::io~ appl'ot.:ed plan shall. !"emain on tho Bu~Zding Sit3 at an times. ~~CEDURE POR INSPECTION REQUEST: Calt [recorder) state your City iesignated job numbe!", job address, typR of in3pectien requested' ar.d when you <JiLL be ready for inspection, Contractors :)1' Ctme:-s name end phone number. Requests received cBfers 7 :00 elM :..'iU be mads thE: same dt::y" requests mads aft:::r 7: 00 am wi U be rrrJde tho n.ext :.Jerkin.; day. m!DERFWOR PLUgBfllG ~ ,'.:EC.9.ANICAL: To be made prior to inotaZ,Zat'l.on of [1.001' insulation 0:- decking. POST AND BEAM: To be ~ prior to instaz.laticn of floo!" inst.:latior. 01' 4ecking . ROUCH P!'U,'!BI:JC, E:r.;C:(:N?!C~!. .t MECH- ANICAL: No '.JOrk is to be COl.'srea ur.tiZ, these inspec:ior.s ~-ve beer. made and approved. . FI.f:!EPLACE: Prior to p4;cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. ' ~ ::ENeE: ~ compl.zte -- Provide FRAHING: Must b~ reque~ted after, ' " gates o!" movable s8cti.cns through approval of rougn pZur.h'l.ng, aLec~~-~ ~ P U ~ cal & :r.echani.zaL. Al~ l"Oofir.g .~ hi' .... bracing .1 chimnc::ys, at.:;. nr..:st be 0 compLeted. No work is to be con- cealed unti Z thin insoecticn has been made and approl.'ed. J P:!!ttTJ':t"',-f r"'T''''~tT:".,"q '0 SITS INSPEC':'IO,'l: To b. nr:u:U aft" e:::cauaticn, but pM-Of" tc se~ up of forms. " '0 UND"SRSLAB PU1MBING. ELECTRICAL oJ l!ECHA,'lICA4: To bs made bsfors any work" is .zovcred. D FOOTING ~ FOUtVDATICN: To be m:u:e after trenches are ueavated and forms woe ersctad, but prior to pouring eoncret.. W..'DE:RG.rrDU,"!D P~Ul.fEING. SEWE,q. W.1TE.'?, D.'lUIfIAGE: To be rrn:1.B prior to ta- l i.r.g trsncnes. o o o o o D Your City D6Sigr.a.ted Job Numba Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR EARRIER r.'IS?SC'!'ION: To be rrr:zde after aLL inBul..::ti.?n a!"4 required vapor barZ"'iBrs ere in p lece but before any lath, gypsum board or wl.Z. COt.l6nng is c:ppZisd, and bsfor's any insulation is conceaLed. 9.//)q) h - DEUO:'ITIO!} OR ,'1m"'?) 3UIL::.'ICS :=J Sam-:a:ry sQ}e!" ~~peC .::t P:.OF~!'!;':i Zir.e =:J Septi:; ta71k p...mped a:"": fi Zi.ad :.rit.h pcrJd ~ FinaL - of/hen c:Xve it~~8 are cc:~~e'ted . ,J .'<10-' . ar~ wnen _~~~~~~or. La co~la~z or struc- ture moved ar.d pr~3c8 c!.ean2': up. Mobi ~e Hcmes ::J Blocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbing connect~ns s;;;.;er ~ :.:a-::er ::J Electrical Ccnnect:ion - Bl.acid.r.g, set-up and pZ:.vni;ing a'or.r.ect~ns 1i.":3t =e approved before requesting ele~;ric=~ ir.spec=io~ ~ ACCe8S0l"'~' Bu:i:.di~ ---, final - Aft<:r~?:;l"c.r.es, sk~rt-:'r~, d2cks, .-J ete. woe ccmp:'2t~a. o AlZ project conditions, sue.': as" the instalZation of s:ree't tree$, c~~!.;~i,:m of =itz 1'6quired Zandscapir:g, etc., must oe satisfied before the 3UIL[)I,:'~ Fr:.'A.L ~a:n =e r3quest:ad. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL ,'.fECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o ?INAL BUILDING: The Fina! Building Inspection must be l'equeated af";er -:r.s Final. ?!.w;;bing gZtlctricaL, and Hechar.ical. Inspectiona hava been made and ~pproved. o DRY1.JALL ItlSPEcrrON: To bs made after aLl. drywaZl is in place, but prior to any taping. ~ALL ".IAf/HeLES AND CLEANCVTS HUST BE AC:ESSIBLE, ADJUST.'fENT TO !JE !.t1DE AT NO CaS'i' TO -:I'!'Y 1-::'~2 of 1 O MASONRY: Steel 1..ocation, bo7u1 . beam3, grou:ing or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241S. O ;"'vODST.J'/e: After instatZatio:. is ccrr.p Let€d. o CURB & APPF?OACH AP.~N: Afta:' forms aI'8 IJrected but prior to pouring .:on...""1'ete. D SIDE:'''ALX & DRT/E'''!.!: For aU con- crete paving within streQt right- of-wcy, t;o be made afte!" al~ uca- vatina ccmpLete II fo~ lJOrk & :;uh- haee ~te.M:aZ in place. - $\ /(l,/HJ I I I I : I Y~.! c Leff____ /j)/g~ I, I~v I~ I iJob Ilumber: R:J-.-Or51J1:> :Zor.c: OccupanCl! Gr. LOT TYPE ' jLot Sq, Ftg, ':; "J~ lot Coverag;; ! II of Stories , ; Total Height ~ Topography lITEU I iMain i IG<:Joaae SQ,FTG x Caroort AcceS80ru TOTAL VALUE I IS,D.C. ftICl.UC) 1,5 :r Bui ldir.g Permi t State Surcharge Total Cha....ges lITEM NO. FEE I Futures I ResidentiaZ (1 bath! I I r;:!,..,....+.....".,. Ci~~,'~.'!'. I I ,-_.. .-._.; . - . , . I I Water> ---- j I PZumbing Perrr.i t I State Surcr.arge I Total Chc.rooos j j ITEM i NO, I FEE I I Res. So. rta, I I NelJ/Extend Cil'cui ts I I I I Temporary Servia6. I I I I I I I Ele:JtM.cal Permit I State Sur~harqe I Taw Z Cha1'aes I lITEM I F'urnt::ce ETU'S I E:::haust. Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto"Je NO. FSE ., I J?"ermit 138Uanc~ Me:::hanic:zl Permit State SUrchc..rae Total Charaes I I SeC"..lM. tli D2r>Osi t I Storage I Uaintenan::e I Permit I I Curbcu. ISid_Zk I Pen:::e I Electl'ical ENCROACHMENT -- Total CharGes LabeL Nobile H:>me I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Interior Comer PanhandZe Cul-de-sac Value CHARGE CHARGE CHARCE Refe~er.ce llumcers: L-COC #: I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INorth lEast 'ISauth IWBBt Type/Cor-st: .] Access. I I I I I ._- -'--:----1 Becb'ooms: Enerau Sources Heat T,we Setbacks I Hou.se Carage I I I Water- Q'mtp.1' Range Fireplace Woodstove Fees Building Value & Permit This psrnr;t is granted on the express condition that the said construction' shalL, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpPingfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crd-:..nance, regulating the construction and UGe of buitdings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. Iplan Check Fee: Cate Paid: IReodpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit I -1 No person shaH construct, install, aUer 01' change any new 01' existing plwnbing or drainage system in .whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnbe:r's license, ewept that a person may do p'iumbi.lg /;jork t'u i!!'opt:,'i:y--w;.idL-'~:; ~w/~~, rY'.w~.iI...._."t-=';:~....,:....i !~V :::~ -CPFZi~ 'cant. I I, I I I I I I I ! ' I I I Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by ~ Eiectrica1. Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be"'Jlalid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contl'actor. . ~ Mechanical Permit I I I I , ' 'Pl"an f:.xarm.nel' va.e I I I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is t1'ue and corrcct, and I further certify that any ar.d all. work perfornled shaH be done in ac~or- dance with the Ordin:mc6s of the City of SpPingficld, qnd th;: La:Js of the State of Oreg;;n pzrtaining to the work described herein, end that NO DCCY.. PANCY will be rrade of any structure without permission. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors" and e:rrp"k;yees who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project <;!}7" 'i /1J ''''f. ;, ~ 'Date I . 8".1