HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1984-4-25 ~ ------ ~ I 0 SENDER: COmplete ~ems 1, 2, 3, and 4. 11 ' Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space ~ on reverse. Ii' (CONSULT POSTI'.'IASTER FOR FEES) n i 1. The following service is requested (check one). I o ~~ whom and date delivered .................... _~ I D Show to whom, date, and address of delivery.. --4 2,0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY ---t (The restricted deliwry fee is charged in additwn to the return receipt/ee.) I I 3. ARTf~L.E ADDRESSED TO: I Mr. Gary Mar~in ~ I 7125 Main Street ~l Springfield, OR m .. TYPE OF SERVICE: :;1, 0 REGISWIED 0 OISUREO .:!i Oc~ o COD 329960.378 [;." o EXPRESS "All r-., ~ I (Alt:mys obt!lln llIgMture 01 addreosee or agent) f ~ 1 have received the article described above. I : SIGNATURE 0 A:":'.~_ 0 Authorized agent ' m j L DAiji~~(;~1I~~~~! l< .. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (0..6 if_ i~.. r APR)~ " o It 21 '" ~ ~Q.3~( ~! ::!l 7. UNABLE TO DEUYER BECAUSE: 7a P , _./ \1 ,111 ..:~~ ~ : '.,1 ,..,---~_.- --..... T~!AL P. 9747~ i I I ~ AATICLE NUUBER I~ 15:) I.... I If:.~ , 0,1 "I' - UNITED STATES POSTAL ~~I" '-,. :: -,-- OFf'ICIALBUSlNESS I::"~ ~EJ" \}, ::.-- ~ ,=,';' , , . iUl'name,eddral.andllPC US! TO AVOlD-PA ... .,- . Co>IIpleIJ 1_ I ode ~ Ih"I" b<1OliD ^ b, .- OF POST YMENT'_~'" fl . A~Io--' .2.3.and4onthe"'.....~ I,)~, . AGE,I300 lWl\OIl UVIl10lutltltU ...... ." . =alflllobacl<":pennllJ, ., - J' U.S.MAII. ICljacenl ::,t~.:~tum Reeelpl Request.d" ~ @ RETURN TO .. CITY OF sp~ti~'{Gf~l'fC.t:)} D~.\:-~.."."'T oF' PUBLIC WORK9 225 NORTH(~Jffi<tg'pR\!.-er Box) SPRINGFIElD. OREGON fTl477 (City, Slate, and ZIP Code) e . . .~: CITY OF SPRINGFTF.T ,n Department of Public Works April 25, 1984' CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Gary Mart in 7125 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Martin: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting Municipal Court proceedings, it is the City's standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances and the date by which your corrective action should be completed. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield Building Safety Division (726-3753). In the event that your corrective action is not completed within the time specified this matter will be referred to the City Attorney's Office for further approptiate action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances. ~ . Thank you for your attention to this matter, ?~y~-) Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector . SJ/lh \i 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 . 503/726.3753 . " '. '..' ".. ..,. . . e Springfield Building Department of Public 225 North 5th Street Safety Division Works April 25, 1984 LOCATION: 7125 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5~1-1 (3)(d) of the Springfield City Code relative to the storage of used materials in public view (copy attached). Used building supplies, lumber and other miscellaneous contracting items are being stored in public view at the above referenced location. REQUIRED CORRECTION:, These items must either. be removed from the property or screened from view by a structure' or enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground (building or solid fence). A contracting business may be conducted from a residence if it complies with,the requirements of Section 14.08 of the Springfield Zoning Code relative to Home Occupations. Please refer to the attached copy. ~ DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: letter (May 25, 1984). Thirty (30) days from the date of this , INSPECTOR: Sally Johnson v e . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 25, 1984 ,,.. ." Mr. Gary Martin 7125 Main Street ". ',Springfield, Oregon ,97478 * 'Dear Mr. Martin: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting Municipal Court proceedings, it is the City's standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances and the date by which your corrective action should be completed. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield .Building Safety Division (726-3753). In the event that your corrective action is not completed within the time specified this matter will be referred to the City Attorney's Office for further appropriate action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances. Thank you ,for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, - --.. Inspector attachment SJ/lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 . e Springfield Building Safety Division Department of Public Works 225 North 5th Street April 25, 1984 LOCATION: 7125 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5-1--1 (3)(d) of the Springfield City Code relative to the storage of used materials in public view (copy attached). Used building supplies, lumber and other miscellaneous contracting items are being stored in public view at the above referenced location. REQUIRED CORRECTION: These items must either be removed from the property or screened from view by a structure or enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground (building or solid fence). A contracting business may be conducted from a residence if it complies with the requirements of Section 14.08 of the Springfield 20ning Code relative to Home Occupations. Please' refer to the attached, copy. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Thirty (30) days from the date of this letter (May 25, 1984). INSPECTOR: Sally Johnson 1h .'C~t.. . . . ~j u-"'''' . -~------------------ , - "- -+ ~<< . SENDER:~pl~; it;';'; 1, 2, 3:'~~d' 4: ... ... o Add you, address In the "RETURN TO" 3 . space on reverse. ~ ' (CDNSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ~ 1, The IolloWtnO seMc:81s I8qU8Slod (chod< 0118), ~. IXl<soowIO wllomand clatlclellwrod """.."..,,, I I!l D SI1owlOwIlom,llaI8,andadd....olclel1v8ry., , 2, D RESTRICTmOaIVERY"......_".""""""" . /TIlO_-,"'''_OI_ ...ltIUmttcelpl".} . TOTAL f ~ fi. 3, 4IlTiClE ADOREssm TO: t . Mr. liary Mar In 7125 Main Street Sp-ringfield. Oreaon 97478 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: 'ARTICLE NUMRER g:~=D g~~~UREO. 329960366 D EXPRESS IIAIL (AIlnys _0 ."" '.', olld.,aslB8 or qent) 111m _'ho 8I1Ido _bod aboYO, . SIGNATURE DAddro.... DAlrthonzed agont .\ . / OATE OF DalVERV PQSTMARX lmay be on flVlnelide) '" ~ C? " 6, .oDRESSEE'S .oDRESS (Only" ,..",st"" ~ ! ~l.-UNABle TO' DElIVER"BeCAuS"E':'i;'EMPlOYEE'S ( m. UI\I"L it" ~-D INIT1ALS ~J. _,.:_I.u j\ll\d:..c ........ ~ 6 GPO: 1982-379-593 ..' I I . ", ! , ~ , ~"'_"""""'''''''''t--......_ ---~~-.--~- ~_...... " ~~=~::=:~::::;::.,::: .~......... . -.1- -"::1 ,- iiam~ / .'!!J 2nd NoticeAE1U.2 1984 y Mr. Gar..y.-MarHn~ / f{,:;:urn '_, ~o1MIain Street 1_ (-=pringfield, Oregon ~ -;;T 1"';[ !',rr.flf.'JLE AS ADDRi ,SSED , ' ''',,'; " 1'0 FCR\':,,:W .-/ ,.".,...;..)....1- ~ f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED " ;'ll -. . I! cl .- --' .- -...- - - 1 ,/ " ~ -..... . . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGl''l.l!iLD Department of Public Works April 5, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Gary Martin 7125 Main 'Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Martin: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting Municipal Court proceedings, ,it is the City's standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances and,' the date by which your corrective action should be completed. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield Building Safety Division (726-3753). In the event that your corrective action is not completed within the time specified this matter will be referred to the City Attorney's Office for further appropriate action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances, Thank you for your attention to this matter. ?~y~~. ~ Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector SJ/lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 ~ .,1 . '"' . . Springfield Building Safety Division Department of Public. Works 225 North 5th Street Apri 1 5, 1984 LOCATION: 7125 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5-1-1 (3)(d) of the Spring- field City Code relative to the storage of used materials in public view (copy attached). Used building supplies" lumber and other miscellaneous contracting items are being stored in public view at the above referenced location. REQUIRED CORRECTION: These items must either be removed from the property or screened from view by a structure or enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground (building or solid fence). A contracting business may be conducted from a residence if it complies with,the requirements of Section 14.0B of the Springfield Zoning Code relative to Home Occuoations. Please refer to the attached copy. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Thirty (30) days from the date of this letter (May 5, 1984). INSPECTOR: Sa 11 y Johnson &:;' ( /,' '"/ r ~ SJ/lh