HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/20/2007 "'~-' ,< .....' ,-~ Ii ' '~'. . . < ~,' '.. .." ' ',,,q'- . : '. d '-' ::l >- F= .~ z: ttl 0. cC uJ CD o >- ~ ~ 0::. ~- ( . After ~ecording Return To: Susan C. Glen r' Dunn Carney Allen Higg'ins & Tongue LLP 851 S.W. Sixth "",venue, Suite 1500 portland. OR 97204 (For Recorder's Use Only) '. Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane County Deeds and' Records l~~J.~ml~ Until a c.hange is reque.sted . all tax: statements shall besent to, IllIII\lllllll 1\11111111111111111 Illllfl II 1111 III ps,oo 0e434561200300473740030037 OS/23/2003 01 :4U2 PM RPR~DEED Cnt=1 Sto:15 CASHISR 06 $15.00 $11,00 $10.00 No change. SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED API PROPERTIES iso LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (the "Grantor") hereby conveys arid specially warrants to PACIFIC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, anDregon non-profit . corporation (the "Grantee") the real property described in attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by this refere~ce, loca,tef! in Lane County, Oregon (the "Property"). The Property is free. of all' liens and encumbrances created or suffered by the Grantor, except as set fortl1 in attached Exhibit B, which is incorporated herein byth(s reference. THIS'INSTRlTMENT WfLL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRfBED fN THIS fNSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND' USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS IN'STRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlLlTE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNfNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMfNE ANY LIMfTS ON LAWSUITS. AGAINST FA.RI\o1ING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS'DEFINED fNORS 30.930. . The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $2,297,521.3S. DATED: May \ '1- ,2003, API PROPERTlES 180 LLC, a Nevada LLC . By: API Properties Nevada, Inc, a Nevada Corporation, sole member BO/?AA-m~/- . ' /' fa'neMervine, SrtVice President' Date Received: 1-::20-/2007 Original SUbmittal 1 - SPECIAL W ARR.ANTY DEED C.D"e;m>C"'5 o~J Si:l'''E<'J:'lji.'J.t><ol Sc:!i"g<'T,mponry 'i,\\<m:t fib'OLl-(1 !"PAOi., (lc<Jdc." ". , -t. . " EXHIBIT A Le~al DeScDotion (INSERT LEGAL D.ESCRIPTION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT Acl TO SECOND AMENDMENT TO' PURCHASE AGREEMENT) ., , . ,.,.> ,Date Received: '4~~!J3 / 2007 . Original Submittal J ,\[)\l1:-: ,\!):\ISli.\!I..; [_;n,bT,,,,,,FlU,~ ;;\JIO, ,,:~;' "r:;I:lWh"';' \':_".,...., \. r,"~,l, "'F!> ~,.~., . ~\ . 1\ , ! ' ,.. / I''" . , (" , Parcel i and a portion of Par'cel 2 of Land Partition.Plat Number 94-POS02 as pl~,t1ed'a.pd ;ecorded in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane C{)unty, Oregon which, is more particularly described ~ 'follo'\'s: . Beginning 'at the northeast comer of said Parcel], said point being the Nortl1ea:stComer of the " AC. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Tovmship J 7 South, Range 3 West of the WillarnetieMeridian; thence S 003.1 '00" W, along the =1 line of said ParceJ J( a distance of 803.96 feet to the souu1eaSt comer thereof; thence N 89046'S2" W, along u]e sou'D] boundary, a ~ . distance of 42.70 feet; U1cnce leaving last said.boundary S 45041 '15" W a distan~e' of 12 L08 feet to a point on the right-Df-way of Intemational Way; ulence.along said right-of,wa)' on the arcof a 359.00 foot radius curve \0 Ule left; having a ccntral angle of 400J3'43" and it chord bearing N 69"40'00': W 246.92 feet, a distance of252:06 feet \0'3 point on the afore-described south line' ' of Parcel 1 ; thence N 89046'52" W, along said line, a distance of376.98 feet to tJ;esouthwest corner of Parcell; Ulence N 0 '31'00" E, along tJ]e west line thereof, a distance of80L 10 feet to the northwest CCrDer of said Parcell; thence N'89059'SO" E, along the north linc:thereof, a distance of 737 .88 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 13.82 acres, more Or less, lying in !he City of Springfield; Lane Co\mt:';, Oregon. The basis of the bearin.gSLo this d,escription is Land Partition Plat.No.94~F0502 by James. Branch filed as COW1ryS\1.rveyor's File No. 31950 on May 6,1994 il1lbnecards of the Lane COW1ty Surveyor. : Date Received: -:-4=" Zo 2007 Original Submittal ., '..,.... . \.~ - ~ - ~ .\ , , "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ .-1 :;: .':1 \ \" , " f~ U ,~ ..:'? -\ .- ,0_<,) ~ \- r' 0- '" (, \-l~(.., ,(, \- r ?}>. .p1~{~~,6J0 .~I\(fI' . ~s OO'JI'OO~ ~ ~ "''''f ~..~~F..tJ"tJIJ)':rhcl' >. b 0 ~ 'f' 0 '.. , , , Q A (,. \.- ? or l;\ f' \~ ~ ,\~~ ,( 'v 'f' ,~;J~~,~ll i:l. /,,,~cti ) OUJ"IIi:., flEX "XE~ 13.~Z "CRtS' II,OdACX/"S PAllcn Z OW "II{:"'; J~,d~ "Clll'.> Ni" "Xl:.! ., "j,I~"cr:n 1:i 0) > '0) o 0) 0::: 0) - ctl .CL ~. .... = = ('0.1 ---- m ,- - 'E .c :::l (fJ (ij .5 0)- .C o -=---=~J:...'~ .1- ;~r:;,~: ~?"~r^?~(~1 J r:':! :'l;;io~~i.~1J~~,'t1 -;;;;;- /<'\ // . i .~ i. ..01< :J;{6.:;J.;:;,&-~'.~n;,.1','r, .','><6,."6'''....' "" #>>>,/>4.../ ,;-.~- . / c--:<i"c . .._-_._---~:> ,..,,~--~~ , .~ I I ' , i1JL ' 11:31 " . 1:\ ~ i II;~ : II~~I I . ",~:";;i;.f.R' 11 ~ I ,,;,J>r............., . ~ , . .' , b r ~ '''IS llJ/' (I...C ,l.{;JUsr"[Nl., roo' . IlooorL"NfCil(lNlr"S$[s~:h, HXLOllOOk ,~ ~JAP No. f7-0)'I.~.io PREliMINARY.PIAN OWN$R ~Q:JY, ~I.:I~IC: fulCf/!AiN!.I[tI1 me 'J;"i';:,;~;1':,~.1'i~<:\~.,~';! ' " ~f0HANfCAt:. (lECH ENd~tE~~A&NSSPORT URYf ~~c:.'l:~ l(>-H? [WC[,,(,OI fA"" ""'-66 ~"_ ),' r ~fCl'I~~[\l f'ROf[SS'ON"~ ~...,..D SURYCyOR C. wF'D"CL l OO,GC<i .......'Yl'liJl Cl[ll COooWlN .010 CXp.Rn..uN[ }O, 1( f? ~ II! --. <0 c; 'I!!!!I IF ~y <1! 0 0 .~ @'; 0 '2J rr y@ c; :!f!!<i!iiJ' II! ~ @~ c <- Co " ~iI!'o w ~ >- cgy <- 0 ~ ~ w ~ 3 tiJlcg w ~ tt <i!iiJ@, w ~ ." ~ 0 I. 1 I I \ DATE 3/26/02 . DESIGNER ORO PROJECT 770201 FILENAME 710Z01EX;.dW "..<.~ _Jd"ooP ___ .,'..; -'...----- t,- . ~J ~'l--'" // ~ t::' ~(~ 'g' ,.,,/ ~....."" //. .' - " '''"'~, "~. //. , .'~ ",v- --:;,~ . . h /' \\' ":.d.'It> . I. I ,. // \\ "'J.,}~r""1 ~I z;! !t ,..< ,... .1':~r R:~W:J) ;.111 .. . II / t;:'n~"-,, ( . {' ~., n . I' fJi'- tn~~:", ~ ~ 0 ::Q ,. ,.. 0 tl \.-" }.~'1'~':'1,~'Ll'!A,,"l"~'."1 _: i ?" \\ G ,~':,' " .. ,~r b.'""l C{~~ , ~ ~i~" . ""-jl'" I Iv r I' po !p\~I",t' ,..."r c .. , ,<'(~!'. <I":~ I.", ..,,,J_ ,,(Ill' ;11 ~ ~; I: I \ ,\ '~~~l 'Sa'I;! ,.;:,,", "'""' :III : _~--~Ih,:,~);:pr{;':"~';!'{~"'~ {(/ool C' ...; , -----+ I; l c,,",,"If ,/!.g" '.rc~"l.l1.. 'M~ 1Jf1Plc;'r[lP!f:;~t~'l1:f l ~Il ~ '~I I" - - -" _ N~~ . "'17'..1 --~'- --~ 1 !L __ ~'-",~~' SGll.E: J'~JOO' SHEET NO ~)f@l