HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 5/11/2007 -',' . "'- -' '" ......' 'I ',", ".' ~. " " "',: " ,Memorandum " - -.., CitY :ofSpringfield " , , Date: , To: . May 11, 2007. , .... ..... . ., Subject: , Linda Pauly, Urban Planner , Matt,Stouder, Civil Engineer.' DRC2007-000n, PaCific Source " <, From: ''',,, " " '", I have reviewed the materials provided with the subject applicati~n. 'The recommended findings and conditions outlined b~low are provided for your usejl1 preparing the " : 'iand-use decision. : ,- " , ' . " ..,. " ' ,- ,:..,e',:,c.'...c ,'SA N'ITAR.Y"S EWER";' .,'.. ,_ ' I" . . _.., , ~.,",' Fi/iding:,Section 32.1 OOofthifSDC.requires that s~nitary sewers shall bejnstalled to>":.,:::" , serve each new development and to. connect developments to existing mains. '. . ".. .. ',.. ",' .,... Additionally; installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access.for. , . :'., , -, 'lnaintenance activities. The site is currently servic~d with sewer~, and the applicant .has . not proposed changes to'the sewer system.' , " ' " ", . "'., .. . . " . -' , , ,'. ' .'; '/,'" ~ ': ~" -..' .;:. . \':; :',' . .., ~ ",',., -. . .. . ' . , . ..~.' ; . '. :;~'.I - .. ..,\-,' . <.:,. :.,>, ". ". ..' '..',' '. STORMWATER MA:NAGEMENT ", ....',.':. ',' '" Finding: Section. 32: 11 0 (2) of the SDC requires that the. Approval Authority shall 'grant '.:.', . ." " development approval OIily .where adeq~ate publicandlor 'privatesto~nw~ter, ::,' .', ' .', , ;":. 'management'systems provisions have been made as' detenninedby the Public Works ...,\, .:, . n"irector, co~sistent ~ith the Engin~eringDesign Standwqs:2ilid.P,:ocedures Mal1Ua[,' ,:'~? .' . (.E'DS'P'M'l. '... '." . ' '. ". '--'.' " '. .,.., , .,' ..,'.-, / "0" , '~'-:'.'" _" . ,. ._,,/. .. '.~" ,~ ';:.',~::,':,\.>,,:,- ')'.,':'~>..," "~;<:<":'_~:~'. ;'; j:".'- ':;""".. _' ,:::::,;)',::~t-:~'/:"..~:~!.<.:,.'- :" '~:':', _ . "",: " "\;.(.'::: .'Findi;7g:'Secti(Jn 32.i 10(4) ofthe.SDC requires thairun-offJrqfn"a'develoPll1en1 sJ:.all be;,~ ,': ," . .' ".,.: directed to im 'appr~vedstonn.water, manag"eme~tsYstem witl1::S4fficient capaCity t~;' ,,' ,...:., ,,~..' . " ..~-, 'accept the discharge. ""'.~' , : .. -",.,,'. '" '--, " .:.,;,,;;" ,.... "-:(- '~, .,:'.,:::~',<,}:,~,.:,',~\~,::,.' :,: . ,,' ," . Finding: SectioiJ'32.1 10 (5) of the Springfield Development C;,gge(SDQ) requires hew,'" ",,'~' .. " , , , ;,;.:" ~.s >:." ','developments.to,employdrairiagemanagement practices, which minimize the amount','" ,;.. ,,' ,: ,.' ,~~C;>:;,: ,:' and rate" of surface wa~~~run~off into receiving strea~~, and~~hi~J:l' Pr:oinot~water: -"/.;,?:';".'" ", . :~:<,:,;i'~;~~~t~:',qUalit'~:f,t; ,,::". ..:-~, ".";'/ /:.. " ;,' ','~;'!~~{f~~:-t:.' ..", ,', ~ .: :""""':'-.::~ ' .,,:':'-,; ~~: ::'<'~' . Finding:'To comply with Sections.32.ll 0 (4) & (5), sfonn,",at~r-'runofffroin 'the proposed, '.. ",. . , ':. j ".j (::,: . ,: ~:" generator will be directed iqto an existing on-site private retention pond.; Constructed in . :c,..~.. . ,,' ',' "l:~it: :::~~j,~ 2.9?}tf.h; o~:site private reterition pond was sized to. retain site stonnwater runoff. .... "',"": : ' ~tj'-:::~::~I:;~:::"g~t)~tatt<4.:,W'-:!l;J.Q:y;t~.stonn ey~nt;' The 9~,~16 C!Ihk foqt voltim<:pond was, ';,:<," t ,/. ' -. ",:' " '.'~':"';,;.<; :::90n~trucfed to' only ~elease stonnwater to th~ publicstprni drainsxstenl duringstoriif: ".,~ " "., , " ,:.);';;::/::.:; :events higher thimthose experienced every ten years,(on average): All indications from' ': .. , " ",'." the'property owner state there has yet to be any standing. \yater,witnessed within the pond' !>: ,,", '.: .:,.: ",,:-:,,!;'i ;,-.,; .;area'to-date; over 5 'years later.' The propose.dlldditicin of t~e emergency generator adds:' ' " : " " '. _ .. ('~l0';ffi:jlvery::lifj~e7fddltional stOTInwater runoff to the, pond ar,ea; creating' an irill1)easuralile ': :':", ..... '" ,":,' ,:.., .Ali"I,t:I,. piinpiI6t'tbt!h~ 'on-site.privafe sjonn water fa>:ility, lind Ilo iJ11pactt~ the' public," ~~~R .~: R;O [ViR ] , ,I {,;':' .';~ ',:; ,;C ,,', i.fJ'li' ,..,'.. .', ' " , ',." " .'.,' " ' ".' ''"': U [I; l!Q.[I; ~ [1;; ) , ..' ' ,'.j ,.',' , I' r,. ' ,> " '" ''"' .n ,," . .' . , ,''': .'., .', ",'" .r'll',"'.. ''',. ,,:~ ,,u"'....... ' , ,-, .. "__,' ,', ,,} '".1 "., '" .' ' , .' " .. ' c,' .. " .::,.,,;,f-<,., ',0 \ :'(" 'I'\'~V-." ~,,, ....:. .,:.,.. ' ' , . , (,en:YI",':".....pJ :'~ ~":'" ..4'.~,..,.,:<<1,~ '\"'''''':''.:~ci~~l,-:J. ~{., ";,,,.(., ,,~' ..'.. '\ .,:'~ . P ';, '~):"':f;;;;;;~:"""~: ,.. ::.:V:~~;:, 'I' :',',.., ' .'; ..:' By' '...;Q'-IJ-Q1 r.- " c_' -..' -::'.,' " ' ,~-<. ','; ;" -. . .' -. . - , .'...,'.t'" "....., '.". ......... ~.." ' '\.. .... , . ," . ','. " ," " . .,..' . ~ ", ,.," -' .,"'. ,', . infras!ructure. ,. '. " - .-. , WATEROUALITY, .., "..'.. . '. ",:' ",'... Finding: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Watei"Act (CWA), Endangered Species , " ,Act (ESA), and National Poll,utant Discharge Elimination' System (N'PDES):the'City 'of " Springfieid has obtained a Municipal Separate'Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision ofthis pemiit requires the City demonstrate.efforts to reduce the pollution in . , urban storm water to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). .,,' .. . ','" , ' '. -. . Filiding: Fed~ral ~nd On;gonDepartrt,e~t ofE~vi~o~me;t~l Quality (ODEQ) rules ~' . require the City's MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control Measures,'" Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stormwater Managemehl'forNew Development, ,:and Redevelopme~t,~' applies to the proposed,.development. " , , ~ . " ,Fiildhig.' Minim'um Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to deveiop, ' " - '. implemeht and enJorceJa program to ensure the'reduction of pollutants in stonnwater '.." ", runoff to the MEP.The City must also develop al1d implement.strategies that include a , '...combination of structural ornon-stnIctUral B~stManagement Practices(BMPs)" ' ,,' " ". appropriatedfor'the community. ...',!". .:.. '-;::'. . :-", ,:"" ' ,,> :."<..,, :, , . ,-' " ....j : :...:', . ,.,' , " ", . " ,,- ;," .. ' ~, '<.: ':, ~,' ~ ' . .,' .' '. . . .-. _' , . :.- . ,,' . . , ..' c; "" "':' '.' Finding:'Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City"ofSpringfi~ld use ari ordinance '; ,.' '.. ',.. .. or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction,iunofffrom new and re-." : "':; {"" , ,oevelopment'projects'to the extent allowable underState law. Regulatory mechanisms'" ' ',,'. ,.,.., '.. used by the City include the Springfield Development Code,(SDC), the City's; '., .'" ' " :'1 Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future.." . Storrri~ater Facilities Master Plim (SFMP). :,;/,.-:":,,. :":,' ,'. .'~',: . .' . ;;"...,:0... ,', _..,.' :' ~.":. . ':;., ,.:....:. ')"_"'-"'~ :_-"'.: ....,., .', ...':"..",.>'.. "_< ...,:.:..., _,;. 'Finding: As required in SectiQn3l.050' (5) of the SDC;"a development shall berequired..' ,,' , ,-to' eniploYdrainage~inanilgement practices approved by !!JePublic Works Direct(jr and,', .: ... " " . ..' , ,:'fconsistent with Met.ro PlanpoiiCies and the. Engineei'ing Design Standards wid" . ,...'.'.., "", '.Procedui-eiManua/'<> ,."'",,, '.' ...'... ,'-'.- . " " . .". . .. . i~ .'" ',> " . '. f ::' ~ " " ,.... '.__ ~,< ~~.:.~~, ,_;,-;~,.-.t":''':~''','-.'''',,',.'',.,_ "_,;",,,~,~< ',~_:"':: ":,,,_,_;~,,;, .',. -:.~\" ,..<':. :: Finding: Section 3.02 ofilie Clty'sEDSPM states'thePubicWorks"Dep&rtmentwilf; ':"accept,as i~terim desighstandards forsiormwaterquality,'water quality f\lcilities, ,'" .,,', . :'. '", ~', designed pursuant to'the p"Olicies:and'proceduresof eiiher the City ofPortland(BE~); 'or . ,.:theCleanWaterS,ervices(CVVS).,.:,("q,."~.:, ':", .:,' ,- ,', . "'~'., .. ".,:~~,:" -:'.- ;,:"~' " ",-' :~ '. ~:' -: ' ~. J''''', ,~:" ;..;." _' ",,\",'-;' .~.. "...' ~-~.., ,'. ,','FD'iaing: T~ m~efth~ requir~ment~ of the City's MS4 perh1it, theSpringfiei(j:., :~"i"; '.' .,., , 'c DeveloprrHint Code; and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed directing'the ." ',; . ~ '<. <.: ,;,;:<:", storniwatei iUnoff from the rooftop of the generator into the existingstormwater quality;" '. ';/I;},,:::;~~\)~:pol1d,:;;T~i~jJo.~_d p,a~'be~,ndesigI}edpursuant to ap[Jiicable standards..,~., ".J:!, ,.'.. '''-:';::~'.:,:';''(;>~~'T(<"",:~_~:~,:,,_::,.)~{I:J-''''_,,;1 ',.'~'::,.-:~~~,:/~~c'.._"j"~>./"~'Y:,~~~:',, ~~"'~~~','~r:'.::... , '~'."'<)"'''' _ '.;~:~~ ~'i, ';"'<<',, :.:,)~i:,>, ,.', Finding.' The applicani,has supplied supportingdqcumentationfor thepioposed diesel,'.; ..., , . ~'. '-, ....c.'-. . , -' . '. , '. ,..", ,',. ,. ".:; :"'.'g'enerator indicating that the unifwill be dual walled steel construction, equipped with an'., ',,:," ':' ' ." ". ':.' .~.:. emergency tank &.rupture basin ;;ent~. This'constructio~ wiU'serve.to prevent :':, :, :' ' : ..,.,"',,....... :':' .:', .:~2,g!!tarl}0atiol1 of the gr.ouridwater system and/or private stormwater system., J"~'(iU rc: 'D' m rc: 'I ,\",,-,~r:t:n l:ril,f ':tIJ.(!,~J:t!,/"l-;' ,~ '.....: .' ," , ,,,':- <",(!:,,~ 1;, . _.1 L!; \J:9l..f;/" \.!J"l.!;"'f .... .v" ! r1. i1' q .".' t r \~- , . I . . ~, . I ~ ,-, ~" " .'...., " , fli! .!J If i I _1J1 n, .:I.ji il, >- ,...., . . .' > 'to ~, .~.', >, '.' '. " ... -:'It,.tl~ ,.- ,"'\ ~.:""...\"'i~,!:",,, .-' ,1_,.." .;J~ "',' :-.', ., " j,:!h ;." :":..'l'.lli\;.~';;:'I'~II" -"~ '; ,,, , .:",'. ;, '. " :...., ' ,'; ; 1) '~i'tP';;""(j:':ix ]-,";'," ...1~ ;~ ' ..'!~ .- ,', ':~ -:"', .' I' '.-:..;' ~':1\::j'~!~};l!!i~;~~~>,L:/!i::!',I:i;~.' '... " . ".'\:'2~,II,-:D+, "':-'1' J' '. ""'-j,, , ....,' --,.. ,., By... ' , '.." ,.', ' "!C~,~'-;:t~;:~;f,.2F:::;;k~?;';'~)V'; ~: "','1.,:' ~":""', ';,." ."", . . " " '~ ,';" '. ',-i"~ " ,., ",' .-:. ,. .;. . "~ . , ' '." ",. "-;..,:" "-, ..- '" '.",l' : ~, ,,,.',. ...'. .'r'. .,-,i ,. , '. 'i, " .,. ,'( "1 ,t'" . /. ",' ': ,J FLOODPLAIN,. . ,.,. .' Finding: The Federal Emergency M~magement Agency (FEMA) mapping for the subject, sitedepict; the highest base flood elevation for the site to be 430 feet in elevation. Further' , study performed by David EV3I!S and Associates, known as the McK<,mzie River Floodplain Analysis, agrees with this number. ' " ' , . ' , . . , '," ' ',.,c' Findi,;g: The applicant proposeS loc'ating the emergency generator at 'an elevatioi1 of 431 feet in elevation, one foot aQove, the. 1 OO-year floodplain elevation, . ' ", " , . ,; . ~ . , ' ,. PUBLIC STREETS. SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT ARGEEMENTS , :." , . ." " ... --.' .'. ,. '-. - !,," ~ .', ," " ..'. , .. ,~ ., ~ _. ....... ... , , UTILiTIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS'OF WAY f ,:' , . '." . -'. ',~~ <, ~~. .....'..' ~'I' . i'. .,.. \- .t ..'" : .,' ~. "..' '>--:-: '.', .,,''', ' ,,,, '.r. .,.. ."..' "'. . ... . '; ,,.. .J:- " , OTIIER PERMITS .--. ':".",",': ',.... . "" " .,0'. . ,,' ,,' .c.:; ..,' .- , '. ,', t- . :~, ' ~. , ".,~.-', '..' ';.',' ~,.. .... '1 "., ',,;,,: -ii."' " .- .. "'. .;,' " " J"' ~~ ~.;'_ ,:~.~~'l',~,,:<-"',~'."~. ; " ~. t' " '. ", . '...._f..,,; :':' " ~.. " ,l; "~";" ,.,. . "' \ J.., ..,., . ' ". ~, ': '. ' OTHER""" ,.'<,,;, ".., ,',',' ".c. ":.., ,.'(. ':"''''', . NOTE: The iiitent ~fthis li~t is:t6 bve a devel~per insight about i-equireni~~t~ telat~d to public improvements befor~ they develop ~heifJ;roperty:: " . .', " " :....~..'., "",,"':'" ,- "~ .."_:..,.,:,. ',.'.~"'_:,,:, .'-.....-,>.~_..,;i '.: ",-': ...,;.">'~ ,.,.';"..,.. "", ~ ,,, '" ,.."', ..: .,: ' '~"'.. '", ' " .. ' ' ,.', '.,< ,...... . 0, . ,.'.--~< '':-"';,-:, .. ,':j '.' ~. .J., "1 ".',' . .'. .' ..' , .:~ " '. '....'.,._,,.'.,_"':' '.:....",'.....- ....~,..'.:_:.,'.....,:'.\. '":::''''~~:''' _:_..:..',.:",.,."',,,. .,,'~.:.,.. .;......J:;.,".,.-:~_,.'.,._.~ ,J. ." .' ,,' Pay applicab1e' Systems Development Charges when building permits are issued for" " .- .' "developments within the City limits or withinthe,Springfieid Urbim Growth Boundary> . ". .'. . ,. .. '- ' ,... .. .. " ,(Th(:cost relates to the.amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip" " 'fates, and p!uinbing fixtiIre units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban ,Growth .' ;,:areas.)[Springfield Coqe'Chapter II, Articie 11];", ',;, '.:, ." ',Y".,;': :' ',' " ._;~; '~'" ~:,::."~~~,:<.,.e:c;'; ,,' . .,:-':'~, ~'.' ,', :, '..:. "i";~;~~'~"_:" ;,' \ :,:,,: '_. _,,-.w'.'. <... ':' -'f :... :'SysterPs De'velopn1"ent Chaj-g~s (SDC'-s) ~iU'~pply to the construciio~ofbuildir\gsand' ,..., " <..s." ",..!;: '> 'siteimprove~ents within the subject site.. The Charges will be based upon tlie rates in :;" ,,' . i";;":"'~~"';~<'i:;;;;,:'effect at the time ofperthit;submittal for buildings or site improvements on eachportiori ," / ;" ." ;:L;\'~~;;:E0~~~;~,~~~:~,~'1:h,!~~~~::.~~:~nt;"',; '. :<:,;;,:.:;,', "". ;,' ';,; " ,.:,." . ,.,' ' ,.:, ' " i:;)3':[t;.:if";;';~~;tSANITA:R:Y~SEWER. INoLIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE:, .,. '. , ' ,,' ,.:::' .....:-::/.' ,':,~rt:;;;".f.>":;(~~..;j'".~:,1",::!'U'fjU'---.:,',,:,<,,,,_ ~,,' , _...,..,,;...,.c: ":':"'_""~";;'''''''.'<..~'', _''-', ,;-:;'i.'.; '~. .,'.' ""'#'1"'~"-1.""t,'''''''}e''1,\."-.jt-l,'1'''' '-., ,. ,.' ,.<1,..-.,..'. " ~., '.' .,'1' -"~', ..'~ , ~, ' ,<.' ,',' "~'::fr,:'~~r':;it,"-'~ll'!"'..~:\'t'\'if"." .,'.. ,....~':',..., "":'. <-,," ., ,- .,..-- '~.." ',,"', ", ' .~.", '.,.., , 1:1,;,:, :Pa~ a Sanitary ~TYver In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection",': ", fi\;,~<'fees iftne prop9~k, or portions <if t?e property being developed ha.ve not previously been; ',' !",;r . assesse,do!; otherw.lse partICIpated III the cost of a publIc samtary sewer. Contact the ,', ' ,'<""- .' ',:. "r , ',.', r;ngiri~ei:0g})i,~is,i,on.to,determine ifIn-Lieu-of-As,sessment charge is appJis.a f' " . 0' ~ ,'~, "\ ' " " tz-.,~-5584]"--:' "~,,," '." ' .- .,.,'!..." . ~. ~ '1'.1 lS ' : :;';:)i'/',;\'",,+ .... .. .,' . .' . ;..:::i!.i".-,' <~-,'",,' " n.' .."" ,", ' ' '5' nD7' ':~;::.~::i::;,~:{:t~,':i~)i:i;;;,,:i?:"i':,:, , . ~yi ',' '. ::~,:; : ""; " ", ' ',: ",", ',..:,., ,.,'" FE,ES AND PERl\1IT~ ,.' . "J" ,.1 :.'''':'' ~.; , '''. . .... .' ~..' '. " ,I, .,:'!, , , >: " . ;.' ..", '. . ',. ,; ~,~/"f SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE:, ,',' ",...,),.,' .'~ . -', . .,' ','_.\ --:--". , t, '. ~~. . , ,.-"':, '. ~' j... ~. :'..' ." "1";..>: " " . ',,,'" " ~. "," "', ;.J ',.1' ,;.,. .' " ",. "" ,1:' ',' .'. ',' ',PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES:' ",' .' , , .r.~ It is the,responsibi!ity of the priyate d'evdoper to fu~;rthe public infrastructure. , '. " : I," . OTHER CITY PERMITS: ,~ Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup renVit (wo~king within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a ", manhole., [The current rate is$130 for.processingplus applicable fees and deposits] ",. t.. ....., , '., . , Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). ',[Contact the Springfield Public Works', Department @726c5849 for,appropriate applications/requirements]' '.. .'" . .-,\5', . .," ';" ..' - ". -. .~.... ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALs MAY BE NECESSARY: . , ~." " " .,..,.. ') I': " ' "."' . 1;~ . , , Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commissi?n. (Pump station; sanitary. . sewers 24 inches or i<irger) . , :~:;,,' ....:':' ". .. Lane CountY Facilities Permit (If the project is within Lane County jurisdiction) ...." '. ' Railroad (If the project crosses'a railroad)"': ':' " " " ,... , . Oregon QepartnientofTransp~rtatioI! (Iqh~ ~roje~i is within OD<:lT jurisdiction).', Division of Staie Lands (Stomi watefdischarge, wetlands):"::' .'. '. '.' " Oregon Departnient.ofEnvirom~ental Quality (Erosion'coliiroi (5acies'6~;" ,., , greater), pump station, storm water discharge, 'wetlands) , ," ,': . ' U.S. Anny Co.f]ls?fEngi~eers(St,olm~~~~r disch~r~~, w~tiarid~): " ~~ '.: . .l;". " '. ., . . ; ~ . ....,., "', . ,," "".' ','. :-,'.':'! ,.'f:: ,'- '. " '.., :"\':0 ;:, ,~ ," '.", -~-'~\ ". "." ;"~ ' ,'. -. " "",,' .- ~:. ,.,(: , , .' ,~ ~-, "f:. ..f' ....;. " ""'.'" ,,,,-,:,;:' "1 . ,,.-"" ..' '~>~",/;:~,;,',,~~~ '., -.' '": , "-- <, .". -, ~. ; ',', ~ ~'.~;' .".: ,', ", '. . ",."/'~i~~{t~;k~~~i~".~~~i:lrS~:;'::~:'::;::,, ':,':: ~::' ; 'ft.",., ,'. 11 i:l".."t. ,I f.j' I. ,'..' ,. ," 'l{i;;:"': ':'Y:',' >'-':,,~;';','~"'.,\~~l-'j '.~\[<" ',:'~' r,!l ,. . ,.::.... ?..J ::: "', .' . .', 1 !,1 \, , r ~ f f I"r' . t. 1'4' , . '."' '.. Hi' ". . . '1\ '! ' ",'. .' ,': " ~- ,{ J.. If ' , ~, ."" ; ,;'. ~ ~ .";. '\ Lit J" . L~;~i~:t"~;'~~:i{q"~::.,.~.",:,, . '[;"'J, .' , . ,~" . - , c.,;:~, ",. , ," ',").:. ':'..'\' '"' r':".' .' ,">1,:;:..::,." ' "';i>,';,:,'{::;\(: :,:~,,:' '_" " ~"'" "t,ij//);r;~.),:,.F: '!:p "",-'" .::'-:\: ., ,-. " ;,,:' "IS.'- ~<_:;, -~~" ,,~- ,-, . :,;, .,:<; , .,~