HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 3/29/2007 PRE-SUBMiTT'AL " '" .' ,DISTRIBUTION LIST: " ., , . , '. , Date Distributed: - " " /Dave Puent _ Building " . ' . '.." " " PR~S::U~~~~~.~~CID ' / Gilbert Gordon/MelissaFechtel-,.Fire, l,/' Gary McKenney ~ Traffic ,.'--:p~ ~ Pa-lkD , ~ Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering, . . , ~ Les'Benoy - Public WorksfEngineering '...- ' \:.,-IDennis Ernstl.Jo.nDriscoll, Surveying Plan?er. . ~ ~~ .' .3 ~2.q-ol , , . '. .,.... ,.,' . . -','" .;. ' ",..\;1.'; '1,'."" ,"". :' ',' . . " ," .J' , ,'" . ..':,.- ".:.",'-"""":":';" " ';' .,"": .,~. . e ~ Cittof Springfield ',. " ". Development Services'Department , 225 Fifth Street' " ' ~ Springfield,OR97477>, :.541-725-3753 Phone ' ':'" 541-726-3689 Fax,' " . -".. . ~.:, '.' , , , . .'. ",' " < .,"'. .. " ! " ~ ~ ~".,.' , '.r, 1,:'\ ,--'.. \.... '1; .1 : ..'/. . ' Ii. 1\ .. ',..' . ;".'> .,< -\- .~, . . ';';' " ..' .'" ." .' Pre-Submittal Meeting ''I'" . Case Number Assigned: PitE2007-00019.. ..' , :.', ~,' . . 'i." ,I: . Date Submitted: ., 3/29/2007.. ,d ". " ,-" , (1.. iI' "c>o , . ~, .', ," ,- '. ,):' '-. ,;',: "Jl ",',< ,'-' - ", '.~ .' , .' . ", . Proiect Name: .' 'PACIFIC' SOURCE - GENERATOR' ,;L c . Project ])escription: " : Major Modification to Site Plan R,eview for 'an emergecy generator for PacificSource Master Proj~ct # PRJ2002-00025' . "" , '", , Application Type: ' Job Address: Site Plan Modification Mjr' 110 INTERNATIONAL WAY:,:, '.......... . ,. ,. ... Assessor's & Tax Lot #:. '1703154000100 - J DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of tbe Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. ' , ' A Planiler will be assigned the following business day and will contact you hi confirm the meeting date and time. pp..,5 1.00j,-OCOas' ~TE/2.. Pt<O:JE:cT PRJt..DDI- 00036 'SOLb~PI<.O)~ - ~ filiI" t'1I!lU~TT^, n'"^'o' J . ".. vvW'ullIlI \I. 1\1...., A.M. '.' ' .' .. " 3/29/2007 4:08:43PM PlanJobPrintrpt .,'" ,>..~ '.." . A,', , , '- '.. .." ., " ,~. ~. ~. ..' . , '-, ,-,.., '"",.- ,', . .\. , . . '.;: (" -.' '. t " ';' .', '"(,,,' ,-, c .' ,': ,C. .. " ~ .' !, ". '. . . " ., .-'" ,., . ".'. ,'. ' . . ." ~-' ,.', , ":.,i, ' .' ^ ' "', _"".',-..- :. ....1 '.. , '. . '~' , ~ . ~. "- " <> 'J. ',' .' ,,"" .1' -. " . ~ "'; ~ ..: ",., \,; "~ . .... -", ,-,', '.-', ". t , ".,,~ .' :,..". .: ,,~ '", " . ' ,',' ,", ",',: " ....Pfe-Subhiitta-YIeeting . ' . ~.' . . 11 ",' .. ' , . p',Dey~lopment Services I?epartment Room 615/616, :,.:,>" , ,.... .' .'. ' '" . , , ~.: ".; c, -'. ',.., tl, .. , " . ; ~ ? . .} . -. ,',--,-' . , .,' . " .',' ,. , l,'" . .' . " ,I ~ , , ,.PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, April 6,2007 ,,' " I . , " , :1 " . > ' . ::. "., .:' ~ ..' :. " " , , .J ''''-.' ,~.' , ;;. '. ~ . ',,' " " , 1., '.PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00019 (SITE MOD MAJOR) PACIFICSOuRCE . '. . ""'J' . I ,Assessor's Map: 17-03-15-40 TL 100, .." "" <': ' $325 ,'Existing Use:, Pacific,Source Corporate Headquarters, " , 'Address: 110 International Way, .\ " .; 'i , .'. Applicant submitted plans to modify original Site Plan DRC2002-03095 by installing a "500 kw generator on an appropriate concrete pad with screenillg in the northwest comer . ,of property. , ' . , '..' ~ Meeting Date/Time: Friday~ April 6, 2007DSD 6,16 10:00 -11,:00 a.m. , Planner:', ' '. .," o .......~..,. 2. . ' . 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00017 (pART PLAT)' STROCHLlC $325 . Assessor's Map: 17-02-33-23TL 6100 ' ,,' Existing Use: Residential . Address: 5059 "D" Street ", ' ' , Applicant submitted plans to plat a two-lot partitio~ Meeting Date/Time:, Friday, April 6, 2007 DSD 616'11:00-0000 Planner: Dave Reesor , ,. " ' , . . ' , I . 'J ,,. ~, , \ \. PRE.sUBMITTAL REG'D . , A.M. " ' ',I , ' ." .' ,I.: ' " )' '.'-' . ,'. , ,~ ,- .' ~( "-'" .','" .' ",' ,-' :", r,", .,;:'::t> .:.. -". ,.' . .'. <i~. \.' .-~. . ' ".... .', , "'\1- ". ..... .... . 'v .' :. ~. , " -:t_ " , 'f ,." . .', .r ~~ "'.' City of Springfield,'. ~,". .,:;., '., ' .' , , . ",Development ServiCes ,Dep~rtment: ,,:', , . 225 Fifth Street .., '" ,;< ','., ,"... , '.," .,,..:-,. '. , ", . Springfield, OR 97477.;:';:, :".., ;-: :'. , ,; ., . ~ , .. ...' ~, .,i." ,'."- 'Site PlanApplic~tion, Ty'pe II "' '.'.- ',',I, ; .'t I" ",~ ' '-,' .,,( , .. '''. " .. . Site 'Plan Review:. 0', " " ,; .. Major Site PiaI'! Major Modification', ~ . ~. , . . I 1 . , Applicant Name:' John Bramwell ' Company: IRobe'rtson Sherwood Architects pc Address:; 1132 E. - Suite 540 . ~'. ,,'- Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: Bramwell' Robertson Sherwood Architects pc 132 E. - Suite 540 . Phone: 541-342-8077 Fax: 1541-345-4302 L 1 Property Owner: co~pany: Address: PacificSource' Health Plans' IPacificSource Health Plans' 1110 International Wav .' ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03c15-40-00100 TAX LOT NO(s): 100, Property Address: ' 110 International Wav' , Size of Property:" 13.82 Acres [8l Square Feel~D Proposed Name of Project: ' Emerqencv Generator Installation' , ' "..' " , ~~&,-yillt~~~1J~'i;:;!lf, i"'~.g,~.}jr:Lw;rft:LliSi:ix:r',*N~"D'4'~''iZ#:'''tl-'~\~\Yirj,,:?,'',*;'Y'-J#JiiiKk;";~"itR!:G;x""nw4dlF1;'?'~}'fft";';'Z"''*~V';-'''t:;ili..+-'~''~~;::o(F:;;*:''"?;';'l4M\:.f~~i Description. of Proposal: # of Lots/Parcels: ' Avg.Lot/ParceISize: sf Density: dujacre New Impervious Surface Coverage: 400 sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area: 61,440 sf rm.s:.4;;g~iSiR~~;,;l-:~lF'!:):~r;tt~lli:'3lii:c::tf:;lltT:d0jff,fC~d'1e:--14~40']!0WY* /;ri.~'%!-;i'-"'''tb$.;'~)fffi:.:7rJ10i7j1u1;~~~f?t~L='~~.&W?lk'!:'';;1i~~~ r3iC!W:"'::!'<<"I1",~;:m$} . Emergency generator installation' . - . ~... . ~ Zoning: ' ,Overlay District: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation:" Location: ,City Limits 0 ,Urban Growth Boundary 0 " A~s()ciatedA.PJ"licatio!l~:(!)&...( ?,/)bi-- <::,-;-(:8S- (GYI n\,.R S,f.g \ ' " 1~iTh'2:t4lr~a~~1fl$[,SN1~~W~ri1r~rr!SJllt&;;.,'t:~;i)i%.iir:j;:~\>WtiZ'X2i.%-=~;&3:c~qLi.i;.1r0;%D;t~t;'~;iUi$-Wft;:;;;f;'jU?~:~,~:t?:~&~.J.t€Mf.dif3ktttf/W::~4,,;!ig:_~%':7,~.'Y~&g..:t%t'~"".tt~ Pre-Submittal , ' Case No.: 1lt<:J;.:,.-{.t ~(rblci Date: 3)z.cI/61-' . Reviewed by: '~ . Case No.: Date: . , Reviewed by: ' I, \pplication' Fee: $ " Technical Fee: $ Postag~lF..e~: 1!l~$I'lTAI 01=r'r I ITOTAL FEE'S $ rl\l.-UULI"'" U '-. .:~ - ,- M1t?11:rIZ. WJ1t-' PfU2cv~-ooo.;tS '. ~'~... /01,1<;, 5lJ/b-P\d" #-, .P.t<.1;;UW1-OOO:Y3 . Updated 12/812006 Brenda Jones H~O: ~lcX3"-i;lt..% i- j IC.0o. , " ,'f<, " """, f ": ,,", r . .,:,,:. 1" ',.'\ ," '.' " -'. " . " " ~",,' , ' :' ~. , Steps in the Process: ','. >,'- ,. '. ' ',<.' '~ . .'. ' .{ ,.,- . , '" ': i.,' ," -.., . 1. "The Applicant Submits a pre-Sub;"it~aIM~eting Application ,,' ,,' " , . ',,',.. .._ ... .'.'.. ,'_< '../,.'.: '" '., ..::" . ~ ,'1' . " ,'. ',' " " .' .,.". '" ,...' ".. . "'I' . . . ".The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield fee Schedule ': for the Pre-Submittal Application fee: ' The submittal package must conform to the application. completeness checklist attached tothis form. You are required to submit Nine (9) copies ofthe submittal requirements packet for pre~submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon., We' will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of' . receiving' the application. ..'. ..' . " ,2. 'Applicant and the City .conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting " ,>'. " "1 t',' '" , We strongly encou~age you, the owner and design team to attend the~re-Submittai , _ meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering , and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the , Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items , required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. ~You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City, . ~ ' ,. . . .. _. ,I. '. . " 3.A"plica~t SilblTlits a Complete Application, ", . ,When you have' addressed all of the items on the 'pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and . the 120 day calendar review period will begin.: When the Plannerhas prepared a draft' '. land use decision,.the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for , their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a me,eting to review the, draft with appropriate staff if certain issue,.s need resolution before the .finalland use decision is issued: " ' ,,~, ,'.. ' :r " Owner's Signature This application will be used, for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and s'ubsequent ' complete. application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages' in the, application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. . i. ,. , ' The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the pre-submitta~"ting.. ' ' Owner: l/~/? f? (1J:--- Date: 7/2i/01 Signature --:- " f PRE.SUBMITIALREC'D , '-.. A.M. ' 'KoJNt~" r?~VfN~ Print :; Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones , ,,' : ~, "~.I . :,<. , .: ~: . .:: (. ,;' ,',i~ "', ~ ' '.', .,;.,: c .. .' '.' . .." ,_.... ,.',:.-, ,',.. 'I"; 'I" - _oil : ' ~ _' _,r " -,'; '. " '~" ,~ -. , 'r.. ',,' , ~, ' . . \' , , . I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the 'City. 'Consistent with the , ,:' completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the:' ,',. . .',.information identified by the ,City as, necessary fo~ processif)g the application is provided ". herein orthe information .will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal,'. '. , ,and the City may begin processing the application, with the information as submitted. This ' statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining .' to a cOl11plete application' , . . . ,'. .., ' .:,' ."" ': ." " ' . , .J . ,,'... . ,- " , ~, . ' , . :,,' ' Owner: /"', .:1i :' ~: : Date: ' " ~, Signature ", ,r '-,1__' '" " ~' .' .....;. l-: . ',. ;" ,"~ Print, ''l'~ "j' ",' p'" , .' .. ,:' " ~,.;- .' ", ,.,' '.. :~" / :< 'il " .','.1. '", ~ ~. " '. '~! . I'.' . ", . '\. :,' " ",.-" I'. . ",' > " ~~ (,' 'f' . ".' , .-.. -'I ',f ,~ , " (" . " Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones, , ' -'=!001'''_'....1l.n.........1~;'.''.:.,,,_ . "L:\Proje ts\2006\0602.1 paCifi~S~.Ur~eG~n~rat:nSite",~eVleW " . ;;. "' !" 0; .0 ' )> l~'." N I'~" . I o.~ 01-'" e ~Sl^ ~ ~; ~ .~ ;~ ~ .~ 21 ~ "'0 > !:o r ~ g~:Po ;D r:RZ ,I ~C z '. d :j ~ S ..::B ~ ~ m , . g , 8 z-CI> m' .IO)'~ ..',. .. ., .~ ~ d .. ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F n ill"" ~ e ~ .' . " , . ~,~ "! g " ~ ~ %,,' , ~ ;1 B ,0 "1 1 ~ " . .~ ~' . , I i~ ~g ~ fii ~ ~ ,I P ., " ~ C) '" ...... z ., m :c " -l o :c 3: " " m .~.. .~ :;."<,;'J, ' ,!"Jo. - ,0 ' . l'~" "~ : 'i 1"'1' :c (, > 0' r r ' V> '/( =< m " r ". z 6"';' 'C7J1', ! i I JPe I OVERALL SITE PLAN I GENERATOR PAD PLAN 31mIJ11 GENERA TOR' SCREEN' 060?' I ELEV A liONS . " , . heet FilesW~~e Sheet.dwg, 3/2812007 8:16:48AM >>1'-," . f.... _~ I . - -~~V<A-- ------ - "f -' _ ""-6;';1"" "II "! _I . ! /, :: i .J '.0< ~ ...., ilIPI I ,~ !,t' ~ ~:. . 0: , ::0 .'1,:: ." Ul . : i _ ~ ~ 'r~ m 1 ......,.~ ' , z . ~ "~' m < " -l '0 Z V> , , l~ . \":; . " ~ ,'- , , , , , , , , , , ....;t>.. :<; ;!"tII, '0 ' , ~ , ,; JmTlIfL' I; 1 '. " '" ~ ~ . :c " -l o :c " " o " r " Z .. ", ."_.,..I,"_,IJ' I :I ~ 1&'-1" I "1"-" ,.1" , , i r ,I , .~ . I:I~"'" . "'I~I','h' iil;~,' I:':h : "I" I ~ "'I" ,~ - . ,. I ~~ . l- . L Lt ~. .'. I.." I I.'..f" ',@)i PRtoSllBMlTIpL RECIO MAR 2 9 2007 PRE-SUBMITTAL RE< :ID A.M. i , , ~ fl I, l 0-...: 1 I \ I '" SITE REVIEW MODIFICATION ORIG'''''lAPPROI:'EOSlTloREVIEW 28 JUNE 2002 I I RobertsonlSh~rwoodlArchitects pc: il -:--~o~- ,,.....,.........$0'''''0 <"""'.."'......"01 1""'1.4....011 I...."'."t''''''~.''''' 'S"I"'A= :e,1 I P.aclficSource Generator Installation ........",-,"-' CITYOF:S... ~F 17 ~03-15':40 'll . ... , '>. 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