HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/29/2007 l.' ' d u ~ t- i= ~, :z: t::i ~ cr: u.J ill o t- ~ cc " .."'"'"...... . ~. ...."..,. '......,...............:,-.:,,;:;:.,.,. After Recording Return To: Susan C. Glen Dunn Carney Allen Higgins & Tongue LLP. 851 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Suite 1500 , Portland, OR 97204 '. PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO (For Recorder's Use On'MAR 2 9'2007 " , ,Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ~~~j.~mI4 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to: 111111111111111111111111\11111111111111\ 11\111111 $36.00 00434561200300473740030037 OS/23/2003 01 :48:32 PM RPR-OEEO Cnl=l Stn=15 CASHIER 06 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 No change. SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED API PROPERTLES 180 LLC, a Nevada limited liability company'(the "Grantor") hereby conveys arid specially warrants.to PACIFIC HOSPITAL "",-ssciCIA TION, an Oregon non-profit corporation (the "Grantee") the real property described in attached Exhibit A, wliich is incorporated herein by this n:ference, located i~ Lane Couilty, Oregon (the"Property"). The Property is free of all liens and encumbrances created or suffered by the G,""tor, except as set forth in attached Exhibit B, which is incorporated herein by this reference. THIS INSTRlJ1tIENT WfLL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THfS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS 'BEFORE SIGNING 8R ACCEPTING THfS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE nTLE TOTHE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WiTH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLAt'JNfNG DEPARTMENT TO VERfFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMfNE Al'N UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARlvlING OR FOREST PRACTfCES AS DEFINED IN ORS30930' . The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $2,297,52 1.38. DATED May~, 2003. API PROPERTIES 180 LLC, a Nevada LLC By: API Properties Nevada, Inc., a Nevada Corporation, sole member BC}~AA-_~~r I , / fa{e'Mervtne, SerVIce PresIdent 1 - SPEGAL W ARRlv~TY DEED c:,o..,~~nlCn\l onJ SCil~ng~\j.,lie\[ncal Se:ling~'.Tcmpor~' IMcn;el Filef-,OLK"1I'.l'A01-1 [lced dOc /. /: ,~ EXHIBIT A Legal DescriDtion (INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT Acl T'O SECOND AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT) , ~ PRE.SUBM/ITAL RECID A.M. " J ..\[).\ll\" .\[)~!SH,-\Rf'. [.;",bT,,,,, FILES S!;lIi,c,'p,-,'f:;u:"I_''-,' \''-_'''''",,:,' fk,',!.\Ti{ :' .,_. . ~\ /"\ , ~ , Parcel 1 and a portion of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Nurilber 94-P0502 as piatted and ;ecorded in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon which is more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at the northeast comer of said Parcel I, said point being the NOrtJlea;'t Comer of the A,C. Stevens Donation Land Claim No, 45 in Tovmship 17'S6uth, Range 3 We's1 of the WillametteMeridian; thence S 003 J '00" W, along the ea.slline of said Parcell, a distance of 803.96 feet to the southeast comer thereof; thence N 89046'52" W, along the soutJ, boundary, a distance of 42.70 feet; tJ,ence leaving last said boundary S 45041 '15" W a distance of 1 iL08fee1 to a point on tJ,e right-of-way of International Way; thence along said rigbt-of-way on the arc of a 359.00 foot radius CUTVcto the left, having a p'ntral 3I)g1e of 40 0]3'43" and a',chord bearing N 69040'00" W 246.92 feet, a distance of252.06 feet to a point on the afore-described south line of Parcel I; therice N 89046'52" W, along saidlirie, a distance of376.98 feet to'tJle soutJlwest comer of Parcel I; tJlencc N 003] '00" E, along tJie west line, tloereof, a dist2nce'of 801. io feet to the northwest comer of said Parcel J; thence N89059'50" E', along tl,e north line thereof, a distance of737.88 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 13.82 acres, more or'less, lying in the City of Springfield, Lane County', Oregon. The basis of the bearings in tJus description is Land Partitiqn Plat No, 94-P0502 by James Branch filed as County Sm-veyor's, File No, 31950 on May 6, 1994 in the records of the Lane County Surveyor. PR~,-SUBMllTAl REC'D A,M. , .... \~-~- ~ \ .' . :.;1 \ '1 I d I I ::1 ::1 'I " " '.' 'l" ,,~ - ~ , Q (J t. \.- ' f tl. ~ (, o,J~~ 1(..' \.-? f P. 9J\~~~)V' vlld" _s~~ !OH5 -<-~ SCU.E: }'-100' _-"'O..!'_ o ~ 0" ~ " 0' ~ " , \., ' \' 'i\ v ',~~~\ I' f'.p\t'oJ'fl.' 0'" if PARC!'12 OLl! .../i.{:A ~ I::U~ ..C!li'S Nfw ARR< "I::U:.' ...Cf.J::i 1__. / / \~" I ~-.'~"':"'C-- .- - :,\",' C--:--.- . -,---.---> 9 u g.J --.I ,~ ~ co ::::>' U> ...u 8: =t <i I , I' , . I, : ...::........=._JJ~ ~.JJ - ~ "",,>~,,",,",J ~-~~~ I ~r' ,~I" ;..,.",,:1 w:""r~' ,vII 't":':,"Min':J.{>i!!:">'~{ . I ~1J^'. '~ . II:~I: t; I II;~ : :t.ll I[ ~ I . , . .,,~.~':::1"AI:: I ~l2fff~~ " ~ ~ " ':iJ~~&i.11.'\..1:.~~"':'ZfrJ',,'r'" ~ . PREliMINARY PLAN II"1IS (01' 'lNf AO,JUSr..I[Nl M()(lIrI!.'S r;.x lor 100<< 1100 or lAN[ C,1UNff A55[SOR'~ lIAP No 17'OJ'I["~O OWNER SOm ~'(I~C [,,!f!n"'II~T[IH /tiC 1l.1ll!jfHII"'!I)r:~( "',If ' ~N~!:<.;i,[![., (.-', ~"';.' MECHANICAL, ELEC1RIC [CIVIL... TRANSPOR1A TI NGINt.ERS & SURV( YC 1'0 aOA '0)., I'HONE: fAA, (ucr"cCll!Q; ~'.1- 66~ - 6 ~., -). ~- ~ r ~tQ5"~CO 1 PRorESSION"'~ LANO suRVEYOR C. !.i,""b..G.- l ~';'\!i~", ) ClEu COOO""'N loa C.P<Rts.......[X!.]OO,. f? eg ~ ..... ~: o~ 1)=< ~g @iJ, 211 ~@; ~, -21 @' g<Ql ~I @iJ@iJ < = ~' @g I ~ ~( ~ = w d~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ u egg " f?1 w " a @~ w @I w " @iJ~ 'I " ~ edll D^TE 3/26/02 DESIGNER GRD I I I PROJECT I 770201 FILENAME 770201EX^.d....g SHEET NO ~)J@