HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5753 08/15/1994 . . . ~. ORDINANCE NO. 5753 AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 20 LMI, HI AND SHI INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, AND ARTICLE 21 SLI SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT, AND, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY~ THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section l~ Section 2.020 is hereby amended as follows: 2.020 MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS. Business Park. A tract of land that has been planned, developed and operated as an integrated facility for a number of individual industrial and secondary uses, with special attenti~n to circulation, parking, utility needs, aesthetics andccompatibility (Also see Industrial Park). Industrial Park. A tract of land that has been planned, developed and operated as an integrated facility for a number of individual industrial and secondary uses, with special attention to circulation, parking, utility needs, aesthetics and compatibility (Also see Business Park). Section 2: Section 18.020(8) is hereby amended as follows: 18.020 SCHEDULE OF USE CATEGORIES. NC CC MRC GO (8) multi-family residential uses in areas designated mixed use in the Metro Plan or Refinement Plan (Section 18.110(6)) S S S One single family dwelling, attached or detached (Section 18.110(6) P P Section 3: Secti9n 18.050(2) is hereby amended as follows: . , 18.050 SETBACK STANDARDS. (2) Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks when abutting Residential Districts of the CI District: Section 4: Section 18.070, paragraph #3 is hereby. amended as follows: ~ Ordinance No. 5753 Page 1 .--, . . . (a) Uses listed under 18.020(10) of this Code. P P (6 ) Warehouse commercial, wholesale trade, storage and distribution (20.100): LMI HI SHI (a) Regional distribution headquarters, including indoor storage P P s (b) Warehouse/commercial uses engaged primarily in the wholesaling of materials to the construction industry S S S (c) Wholesale trade, warehousing, distribution and storage (to include mini-storage) P P S (d) Uses listed under 18.020(13) of this Code, excluding (m) P P S (7) Business, labor, scientific and professional organizations and headquarters and recreational uses (20.100): (a) Uses listed under 18.020(6) of this Code P S P (8) Other uses (20.100(5)): (a) Agricultural cultivation of undeveloped land P P P (b) Public utility facilities 1. High Impact facilities S S S 2. Low Impact facilities S S S section 8: section 20.050(2} is hereby amended as follows: 20.050 SETBACK STANDARDS. (2) Interior Side 'Yar~ and Rear Yard Setback when abutting Residential Districts of the CI District Section 9: Section 20.100(b) is hereby amended as follows: (b) Development plans submitted as part of an Industrial Park site Plan Review application shall be prepared by a design team comprised of a project architect, engineer, and landscape architect, one of whom shall serve as coordinator. The design team shall certify that building, site, and landscape plans submitted in connection with the Site Plan Review and Building Permit application comply with applicable SDC provisions and conditions of approval. Ordinance No. 5753 Page 3 . 18.070 OFF-STREET PARKING STANDARDS. Parking lots shall be used exclusively for the parking of vehicles except that parking spaces in excess of the number required by this Code may be used for temporary sales or display of merchandise where such activity does not create a hazard for automobile or pedestrian traffic. The following off-street parking standards have been established for commercial districts. IN ANY .' CASE, NOT LESS THAN 4 OFF-STREET PARKING PLACES SHALL BE REQUIRES. Section 5: Section 18.110(6) is hereby amended as follows: 18.110 SPECIAL USE STANDARDS. (6) Residential Uses. In areas designated mixed use in the Metro Plan or refinement plans, mul~i-family development shall be required to meet development standards as specified in the local refinement plan. MDR and HDR District standards contained in this Code shall be followed where local refinement plans do not specify development standards or in areas where no local refinement plan has been prepared. One single family dwelling, detached or attached to a commercial building, shall comply with the development standards of the underlying zoning. section 6: Section 20.010 is hereby amended as follows: . 20.010 ESTABLISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS. This Article does not include the CI Campus Industrial District, which is to provide opportunities for the diversification of the local economy through siting of light industrial firms in a campus-like setting. Developments that do not require characteristics of Campus Industrial sites are encouraged to locate in an appropriate industrial zoning district located below. The development standards and permitted uses of the CI District are listed separately in Article 21 of this Code. In order to fully implement the policies of the Metro Plan, regulate the use of land and building.s and protect the public health, safety and welfare, the following zoning districts are established in this Article. . " Section 7: Section 20.020(3) and (5-8) are hereby amended as follows: 20.020 SCHEDULE OF USE CATEGORIES. LMI HI SHI (3) Transportation related, non-manufacturing: (e) Uses listed under 18.020(12) of this Code. p p S (5 ) Service and Repair: . Ordinance No. 5753 Page 2 . . . Section 10: Article 21, Title Page, is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT section 11: follows: Section 21.010 and 21.010(1) are hereby amended as 21.010 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. (1) CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. In order to fully implement the policies of the Metro Plan, regulate the use of land, structures and buildings, and protect the public health, safety and welfare, the following zoning dis~rict is established in this Article. The CI District is intended to fully implement the Metro Plan Campus Industrial Designation and any applicable refinement plans. This district provides opportunities for diversification of the local economy through siting of light industrial firms in a campus-like setting. The activities of such firms are enclosed within attractive exteriors and have minimal environmental impacts, such as noise, pollution and vibration, on other users and surrounding areas. Large-scale light industrial uses, including regional distribution centers and research and development complexes, are the primary focus of this designation. Provision is also made for small- and medium-scale industrial uses within the context of industrial and business parks which will maintain the campus-like setting with minimal environmental impacts. Complementary uses such as corporate office headquarters and supporting commercial establishments serving primary uses may also be sited on a limited basis. Conceptual development planning, performance standards and site review processes shall be applied to ensure adequate circulation, functional coordination among uses on each site, a high quality environmental setting, and compatibility with adjacent areas. A 50 acre minimum lot size shall be applied to ownerships of 50 or more acres to protect undeveloped sites from piecemeal development until a Conceptual Development Plan has been approved by th~ City. ~ Section 12: Section 21.020(1) is hereby amended as follows: 21.020 SITING STANDARDS. (1) The minimum lot size for ownerships of 50 or more acres of unincorporated CI land that do not have Conceptual Development Plan approval shall be 50 acres. The minimum development area for the CI district with Conceptual Development Plan approval shall be 5 acres. Office complexes shall have a minimum development area of 2 acres. Ordinance No. 5753 Page 4 ...' . . . .' Section 13: Section 21.030(1) & (3)(f) are hereby amended as follows: (1) Approval of a Conceptual Development Plan for a campus industrial site shall occur prior to the development of the site. The plan may be prepared and submitted by the initial developer of a portion of the site covered by the Conceptual Development Plan, the City, or as part of a refinement plan or amendment of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. (3) Applications for shall consider to information: initial Conceptual Development Plan approval the extent applicable, the following site (f) Preservation of sites that abut Greenway. river access for all properties within CI the McKenzie River or the Wi11amette River Section 14: Section 21.040, 21.040(1)(a) & (b)(l) and (8) are hereby amended as follows: section 21.040 PRIMARY USES. The following uses are permitted subject to site Plan Review approval. The development standards of this Article and any additional provisions, restrictions or exceptions set forth in this Code shall apply. Uses similar to those specifically listed may be permitted at the discretion of the Director. However, when the interpretation of Metro Plan policy of SDC intent and purpose is required to make a use determination, the Planning Commission, when the site is within the city limits, or the Hearings Official, when the site is within the urban transition area, shall conduct a public hearing to consider the criteria of SDC Article 4 INTERPRETATIONS. (1) Manufacture and assembly of: (a) Electronic or specialized equipment and components, including but not limited to communications, medical, dental, pharmaceutical, computer, optical, photographic, analyzing, measuring~ controlling and office products; or (b) Other products that: (1) Have a high level of technological input in their design or manufacturing process. (8) Multi-use office and campus light industrial structures. Section 15: Section 21.060(1)&(2), Section 21.070(1)&(2), Section 21.080(1) (a&b), Section 21.110(1) (b), Section 21.120(5), (10) & (10) (a) and Section 21.130(1) & (2) are hereby amended as follows: Ordinance No. 575~ Page 5 ." . . . Delete the abbreviation SLI where it appears in these citations and replace with CI. section 16: section 21.070(3) is hereby amended as follows: (3) There shall be planted setbacks from property lines of 20 feet in front, street-side, and through-lot rear yards where adjacent to local streets, and 30 feet where adjacent to arterial or collector streets. .' Section 17: Section 21.100 is hereby amended as follows: 21.100 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. section 18: Section ,21.120(2) is hereby amended as follows: (2) A minimum of 35% of each space. A maximum of 65% of surfaces (buildings, asphalt, section 21.090(3). development area shall be landscaped open the development area may be impermeable concrete, etc.), except as permitted in section 19: Section 21.120(4) is hereby amended as follows: (4) On-site utilities shall be underground, as specified in 32.120(2) of this Code. Section 20: The recommendation of the Springfield Planning Journal Number 94-06-133, has been reviewed and is hereby adopted of the adoption of these amendments (See Attachment A attached incorporated herein by reference). Commission, in support hereto and Section 21: It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to these amendments are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the" co~on Council of the City of Springfield by a vote for and ~ against this 15th day of AUqust , 1994. of 6 APPROVED by the Mayor August , 1994. ATTEST: of the City of Springfield this 15th day ~y of Jcorftt ! .J ,\:~: ~'~.".":-'.~~" ',~~ /".~.-:~.Jt'~:.~~~*=L i'3C 1;a;;;~1 ._-~,,~~~_.b~(== . . r., ~ %) I \ I ~ "-( ~ ! c! -"'~ _. _ ._. _ _ '_ Ie ~ _ __.0, _=~ ~=___,= O<T:CI: C~: CITV AT! ....1::U\IEY G~~f.r, (< L:J\.~t~j~~FJr:LD Orqinance No.5753 Puge 6