HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/3/2007 '" " Ii I' I, :, Ii ! Ii. ~~ , '...... r 'I. ~ '" AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON I ) ss, ) County, of lane J! I' ii . 'I. I', 1>' , " , I. Karen laFleur. being first duly sworn. do hereby depose and say as follows: ,.~ I s~ate that I am ~ Program Technician for ~he Planning Division ~f the , Development Services Department. City of Springfield. 'Oregon, I: ", 2. 1 s~a~e th~t inmy,capacity as. Program Technician. I prepared a)d caused to be , mailed copies of SlJl32.DCl-6C05'3' ..3cY'>' h\u.il)-~ ~ - Po..n.:t 0Md - S'~ (See, attachment ' n An) on '/0/-;' . 2007 addressed to' {see ' ' . . b Attachment Bnl. by causing said ,letters to be placed in a U.? mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon." I: ' Ii, ,~~~~4o,,,~ K~R~N LaFLEUR ,- ' I, Ii II Ii jl II Ii I: STATE OF OREGON. County of lane I 0 1;( . '2007. Personally appeared the .above named Karen laFleur. Program Technician. who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be 'their voluntary act. Before me: I' W' - -. ,-. -:::~,... o;F~iAL S~L- Il' " BRENDA JONES " NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON i, COMMISSION NO, 379218 _.~. MYCOMMIS!lI~.;~I~ESMAY27,2~ . ' My Commission Ii. ' ) ~j0 g: !Jo"J D I. I'i " I: 1', , Date1 fleCeiY~d:-L!?p 4c7 Planner: ALII ' r I: Ii EXPire~ r DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT h " 300-FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE I. I. PENDING PARTITION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION I, II , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541}726-3753 FAX (541}726-3689 www.ci.spn.ngfleJd.or.us Date of Notice: October 3, 2007 Case Number: SUB2007-00053 Annlicant: bIke Syrios Nature or"the Aoolication: The applicant is proposing to partition one lot into two pm;.cels. , I, ,Location: The property involved in this request is located at 4733 Union Terrace in ~pringfield, Assessor's Map No. 18-02-05-12, Tax Lot(s) 1900. " I" , I Anolicable Criteria: The criteria of approval found at Section 5.12-125 ofthe Sprin~peld Development Code (SDC) apply to this application. The criteria are available at Springfield City Hall weekdays , . between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, at the Development Services Department or on the City's website at I' www.ci.soriwzfield.or.us under Springfield DevelojJment Code" f Your Ril!ht to Provide Written Comment: Prior to the City making any decision onl~he application, you are provided a fourteen (14) day period for the submission of written comments. Your written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on October 17, 2007. Send comments to th~ attention of the staff contact listed below. You may review the record of this application at City Hall $d purchase copies at a reasonable cost. II ' , I Failure to Raise Issue: Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period. Issue~ shall ,be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to respond to the issue. ::. I: If I; " ,: I' Staff Contact: Andy Limbird City of Springfield Urban Plarining Division E-mail: alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us Phone: (54]) 726"3784 , If you would like to meet directly with the planner, please call and make' an aDDointl,lent. 1,1 I, I'! " Date Rebeived:ji-rJai7 Planner: I AL \\ . \\ . B i ,. N~'1lll"'Il_" ~,.., II fl ~ sl ,il . ~r r _n_ I . f i i S_'lIlI".,n..JI . . n \! ~ ~l'l:l~i!l ::;; ~ ,~~~~ ,:, j:i ~.... * . .~~"~ . ~ JE~";,; lj ~~.~ .~~~ 'r''iI~,.. ~~;~ ,-~J~ Oat", Heceived' Planner: AL i ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~.. .~ <" . ~~ ~ a . " ~~ ." .::~~--.., /Oh/a<>07 / - I I I ~ ~ j ~ . iH ~ ~ ~ n 6 li "-~~, ~) IIUN :::l'1. H:S~. I-{."LW. VV.M. NE COUN1Y SCALE l' ~ 100' MAP 17 02 32 43 UNION AVENUE \7 ''>.J' 2300 0.51 AC 223.29' u;5"o::.' /1 ,/ I ~='J"": ' l'ltM'lH:aLV.-501_9 ,/" I ( "//1,,1 i I I~ /-. 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I, " 1802051201802 MORRIS DAMON H 475/ uN/ON TERRACE ST SPRINGfiELD, OR 97478 I" , ~r I, 1802051202000 RINGLER RANDY FRANK 4715 uNION TER ' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 I, , , LD Date Received' ;O/~07 Planner: .4.L ! I, ~ liB" T o-fBt/: 1~ 1702324308601 1702324308700 1702324308701 , " Resident Resident Resident 4660 UNION TER 4690 UNION TER 4668 uNION TER Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 J~ . 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' Date neceived:~o/dOt17 Planner: AL I . ~ " SUB2007-00053 -1116-02-05-12 TL 1900 P....1ition Tentative Syrios . - Sb.. - Sprlngfteld StrMta . TooItIp .. 8trHt Name - Sprlngfteld ItrMta with ....".. It Burror .r o Tax LOU - TooltIp Iallaplot . Major Water featurH by Type - Toolllp .. Feat... . . S rlngfteld Zoning by Zono Type . Toolllp Ia z... HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAl MEDIUU DENSITY RESIDENTIAl LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAl LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAl. HEAVY INDUSTRIAl MIXED USE UII a cc SPECIAl HEAVY INDt.ISTRIAl CAMPUS INDUSTRIAl COMMUNITY COMMERCIAl lU It'\D DI:T AN,..,..,...., II 6CAI.E 1: 1,117 1ClCI. IllIlcooa FEET hllp:!lIplldl.*lmll..r11llfllpr_...._Ml_U.mwf ~ ( ']'I'tlIT~~\3,lra ~,~l - -U ~_L ,~T )~THstk"'~r1~ ~ ~' 'Ir~u' ,\C 'I-S~ ' I I'CnII_, _ __-- I, '.--r _-_- ~:1~( ~~ -II ~ RQCK'i.ROAD,6R~;~ B f-l \Tr'I-LLIJI~~~~ . A Date Received: 1~~40D7 Planner: AL WI~""', ()r1I)bor 03, 2007 7:. /1M