HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 10/23/2007 f / , I' I! From: Greg Kwock, P.E., Transportation Engineer Ii Subject: SUB2007-00053 Syrios Partition i: The Transportation Division has'reviewed the materials provided with the suJ1ect application. The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for y~ur use in preparing the land-use decision.' . Ii I I: October 23, 2007 Andy Limbird, Planner II City of Springt1.eld " Memorandum Date: To: General . 'FindinQ": The subject property is a 16,469-sf parcel located south of Union T~,~ace. (Map 18- 02-05-12, Tax Lot # 1900). The parcel currently holds one single family residential unit. ./ Approval of this proposal would partition the propertyto create two parcels. ~he existing residence would remain. I: I, II I " TransnortationSvstem Imnacts , . . j , FindinQ": Abutting the subject site to the north, Union Terrace isa 20-foot wid~ gravel roadway I within a 40-foot wide right of way. The streets is unimproved and lack curb/~utter, sidewalk, and street lights. I' I: FindinQ": Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Single-Family Detached Housing) full development / of an additional parcel with a single-family residential use would generate 10:additiona1 vehicle trips per day and 1 PM peak-hour vehicle trip onto the surrounding street syst~m. Ii II j findinQ": Assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips. According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household. trips ~re made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus. . These trips may have tlieir origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicy~'le trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking apd bicycle lanes. / finding: Existing transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate'the additional 1 volume of traffic generated by the proposed 4eve10pment. ,: , Recommended Condition: Execute and record an Improvement Agreement for paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk and street lighting along Union Terrace. I: . . I. I, jl I: " Ii Datel R~ceived: /.y2.~b.,.,7_ Planner: AL " ,I I I 4 SUB2007-00051 Bell Partition October 16, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Site Access and Circulatio(! FindinQ:: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic c~nflict points. The V greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. ~DC 4.2-120 A.1 stipulates that all developed lots/parcels shaH have "an approved access..." i' . . " . FindinQ:: The applicant proposes to access Parcell via an existing driveway 1Jcated along the ~stem portion of the northerly boumjary. Access to Parcel 2 would be via tIle pan handle L!section along the easterly portion of the site. Due to the existing gravel roadway, the need for paved driveways are not required. . . Ii Ii FindinQ:: As conditioned below ingress-egress points' will be planned to faci1itilte traffic and pedestrian safety on public streets as specified in SDC Chapters 4 (Sections 4):1 to 4.3) and 5 (/(Sections 5.15 & 5.17), applicable zoning and or overlay district Articles, andl:app1icab1e refinement plans. ',' " Recommended Condition: Provide and maintain adequate vision cleararice triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 4.2-130. F . . , Please provide a copy of the draft Decision for my review prior to issuing th~final decision. I , " 1!' ) I Date: Receiv~d: 1,?/2.3/"oo7_ II / Planner: Ai.:l tl .