HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2009-5-12 City of Springfield Mechanical Authorization To Begin Work E-mailedTo:Lindsey@marsh11I1sinc.com ?/\ Receipt # EC551570 Vi /I / 5/12/2009 10:46:23 AM "\ G ~ Check on status of permit By Phone: (541)726-3753 or Email: permitcenler@ci.springfield.or.us 10 New constmction W Addition/alteration/replacement I' t'~:~~_ ,':':, s~~:;2l*~T,~GO~'(,qE;q.q~stFf~snON'~~.'l' I [i] 1 or 2 family dwelling D Multi.ramily 0 Accessory Building I . '''-.T~~,.<::jj/j_Q~!SiT~_I~.F9~MAitgN,~N'D:tO~AT.IO!'''r ~_~;t';~~"I""" I.Job no.: IJob address: 806 HAZELNUT LN I City/StatcrJ::II): SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478.5580 I Suitclbldghpl.no.: II'roject naml': TODD Cross stn'ct/dircctions to job sill': ~;;,-> ' : ~~g~ ISuhdi\'i.~iulI: I Lot no,: l~a:maP/~":'~;.::~.~~~;.0;~.11:06~~OS<;RIPTIO~:' OF, W6~K.i~"'" : ")-;f \;,' INSTALL DUCTLESS HEAT PUMP IN RESIDENCE I I ,', ',', "I ...~: ",.."~.:" 1 '_." ).'" ::t;J.: ~"t:.':'1:;;'~~~'~.~.i~}f~,l~~~:;~-f~s'i~~'-c9:F:f~ci: ~, IName: MIKE TODD Il'hon<: (541191~\M~T1r:E' Ir." I E~,"i1 THIS .PtRn11~_C:lJ'W.-f.VDI~!: I~ THfWQRK"" . I', .,:. AIITHOR1ZE!)"'I..)~m!ffl~ pfR~i"hgCN~r'-' ," ICCB Ii<, no,: 2f'?'i~1~1ENCED QP' I~ ,^.B.^,ND~N=~ m:1 I Bo,;n,,, Nam<:4%\R~I~.'!:',1!f PtRIQ~.. Contact: LINDSEY BAETI-I [Address: 4110 OLYMPIC ST ICity/Statc/ZW; SPRINGFIELD, OR 974785620 Il'hono: (541)7477445 Ir",: (541)7410821 I Email: Lindsey@marshnllsinc.com 11\-lctro lie. no,: ". i::i~;:1~~ I City lie. no.:CCB 25790 Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your permit will be e-mailed or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection. NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit is not obtained. The local building department may detennine that an Authorization To Begin Work is null and void jf it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. QI)'. :'1 Totnl I ':.---1 I I I I I I $17,001 I Incscriplion I.~iea.t!~~eooling appfia,nccs :~-;,-:'~ I Furnace- up to 100,000 B'i'U I Furnace - above 100,000 BTU I Electric Fumace , Duct alterations and additions I Gus heaterunitsl in-wull, in- ducL suspendt.'d, ele/ I Vent, nue, liner for above I Air Conditioner I Heat Pump I Airl-landlcr rqt!ietf~~r~u'riiing~~pp~~u.ri~cs ~-::~"~~;::;:l~~~"'~'~'~:, .-: 'f'-';: ~-'-~..' ;1 IWUlerhelllcr I 1 Gus fireplacc/insert/slOve I Gas log/log lighler I I Gas c10lhes dryer I Gas slove/range I I Pool or spa heater. kiln I I Wood/pellet stove/insen I Wood fireplace " I j I Chlmn'y/llllor/1lml11' vd.V I, I "DDli,n" ATll:N liON: JOreqon law reqUII,as you t.d I I Env;l;O~,!"nlflt:I~;;lisl\,~;.vfrf#iii..U~jjdbl'ilhe Oregon' Ulil,il~ I Ronge hood ~"U~".r~a~I()~ ~e n:er, ',1 nOj3e rUles 'Ire set Torfh "III ClotheSdl).t.'p~~t\r\ vv~-uu ::uu '~_lI!lu~YI\ UMH ~o~-uull- I Slngl,.d",' ,~~~U,b;(~ -ebtft.., v _p.vu J. I 'v ,ulvo 1,1' I 10;10' 'Omp"nmGiiJIlllifl,)he c. nter, (N'lte: the tl ,Iephone I rooms) nJ Imhl:lr fnr tb::l ()rl:lanr I Jtilit~1 f\! "f-ifi,..~+;,..~, I AI1;,(,mwlspm I;,ns CE)nterr is 1-RQQ ,3;12-23.1kL I I:V~c_f~ipi!lg -.:__~: ~~ !::~~;~~~~~~i ;".!,-:I.'-~~~-~-~~.,~_}~~: I uptu first 4 outlets{enter Qly=l) I eal:h additional (JUllel '~'_',~ <::':~ME.C~A~f~AJ[~~'~MI'r;F~E~;~~t -: ~.~: !~'~?>~. ;;;0 Subtotal $17.00 City Of Springfield First Applianl:c fee $79.00 StateSurchnrg~(12%ofpermitfce) $11.521 City or Springfield fees * $4.80 I I TO'I~\L PER.\IIT FEE $112.32 I * City Of Springllcld fees: 5% Technology Fee .:a. $17.00 I C9-l.QSl VP 5112- ,tA This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit.