HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 7/1/2008 LUKE SYRIOS/STEW ARDSHIP INVESTMENTS - PRE-SUBMITTAL FOR PARTITION PLAT . CASE: PRE2008-00042 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: NOVEMBER 14,2007 (SUB2007-00053) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ).. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement for Union Terrace for paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, storm sewer and street trees. ~..,.. "S'-'8M;. . "'-~ X. 2. Prior to approval. of the Final Plat, all utility lines serving Parcel I shall be placed underground. 7 3. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall make arrangements with utility providers for utility easements as may be required to accommodate the underground electrical and telecommunication services for the dwellings on Parcels I and 2. . 7 4. The utility easements required to serve Parcels I and 2 shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the Final Plat. )( 5. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, all utilities required to serve Parcel 2 shall be extended to the building envelope area ofthe parcel as generally depicted on the applicant's tentative plan. 16. The Final Plat shall provide for dedication ofa 7-foot wide PUE along the frontage of Parcels I and 2 as depicted on the applicant's tentative plan. 77. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install a paved panhandle driveway at least 12 feet wide by 18 feet long as measured from the north property line of Parcel 2. 4 'bV. 8. Prior to issu~nce of Final Occupancy for a dwelling on Parcel 2, at least two paved off-street parking spaces shall be developed on the site. ~{. 9. .J The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of the site driveways in accordance with SDC 4.2-130. . .-' 1e:->v-rATI v6- J::>J F r E:P-EN '"' i>LAN -mAN CoNF'"lbvRA.TiQ/'l [iN\) :r~,)(V}E7VS/OrJS P''IIZ'''IOP} )>/.A, 'bRAW'/\Iei ?'1 R..E.. . EASEMsN7.s (liD, t:,)-/ou..JrJ DN $,-'--'::::- AS.5~s$lV1EtJT fLArJ IE"N fA T\ \/'{: "FLA~ {IIO.W Srfo WN OrJ PLA T bO'W u',\(;; "kX\:STIN.6 ~lPS:L\NC 84&-rYJE:I0T MA'1 Ar-J-t:.:C.-T O'F Sew c:12- t-?rJ E: 7=='oR. P!J R. L..2:z- d. o,rz L 00'\ T7O"J :J ,,,;'~. \;~~'t D;;;(~I i,,,ceived' Planner: Al 1//~tJ! . I