HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 9/25/2007 FecEx. US Airbil/ El5Press :c;/ -/(./7 Sender's jt .Name ~D8nv .Ad'M~ :; ) /' ~ / .... ,~.. ,... 87771 8621 6589 "1.......'.. "1......... . 11........'~'."., ..,J~'~'~ ..,J....-'J.~.~' r.'J'::I -~lr~r~_::I . "Ir ('~~~ ....lr..1.....J~'-.~... n.,..........I.. . - " ,-- , ,- - , '-T t" t -, ).. ''''',i''\~:-",".:r',?).).~.'.~''l''''.\~)<--r.,rU t-lf-...or.d: -rl'r. J ) I / / i" I ;> .' 2 Your Internal Billing Reference 3 To Recipient's ~ame .com0811\/ /"""' " ..,. ;7/ .... (I.. ., ( J ...... .),)1 ' --{ , Recipient's ~ddress WlC'"noI~IGP,O........orP,o~ L Address, -:; r.~- ..:::> ~ J, TG.........I~it..NIdIl.t;>KlIIcFlldblGe 'printFeclEa.~<lrM$htt1I. rAv 7t' J 1-- L \. 5', Phoo. ~ 6 Special Handling ......F.lIEa..-.-......l O SATURDAY 001.... 0 HoLD -day D HOlD ....n1oy I ,",-_lor at FedblocetiCll atFedExLocBbon =~~~ ~--=-~ =~~~~ s.-,OtF.db:lloymighL .._~ j":[O_lIIi''''iP<MnlCOftUi. hn~l'1IVS.oOlb' ..--- - 0...._......... I No 0 r::..-..od 0 ~I~ 0 ~~~C:UN1M6_.--'lI ShWor'.o.a.-. trll...,nd. 0 ~....~'"..e1......IIe""""'"iIlF<<l&:~ CafQoAircraftOnly 7 Payment ~~ ~f.tbAccC."'..ClMilcn. ..,.,.-. ="~U o ~l!:~ 0 Recipient 0 ThirdPllrty ~Cr9ditCard 0 CashICheck Soodion'" I BlI'~ TotaIhcbges Totaf~ TotaI~Valuet ~~b~.~~~m~~dK~'~~~~dea: ... ... /',;(, 0200 ~ I ~ PtJckagesupfu7501ba. U D .1f.~" . ...........""....- .,,-~ Packllfl" lWI!It 750 Iba. D~~:t!~ight ~o.MIyNOT....... ..,,_........ D..." D"'''' M. .Dtclnd..........SSIl. . , I I 7 4a Express Package service~ O FtldEx Priority Overnight f.e~fl( Standard Ovarnight =~~~..... a"'-vNO'i~ .....SATUllDAVo.Mly.--. D~&i . . 0 r.:~~\\r""" ll.o;..;.'!l- _. ,'~ . .....SAT1IllIAVo.r-.,iI;.;::"l ~ F..&ErMkJgo_ncl~jI?'-'__~on<l_ ..-J 4b Express Freight Semce o ~~%'!.':1.i:; 0 ~:\20OV~. _....-..._ \,0.1 "'- _SATlJlll,A.VDoIMryil-...,( .....w.~ IIitctIId. r~;k;;ng [;1;'-;", Envelope" " ~ ~ il. \l' ~ ~ ~ Ib.3r -c.dCtrdk.o:h. II ;11 !11111:~-;~h~~':~i7'.~.~-~~:1 862165898m I\ftO__,,, . ,,, '.' 'IIINTED1NUSASRF Stoto . \ -;> I -- np ;> > / -' I Phone -r/{ (In 7oZ'c~7('I 1:4- , - :.::.-=f. _:';1\' -- 1 np I 1/77 o ",,,,p,,' 0""'" fd:.~;;;'nl~SlonyI'lk. BOl( ~ I Terms And Conditions Definitions On this Airbill, "we,~ "our," "us: and "FedEx" refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. al8ijou" and "your" reler to the sender, its employees. and agents. ....greement To TeRnS By giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms on this Airbill and in the current FedEx Service Guide. which is available upon request. You also agree to those terms on behalf of any third party with an interest in the package. If there is 8 conflict between the current FedEx Service Guide and this AirbilL the current FedEx Service Guide will control. No one 'IS authorized to change the terms of OUr Agreement Responsibility For Packaging And Completing Airbill You are responsible for adequately packaging your goods and properlv filling out this Airbill. If you omit the number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we recei~ed and/or an estimated "default~ weight per package as determined by us. Responsibility For Payment Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for all delivery costs, as well as any cost we incur in either returning your package to you or warehousing it pending disposition. limitations On Our Liability And Liabilities Nnt A~'mmptf . . Our liability in connection with this shipment is limited to the lesser of your actual damages or $100. unless you declare a Jiigher value, pay an additional charge, and document your actual loss in a timely manner. You may pay an additional charge for each additional $100 of declared value. The declared value does not constitute, nor do we provide, cargo liability insurance. . In any event. we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental. special, or consequential, in excess of the declared value of a shipment. whether or not FedEx had knowledge that such damages might be incurred, including but not limited to loss of income or profits. . We won't be liable: - for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing. securing. marking, or addressing, or those of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package. - if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement - for loss of or damage to shipments of prohibited items. - for loss. damage, or dalay caused by events we cannot control. including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority. Declared Value limits . The highest declared value aUowed for a FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak shipment is $500. . For other shipments. the highest declared value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. . Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as artwork, jewelry, turs, precious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and other items listed in the current FedEx Service Guide. . You may send more than one package on this AirbiU and fill in the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the$l00, $500, orS50,1X(J per package limit described above. (Example: 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to $250,000.) In that case, our liability is limited to the actual value of the packagelsllost or damaged, but may not exceed the maximum allowable declared value!s) orthetotal declared value. whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. filing A Claim YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within strict time limits set out in the current FadEx Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at l.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 to report a Claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. We aren't obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may not deduct the amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record. we will assume the package was delivered In good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available tor inspection. Right To Inspect We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver. Right Of Rejection We reserve the fight to reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or ,fthe shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would violate any terms of our Airbill or the current FadEx Service Guide. C.O.D. Snrvice. C.O.O. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS AlRB1LL If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a FedEx C.O.D. Airbill. Air Transportation Tax Included A federal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion 01 this service, if any, is paid by us. Money-Back Guarantee In the event of untimely delivery, FedEx will, at your request and with some limitations, refund or credit aU transportation charges. See the current Fed Ex Service Guide for more information. P.'"1Sl2lQ'll......lCKl1