HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/27/2006 . .' , , ". \If (0/ II / 5/10/2006 1:35 PAGE 0021004 Fax Server . '.:~~~' , DI"lolon .f CIIlof Doputy Clork 20C6-~n5~6 Lano County D..do and R.cords 1111\ \ \\1\\\11 \ ~ \ \ III "\11\ \1\\ \ \\\1\\ \ \ \\ 1\\\ . $36. 00 ~ 1I8'7.1.;4621lil~ilm4ilil030il3g 09/29/2005 03:32:59 Pft Rl'R-oEED Cnl.::1 5t""& ClISMIER 0' SI5.00 *11.00 S10.00 After recording return to: Gateway Hospltallly, LLC P.O BOX 2678 AlBANY, 0 REGON 97321 UnUI a ch~e is re(JJe5ted all tax _......._~ shall be sent tD the fcI1owio9 adcnss: Gateway Hospitality, LLC P.O. BOX 2678 ALBANY, OREGON 97321 File No.: 7194-519398 (SMl) Oate: September 27, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Jonsony Kim and Soora KIm, husband and wife, as tenants by the entlrety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to G",., '., Hospitality, LLC, an OregDn Limited Uabllity Company, Grantee, the following described real property free Df liens and encumbrances, except as specificaily set forth herein: See Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference Incorporated herein. This ""r~;" Is free from liens and ellQlmbrances, EXCEPT: 1. The 2005-2006 Taxes, a lien not yet payable. 2. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, if any, affecting title, which may .ppear In the public record, Including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AllOW USE OF'TliE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TrlIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE S,GNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITl.E TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WI1li THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS DEFlN:D IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration for this conveyance is $2,755,000.00. (H... comP~ "itIl ,equi","""," of ORS 93.030) Oated this j) g day Of~ .209,L:' Page lof l At\cr Rc<o<ding R<tlIl1l To First. American True PO 80,10146 Eugcn.. OR 9'~ Date Received:#;>aI6' Planner: AL r I' , 5/10/2006 1:35 PAGE 003/004 Fax Server ~ -. APrl: lI9S1lS14 StaM:l<y W,rraoO:f Oe<d - OJn~nued file No.; 7194-519391 (SMJ) 0.:.: 09/27/""05 y . jh~r~'_ Jonsony J(ifn , -EE;;;, Saora Kim ) )55. County of Lane ) This Instrument was aclmowfedged ,~ore me on thi~ m day o~k~ . 20~ by Jonsony Kim and Soon Kim. ~ (8 OFI".cW.SEAL I\....\ ,0' ~ - SONDRAIII.JDHNSDN /) , NOTARY PUBlIC .000EGON .,' ,i COMMISSIOIl NO. 311253 Notary lie for Ore on " IIfCllYll:sslOflEJa'llfSAtGJ$l19.2W "'1 ",,,Ission exfs: ('Z.9 ) crt- STATE OF Oregon -" Page 2Dr 3 Date Received' 7/2-7//U06 Planner: AL 'j . . . ; 5/10/2006 1:35 PAGE 004/004 Fax Server r.. ... AF>N: 09SOS14 stttutory Wa.-ranty Deed -Cll1rtiIu!d File No.: 7194-5pnl (5MJ) 0..:: O'J07/7JJOS -' EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESauP11ON: PARCEL I: Beginning at the Northwest comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Oaim No. 46, In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wiilamette Meridian; thence North 89" 40' 25" East 239.9 feet t:l a point on ,the Westerly right of way line of Gateway Street; thence along the arc of a 682.75 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 290 49' 59" East 29O.B1 feet) 293.35 (eft to the Northeast corner of ! certain tract; thence North B90 59' 55" West along the North line of said certain tract 150.0 teet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 09" 00' 25" East along the Westerly line thereof 190.01 feet to the Southwest corner thereof and a point on the Northeriy right of way line of 6eltline - 1-5 Interchan.e; thence along said Northerly right of way line North 8QO 49' 35" West 111.22 feet to a point 100.0 feet Northerly from, when measured at right angles, Engineer's center line station +45+14.19 E.C.; thence along the arc of a 186.48 foot radius curve right (the cl10rC ot which bears North 68048' 15" West. 134.84 feet) 137.96 feet to a point 100.0 feet Northeasterly from, when measured at right angles, Engineer's center line station 443+02.25 B.C.; thence North 47" 36' 35" West along said rl9ht of way One 38.39 feet to a point on the West line of said Stevens Donatlon Land Calm No. 46i thence North QO 04' 25" West along said West line 346.21 feet to the point of beginning, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: Beginning at the Northwest comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Caim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 890 40' 25" East 239.9 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of Gateway 5treet; thence aloog said right of way line along the arc of 682.75 toot radius curve right (the chord ofwhidl bears South 29" 49' 59" East 290.81 feet) an arc distance of 293.35 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 890 59' 55" West 150.0 feet; thence South go 00' 25" East 15.19 feeti thence South 890 59' 55" East to the Westerly right of way line of Gateway Street; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Page 30t 3 Date Received: 7f/n/JIJo{ Planner: AL I ' . .