HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 8/2/2007 II PacWest Engineering, LLC TO: Avt~ L,;,~Iy,( I c/~ PlllntflP1 DATE: C;fJ if ~{id') 1"V5 ?=t-f1l,,' 9fv.wf- I - ~Vl~rd) OK OJ '1 Jf'11 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ~ AttachedlEnclosed 0 Under separate cover VIA: ~US Mail 0 Hand Delivery 0 UPS 0 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: o Shop Drawings 0 Prints ~ Plans o Samples o Specifications 0 Copy of Letter 0 Change Order o IN REFERENCE TO: 9{ Project No. & 6' . 0&7;3 o Other THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval o For your use o As requested o For review and comment o REMARKS: Ii ~ .N1 Yk 1 vvr~ ~~~- 1530 Ninth Avenue SE Albany,OR 97322 (541) 926-7634 (541) 926,7539 Fax 'l" (z, /67 V\. re-v'7 P1.V ~ ~ ~ ~ e-n(l/l~rl. ~ chN". 6u.k~_ o (} /' I ;/ FROM: ~P'~ I DatI', f~eceived: F~~o?7 Planner: AL II 1_:. "-.. ,1Ji' ~~?'.: 'lC- Irr!:~ II PaciWest Ewgineering, LLC 1530 Ninth Avenue SE Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7634 (541) 926-7539 Fax August 2, 2007 ?' City of Springfield Attn: Andy Limbird City Planner 225 Fifth St Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Embassy Suites Hotel, 05-063 Dear Mr. Limbird: The following is our response to Type II Tentative Site Plan Review, Staff Report and Decision of the proposed Embassy Suites Hotel site plan, from the City of Springfield dated October 2, 2006. The review comments are presented in standard text followed by our response in italicized underlined text. Conditions of Approval: 1. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to provide for a water system to serve the site that is consistent with SUB Water Division standards. The nlans have been revised to conform with SUB water division standards. 2. All new easements shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of utility easements. All utilitv easements are shown on the ulan. Once.the nhms, and corresnondinz nronosed easements. are annroved bv the Citv. the nronosed easements will be recorded. 3. All utility lines to serve the development site shall be placed underground. All utilitv lines will be nlaced underzround. Unon Citv annrovalof the site nlan. nlans will be send to franchise utilities for each resnective utilitv de.l'irzn. Date Received: d'/2./~7 Planner: AL ! I J>:\2005\05-063\doi..<Review Response #2.dL'i: Page! '?f 5 l_"" -~ 4, Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to show the recycle/refuse area plumbed to the sanitary sewer system. The recvcle/refuse area is now shown with an inlet that is vived to the sanitarv sewer svstem. 5. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to show the underground parking garage drainage system plumbed to pass through an oil/water separator and then into the sanitary sewer system. All of lhe inlets shown in the fTarafTe drainafTe svslem are oil/waleI' seDarators. The 2'GrafTe drainafTe svstem is now shown to connect to the sanitarv sewer svstem. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide written verification from Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) confirming that vegetative swale #1 can discharge into the existing ODOT drainage ditch outside the south property line. The vlan.~ and drainafTe reDort are currentlv under review with ODOr ODOT aDDroval will be forwarded /0 the Citv UDon receiDI. 7. Prior to approval ofthe Final Site Plan, the applicant shall revise site plan to remove the existing area drain in proposed drainage basin #2. The existinfT area drain has been removed. 8. Prior to approval ofthe Final Site Plan, the applicant shall revise the site plan to indicate the size of the existing sanitary and storm sewer lines both on and off the site. The size of all existinf!. sanitarv and storm sewer lines. both on and off site. are now shown on the vlans. 9. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide a maintenance plan that includes provisions ensuring long term functionality of the three proposed vegetative swales. A maintenance vlan for the three f!.rassv swales is now stated on the Dlans. 10. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall revise the site plan to provide an appropriate seed mix for the three vegetative water quality swales on the site. The seed mix and application rate shall be described on the site landscaping plans. The aVDrovriate seed mix. Dreviouslv shown on the enfTineerinfT wadinfT Dlan sheels. is now shown on the landscavinf!. vlans. LandscaDinf!. vlans are submitted under seDarate cover. Date Received:..-l/i.wo'L- Planner: AL P:\2005\05-063\docIReview Response ~J2.doc Page 2 0/5 -4, 11. Prior to issuance of the Final Occupancy for the hotel building, the proposed private vegetative water quality swales shall be fully vegetated with all species established to ensure a fully functioning water quality system. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until the grassy swale vegetation becomes fully established. A note has been added to the olans reauirin(l the swales to be fullv ve(letated orior to final occuoancv. or additional erosion control measure will be reauired. 12. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide for emergency access to the west side of the hotel building by way of a joint use easement recorded with the adjacent property, or an alternate access scheme acceptable to the Fire Marshal. An alternate method is urouosed as oer Fire Marshall Comments. The architectural olans indicate the azreed uoon method. Architectural olans are submitted under seoarate cover. 13. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide written confirmation from the adjacent landowner allowing for ajoint use of the private fire hydrant. Alternatively, the plans shall be revised to show the location of a new fire hydrant at a location acceptable to the Fire Marshal. The dans now show a new fire hvdrantconformin(l to aoulicable code reauirements. 14. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to provide. for standpipe connections at appropriate locations on the building exterior. A stand oioe is now shown on the olans to be located on the buildinz exlerior. Once the prouosed location is aooroved. the architectural olems will be uodated to"inc/ude the stand ~ 15. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy for the hotel building, "No Parking-Fire Lane" signage shall be installed around the ladder truck access areas on the north side of the building. A nole has been added to the olans makinz this siznaze installation a reauirement for final occuoancv. 16, Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to show an acceptable Fire Department connection at the nOlihwest corner of the building. The fire'deoartment connection has been revised. Date Received' Planner: AL f/~/)LJ07 / / P: \2005\05-063\doc'iReviell! Re,sponse #2. doc Page 3 of 5 . -'" 17. Immediate access and at least three (3) feet of clear space in all directions shall be maintained for all fire hydrants and Fire Department connections in accordance with SFC 508.5,5 and SFC 912.3. All DroDosed fire hvdrants and fire deDartment connections are located to Drovide three (3) feet of clear SDace in all directions. 18. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan shall be revised to provide for appropriate decommissioning and/or removal of the existing gas line. A note has been added to the site Dlan indicatine that the contractor shall coordinate with the natural eas franchise utilitv conmanv for aDDroDriate decommissionine of the existine "as line. 19, The Final Site Plan shall indicate 55 standard, 7 compact and one handicap parking spaces for the underground parking garage on the Site Data table shown on Sheet SP-l. The data lable has been uDdated accordin"lv. 20. On the Final Site Plan, the compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified by signage or painting in accordance with SDC 31.190 (7). Each comoact wace is now shown to have 'COMPACT' Dainted in the stall. 21. The Final Site Plan shall provide for additional bumper overhang or wheel bumpers for the four parking lot islands that contain parking spaces. Wheel bumDers are now shown in the subiect locations. 22. The Final Site Plan shall show the location and type of handicap accessible ramps serving the site in accordance with the options shown on Sheet DT _I. The location and tVDe ofhandicaD accessible ramDS are now shown in accordance with the detail shown on sheet DT-I. 23, Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site landscaping plans shall be revised to specify whether the existing street trees along Gateway Street are to be retained or replaced. The landscaoe olan now shows the existinf! street trees on Gatewav Slreet to be reDlaced. Date Received: f~/:UX>7 Planner: AL P:\2005\05-063\doc\Rcvt'e'1' R(!!Jponse #2.doc Page 40f5 . .... 24. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site landscaping plans and th~ plant legend shall be revised to accurately account for the quantities of trees and shrubs proposed to be planted on the site. The landscaninf! vlan are beinf! submitted under seoarate cover. 25. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy for the hotel building, the applicant shall receive approval of a Drinking Water Protection Overlay District application for the proposed development pursuant to Planning Action DRC2006-00069. . Aooroval is forthcomin!! and will be forwarded to the Citv UDon receinr. 26. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, a joint use easement for cross-access between the subject she and Tax Lot 1400 shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City, The subiect easement is shown on the vlans. Once the olans. and corresoondin!! orooosed easements. are aooroved bv the Citv. the oronosed easements will be recorded., 27. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, ajoint use easement for cross-access from the subject site onto Tax Lot 1700 shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City. The cross access easement has been deleted. There is now a curb rut shown at the north wesl corner that will orovide access to the site. 28, Prior to issuance of an LDAP for the site, a Tree Felling Permit shall be issued pursuant to Planning Action DRC2006-00068. A tree {ellinv oermit has been issued. Please call me if you have any questions at (541) 926-7634 ext. 1. Sincerely, ~tJ- Troy L. Plum, PE Principal Cc: Vern McDonald Date ~eceived:J;i/ l.LJOI- Planner: AL 7 7 ~ P:\2005\05-063\docIRel'iew Response il2.doc Page 5 of 5