HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 12/27/2006 ,"j ''/ /ij . Page 1 of2 L1MBIRD Andrew" 'From: TAMULONIS John Sent: Wednesday, December 27,200610:16 AM To: L1MBIRD Andrew ,Subject: FW: Embassy Suites Andy: FYI. John t " From: Troy Plum [mailto:tplum@pacweste,com] Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 200610:11 AM To: TAMULONIS John Cc: Vern McDonald Subject: RE: Embassy Suites John ~ We will update the' plan set to show the new driveway ana all associated changes onoUf final submittaL Thanks,' 'Troy L Plum, PE From: TAMULONIS John [mailto:jtamulonis@ci.springfield.oLuS] Sent: Friday, December 22; 2006 4:09 PM ' To: Troy Plum ' " Cc: Vern McDonald Subject: RE: Embassy Suites These look good and I've reviewed them with staff who each have a copy, Vern indicated,he would likely apply for an access permit onto Game Farm Road East to begin the process, Andy Limbird needs to know that you intend to include the proposed changes in the final site plan, John t ' , , ':{." From: Troy Plum [mailto:tplum@pacweste;com] Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:53 PM To: TAMULONIS John .' Cc: Vern McDonald Subject: Embassy Suites '. . John ~ , .".' '. , ' , . . -. . 'I spoke with Verri McDonald today concerning a new driveway at the proposed Embassy Suites development. He' asked that I revise our exhibit lo'incorporate your comments, Pi ease find attached an updated exhibit that shows striping, a landscape strip on the west end and, removable bollards, Please iet me know if you would like to see' 'any changes: " \ . Thanks, Troy L Plum, PE , PacWest Engineering, LLC 1530 Ninth Ave SE Albany, OR 97322 :: Date Received: /~7 ~,. 06 , Planner: At I ~ . .12/27/2006 HORIZONTAL TRUCK EXIT EXHIBIT ~v .f.. ~ ", .' . ~ .~ ':. .," ,.' pi"'- 0' p ,__ ,.,\"""" c' ~ .'.-...... - , I , 30' " " .; ~. . "'j" .'..' ::; 'EXIS]JN~" , iDfjIVEWAY' ',' ). ~". . . ~ :e ....' " " I.," '.'>-,.' ", ;,' . ;. ", f. ,.. '.:' " 1,-- " -- 5' h 'e6'~IF:::.i'j,',r" '" cIi~';::';"'~~ ~. 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DATE" , T PLUM ,PROJECT , Datt; f{6Ceived: 1:./~/bO( , Planner: Al 'l 60' ,> " , i".< . '" ...; .' 1 OF 1 05-063DWG '05_063 Page 1 of I L1MBIRD Andrew From: TAMULONIS John Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 11:19 AM To: GORD'ON Gilbert; MCKENNEY Gary; L1MBIRD Andrew 'Subject: Embassy Suites driveway access recap Thank you for your individual forbearance in handling a minor but thorny problem, most appreciated your advice. This is a quick recap of the driveway access issue I spoke to each you about so everyone has the same information and understanding: Originally to be a joint access norlh through the parking lot of the hotel to the west, Nowa proposed driveway access directly onto Game Farm Road East -minimum 26' width ' -28' radius for landscape curbs' -most likely with one way exit -gate or other traffic barrier on Embassy,properly to prevent or , discourage access into the parking lot from Game Farm Road -close access on pla~s to p,arkingarea' of hote~to west I spake with Verrl McDonald about the standards above and, Gary's suggestion that Embassy Suites apply for the , permit for access 'onto Game Farm Road East no,wso,.specifics are then nailed down and ready for inclusion on , , final site plans or as a minor addendum to, site plans:;He was thinking along those lines and would follow through " with the changes, He was very grateful that you,were,each,able to consider the soiution to what he saw as an interminable impasse in negotiationswith the Qualiiy']~:n" ',,: -,,' " ',' "', :' , , ' .,' " : . ;';'~;.l~ki,-lr;:~~~1..;' . . .,.,~,~l:~f;.~.j,': :-:~..~".." John t , jtamulonis@ci,springfield,or,us 541-726-3656 (office) ': 541-954-4819 (cell)' 541-726-2363 (fax) , , !. l..;~.",l~"!,:!;''',L,,,-.::? ~~ ..,~_.~ ~' - 2.Jv~! ~ .'-, '< ': -~..j~~~,{~;t,; :;j.:{,'~'~"" " . "". .,~' - : ::':~~r~:~~~:>,rt--~~':..~ ~.:< , ,..... 'i.":'%.~:r~ ..' .\" - - '. ~ . .'>';:<':'~~;}i::',.-:;,.., - .~ :_':~ - . "':':~;;'~~!.:';~~"':':r'-":" "\, ;C1,~"J' " '.tt.'~~~:~f~l~:;:..t:.~ ':'-,-.:::... . -c::'-'. ... ,.-'. - >, . _.~.,~::~:~:=i~t:~f~.~.. '.~ .' ~ . ""., .-:;; ~:'::~;.,;u;~. .., < ' ,.... ,,'''',...':'"-. .: i~.{ ,'.;;E,V",-*7::,. .~ . ..)t?~i~~i\~. -'-";'01 _oj;' c. . ~ '-.' . ;.1" _~,~:~~,il1'.~' ~~~:j':::,,~':h . ...,;.. ,~. , ' ~., . ~ . . .n-.-''''::~':'f\,:,~''~' , ~ :,"~..... ><tf ,. . '.. .."....-.~_., ~..,.. -.. ,.' .' . j <:Z~t';;~~:'i:;;.'<~:L:... ".' . .~,tr:I~~;r;t!::'..;'.1 ?5:.-~ ,;' ~ ,-~ , ',,',': ' .' .~. .~:.. '" . [)ate 'f~eceived~ ,i~!~/p6 Planner: AL. . , . .~".' . . ,", " 12/15/2006