HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments APPLICANT 6/12/2007 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Vern McDonaid [vernmcdonald@prodigy,net] Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 20074:05 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; tplum@pacweste,com Subject: Re: Embassy Suites:Project Thanks, Andy, ----- Original Message ---- From:,L1MBIRD Andrew To: Vern McDonald Cc: DONOVAN James; tolumlQ)oacweste,com Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:08 PM Subject: RE: Embassy Suites Project Mr. McDonald: ' Your extension request for submittal of the Finai Site Plan for the Embassy Suites project (Case DRC2006- 00062) has been granted io October 2,2007, The extension is granted with the undersianding and expectation that the Final Site Plan submittal will be complete and address all conditions of the tentative site plan approval issued October 2, 2006, ,..... " Because the standard timeline for submittal of Finai Site Plan and execution of a Development Agreement is within 90 days of the tentative site pian approval, the CJty is making an unusual exception for this application, For this reason, there is no provision for further extension beyond the one year deadline, In the event a complete Final ,Site Plan application is not received by October 2,2007, the approval will expire and re- application for tentative site plan will be Jequired, If you have any questions regarding this extension request, please contact me by emaii or direct iine: (541) 726- 3784, Sincereiy, Andy Umbird City of Springfield ."_..,._..,----~.__...-- - _.--.._---~-,--,--_.._-,- -,_. -, .,----~-_.._-'--_.... --._----- ....n...n. __..'.... ......_. __ From: Vern McDonald [mailto:vernmcdonald@prodigy.netj Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:26 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Embassy Suites Project Andy; , As we discussed, I would like to request extension for final site plan submittai/approvar:!o the one year ,anniversary date of the preliminary approval - Oct. 2, Thank you, Vern McDonald 541,753,7627 Date Received: (. //)./>>07 P1armer: AL '-T7' 6/12/2007